COD Modern Warfare 3 - 11.8.11

Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Originally Posted by i3allistic

Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

BF3=major disappointment...its fun yeah...but lets break this game down
Graphic..oh the mighty frost bite 2.0 engine= black ops graphics

Gameplay yeah its fun but lettuce be cereal the mechanics are not as smooth as call of duty, I have to turn my sensitivity all the way up just to be able to move in a decent manner, the destructible environments are cool imo it hurts the graphics, oh and the camping
 but I guess you have to play that way in this game 
if your call that camping in BF3, u have no idea what is camping then....

Laying in the grass waiting on me to walk by so you can knife me....yeah ok I dont know camping 
there is 10 times more camping in COD than BF3

also you probably trash
Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Originally Posted by i3allistic

Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

BF3=major disappointment...its fun yeah...but lets break this game down
Graphic..oh the mighty frost bite 2.0 engine= black ops graphics

Gameplay yeah its fun but lettuce be cereal the mechanics are not as smooth as call of duty, I have to turn my sensitivity all the way up just to be able to move in a decent manner, the destructible environments are cool imo it hurts the graphics, oh and the camping
 but I guess you have to play that way in this game 
if your call that camping in BF3, u have no idea what is camping then....

Laying in the grass waiting on me to walk by so you can knife me....yeah ok I dont know camping 
there is 10 times more camping in COD than BF3

also you probably trash
Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Originally Posted by i3allistic

if your call that camping in BF3, u have no idea what is camping then....

Laying in the grass waiting on me to walk by so you can knife me....yeah ok I dont know camping 
there is 10 times more camping in COD than BF3

also you probably trash
Thats a damn lie..its nothing but camping on battlefield you bum you been in this thread stanning for bf3...going crazy over how it was changing FPS...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh right...bunch of bums sitting around camping their #+$ off, graphics are worst than black ops..but you bums got so much CGI video stuffed in ya head you cant see that...I played decent in that trash #+$ game..I can happily say I wouldnt spend a penny on this trash...keep believing this game is taking the steam out of the COD train...its not 
Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Originally Posted by i3allistic

if your call that camping in BF3, u have no idea what is camping then....

Laying in the grass waiting on me to walk by so you can knife me....yeah ok I dont know camping 
there is 10 times more camping in COD than BF3

also you probably trash
Thats a damn lie..its nothing but camping on battlefield you bum you been in this thread stanning for bf3...going crazy over how it was changing FPS...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh right...bunch of bums sitting around camping their #+$ off, graphics are worst than black ops..but you bums got so much CGI video stuffed in ya head you cant see that...I played decent in that trash #+$ game..I can happily say I wouldnt spend a penny on this trash...keep believing this game is taking the steam out of the COD train...its not 
Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Laying in the grass waiting on me to walk by so you can knife me....yeah ok I dont know camping 
there is 10 times more camping in COD than BF3

also you probably trash
Thats a damn lie..its nothing but camping on battlefield you bum you been in this thread stanning for bf3...going crazy over how it was changing FPS...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh right...bunch of bums sitting around camping their #+$ off, graphics are worst than black ops..but you bums got so much CGI video stuffed in ya head you cant see that...I played decent in that trash #+$ game..I can happily say I wouldnt spend a penny on this trash...keep believing this game is taking the steam out of the COD train...its not 

bf3 is crazy fun....its realistic...i can actually setup somewhere for 20 minutes and snipe...that's camping to you? THAT'S REALITY. cod was fun for the story line...but seriously it has become redundant and same %@*+$%+* over and over...

i can play COD for about 20 minutes before i get nauseous... COD= spawn>run around as fast as you can> knife someone> shoot someone> die> spawn> repeat

battlefield you have so many options, you can play the COD route where you are just running around getting kills and spawning every five seconds and just spamming. but you won't last long. but you can also play slow...not worry about your K/D and actually support your team... in rush you have a number of snipers just watching the attack point...they end up with maybe 10-3 K/D but they are the most important part of the team.

so a dude waiting in the grass for your stupid @#@ to run out right in the open is camping? lol come on...learn how to move in the game---behind objects, slower...

just because you so worried about getting that 66-10 K/D spread that game and you rushing to kill someone doesn't mean when you die, you died of camping...

