Chris Brown just lost it (again)

shogun wrote:
he acts like a little girl.  someone needs to punch him in the face when he does his drama queen act.
So many salty people in here.. Chris Brown is still that dude, putting out good music, he's my favorite singer in the game right now.. TeamBreezy
Originally Posted by likethematrix

i swear you guys are some sissys sometimes.

like you just supposed to let someone #!*%! you out?

a nobody with less money than you embarrass you on live TV?

you cant be serious dirty.

threads like this anger me and make me lmao.

this is racis....

Stopped reading there.  And  I'm black if that matters.  IMO both parties are in the wrong here.  CB is more wrong because he should know that the media will continue to try him.  He can't $&#* like this get to him.  But then again, none of us are in his situation, and probably have never been in situations like this.  People can on and on about what they would do, but unless you're actually there you really don't know what you would do.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

what a moron.
way to rehab your image by losing your temper


I think dude is genuinely feed up with the bs. that the interviewers come at him with.Hollywood has a crazy double standard we demonize tiger woods yet we make Charlie Sheen into a hero.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

I can't believe people on NT are defending Chris Brown.

The guy beat up a woman. And when I say beat, I mean, black and blues, swollen eyes, etc. It wasn't a slap in the face, it was a beat down.

He should be in jail.

...and now he wants reporters and the media to forget about it? Why should anyone forget the fact that he beat up an innocent woman. Please explain to me that one...because he was young and it's in the past and we should forgive those? We can forgive certain things, beating up a woman is not one of them.

It's obvious he has anger issues. He got angry at Rihanna and beat her up, now he gets angry at an interview and goes bizark. What else is he going to? Obviously if that ticks him off other things do as well.

He should get help or deny interviews. It's a journalists job to ask certain questions, whether celebs like them or not. You wanted to become a celebrity, no one said you had too. You need to control what you do because the whole world is watching for any dumb move you make, and he did make a dumb move. If he wants that action forgotten then he should take responsibility for his actions and answer the questions like a man, and handle it like a man. If he can't handle that than somethin is wrong with him.

You made your bed, now lie in it, Chris.

And no this has nothing to do with "being sheltered". That's NT's defense for everything, "you're sheltered". No you don't beat up women and get away with it. Whether you poor, rich, black, white. You don't do it. Period.

And if you do it, be prepared to answer questions about it. If I had a regular job and was arrested for domestic abuse you know damn well I'd be asked about that until the day I die in job interviews, etc.

*golf clap*

He looked like he is using

Def wouldn't rule that out.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

WOW! Chris Brown REALLY doesn't ever want to talk about that Rihanna situation ever again! Chris was on Good Morning America this morning to do an interview with Robin Roberts. Well, TMZ is reporting that he was out of control after the interview. They say he freaked out, was screaming, stormed out of the dressing room, and scared the hair & makeup people so much they called security.

TMZ also reports that he smashed a window in his dressing room and some glass shattered with shards falling onto the street. ABC security told TMZ that the window was shattered with a chair. They also say that by the time security got there, Chris had ripped off his shirt and left the building. AND he blew off another performance that he was supposed to do for the ABC website.

Sources also say that on his way out of the building, Chris confronted a segment producer and got in his face. People had to get in between them. 
Chris just tweeted..."I'm so over people bringing this past s**t up!!! Yet we praise Charlie sheen and other celebs for there bulls**t."

CLICK HERE to go to TMZ to check out the interview with Robin.

this !$%%$ really needs some help. Hollywood really does drive certain people crazy.

Originally Posted by CJ616

Originally Posted by likethematrix

i swear you guys are some sissys sometimes.

like you just supposed to let someone #!*%! you out?

a nobody with less money than you embarrass you on live TV?

you cant be serious dirty.

threads like this anger me and make me lmao.

this is racis....

Stopped reading there.  And  I'm black if that matters.  IMO both parties are in the wrong here.  CB is more wrong because he should know that the media will continue to try him.  He can't $&#* like this get to him.  But then again, none of us are in his situation, and probably have never been in situations like this.  People can on and on about what they would do, but unless you're actually there you really don't know what you would do.

