Dating a stripper???

Man Idk why you're tripping so much. I'd date this girl for a while just to see what sort of sexual mayhem I could get into.

I sort of agree. If you are young, just do it for the fun of it. Just don't spend all your money on her. If it starts to get even more complicated, just leave the scene. Seems sort of a win win in my eyes. Well...sort of. This could also be the biggest waste of time too.

This man speaks the truth here.
Yeah now she sounds like a bird trying to hide that she's a bird. I say keep her around and keep it fun though, chill with all the questions and feelings and just let it ride out. She clearly digs you hard, so as long as you don't fall, you got the upper hand always.
Upon further assesment, she has no need to strip, does it for enjoyment, yup...she's a bird fam...treat her as such.
Upon further assesment, she has no need to strip, does it for enjoyment, yup...she's a bird fam...treat her as such.
even steezy can't steez on this... you know what to do dropten... get the yambs and keep it pumping.
Leave that alone my dude. I don't know what you're trying to do with your life, but LOOK AT THE BIGGER PICTURE! You say you're gonna use her for the money. Which is? Food, movies, your gas, maybe some gear. You got a lot more to lose than she does. God forbid you get this bird pregnant or catch something. She'll have you trapped EASY. Don't even play the emotional game; it'll be easy for her to find some other simp when she decides to let you go and then you'll be hurt. The P aint even worth it. Plenty of other females out there that are worthwhile or let you hit with little to no drama.
Get rid of that skeezer!!!
Word, if steez dont approve, there must be a problem. I like taking chances though :smh:
Strippers are people too bruh. If the trust is there, then go for it. My homie dated a stripper and she was cool as ****. Super loyal. A stripper is always a "stripper" outside of work. They dont always have the stripper tendencies.

Best of luck
Strippers are people too bruh. If the trust is there, then go for it. My homie dated a stripper and she was cool as ****. Super loyal. A stripper is always a "stripper" outside of work. They dont always have the stripper tendencies.

Best of luck
Strippers are people too bruh. If the trust is there, then go for it. My homie dated a stripper and she was cool as ****. Super loyal. A stripper is always a "stripper" outside of work. They dont always have the stripper tendencies.

Best of luck
lolwut? You gotta have a certain mindframe to strip, my dude... you're not a civilian anymore. I'd take the neighborhood JO before a stripper. And idgaf what y'all say.
Man I'm doing it wrong, I want a stripper to want to see me, lay the pipe, and lace me in Louis, dropten, my notepad is ready
just date til you feel its goin haywire cuz trust wont be hard for her to get someone else try and get a 3sum out of it also
lolwut? You gotta have a certain mindframe to strip, my dude... you're not a civilian anymore. I'd take the neighborhood JO before a stripper. And idgaf what y'all say.
Hence why most strippers drink at work. Or do drugs, puts them in that mindframe. I know quite a few who arent always "in that mindframe" but its great money lmao
Dropten are you in NYC or is this chick from NYC?

Her text seem familiar for some reason... maybe I'm just tripping.
Hence why most strippers drink at work. Or do drugs, puts them in that mindframe. I know quite a few who arent always "in that mindframe" but its great money lmao
very few strippers are "paid" like you think, like very few drug dealers are paid ... not calling duck tales, though.
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Stripper: "You mind if I take a shot of that?"
Me: "Sure, go right ahead"
*takes shot*
Stripper: Thank you :D
*does a handstand and pops her ***** by my nose*
Hence why most strippers drink at work. Or do drugs, puts them in that mindframe. I know quite a few who arent always "in that mindframe" but its great money lmao

I remember she mentioned poppin an E while she was stripping before... :smh:
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