COP STRIKES MELANIN DEFICIENT FEMALE-you don't see that too often

Originally Posted by newbery158

I love it. People want to resist arrest, run from cops, touch cops, do whatever and then scream police brutality when they get tackled and arrested with physical force? @+%%

it's pretty consistent actually, a huge percentage of people who complain about the police did something wrong. If you run from a cop, he catches you and searches your pockets and your're not allowed to complain about his suspicions.
Originally Posted by newbery158

I love it. People want to resist arrest, run from cops, touch cops, do whatever and then scream police brutality when they get tackled and arrested with physical force? @+%%

it's pretty consistent actually, a huge percentage of people who complain about the police did something wrong. If you run from a cop, he catches you and searches your pockets and your're not allowed to complain about his suspicions.
Damn I just saw that video Nako posted, %#*% like that is the reason why me and many other people have this Predisposed hatred towards police officers, this happens time and time again, civilians have even been brutally murdered and from what I know the law goes easy on them simply because they are cops, I thought justice was blind, shouldn't a cop who murders or brutally hurt another person get the same treatment as anyone else?....if me and my boys stomp on some dudes head till he's unconscious we should get assault charges, no doubt about that, but here you have 4 officers who did exactly the same and getting off with what?...a misdemeanor?..

We can't continue riding on this idea that unless you are a police officer you donor know what is's obvious that a vast majority of police officers walk around with the idea that they are above it all...and honestly the system backs them up...why wouldn't they feel superior?'s a shame.

True story I'm about to say...
My wife has this friend who married a cop, dude abused her, beat her every week and threatened her that if she spoke against him, nothing will happen and she would get it worst, turns out dude had a bipolar disorder and right after he beat her %$%, he would feel guilt and ask for forgiveness, once he admitted to her he had a problem and that wad the main reason why he became a cop, to be able to relieve his anger upon others with no repercussions, I swear to God I did not make this up....
I also had a friend who once he graduated from the academy thought it was cool to flash his gun everywhere, he actually told me to tell my wife to keep it in her purse while we double dated because it was bothering him on his hip, dude was off-duty...

Now that's just one individual and doesn't represent every cop in America, but is a rude awakening to know that the system places firearms in the hands of unstable individuals...
Damn I just saw that video Nako posted, %#*% like that is the reason why me and many other people have this Predisposed hatred towards police officers, this happens time and time again, civilians have even been brutally murdered and from what I know the law goes easy on them simply because they are cops, I thought justice was blind, shouldn't a cop who murders or brutally hurt another person get the same treatment as anyone else?....if me and my boys stomp on some dudes head till he's unconscious we should get assault charges, no doubt about that, but here you have 4 officers who did exactly the same and getting off with what?...a misdemeanor?..

We can't continue riding on this idea that unless you are a police officer you donor know what is's obvious that a vast majority of police officers walk around with the idea that they are above it all...and honestly the system backs them up...why wouldn't they feel superior?'s a shame.

True story I'm about to say...
My wife has this friend who married a cop, dude abused her, beat her every week and threatened her that if she spoke against him, nothing will happen and she would get it worst, turns out dude had a bipolar disorder and right after he beat her %$%, he would feel guilt and ask for forgiveness, once he admitted to her he had a problem and that wad the main reason why he became a cop, to be able to relieve his anger upon others with no repercussions, I swear to God I did not make this up....
I also had a friend who once he graduated from the academy thought it was cool to flash his gun everywhere, he actually told me to tell my wife to keep it in her purse while we double dated because it was bothering him on his hip, dude was off-duty...

Now that's just one individual and doesn't represent every cop in America, but is a rude awakening to know that the system places firearms in the hands of unstable individuals...
^^^Hmm sorta like doctors who get caught performing illegal abortions and stuffing baby corpses in freezers (word to the Philadelphia) story. I have stories of horrible acts performed by people in every profession.

Cops are not the only group with unstable individuals with firearms.

I do agree that cops should face the same punishment as others for committing acts such as those in the video Nako posted. That is a clear case of police brutality. Unlike you I don't assume every act committed by cops is brutality because of the actions of a select few.
^^^Hmm sorta like doctors who get caught performing illegal abortions and stuffing baby corpses in freezers (word to the Philadelphia) story. I have stories of horrible acts performed by people in every profession.

Cops are not the only group with unstable individuals with firearms.

