COP STRIKES MELANIN DEFICIENT FEMALE-you don't see that too often

Originally Posted by TonyReali

Originally Posted by Nako XL

generalizing is generalizing. whether you hate someone for their skin, religion, chosen profession, whatever it may be. the point is to say "i hate someone although i dont know them, have never seen them work, don't know what theyre about" because of of a designation they fall under is ignorant. yes there are bad cops, there are also good cops.

sorry if i assumed you were justifying, i guess i didnt read it right.
But the problem I have with this is that generalizing is not generalizing. It's not black and white. Cops are held in higher regards than a regular citizen and that is the reason why cops have more power than you and me (assuming you're not a police officer).

With this power that they have, they can do a number of shady things with no repercussions... like search my car, cuff me, and put me in the back of a cop car for no reason... and that was only one instance.

That guy definitely could have worded his posts better, but I understand where he's coming from because I personally know how devious police officers are capable of being.

I'm done here

I don't have a problem with you or anyone else, but to call someone ignorant solely because they aren't fond of police officers isn't necessarily warranted.

i think we had a misunderstanding. i wasn't trying to take a shot at you or even calling you ignorant.  the word ignorance wasn't even used in response to what it was i thought you said but rather the idea that knowing one person or even a few of a class of people means you know them all.

it's true that a lot of cops, in some communities even most of the cops, abuse their authority.  that is undoubted.  i understand what the guy was saying maybe he did just need to word his opinion better. but as it was written i disagreed with it.
Originally Posted by TonyReali

Originally Posted by Nako XL

generalizing is generalizing. whether you hate someone for their skin, religion, chosen profession, whatever it may be. the point is to say "i hate someone although i dont know them, have never seen them work, don't know what theyre about" because of of a designation they fall under is ignorant. yes there are bad cops, there are also good cops.

sorry if i assumed you were justifying, i guess i didnt read it right.
But the problem I have with this is that generalizing is not generalizing. It's not black and white. Cops are held in higher regards than a regular citizen and that is the reason why cops have more power than you and me (assuming you're not a police officer).

With this power that they have, they can do a number of shady things with no repercussions... like search my car, cuff me, and put me in the back of a cop car for no reason... and that was only one instance.

That guy definitely could have worded his posts better, but I understand where he's coming from because I personally know how devious police officers are capable of being.

I'm done here

I don't have a problem with you or anyone else, but to call someone ignorant solely because they aren't fond of police officers isn't necessarily warranted.

i think we had a misunderstanding. i wasn't trying to take a shot at you or even calling you ignorant.  the word ignorance wasn't even used in response to what it was i thought you said but rather the idea that knowing one person or even a few of a class of people means you know them all.

it's true that a lot of cops, in some communities even most of the cops, abuse their authority.  that is undoubted.  i understand what the guy was saying maybe he did just need to word his opinion better. but as it was written i disagreed with it.

It's a code man. A fraternity. Cops aren't telling on cops....and it's just not cops apart of this frat. Judges too. That's why these dudes get a slap on the wrist when
they beat the hell out of people.

It's a code man. A fraternity. Cops aren't telling on cops....and it's just not cops apart of this frat. Judges too. That's why these dudes get a slap on the wrist when
they beat the hell out of people.
Man it isn't as simple as the good cops should stand up for what is right. When, like my man above said, it is a fraternity. If you speak up, most likely you will get ignored, blackballed, and people will refer to you as a lunatic. And as Dave Chappele says, the worst thing you can call a man is crazy. It is dismissive. So being good in an evil world and going alone against those evils is TOUGH man. Especially when it puts your job security on the line.
Man it isn't as simple as the good cops should stand up for what is right. When, like my man above said, it is a fraternity. If you speak up, most likely you will get ignored, blackballed, and people will refer to you as a lunatic. And as Dave Chappele says, the worst thing you can call a man is crazy. It is dismissive. So being good in an evil world and going alone against those evils is TOUGH man. Especially when it puts your job security on the line.
assault on females is strong in our society, but when do you draw the fine line for it to be acceptable, if ever?

i think the cops handled it as if any other situation when they are threatened regardless of gender or race?  if that drunk girls throwin punches, she can easily grab a steak knife off a table.  had to be detained somehow.

