Chris Brown just lost it (again)

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by PoloLax

I can't believe people on NT are defending Chris Brown.

The guy beat up a woman. And when I say beat, I mean, black and blues, swollen eyes, etc. It wasn't a slap in the face, it was a beat down.

He should be in jail.

...and now he wants reporters and the media to forget about it? Why should anyone forget the fact that he beat up an innocent woman. Please explain to me that one...because he was young and it's in the past and we should forgive those? We can forgive certain things, beating up a woman is not one of them.

It's obvious he has anger issues. He got angry at Rihanna and beat her up, now he gets angry at an interview and goes bizark. What else is he going to? Obviously if that ticks him off other things do as well.

He should get help or deny interviews. It's a journalists job to ask certain questions, whether celebs like them or not. You wanted to become a celebrity, no one said you had too. You need to control what you do because the whole world is watching for any dumb move you make, and he did make a dumb move. If he wants that action forgotten then he should take responsibility for his actions and answer the questions like a man, and handle it like a man. If he can't handle that than somethin is wrong with him.

You made your bed, now lie in it, Chris.

And no this has nothing to do with "being sheltered". That's NT's defense for everything, "you're sheltered". No you don't beat up women and get away with it. Whether you poor, rich, black, white. You don't do it. Period.

And if you do it, be prepared to answer questions about it. If I had a regular job and was arrested for domestic abuse you know damn well I'd be asked about that until the day I die in job interviews, etc.
Son you dont know what REALLY happened that night... She probably deserved it

See, there ya go, This is the exact thing I'm talking about. I said men are stronger both physically and EMOTIONALLY. No question Chris Brown could beat the @#+@ out of Rihanna, no question. Any 20 something y/o man could.

Rihanna may have hit him, I don't know. Doesn't call for CB to hit her back, cause as I just stated, he could beat the living daylights out of her if he wanted (and he did...). Rihanna may have cheated on him, or whatver the case was. As a dude, CB needs to sack up and call her out on it, not hit her. You confront her by talking with her and if she still actin' foolish as a man you say there are more fish in the sea and tell her to get the hell outta the car.  

Him beating her up just proves he couldn't handle his emotions. If she deserved it, than obviously she did something wrong and that's where CB should have talked to her like a grown man, or left her.
Originally Posted by Storm2006

Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by CJ616

Stopped reading there.  And  I'm black if that matters.  IMO both parties are in the wrong here.  CB is more wrong because he should know that the media will continue to try him.  He can't $&#* like this get to him.  But then again, none of us are in his situation, and probably have never been in situations like this.  People can on and on about what they would do, but unless you're actually there you really don't know what you would do.

See, you're technically defending him. We wouldn't understand what it's like in his shoes because we wouldn't beat up a woman. 
A lot of you are questioniong CB's actions, and trying to blame Rihanaa for getting her !#@* pushed in.

Fact of the matter is CB is a man, Rihanna is a woman. I don't care what country she from or that she "WILDIN", she a woman, he a man. Men are physically stronger than woman, always have been always will be, same goes with emotions as well. Men are supposed to control their emotions while woman can't. It sounds sexist but its been this way since the beginning of time.

If Rihanna was "wildin" and did deserve a slap, I understand. But if she did deserve it like many of you claim she did, it's your job as a man, both physically and emotionally to be bigger and refrain from those actions.

Real men don't hit women, even if they deserve it. And by the looks of Chris' new hair color, he looks like a !#*%$.

Hey Chris, I'll knock you the %@%$ out and will have no problem goin' on GMA and answerin questions about it.

Sack up.
You're claiming you would knock Chris Brown out, but would you be willing to answer questions about it in every job interview, etc. until you die? 

Seeing as how most intellectual people understand that CB was in the wrong for hitting a woman, than yeah, I'd answer questions about me beating him up. They'd prob. applaud me for it.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

 Glad I'm not the only one that noticed that N' was high as a kite during that interview 

 @ being able to control what you do while on that powder and having an emotion triggered. strong logic

He's a BLACK male who beat up a woman, much less Jay-z's protege and a media darling.

Good for him for handling his comeback so good till now, but son is cooked now. It's not like this is BET or some %*@. This is Good Morning America.

He shoulda already known that the media is gonna demonize him as a black man, much less as a dude who hit a woman and is coming back.
"She hit me first"...I swear...that's justification for beating down a woman who weighs a hundred pounds soakin' wet?

Like I previously stated, if she deserved to get hit, fine. There's a fine line between thinking of an action and carrying out that action.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

 Glad I'm not the only one that noticed that N' was high as a kite during that interview 
That boy was zooted.
  Ain't no way that interview should have driven him to do the +@$* he did afterwards.  I know _'s like that and they usually got something foreign flowin' through their blood stream.

And why is Charlie Sheen even being brought up in comparison to Chris Brown?  If he anything, he did the opposite of Chris: he never ran from any of his problems in interviews, was more than welcome to talk about everything, and even made it comical.  He took his problems and issues and turned it into a springboard for more success.

And Robin Roberts is black.  How the %**$ is this dude talkin' about racism?
Originally Posted by PoloLax

"She hit me first"...I swear...that's justification for beating down a woman who weighs a hundred pounds soakin' wet?

Like I previously stated, if she deserved to get hit, fine. There's a fine line between thinking of an action and carrying out that action.

