Delete/Lock...Draft talk over in JPZ's thread....

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by FoShizzle

Main reason they made those trades was to dismantle a pretty strong team so attendance would struggle in Seattle which would help their case for moving the team. Would of been pretty nice with Shard, Ray, & KD.

Stop it... The reason they dismantled was because that team wasn't very good in the first place...

I know right, who would want a team of Shard, Ray, and KD? They would suck .

Not enough shots to go around? Somebody should of told the Celtics that last year... or the Magic that this year..they could of dismantled there teams for ayouth movement.
Right now there's rumors out on realgm from a legit poster for the sixers board who's broke a few deals before talking about a dalembert to bobcatstrade. He said the trade is not imminent but they are talking about it. Sixers are trying to get an early 2nd rounder to draft Dionte Christmas.

It would be Dalembert and 17th pick for Nazr Muhammed, Vlad Rad, 12th pick, and 40th pick.
Originally Posted by Buc Em

Right now there's rumors out on realgm from a legit poster for the sixers board who's broke a few deals before talking about a dalembert to bobcats trade. He said the trade is not imminent but they are talking about it. Sixers are trying to get an early 2nd rounder to draft Dionte Christmas.

It would be Dalembert and 17th pick for Nazr Muhammed, Vlad Rad, 12th pick, and 40th pick.

so the Bobcats would play Dalembert and Okafor together? How's that going to work?
Some interesting stuff here....

Trouble Brewing in Golden State?

There is plenty of chatter in NBA circles about issues going on in Golden State that could clearly affect the way they approach their draft pick on June 25th.

The talk is that Monta Ellis is unhappy with the direction the organization is heading in, and still holds a bit of grief over the way they held his contract status in limbo for months following his moped injury. For weeks we've heard that Ellis is no longer interested in playing for Golden State, and apparently it had reached a point where it was "close to popping off" in the words of one NBA executive-meaning going to the media and publicly demanding a trade.

General Manager Larry Riley and head coach Don Nelson reportedly flew to Atlanta to meet with Ellis this week, and basically have made every attempt possible to defuse the situation, at the very least in order to not lose leverage in any trade talk they will inevitably be involved in. One NBA executive we spoke with believes that Ellis was promised that the Warriors will not be picking a point guard with the #7 pick, and that he will be the one running the show for them next year.

A number of agents seem to have heard similar things or just don't want to get anywhere near this situation, and both Jrue Holiday and Stephen Curry are currently refusing to work out for Golden State. The same goes for Ricky Rubio and Tyreke Evans.

Golden State is in a different situation that most teams picking in the top-10, as they are under an unusual amount of pressure to win immediately at all costs-or else. It's widely accepted at this point that incoming General Manager Larry Riley has one year at best to work enough magic in his team's front office and roster to convince ownership to keep him around. Head coach Don Nelson needs 24 wins to surpass Lenny Wilkens and become the winningest coach of all time.

The reality of these situations would seemingly rule out point guards Brandon Jennings and Jonny Flynn, both deemed too raw to be of immediate help to the Warriors next season. Stephen Curry could still be in the mix here, despite the fact that he won't work out here. It's not quite clear what that would do for the Monta Ellis situation. The two other players that seem to be the main candidates are Jordan Hill, and surprisingly enough, James Johnson. Golden State's front office appears to be leaning towards Hill for now, and may have even told him as much after he worked out for them last week, according to a report by Marcus Thompson II of the Bay Area News Group.

Hill had dinner with Coach Don Nelson on Thursday and said he walked away feeling that No. 7 might be the lowest he would go.

"He said if I'm not picked in the top six," Hill said, "they're probably going to take me."

Regardless, look for the Warriors to heavily pursue bringing back Baron Davis this summer, and don't be surprised to see them do something unexpected on draft night.

More trade talk

-While plenty of media outlets are speculating about a potential deal between Cleveland and Phoenix, we've heard some talk of a possible trade between Cleveland and Washington actually. The deal would essentially be a cost-cutting move for the Wizards, sending Antawn Jamison and filler (Mike James) to the Cavs for Ben Wallace and Sasha Pavlovic. Wallace seems likely to retire, and Pavlovic is on a non-guaranteed contract for next season. It's not clear whether the Wizards would need to surrender the #5 pick. Jamison is attractive to the Cavs since he's exactly the type of combo forward they were missing to match up with Orlando's Rashard Lewis and Hedo Turkoglu.