See, you're technically defending him. We wouldn't understand what it's like in his shoes because we wouldn't beat up a woman. 
A lot of you are questioniong CB's actions, and trying to blame Rihanaa for getting her !#@* pushed in.

Fact of the matter is CB is a man, Rihanna is a woman. I don't care what country she from or that she "WILDIN", she a woman, he a man. Men are physically stronger than woman, always have been always will be, same goes with emotions as well. Men are supposed to control their emotions while woman can't. It sounds sexist but its been this way since the beginning of time.

If Rihanna was "wildin" and did deserve a slap, I understand. But if she did deserve it like many of you claim she did, it's your job as a man, both physically and emotionally to be bigger and refrain from those actions.

Real men don't hit women, even if they deserve it. And by the looks of Chris' new hair color, he looks like a !#*%$.

Hey Chris, I'll knock you the %@%$ out and will have no problem goin' on GMA and answerin questions about it.

Sack up.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by CJ616

Originally Posted by likethematrix

i swear you guys are some sissys sometimes.

like you just supposed to let someone #!*%! you out?

a nobody with less money than you embarrass you on live TV?

you cant be serious dirty.

threads like this anger me and make me lmao.

this is racis....

Stopped reading there.  And  I'm black if that matters.  IMO both parties are in the wrong here.  CB is more wrong because he should know that the media will continue to try him.  He can't $&#* like this get to him.  But then again, none of us are in his situation, and probably have never been in situations like this.  People can on and on about what they would do, but unless you're actually there you really don't know what you would do.

See, you're technically defending him. We wouldn't understand what it's like in his shoes because we wouldn't beat up a woman. 
A lot of you are questioniong CB's actions, and trying to blame Rihanaa for getting her !#@* pushed in.

Fact of the matter is CB is a man, Rihanna is a woman. I don't care what country she from or that she "WILDIN", she a woman, he a man. Men are physically stronger than woman, always have been always will be, same goes with emotions as well. Men are supposed to control their emotions while woman can't. It sounds sexist but its been this way since the beginning of time.

If Rihanna was "wildin" and did deserve a slap, I understand. But if she did deserve it like many of you claim she did, it's your job as a man, both physically and emotionally to be bigger and refrain from those actions.

Real men don't hit women, even if they deserve it. And by the looks of Chris' new hair color, he looks like a !#*%$.

Hey Chris, I'll knock you the %@%$ out and will have no problem goin' on GMA and answerin questions about it.

Sack up.
No, no, no.  In NO type of way am I saying that him hitting her is okay.  He's definitely in the wrong here.  When I said that we can't put ourselves in his situation, I was referring to him flipping out at ABC. 
Originally Posted by Flyest In The Hood

So many salty people in here.. Chris Brown is still that dude, putting out good music, he's my favorite singer in the game right now.. TeamBreezy
 team breezy tho?

I'll tell you all where all this started.

Chris' first mistake was dating a Caribbean woman. He's an American dude. He aint ready for all that mouth they have.
Whoever cryin about what he did to Rihanna need to let it go. They obviously both moved on from it even to the point where Ri Ri wanted to drop the order.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I'll tell you all where all this started.

Chris' first mistake was dating a Caribbean woman. He's an American dude. He aint ready for all that mouth they have.

Originally Posted by PoloLax

I can't believe people on NT are defending Chris Brown.

The guy beat up a woman. And when I say beat, I mean, black and blues, swollen eyes, etc. It wasn't a slap in the face, it was a beat down.

He should be in jail.

...and now he wants reporters and the media to forget about it? Why should anyone forget the fact that he beat up an innocent woman. Please explain to me that one...because he was young and it's in the past and we should forgive those? We can forgive certain things, beating up a woman is not one of them.

It's obvious he has anger issues. He got angry at Rihanna and beat her up, now he gets angry at an interview and goes bizark. What else is he going to? Obviously if that ticks him off other things do as well.