I'm in total agreement with this guy! Come on now, most of the guys on this forum are sissy's and uses the same line excuse of "she deserved it".
 My dad always said "treat a woman the same way you'll treat your mother" and that's with RESPECT regardless.
Case point: Would you beat up your mother for always running her mouth at you? NO!
No one wants guys to go around beating girls but nobody was there and knows what really provoked the fight. With that said that stuff happened over 2 years, Chris Brown already did those "apology" interviews theres no reason to go back there again especially since Robin Roberts interviewed he since the incident.

I'm willing bet the GMA staff said somebody like" We wanna ask you how your life has been since the Rhianna incident" not we wanna ask you about the Rhianna incident again. Theres a difference.
This stunt won't do anything to his image. Aside from killing somebody, he can pretty much do what he wants and still have a rack of fans...
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by Storm2006

Originally Posted by PoloLax

See, you're technically defending him. We wouldn't understand what it's like in his shoes because we wouldn't beat up a woman. 
A lot of you are questioniong CB's actions, and trying to blame Rihanaa for getting her !#@* pushed in.

Fact of the matter is CB is a man, Rihanna is a woman. I don't care what country she from or that she "WILDIN", she a woman, he a man. Men are physically stronger than woman, always have been always will be, same goes with emotions as well. Men are supposed to control their emotions while woman can't. It sounds sexist but its been this way since the beginning of time.

If Rihanna was "wildin" and did deserve a slap, I understand. But if she did deserve it like many of you claim she did, it's your job as a man, both physically and emotionally to be bigger and refrain from those actions.

Real men don't hit women, even if they deserve it. And by the looks of Chris' new hair color, he looks like a !#*%$.

Hey Chris, I'll knock you the %@%$ out and will have no problem goin' on GMA and answerin questions about it.

Sack up.
You're claiming you would knock Chris Brown out, but would you be willing to answer questions about it in every job interview, etc. until you die? 

Seeing as how most intellectual people understand that CB was in the wrong for hitting a woman, than yeah, I'd answer questions about me beating him up. They'd prob. applaud me for it.
So you're saying that Chris Brown commited this act of violence, went to court and re-paid his debt to society for said act, but because you feel that it wasn't enough you would openly proceed to "knock the %@%$" our of him. And you're telling me that if you are asked about this in a job interview for a top 4 accounting firm, wall street sales and trading position, or analyst job at a top engineering firm, you believe they would look past it and actually praise you because it was Chris Brown? Not look down on you for the mere fact of committing assault and battery against another human being? Ok.
Dude is really %++#%$% up. He keeps giving ammo to those that want to bring him down. No need to be doing all that #!#+ IMO he can only blame himself. Im a huge CB fan but I cant support dudes actions.
Robin did her Job as Journalist. %*# you think she gonna ask you? About the production of "deuces?"

They did an interview together after the incident, a lot has changed since then and the lifting of the restraining

order is news, she would of been remiss to not bring it up. Chris agreed to go on to benefit from the exposure

and drum up sales, yet he wants to be softballed questions about his album? what is there to ask about the album?
Originally Posted by Storm2006

Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by Storm2006

You're claiming you would knock Chris Brown out, but would you be willing to answer questions about it in every job interview, etc. until you die? 

Seeing as how most intellectual people understand that CB was in the wrong for hitting a woman, than yeah, I'd answer questions about me beating him up. They'd prob. applaud me for it.
So you're saying that Chris Brown commited this act of violence, went to court and re-paid his debt to society for said act, but because you feel that it wasn't enough you would openly proceed to "knock the %@%$" our of him. And you're telling me that if you are asked about this in a job interview for a top 4 accounting firm, wall street sales and trading position, or analyst job at a top engineering firm, you believe they would look past it and actually praise you because it was Chris Brown? Not look down on you for the mere fact of committing assault and battery against another human being? Ok.
and the first thing thats going to come in their mind is that this person is violent and we dont want him as an employee 

acting like there going to give him a medal or some $#!@ 

and 9 times out of 10 if him and Chris was trap alone in an elevator dude wouldn't do $#!@ 
Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by Storm2006

Originally Posted by PoloLax

Seeing as how most intellectual people understand that CB was in the wrong for hitting a woman, than yeah, I'd answer questions about me beating him up. They'd prob. applaud me for it.
So you're saying that Chris Brown commited this act of violence, went to court and re-paid his debt to society for said act, but because you feel that it wasn't enough you would openly proceed to "knock the %@%$" our of him. And you're telling me that if you are asked about this in a job interview for a top 4 accounting firm, wall street sales and trading position, or analyst job at a top engineering firm, you believe they would look past it and actually praise you because it was Chris Brown? Not look down on you for the mere fact of committing assault and battery against another human being? Ok.
and the first thing thats going to come in their mind is that this person is violent and we dont want him as an employee 

acting like there going to give him a medal or some $#!@ 

and 9 times out of 10 if him and Chris was trap alone in an elevator dude wouldn't do $#!@ 

prbly would ask for a autograph like a 12yr old"i loved dueces chris" wipes tear
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

He deserves everything he gets.  He should have been put in jail.
Bruh im pretty sure she hit HIM first.
Well if he was defending himself he should have said so, maybe he wouldn't have been vilified to this degree, he may not have even been punished,
 so why not say it if he were defending himself, I mean you're allowed to react with equal force for right?
looking at the picture of her injuries and the picture of his, son probably bit his lip while gritting his teeth with his hands around her neck.

Some of the people would rather defend their own speculations about what might have happened as if it were fact, rather than focus on what

they know did happen.


His people, need to do a better job preparing him for interviews or something, dude always comes off a little slow to me.
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