I do agree that cops should face the same punishment as others for committing acts such as those in the video Nako posted. That is a clear case of police brutality. Unlike you I don't assume every act committed by cops is brutality because of the actions of a select few.
Anton - my opinion still stands that what that officer did to that girl was in some sort of way police brutality, I won't take that back...I didn't assume that, it was my assessment of the situation on the video, wether I'm wrong or right it really doesn't matter.

Yes people in all professions commit illegal %#!%, when a doctor commits malpractice justice is served, dude is snatched of his liscence, his life goes in the ****ter and depending on te situation they do time, a police officer brutally snatches another humans life and the judicial system will do everything in their power to give him/them the lightest of punishment if any at all....we can sit here and argue till the cows come home, you have your point of view and I have mines...and damn do you sleep?
Anton - my opinion still stands that what that officer did to that girl was in some sort of way police brutality, I won't take that back...I didn't assume that, it was my assessment of the situation on the video, wether I'm wrong or right it really doesn't matter.

Yes people in all professions commit illegal %#!%, when a doctor commits malpractice justice is served, dude is snatched of his liscence, his life goes in the ****ter and depending on te situation they do time, a police officer brutally snatches another humans life and the judicial system will do everything in their power to give him/them the lightest of punishment if any at all....we can sit here and argue till the cows come home, you have your point of view and I have mines...and damn do you sleep?
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Anton - my opinion still stands that what that officer did to that girl was in some sort of way police brutality, I won't take that back...I didn't assume that, it was my assessment of the situation on the video, wether I'm wrong or right it really doesn't matter.

Yes people in all professions commit illegal %#!%, when a doctor commits malpractice justice is served, dude is snatched of his liscence, his life goes in the ****ter and depending on te situation they do time, a police officer brutality snatches another humans life and the judicial system will do everything in their power to give him/them the lightest of punishment if any at all....we can sit here and argue till the cows come home, you have your point of view and I have mines...and damn do you sleep?


a simple google search brought up countless cases of cops being held accountable for their actions.

And no I don't sleep, sleep is for children.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Anton - my opinion still stands that what that officer did to that girl was in some sort of way police brutality, I won't take that back...I didn't assume that, it was my assessment of the situation on the video, wether I'm wrong or right it really doesn't matter.

Yes people in all professions commit illegal %#!%, when a doctor commits malpractice justice is served, dude is snatched of his liscence, his life goes in the ****ter and depending on te situation they do time, a police officer brutality snatches another humans life and the judicial system will do everything in their power to give him/them the lightest of punishment if any at all....we can sit here and argue till the cows come home, you have your point of view and I have mines...and damn do you sleep?


a simple google search brought up countless cases of cops being held accountable for their actions.

And no I don't sleep, sleep is for children.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Anton - my opinion still stands that what that officer did to that girl was in some sort of way police brutality, I won't take that back...I didn't assume that, it was my assessment of the situation on the video, wether I'm wrong or right it really doesn't matter.

Yes people in all professions commit illegal %#!%, when a doctor commits malpractice justice is served, dude is snatched of his liscence, his life goes in the ****ter and depending on te situation they do time, a police officer brutality snatches another humans life and the judicial system will do everything in their power to give him/them the lightest of punishment if any at all....we can sit here and argue till the cows come home, you have your point of view and I have mines...and damn do you sleep?


a simple google search brought up countless cases of cops being held accountable for their actions.

And no I don't sleep, sleep is for children.

I'm glad justice was served in that situation, obviously there was no way to bend the law in order to defend that coward, it was clear as water he deserved the charge...I just hope for the day cops respect the rules they impose as much as we civilians do, I really doubt they do....simple things like a cop driving his patrol while on the phone, to brutally abusing another person are the facts that prove they don't respect the law the way they should.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Anton - my opinion still stands that what that officer did to that girl was in some sort of way police brutality, I won't take that back...I didn't assume that, it was my assessment of the situation on the video, wether I'm wrong or right it really doesn't matter.

Yes people in all professions commit illegal %#!%, when a doctor commits malpractice justice is served, dude is snatched of his liscence, his life goes in the ****ter and depending on te situation they do time, a police officer brutality snatches another humans life and the judicial system will do everything in their power to give him/them the lightest of punishment if any at all....we can sit here and argue till the cows come home, you have your point of view and I have mines...and damn do you sleep?


a simple google search brought up countless cases of cops being held accountable for their actions.

And no I don't sleep, sleep is for children.