then again, theres a case of when a girl's talkin mess about your moms . . . there seem to be many that condone/just laugh it off

assault on females is strong in our society, but when do you draw the fine line for it to be acceptable, if ever?

i think the cops handled it as if any other situation when they are threatened regardless of gender or race?  if that drunk girls throwin punches, she can easily grab a steak knife off a table.  had to be detained somehow.

then again, theres a case of when a girl's talkin mess about your moms . . . there seem to be many that condone/just laugh it off

Originally Posted by Nako XL


THIS is police brutality (at :50 sec mark)

what the cops did in that restaurant was reasonable.

at my hometown. that is absolutely despicable and they should all be in jail.

on a complete side note: i can not stand quanell x. anytime something like this happens (and i dont condone what happened at all) he does everything in his power to rile up the black community in houston, almost breeding further hatred for the police, but on the news when they have clear video of someone black committing a crime he is nowhere to be found.
Originally Posted by Nako XL


THIS is police brutality (at :50 sec mark)

what the cops did in that restaurant was reasonable.

at my hometown. that is absolutely despicable and they should all be in jail.

on a complete side note: i can not stand quanell x. anytime something like this happens (and i dont condone what happened at all) he does everything in his power to rile up the black community in houston, almost breeding further hatred for the police, but on the news when they have clear video of someone black committing a crime he is nowhere to be found.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Police been doing this, biggest gang on the planet. Their job description has evolved from protect and serve to control and abuse. Welcome to America

Out of all the acts of police brutality that have been recorded, I can't cosign this one. You're literally not allowed to touch the police. If she were 6ft4 and black, we'd be having a different convo.
shorty was grabbing and pulling the cop...true, that's he should've arrested her...slapping her was an abuse of power and shouldn't of been done...that's also illegal, and cops aren't allowed...if she was black, the NAACP would be all over this and dudes would be outraged, but because she's not, it's 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Police been doing this, biggest gang on the planet. Their job description has evolved from protect and serve to control and abuse. Welcome to America

Out of all the acts of police brutality that have been recorded, I can't cosign this one. You're literally not allowed to touch the police. If she were 6ft4 and black, we'd be having a different convo.
shorty was grabbing and pulling the cop...true, that's he should've arrested her...slapping her was an abuse of power and shouldn't of been done...that's also illegal, and cops aren't allowed...if she was black, the NAACP would be all over this and dudes would be outraged, but because she's not, it's 
Originally Posted by purehoopa1

Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

Originally Posted by purehoopa1

I'm a Police Officer in Wisconsin.

All I can say is "Justice Served". His "Use Of Force" was justifiable. Everyone thinks if a cop punch someone it's excessive force. If you look at my duty belt you will see all the tools I have a Taser (X26), a baton, OC spray, and my 40 Glock 27. In this case we are allowed to apply force one step above the subject. The dynamics of applications change quick. I'm sure the Officer considered it was a lot of intoxicated people in that venue. You could eliminate the use of OC Spray. One spray of that can capacitate a plethora of people causing panic and mayhem. Using a baton breaks bones and most officer's can subdue a female of her size without it. Using a taser could be the next step but one cartridge cost about 200 bucks. Now all we have is his firearm but it's eliminated because the criteria for "deadly force" isn't met. Also our hands, knee, and feet are tools as well. If I have the option I am going to use my hand's because any of those above tools can fail.

The quickest way to subdue the female was to "Decentralize" her (meaning taking her to the ground). She apparently was grabbing on the Police Officer and fighting back. The Officer did everything necessary to get her to the ground and arrest her.

Also if this was considered "Excessive Force" another agency from that county would investigate it. If it was proven that the Officer used too much force he would be reprimanded. The agency would get sued and lose as well.

Salute, brother...
I appreciate that Bro! 
To Protect and Serve

Yes sir! LVMPD all day, every day!
Originally Posted by purehoopa1

Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

Originally Posted by purehoopa1

I'm a Police Officer in Wisconsin.

