Craziest thing that happened at your school?

Senior year, some guy either escaped from jail or was just on the run and tried to kidnap his kid from the middle school next door. We were on lockdown for like 5 hours.
& one of our butch security guards was swinging a girl by the hair on some Ms. Trunchbull from Matilda type sh%#
Race Riots (blacks vs. mexicans), biggest was about 50 on 50

One dude OD'd at lunch when he was sitting by himself, he was rumored to be a loner, injected himself with I don't know. But this was a year before I entered my high school

A fight nearly everyday

At all times there would be at least 4 girls pregnant throughout all my school years

4 shootings in my senior year in and around my school.
hs: japanese students visited the school, dude runs down the hall screaming that its pearl harbor... smh
my homeboy got charged with rape, kicked off the football team, expelled, and went thru a car windshield all within a week

college: kid gets shot and killed next to the school
another kid held up at gunpoint in the dorms

and yes i go to school in the hood smh
sum kids used grass killer or sumthin to draw a huge penis about 60 yards big on the front lawn of my high school
Teacher locked a female student in his classroom after school and had sex with/raped her. I forget what the case was.
- Jamaicans vs. Mexicans in the staircase. One of the Jamaican kids stabbed one of the Mexican kids with a pencil, then kicked him down the stairs.

- When a group of hoodlums wanted to jump someone, they would have about seven people go to the classroom where the person who was designated to get jump was in, have one person knock the door, wait for the teacher to open the door, then rush in and jump that person.

- This one kid beat up the 7-foot P.E. teacher.
DDP(Dominican gang) vs Bloods war - they always fought around the same time every year.

A good guidance counselor was fired and riot broke out, with a Police riot squad stopping everything.
Originally Posted by Flocka

A 47 year old teacher got arrested for having sex with a 17 year old girl in the Mall parking lot across the street at least 4 times about 4 years ago when I was still back in school.
Ay what about the paints ballers in the woods.
 what about the one guy that spoke to us in ms Galbreaths class he's married to one of his students that graduated in like 03 or something.
not to many things happened really.

#1 in eighth grade a teacher got caught with child pron on his comp.
#2 in eighth grade a guy ran over some lady and we were in lockdown for what seemed like 4 hrs.
#3 some dumb girls got in a fight and one got mace in her face. and the school was evacuated
girl got caught giving oral pleasure to half the JV FootBall team.

*well, that was the rumor going around.
3 friends went streaking last day of school, got away with it but caught on tape got called in later that day
suspended for the first 2 weeks of the next school year

Westboro Baptist church came to protest and play my school did just because of the characters was openly gay.
There were like 10 people from the church
Yesterday there was a senior prank at my high school.these kids did a huge slip and slide in the hall way and people were falling all over the place kids went to the hospital and some kid cracked his head open really badly.
dude hung himself while i was at VSU...also one night after a party on campus and dudes started gettin loose wit the metal...state troopers, colonial heights, and Petersburg police descended upon he campus...riot gear, attack dogs and all wit weapons drawn
This is about 12 years ago when this happened but when I was in high school, some girl took ecstasy on a boat cruise and started giving head to about 4 guys at one time. She ended blaming it on the drugs and the 4 guys almost got expelled.

Also my friend is a teacher now in high school and he said that some 7th grade kids lit up a joint in front of him and smoked it in class. He called security and they sent him to the office and the next day he was back with only a warning given to him. I just thought that was nuts and am thinking the punishment system in schools is not how it used to be. Damn....I sound like an old man saying that.
6th grade we watched westside story and the whole school broke up to white against everyone.
Also in 6th grade 9/11 happened which = LOCK DOWN.
High school there was a shotgun shell found in the boys bath room
this year, my senior school ended up on the local news 3 times.
1 - a fight between two girls during a football game because one girl claimed the other *@%*%# her baby's daddy. cops came and a couple people got tazered
2 - a skipping party at someones house was raided by a bunch of cops because administrators saw the students leaving school and followed them. over 100 students arrested and taken back by school bus. it was just mys school though it was a mix of other high schools
3 - some student in our school was diagnosed with tuberculosis and no one was notified until after a month of the school knowing this. a bunch of parents were pissed

that was only this year...there was a lot of other stuff during my 4 years there
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