-No GM in the NBA is apparently more active right now than Minnesota's David Kahn, as he's apparently set on "making a big splash in his first draft" according to one NBA executive, and is "talking to everyone" at the moment. One rumor that is making the rounds has Minnesota sending Memphis Kevin Love in exchange for the #2 pick (and filler). Minnesota would then draft Ricky Rubio, which could help them significantly with their ticket sales, and still have the #6 pick at their disposal, which they could use to take someone like Jordan Hill.

-Houston also seems to be very active in trade talk, particularly in trying to move Tracy McGrady we're told. McGrady will be out for the first 20-30 games of the regular season, but there is some thought that he might be able to help a playoff team down the stretch, particularly since he's in a contract year. Its tough to see how many teams would be able to absorb the 20+ million dollars he's owed next season. The New York Knicks might be one of them. Houston would be looking for a shooting guard in return.

-Atlanta is reportedly looking to package the #19 pick along with Speedy Claxton's contract, in order to clear additional cap room, likely to resign Mike Bibby. 80% of Claxton's contract (5.2 million) will be picked up by an insurance company, making this a relatively cheap investment for a team with cap room looking to acquire another pick.

-One team that might be interested in moving down in this draft is New Jersey, as they are reportedly very high on Israeli Omri Casspi, but may not want to invest such a high pick on him.

Scattered Rumors

-Following up our blurb from Treviso last week, we're told that Jeremy Tyler has officially signed with Maccabi Haifa of the Israeli league. This is a move that is sure to bring owner Jeff Rozen and his team a great deal of attention over the next two years. Tyler's camp balked at adding a third year onto the contract, preferring to have the flexibility of no NBA buyout whatsoever when he becomes draft-eligible in 2011. Tyler will reportedly make somewhere in the area of $200,000 next season.

-The Sacramento Kings are doing their best to convince people that they have Tyreke Evans at the top of their board, even going as far as to tell Evans as much in their workout last week. Most NBA people we speak to believe that this is nothing more than them "blowing smoke" in order to give themselves a backup plan in case Rubio is gone at #2 or #3, and also to "stir the pot" amongst Rubio's camp. The Kings would very likely want Rubio to work out for them rather than just conduct a meet and greet, but as of right now there are no plans for that.

-In the unlikely case that Rubio slips past Sacramento, it appears that Washington will not hesitate to pick him if they feel like he's indeed the best player on their draft board. The prevailing sentiment at the moment is that Rubio is not in a position to return to Joventut, and that he may have lost some of the leverage he once had by keeping his name in the draft and suing his former team.

Many feel like Rubio would be a good fit in Washington playing alongside Gilbert Arenas, but Rubio's camp apparently does not agree with that notion at all.

-Don't be surprised to see players start working out for teams that appear to be slightly outside their draft range on first glance, in hopes of finding the best possible fit. Jrue Holiday for example is working out for the Indiana Pacers at #13, while James Johnson will be in Salt Lake City next week working out for the Jazz, who hold the #20 pick.

-We're hearing that DeJuan Blair is in pretty good shape at the moment, and he continues to have very strong workouts that are easing the concerns teams have about his knee. Blair's draft range looks pretty steady between 12 and 16, although he will work out for teams above and below those picks. Don't be surprised to see a team like Oklahoma City or Portland try to make a move for him on draft night, as both organizations are reportedly very high on him.

-Does B.J. Mullens have a promise from Chicago at 16? That doesn't seem to make a great deal of sense considering that he's working out for Philadelphia at 17 later this week…The talk of a promise started once Mullens pulled out of the New Jersey Nets group workout, but it's possible he just didn't want to deal with the prospect of matching up with Luke Nevill again. Mullens really struggled in the two previous group workouts that they went head to head.

-The Oklahoma City Thunder are reportedly in Los Angeles right now visiting with Hasheem Thabeet and watching him work out.

