Caught Cheating on a exam .. help me out UPDATE pg 14

Depends on the professor. You could just get a 0 or he could report to the academic committee or whatever yall have there, and they can either suspend you or kick you out.

but hopefully you just the 0. Talk to the professor like a man, that might help you a lil bit.
Better that you were caught now versus later. Hope you get the lesser punishment, if you truly are sorry and not an idiot.

My sister told me this one story of when she was an undergrad, about a student in her class who bragged about cheating on a physics exam. Someone apparently snitched on him to the TA and he eventually got expelled. He was accepted to med school too, not even joking.

Cheating is never worth it past high school.

Edit: You're a junior? Wow... I can't sympathize with you any more. You should have realized the consequences by freshman year.
Better that you were caught now versus later. Hope you get the lesser punishment, if you truly are sorry and not an idiot.

My sister told me this one story of when she was an undergrad, about a student in her class who bragged about cheating on a physics exam. Someone apparently snitched on him to the TA and he eventually got expelled. He was accepted to med school too, not even joking.

Cheating is never worth it past high school.

Edit: You're a junior? Wow... I can't sympathize with you any more. You should have realized the consequences by freshman year.
you're probably going to be expelled, and barred from every college in the country.....are you a ++#$*#% moron??? what the hell were you thinking?
you're probably going to be expelled, and barred from every college in the country.....are you a ++#$*#% moron??? what the hell were you thinking?
I think you'll be straight...

He'll probably make you do some OD work like do a week to week update report from last year's oil spill or something along the lines relating to your class. And you'll get a 0 on your exam.

If he were to report you, he wouldve just taken your test away immediately and asked you to leave.

Just be prepared to do a $/!t load of work bruh, gl.
I think you'll be straight...

He'll probably make you do some OD work like do a week to week update report from last year's oil spill or something along the lines relating to your class. And you'll get a 0 on your exam.

If he were to report you, he wouldve just taken your test away immediately and asked you to leave.

Just be prepared to do a $/!t load of work bruh, gl.
I'd bet my right testicle that the formulas he wrote down instead of memorizing aren't going to help him in life, at all. College is %*+$%! stupid.

hurr let me pay for irrelevant classes and overpriced text books to learn things I don't need to know so i can get a piece of paper with a shiny metal seal on it 4 to 6 years from now derr
I'd bet my right testicle that the formulas he wrote down instead of memorizing aren't going to help him in life, at all. College is %*+$%! stupid.

hurr let me pay for irrelevant classes and overpriced text books to learn things I don't need to know so i can get a piece of paper with a shiny metal seal on it 4 to 6 years from now derr
Originally Posted by tkthafm

No, don't email him. Wait until you see him in person.  
When you do, own up to it completely and tell him you don't even care about the grade but you just want to apologize to him personally for disrespecting him, how disappointed you are in yourself, how you deserve to be kicked out, etc. Don't just ask for mercy or even appear to be trying to get him to help you out in any way. Instead explain your situation while trying to appeal to his emotions on the low. It literally all comes down to what his personality is like and how good of a job you do. Tears may help you out as well.

I obviously don't know your professor, but the fact that he didn't immediately take your paper and tell you to get the hell out is a good sign. Update us Monday.
This and just say to fail you, but ask if you can still attend class because you do see the importance of his course, and was just a case of horrible judgement.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

No, don't email him. Wait until you see him in person.  
When you do, own up to it completely and tell him you don't even care about the grade but you just want to apologize to him personally for disrespecting him, how disappointed you are in yourself, how you deserve to be kicked out, etc. Don't just ask for mercy or even appear to be trying to get him to help you out in any way. Instead explain your situation while trying to appeal to his emotions on the low. It literally all comes down to what his personality is like and how good of a job you do. Tears may help you out as well.

I obviously don't know your professor, but the fact that he didn't immediately take your paper and tell you to get the hell out is a good sign. Update us Monday.
This and just say to fail you, but ask if you can still attend class because you do see the importance of his course, and was just a case of horrible judgement.
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