He should get help or deny interviews. It's a journalists job to ask certain questions, whether celebs like them or not. You wanted to become a celebrity, no one said you had too. You need to control what you do because the whole world is watching for any dumb move you make, and he did make a dumb move. If he wants that action forgotten then he should take responsibility for his actions and answer the questions like a man, and handle it like a man. If he can't handle that than somethin is wrong with him.

You made your bed, now lie in it, Chris.

And no this has nothing to do with "being sheltered". That's NT's defense for everything, "you're sheltered". No you don't beat up women and get away with it. Whether you poor, rich, black, white. You don't do it. Period.

And if you do it, be prepared to answer questions about it. If I had a regular job and was arrested for domestic abuse you know damn well I'd be asked about that until the day I die in job interviews, etc.
Son you dont know what REALLY happened that night... She probably deserved it
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

A lot of haters in here

Dudes judgin the man and wasn't even at the scene, you people read and suck everything you see

Dudes act like they know Rihanna and how she moves, I'll NEVER date a Caribbean girls, those chicks be WHYLIN'. I can clearly see why Rihanna got some sense smacked into her.

SMH @ the replies in this post.

what type of justification is that? "because she's carribean she's wild and needed to be smacked"
What did he expect. This is what happens when you are a celebrity. Your entire life is scrutinized and when you eff up you are never going to live it down - that's what reporters do. You've got people doing interviews who have crap from 20 years ago brought up, CB isn't immune from this. If he didn't want people bringing up crap he shouldn't have been a dummy in the first place. Boo *%%++#@ hoo. Or at least get a decent PR rep who can give him a canned response to give these reporters when they do ask the questions. If you keep giving the same answer they'll drop it eventually. Throwing a hissy fit just gives the reporters one more thing to bring up in the next interview.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by CJ616

Originally Posted by likethematrix

i swear you guys are some sissys sometimes.

like you just supposed to let someone #!*%! you out?

a nobody with less money than you embarrass you on live TV?

you cant be serious dirty.

threads like this anger me and make me lmao.

this is racis....

Stopped reading there.  And  I'm black if that matters.  IMO both parties are in the wrong here.  CB is more wrong because he should know that the media will continue to try him.  He can't $&#* like this get to him.  But then again, none of us are in his situation, and probably have never been in situations like this.  People can on and on about what they would do, but unless you're actually there you really don't know what you would do.

See, you're technically defending him. We wouldn't understand what it's like in his shoes because we wouldn't beat up a woman. 
A lot of you are questioniong CB's actions, and trying to blame Rihanaa for getting her !#@* pushed in.

Fact of the matter is CB is a man, Rihanna is a woman. I don't care what country she from or that she "WILDIN", she a woman, he a man. Men are physically stronger than woman, always have been always will be, same goes with emotions as well. Men are supposed to control their emotions while woman can't. It sounds sexist but its been this way since the beginning of time.

If Rihanna was "wildin" and did deserve a slap, I understand. But if she did deserve it like many of you claim she did, it's your job as a man, both physically and emotionally to be bigger and refrain from those actions.

Real men don't hit women, even if they deserve it. And by the looks of Chris' new hair color, he looks like a !#*%$.

Hey Chris, I'll knock you the %@%$ out and will have no problem goin' on GMA and answerin questions about it.

Sack up.
You're claiming you would knock Chris Brown out, but would you be willing to answer questions about it in every job interview, etc. until you die? 
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Whoever cryin about what he did to Rihanna need to let it go. They obviously both moved on from it even to the point where Ri Ri wanted to drop the order.
Man, he needs to do more interview prep.  He was writhing around like a meth head.. Anywho, I don't condone what he did but he is right..
People get off and go on with their life and have done way worse than what he did..
Guess that's what you get when you wear a denim vest with a wife beater with blonde hair on national TV 
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Flyest In The Hood

So many salty people in here.. Chris Brown is still that dude, putting out good music, he's my favorite singer in the game right now.. TeamBreezy
 team breezy tho?



my 12 yr. old girl cousins are also on Team Breezy
 Glad I'm not the only one that noticed that N' was high as a kite during that interview 
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