I'm glad justice was served in that situation, obviously there was no way to bend the law in order to defend that coward, it was clear as water he deserved the charge...I just hope for the day cops respect the rules they impose as much as we civilians do, I really doubt they do....simple things like a cop driving his patrol while on the phone, to brutally abusing another person are the facts that prove they don't respect the law the way they should.
She should have minded her own business.  She decided to step in and prevent an arrest by putting her hands on a cop.
*see video for consequences*

Every one who is so shocked by this, I beg you to go out and put your hands on an officer today.

Originally Posted by purehoopa1

I'm a Police Officer in Wisconsin.

All I can say is "Justice Served". His "Use Of Force" was justifiable. Everyone thinks if a cop punch someone it's excessive force. If you look at my duty belt you will see all the tools I have a Taser (X26), a baton, OC spray, and my 40 Glock 27. In this case we are allowed to apply force one step above the subject. The dynamics of applications change quick. I'm sure the Officer considered it was a lot of intoxicated people in that venue. You could eliminate the use of OC Spray. One spray of that can capacitate a plethora of people causing panic and mayhem. Using a baton breaks bones and most officer's can subdue a female of her size without it. Using a taser could be the next step but one cartridge cost about 200 bucks. Now all we have is his firearm but it's eliminated because the criteria for "deadly force" isn't met. Also our hands, knee, and feet are tools as well. If I have the option I am going to use my hand's because any of those above tools can fail.

The quickest way to subdue the female was to "Decentralize" her (meaning taking her to the ground). She apparently was grabbing on the Police Officer and fighting back. The Officer did everything necessary to get her to the ground and arrest her.

Also if this was considered "Excessive Force" another agency from that county would investigate it. If it was proven that the Officer used too much force he would be reprimanded. The agency would get sued and lose as well.
She should have minded her own business.  She decided to step in and prevent an arrest by putting her hands on a cop.
*see video for consequences*

Every one who is so shocked by this, I beg you to go out and put your hands on an officer today.

Originally Posted by purehoopa1

I'm a Police Officer in Wisconsin.

All I can say is "Justice Served". His "Use Of Force" was justifiable. Everyone thinks if a cop punch someone it's excessive force. If you look at my duty belt you will see all the tools I have a Taser (X26), a baton, OC spray, and my 40 Glock 27. In this case we are allowed to apply force one step above the subject. The dynamics of applications change quick. I'm sure the Officer considered it was a lot of intoxicated people in that venue. You could eliminate the use of OC Spray. One spray of that can capacitate a plethora of people causing panic and mayhem. Using a baton breaks bones and most officer's can subdue a female of her size without it. Using a taser could be the next step but one cartridge cost about 200 bucks. Now all we have is his firearm but it's eliminated because the criteria for "deadly force" isn't met. Also our hands, knee, and feet are tools as well. If I have the option I am going to use my hand's because any of those above tools can fail.

The quickest way to subdue the female was to "Decentralize" her (meaning taking her to the ground). She apparently was grabbing on the Police Officer and fighting back. The Officer did everything necessary to get her to the ground and arrest her.

Also if this was considered "Excessive Force" another agency from that county would investigate it. If it was proven that the Officer used too much force he would be reprimanded. The agency would get sued and lose as well.
some of the comments i've read in here talk about police in reverential terms, like their gods or something.  i smdh at any black, african or latino dude who doesn't think that police go overboard in a lot of situations.  
some of the comments i've read in here talk about police in reverential terms, like their gods or something.  i smdh at any black, african or latino dude who doesn't think that police go overboard in a lot of situations.  
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

some of the comments i've read in here talk about police in reverential terms, like their gods or something.  i smdh at any black, african or latino dude who doesn't think that police go overboard in a lot of situations.  

I have no reason whatsoever to think otherwise. The police have never harmed me in any way or fashion. And I've interacted with them plenty of times, even while intoxicated. Just because some of you ******s dont know how to act civilized in the presence of the law, doesnt mean we should hate em too. You act outta line, you get dealt with, period. Cops have a tougher job than you think. Then you got people like in this situation that dont know when to sit the hell down, calm the hell down, and be civilized. Then they get their feelings hurt, and cry abuse.
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

some of the comments i've read in here talk about police in reverential terms, like their gods or something.  i smdh at any black, african or latino dude who doesn't think that police go overboard in a lot of situations.  