All I can say is "Justice Served". His "Use Of Force" was justifiable. Everyone thinks if a cop punch someone it's excessive force. If you look at my duty belt you will see all the tools I have a Taser (X26), a baton, OC spray, and my 40 Glock 27. In this case we are allowed to apply force one step above the subject. The dynamics of applications change quick. I'm sure the Officer considered it was a lot of intoxicated people in that venue. You could eliminate the use of OC Spray. One spray of that can capacitate a plethora of people causing panic and mayhem. Using a baton breaks bones and most officer's can subdue a female of her size without it. Using a taser could be the next step but one cartridge cost about 200 bucks. Now all we have is his firearm but it's eliminated because the criteria for "deadly force" isn't met. Also our hands, knee, and feet are tools as well. If I have the option I am going to use my hand's because any of those above tools can fail.

The quickest way to subdue the female was to "Decentralize" her (meaning taking her to the ground). She apparently was grabbing on the Police Officer and fighting back. The Officer did everything necessary to get her to the ground and arrest her.

Also if this was considered "Excessive Force" another agency from that county would investigate it. If it was proven that the Officer used too much force he would be reprimanded. The agency would get sued and lose as well.

Salute, brother...
I appreciate that Bro! 
To Protect and Serve

Yes sir! LVMPD all day, every day!
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Police been doing this, biggest gang on the planet. Their job description has evolved from protect and serve to control and abuse. Welcome to America

Out of all the acts of police brutality that have been recorded, I can't cosign this one. You're literally not allowed to touch the police. If she were 6ft4 and black, we'd be having a different convo.
shorty was grabbing and pulling the cop...true, that's he should've arrested her...slapping her was an abuse of power and shouldn't of been done...that's also illegal, and cops aren't allowed...if she was black, the NAACP would be all over this and dudes would be outraged, but because she's not, it's 
where's your source for this claim?
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Police been doing this, biggest gang on the planet. Their job description has evolved from protect and serve to control and abuse. Welcome to America

Out of all the acts of police brutality that have been recorded, I can't cosign this one. You're literally not allowed to touch the police. If she were 6ft4 and black, we'd be having a different convo.
shorty was grabbing and pulling the cop...true, that's he should've arrested her...slapping her was an abuse of power and shouldn't of been done...that's also illegal, and cops aren't allowed...if she was black, the NAACP would be all over this and dudes would be outraged, but because she's not, it's 
where's your source for this claim?
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Out of all the acts of police brutality that have been recorded, I can't cosign this one. You're literally not allowed to touch the police. If she were 6ft4 and black, we'd be having a different convo.
shorty was grabbing and pulling the cop...true, that's he should've arrested her...slapping her was an abuse of power and shouldn't of been done...that's also illegal, and cops aren't allowed...if she was black, the NAACP would be all over this and dudes would be outraged, but because she's not, it's 
where's your source for this claim?

It's crazy how most of you are talking out of your butt

It's also crazy how we have threads being made about being 'alpha males' and stupid sexist jokes about putting girls into their place, also i've even seen posts/threads in the past talking about hitting girls if they ever hit you.

On some "hey, if a lady wants to hit a man, then be prepared to be treated like a man"

But no, no, no... when it comes to Cops you see, what it comes to us, it's a completely different story! Stereotypes and automatic assumptions that all Cops are dirty! Very entertaining I must say!
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Out of all the acts of police brutality that have been recorded, I can't cosign this one. You're literally not allowed to touch the police. If she were 6ft4 and black, we'd be having a different convo.
shorty was grabbing and pulling the cop...true, that's he should've arrested her...slapping her was an abuse of power and shouldn't of been done...that's also illegal, and cops aren't allowed...if she was black, the NAACP would be all over this and dudes would be outraged, but because she's not, it's 
where's your source for this claim?

It's crazy how most of you are talking out of your butt

It's also crazy how we have threads being made about being 'alpha males' and stupid sexist jokes about putting girls into their place, also i've even seen posts/threads in the past talking about hitting girls if they ever hit you.

On some "hey, if a lady wants to hit a man, then be prepared to be treated like a man"

But no, no, no... when it comes to Cops you see, what it comes to us, it's a completely different story! Stereotypes and automatic assumptions that all Cops are dirty! Very entertaining I must say!
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

shorty was grabbing and pulling the cop...true, that's he should've arrested her...slapping her was an abuse of power and shouldn't of been done...that's also illegal, and cops aren't allowed...if she was black, the NAACP would be all over this and dudes would be outraged, but because she's not, it's 
where's your source for this claim?

It's crazy how most of you are talking out of your butt

It's also crazy how we have threads being made about being 'alpha males' and stupid sexist jokes about putting girls into their place, also i've even seen posts/threads in the past talking about hitting girls if they ever hit you.