I'll happily play this game over COD because it takes strategy, team-work (non-existent in COD), and patience. all of which is real in the war zone.
Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Laying in the grass waiting on me to walk by so you can knife me....yeah ok I dont know camping 
there is 10 times more camping in COD than BF3

also you probably trash
Thats a damn lie..its nothing but camping on battlefield you bum you been in this thread stanning for bf3...going crazy over how it was changing FPS...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh right...bunch of bums sitting around camping their #+$ off, graphics are worst than black ops..but you bums got so much CGI video stuffed in ya head you cant see that...I played decent in that trash #+$ game..I can happily say I wouldnt spend a penny on this trash...keep believing this game is taking the steam out of the COD train...its not 

bf3 is crazy fun....its realistic...i can actually setup somewhere for 20 minutes and snipe...that's camping to you? THAT'S REALITY. cod was fun for the story line...but seriously it has become redundant and same %@*+$%+* over and over...

i can play COD for about 20 minutes before i get nauseous... COD= spawn>run around as fast as you can> knife someone> shoot someone> die> spawn> repeat

battlefield you have so many options, you can play the COD route where you are just running around getting kills and spawning every five seconds and just spamming. but you won't last long. but you can also play slow...not worry about your K/D and actually support your team... in rush you have a number of snipers just watching the attack point...they end up with maybe 10-3 K/D but they are the most important part of the team.

so a dude waiting in the grass for your stupid @#@ to run out right in the open is camping? lol come on...learn how to move in the game---behind objects, slower...

just because you so worried about getting that 66-10 K/D spread that game and you rushing to kill someone doesn't mean when you die, you died of camping...

I'll happily play this game over COD because it takes strategy, team-work (non-existent in COD), and patience. all of which is real in the war zone.
Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Laying in the grass waiting on me to walk by so you can knife me....yeah ok I dont know camping 
there is 10 times more camping in COD than BF3

also you probably trash
Thats a damn lie..its nothing but camping on battlefield you bum you been in this thread stanning for bf3...going crazy over how it was changing FPS...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh right...bunch of bums sitting around camping their #+$ off, graphics are worst than black ops..but you bums got so much CGI video stuffed in ya head you cant see that...I played decent in that trash #+$ game..I can happily say I wouldnt spend a penny on this trash...keep believing this game is taking the steam out of the COD train...its not 
only reason you mad about camping in the game cause you trash and getting owned by some little kids

you sound mad too boy
Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Laying in the grass waiting on me to walk by so you can knife me....yeah ok I dont know camping 
there is 10 times more camping in COD than BF3

also you probably trash
Thats a damn lie..its nothing but camping on battlefield you bum you been in this thread stanning for bf3...going crazy over how it was changing FPS...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh right...bunch of bums sitting around camping their #+$ off, graphics are worst than black ops..but you bums got so much CGI video stuffed in ya head you cant see that...I played decent in that trash #+$ game..I can happily say I wouldnt spend a penny on this trash...keep believing this game is taking the steam out of the COD train...its not 
only reason you mad about camping in the game cause you trash and getting owned by some little kids

you sound mad too boy
Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Laying in the grass waiting on me to walk by so you can knife me....yeah ok I dont know camping 
there is 10 times more camping in COD than BF3

also you probably trash
Thats a damn lie..its nothing but camping on battlefield you bum you been in this thread stanning for bf3...going crazy over how it was changing FPS...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh right...bunch of bums sitting around camping their #+$ off, graphics are worst than black ops..but you bums got so much CGI video stuffed in ya head you cant see that...I played decent in that trash #+$ game..I can happily say I wouldnt spend a penny on this trash...keep believing this game is taking the steam out of the COD train...its not 
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The %@*%?
Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Laying in the grass waiting on me to walk by so you can knife me....yeah ok I dont know camping 
there is 10 times more camping in COD than BF3