I have no reason whatsoever to think otherwise. The police have never harmed me in any way or fashion. And I've interacted with them plenty of times, even while intoxicated. Just because some of you ******s dont know how to act civilized in the presence of the law, doesnt mean we should hate em too. You act outta line, you get dealt with, period. Cops have a tougher job than you think. Then you got people like in this situation that dont know when to sit the hell down, calm the hell down, and be civilized. Then they get their feelings hurt, and cry abuse.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

some of the comments i've read in here talk about police in reverential terms, like their gods or something.  i smdh at any black, african or latino dude who doesn't think that police go overboard in a lot of situations.  

I have no reason whatsoever to think otherwise. The police have never harmed me in any way or fashion. And I've interacted with them plenty of times, even while intoxicated. Just because some of you ******s dont know how to act civilized in the presence of the law, doesnt mean we should hate em too. You act outta line, you get dealt with, period. Cops have a tougher job than you think. Then you got people like in this situation that dont know when to sit the hell down, calm the hell down, and be civilized. Then they get their feelings hurt, and cry abuse.
are you calling me a ******, though
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

some of the comments i've read in here talk about police in reverential terms, like their gods or something.  i smdh at any black, african or latino dude who doesn't think that police go overboard in a lot of situations.  

I have no reason whatsoever to think otherwise. The police have never harmed me in any way or fashion. And I've interacted with them plenty of times, even while intoxicated. Just because some of you ******s dont know how to act civilized in the presence of the law, doesnt mean we should hate em too. You act outta line, you get dealt with, period. Cops have a tougher job than you think. Then you got people like in this situation that dont know when to sit the hell down, calm the hell down, and be civilized. Then they get their feelings hurt, and cry abuse.
are you calling me a ******, though
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

some of the comments i've read in here talk about police in reverential terms, like their gods or something.  i smdh at any black, african or latino dude who doesn't think that police go overboard in a lot of situations.  

I have no reason whatsoever to think otherwise. The police have never harmed me in any way or fashion. And I've interacted with them plenty of times, even while intoxicated. Just because some of you ******s dont know how to act civilized in the presence of the law, doesnt mean we should hate em too. You act outta line, you get dealt with, period. Cops have a tougher job than you think. Then you got people like in this situation that dont know when to sit the hell down, calm the hell down, and be civilized. Then they get their feelings hurt, and cry abuse.

Waits for some idiot to interpret this as you're revering cops...and if you're a minority it makes you somehow a sell out. A lot of people in certain neighborhoods are almost conditioned to treat police as the enemy. If you have been in that many run-ins with the law the problem is YOU homie. And before anyone says I've never lived in the "hood" or predominantly minority neighborhoods I have.

Many cops are racist incompetent scum, many are regular people like you and i tryna do their $%$#$ jobs make it home to their families in one piece.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

some of the comments i've read in here talk about police in reverential terms, like their gods or something.  i smdh at any black, african or latino dude who doesn't think that police go overboard in a lot of situations.  

I have no reason whatsoever to think otherwise. The police have never harmed me in any way or fashion. And I've interacted with them plenty of times, even while intoxicated. Just because some of you ******s dont know how to act civilized in the presence of the law, doesnt mean we should hate em too. You act outta line, you get dealt with, period. Cops have a tougher job than you think. Then you got people like in this situation that dont know when to sit the hell down, calm the hell down, and be civilized. Then they get their feelings hurt, and cry abuse.

Waits for some idiot to interpret this as you're revering cops...and if you're a minority it makes you somehow a sell out. A lot of people in certain neighborhoods are almost conditioned to treat police as the enemy. If you have been in that many run-ins with the law the problem is YOU homie. And before anyone says I've never lived in the "hood" or predominantly minority neighborhoods I have.

Many cops are racist incompetent scum, many are regular people like you and i tryna do their $%$#$ jobs make it home to their families in one piece.
Originally Posted by newbery158

I love it. People want to resist arrest, run from cops, touch cops, do whatever and then scream police brutality when they get tackled and arrested with physical force? @+%%

right? girl was clearly interfering with the cop doing his job. all this women were just not cooperating. then that video nako posted it says the guy was involved in a police chase. chases = endanger many innocent lives along the way. all that kicking was clearly unjustified, but in these videos people are bringing on upon themselves. i don't feel bad for these people. i wouldn't think of disrespecting a cop like that, touching him while he's trying to arrest someone. you're asking for trouble.. let the cop do his job and these incidents are much less frequent. 
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