On some "hey, if a lady wants to hit a man, then be prepared to be treated like a man"

But no, no, no... when it comes to Cops you see, what it comes to us, it's a completely different story! Stereotypes and automatic assumptions that all Cops are dirty! Very entertaining I must say!
so if a cop was to smack you around because he felt like it, it's perfectly justified??? i said nothing about her being a woman...regardless nothing she did was threatening to the cop and could've been handled differently...if i were to slap you in front of a cop, guess what??? i'm going to jail...why is he getting a pass???
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

shorty was grabbing and pulling the cop...true, that's he should've arrested her...slapping her was an abuse of power and shouldn't of been done...that's also illegal, and cops aren't allowed...if she was black, the NAACP would be all over this and dudes would be outraged, but because she's not, it's 
where's your source for this claim?

It's crazy how most of you are talking out of your butt

It's also crazy how we have threads being made about being 'alpha males' and stupid sexist jokes about putting girls into their place, also i've even seen posts/threads in the past talking about hitting girls if they ever hit you.

On some "hey, if a lady wants to hit a man, then be prepared to be treated like a man"

But no, no, no... when it comes to Cops you see, what it comes to us, it's a completely different story! Stereotypes and automatic assumptions that all Cops are dirty! Very entertaining I must say!
so if a cop was to smack you around because he felt like it, it's perfectly justified??? i said nothing about her being a woman...regardless nothing she did was threatening to the cop and could've been handled differently...if i were to slap you in front of a cop, guess what??? i'm going to jail...why is he getting a pass???
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by MrONegative

She got what she deserved. Forget being drunk and emotional. I could be blackout and I know to shape the %*@$ up when the police come through.

She must've gotten away with a little too much bs, to not know what was coming next.

The cop is a chump though. He got shook, because everyone was grilling him and she wouldn't shut up. He should get suspended until he grows his nuts back.

He didn't handle it like a man, but she deserved to get handled nonetheless.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by MrONegative

She got what she deserved. Forget being drunk and emotional. I could be blackout and I know to shape the %*@$ up when the police come through.

She must've gotten away with a little too much bs, to not know what was coming next.

The cop is a chump though. He got shook, because everyone was grilling him and she wouldn't shut up. He should get suspended until he grows his nuts back.

He didn't handle it like a man, but she deserved to get handled nonetheless.
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

where's your source for this claim?

It's crazy how most of you are talking out of your butt

It's also crazy how we have threads being made about being 'alpha males' and stupid sexist jokes about putting girls into their place, also i've even seen posts/threads in the past talking about hitting girls if they ever hit you.

On some "hey, if a lady wants to hit a man, then be prepared to be treated like a man"

But no, no, no... when it comes to Cops you see, what it comes to us, it's a completely different story! Stereotypes and automatic assumptions that all Cops are dirty! Very entertaining I must say!
so if a cop was to smack you around because he felt like it, it's perfectly justified??? i said nothing about her being a woman...regardless nothing she did was threatening to the cop and could've been handled differently...if i were to slap you in front of a cop, guess what??? i'm going to jail...why is he getting a pass???

Please stop before you go any further. See this is what I mean, that people on here are just posting just to post. You're making up situations that doesn't even matter.

A Cop slapping me because he just feels like it? Really, because he just feels like it? Because if we're watching the same video (and I hope we're watching the same video) the Cop did NOT hit her because he just felt like it.

If i'm pursuing my arrest, and I am being violently interrupted by a person that is continuously punching at my face. Guess what, don't be surprised when I grab you by the throat and slam on the concrete!

And nothing she did was threatening to the Cop?
Blasphemy! Girl landed like 10 shots at the Cop before him reacting. That's 10 shots to many... oh how easy it would've been for her just to grab his gun and shoot him.

And last but not least, if you hit me in front of a Cop, and I haven't done anything to you, you're right! You're going to the jail, why? Because you are the Primary Aggressor! But see, if I hit you, and you hit me back... then i'm going to the jail! In this case, wasn't the female in the video the Primary Aggressor?

It's just like Domestic Violence, our duty is to find out who the Primary Aggressor is. Once that has been established, that person is going to jail.

So no, the Cop doesn't get a pass because he just hit her for 'no reason'
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