also you probably trash
Thats a damn lie..its nothing but camping on battlefield you bum you been in this thread stanning for bf3...going crazy over how it was changing FPS...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh right...bunch of bums sitting around camping their #+$ off, graphics are worst than black ops..but you bums got so much CGI video stuffed in ya head you cant see that...I played decent in that trash #+$ game..I can happily say I wouldnt spend a penny on this trash...keep believing this game is taking the steam out of the COD train...its not 
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The %@*%?
Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Originally Posted by adiosburritos

there is 10 times more camping in COD than BF3

also you probably trash
Thats a damn lie..its nothing but camping on battlefield you bum you been in this thread stanning for bf3...going crazy over how it was changing FPS...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh right...bunch of bums sitting around camping their #+$ off, graphics are worst than black ops..but you bums got so much CGI video stuffed in ya head you cant see that...I played decent in that trash #+$ game..I can happily say I wouldnt spend a penny on this trash...keep believing this game is taking the steam out of the COD train...its not 

bf3 is crazy fun....its realistic...i can actually setup somewhere for 20 minutes and snipe...that's camping to you? THAT'S REALITY. cod was fun for the story line...but seriously it has become redundant and same %@*+$%+* over and over...

i can play COD for about 20 minutes before i get nauseous... COD= spawn>run around as fast as you can> knife someone> shoot someone> die> spawn> repeat

battlefield you have so many options, you can play the COD route where you are just running around getting kills and spawning every five seconds and just spamming. but you won't last long. but you can also play slow...not worry about your K/D and actually support your team... in rush you have a number of snipers just watching the attack point...they end up with maybe 10-3 K/D but they are the most important part of the team.

so a dude waiting in the grass for your stupid @#@ to run out right in the open is camping? lol come on...learn how to move in the game---behind objects, slower...

just because you so worried about getting that 66-10 K/D spread that game and you rushing to kill someone doesn't mean when you die, you died of camping...

I'll happily play this game over COD because it takes strategy, team-work (non-existent in COD), and patience. all of which is real in the war zone.
Just be real and say you like to camp..because thats what you are
Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Originally Posted by adiosburritos

there is 10 times more camping in COD than BF3

also you probably trash
Thats a damn lie..its nothing but camping on battlefield you bum you been in this thread stanning for bf3...going crazy over how it was changing FPS...yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh right...bunch of bums sitting around camping their #+$ off, graphics are worst than black ops..but you bums got so much CGI video stuffed in ya head you cant see that...I played decent in that trash #+$ game..I can happily say I wouldnt spend a penny on this trash...keep believing this game is taking the steam out of the COD train...its not 

bf3 is crazy fun....its realistic...i can actually setup somewhere for 20 minutes and snipe...that's camping to you? THAT'S REALITY. cod was fun for the story line...but seriously it has become redundant and same %@*+$%+* over and over...

i can play COD for about 20 minutes before i get nauseous... COD= spawn>run around as fast as you can> knife someone> shoot someone> die> spawn> repeat

battlefield you have so many options, you can play the COD route where you are just running around getting kills and spawning every five seconds and just spamming. but you won't last long. but you can also play slow...not worry about your K/D and actually support your team... in rush you have a number of snipers just watching the attack point...they end up with maybe 10-3 K/D but they are the most important part of the team.

so a dude waiting in the grass for your stupid @#@ to run out right in the open is camping? lol come on...learn how to move in the game---behind objects, slower...

just because you so worried about getting that 66-10 K/D spread that game and you rushing to kill someone doesn't mean when you die, you died of camping...

I'll happily play this game over COD because it takes strategy, team-work (non-existent in COD), and patience. all of which is real in the war zone.
Just be real and say you like to camp..because thats what you are
Originally Posted by copped


bf3 is crazy fun....its realistic...i can actually setup somewhere for 20 minutes and snipe.

.. IDK how sitting in the same spot for 20minutes is fun to you.. but to each his own
Anyway, MW doesn't need hype.. _ know what it is once the game comes out. Everyone will be playing it
Originally Posted by copped


bf3 is crazy fun....its realistic...i can actually setup somewhere for 20 minutes and snipe.

.. IDK how sitting in the same spot for 20minutes is fun to you.. but to each his own
Anyway, MW doesn't need hype.. _ know what it is once the game comes out. Everyone will be playing it
Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Battlefield is solid, but the Beta might have done more harm than good for me....
MW3 will disappoint in some aspects, I am sure.... but I have a feeling that it'll reign me in more than Battlefield.

BF3=major disappointment...its fun yeah...but lets break this game down
Graphic..oh the mighty frost bite 2.0 engine= black ops graphics

Gameplay yeah its fun but lettuce be cereal the mechanics are not as smooth as call of duty, I have to turn my sensitivity all the way up just to be able to move in a decent manner, the destructible environments are cool imo it hurts the graphics, oh and the camping
 but I guess you have to play that way in this game 
THIS. plus everything else you said to a degree. i like how they show the feet when you go over terrain and the hand movement, it really gives you the sense that you are the soldier, which is something COD has been seriously lacking imo, the sad thing is BF3 has so much potential but the camping and the newbs are juct going to ruin it for the clans and hardcore FPS community.
Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Battlefield is solid, but the Beta might have done more harm than good for me....
MW3 will disappoint in some aspects, I am sure.... but I have a feeling that it'll reign me in more than Battlefield.

BF3=major disappointment...its fun yeah...but lets break this game down
Graphic..oh the mighty frost bite 2.0 engine= black ops graphics

Gameplay yeah its fun but lettuce be cereal the mechanics are not as smooth as call of duty, I have to turn my sensitivity all the way up just to be able to move in a decent manner, the destructible environments are cool imo it hurts the graphics, oh and the camping
 but I guess you have to play that way in this game 
THIS. plus everything else you said to a degree. i like how they show the feet when you go over terrain and the hand movement, it really gives you the sense that you are the soldier, which is something COD has been seriously lacking imo, the sad thing is BF3 has so much potential but the camping and the newbs are juct going to ruin it for the clans and hardcore FPS community.
Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Originally Posted by Benssick

This game is gonna be the same dumb thing. And iv been playing since cod2 and it just all gets boring at a point and i rather keep my 60$ Done with games

good cuz we dont want your sorry $%$ sending us friend request no way
Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Originally Posted by Benssick

This game is gonna be the same dumb thing. And iv been playing since cod2 and it just all gets boring at a point and i rather keep my 60$ Done with games

good cuz we dont want your sorry $%$ sending us friend request no way
I don't know why people can't enjoy both games...  Both will be good for different reasons.  I went into the BF3 beta looking for to complain, but it is honestly a decent game.  
BTW PSN feedtheego82  

I'll be playing both
I don't know why people can't enjoy both games...  Both will be good for different reasons.  I went into the BF3 beta looking for to complain, but it is honestly a decent game.  
BTW PSN feedtheego82  

I'll be playing both
Originally Posted by henz0

Originally Posted by copped


bf3 is crazy fun....its realistic...i can actually setup somewhere for 20 minutes and snipe.
.. IDK how sitting in the same spot for 20minutes is fun to you.. but to each his own
Anyway, MW doesn't need hype.. _ know what it is once the game comes out. Everyone will be playing it

and you need to go ahead and play it on the PS3 its just not the same without you 
 Keef and December too
tho xbox can keep Pootaing ___ be taking all my damb kills
Originally Posted by henz0

Originally Posted by copped


bf3 is crazy fun....its realistic...i can actually setup somewhere for 20 minutes and snipe.
.. IDK how sitting in the same spot for 20minutes is fun to you.. but to each his own
Anyway, MW doesn't need hype.. _ know what it is once the game comes out. Everyone will be playing it

and you need to go ahead and play it on the PS3 its just not the same without you 
 Keef and December too
tho xbox can keep Pootaing ___ be taking all my damb kills
bf3 beta was a 6/10 to me, not going to buy it...kind of reminds me of a socom:ca game, which i dislike

it just doesnt seem fun, but i do understand that some of you guys want to play a more realistic game which is understandable

mw2 was lol when it came to being realistic, esp with the quickscoping, but i was having the time of my life do all that ishh
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