-Earl Clark is having some very strong workouts as of late, and is rising back up teams' draft boards. He was very good in Minnesota apparently, and is strongly in the mix in New Jersey (#11), Charlotte (#12), Phoenix (#14) and Detroit (#15).

More News& Notes from DX
knicks thread..the post reporting that Jordan Hill is a favorite of Walsh's and he's in for a workout today
Originally Posted by Al3xis

knicks thread..the post reporting that Jordan Hill is a favorite of Walsh's and he's in for a workout today

Do you think the Knicks folks are just saying that because they figure he'll be gone by the time they get to #8? I honestly have a feeling that the Knicksand Wizards will be making some sort of deal on draft night (assuming Curry is still on the board at #5)...
I don't know...I think he fits. I've always said Jordan Hill is NOT a top 5 pick, but there if Curry is off the board...he may be the way to go. Hecould be David Lee with an actual idea of how to play defense. makes Lee expendable too.

It would definitely be a Walsh pick as I'm pretty sure D'Antoni wants his PG of the future.

Somebody else said this and im in agreement right now...when it's all said and done

Knicks find a way to get Curry or Rubio

what would the Wiz want in return in a deal like that?
The Warriors and my Wizards...

Can't wait to see the idiotic picks and trades made in 8 days.

Wiz ain't moved that weak #5 pick yet, they are stuck with it.
All in all, I believe Memphis will draft Rubio and look for trade partners. I can't see them passing up a major asset in Rubio just to pick up a guythey could get 2 or 3 picks down from their pick. The only scenario I see is them selecting Rubio and trading with whomever gives them the best proposal. Theywould more than likely be looking for another high lottery pick with a player (i.e. Thompson / 4th or Love / 6th).

I don't see any team like NYK getting him unless Memphis doesn't pick Rubio. Memphis can sign Lee upfront without having to trade for him. Samething could be said about any other sign and trade, which can't be made til' the free agent period starts anyway. I'm hoping Memphis can somehowmake that deal with the Twolves though.

One rumor that is making the rounds has Minnesota sending Memphis Kevin Love in exchange for the #2 pick (and filler). Minnesota would then draft Ricky Rubio, which could help them significantly with their ticket sales, and still have the #6 pick at their disposal, which they could use to take someone like Jordan Hill.
I don't see why that would happen unless the filler was Jaric's contract and I would still want the 6th pick anyway somehow. If they needa PG, Memphis could just offer Conley and they draft Thabeet with the 2nd pick. They keep talking about how Rubio doesn't want to play for any of theseteams, so I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want to play in Minnesota as well.

Give me #2 + Conley + #27 for Love + #6 + #18

Draft Harden / Curry / Tyreke Evans at #6 and maybe Earl Clark or best player available at #18
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Shaq showed that he could flourish in an up-tempo system

They changed the offense in Phx remember?
Started off half-court... the team was unhappy... coaches changed back to a fast pace, run & gun style of play. Shaq was able to keep up and do his thing.
They would more than likely be looking for another high lottery pick with a player (i.e. Thompson / 4th or Love / 6th)
The Kings side of this has been discussed and there is no chance in hell the Kings part with the 4th AND Thompson for anyone that's notAmare/Bosh+Extension or better. Don't look at Thompson's season stats because that would be ignorant--Miller AND Moore got shipped out in February. Hehad 22 double-doubles all year with a majority coming after he got the starting job. He had several 20+ point games, a 19 rebound game, and a handful of 2-4block games. He'll be our starting PF for years to come and no way we part with him AND the 4th pick, which will be a player who looks like he'll be asgood or better than Rubio at this point in time. People are treating Rubio like he's proven and a sure thing, and that if the Kings don't get himsomehow they're doomed, which is totally false. All of this Rondo talk needs to be deaded now too. The Kings don't have any depth and you'retalking about trading two starters for Rubio or Rondo. If Petrie does either of those deals, I'm becoming a Knicks fan. You guys can have the 4th, KennyThomas, Beno Udrih, and one of Garcia/Nocioni, but nobody is touching the pick+Hawes/Thompson/Martin unless you're pushing a perrenial All NBA type playerwith an extension in our direction.
I'll def. have to give it to your Kings, as they have been "Isiah" like the last couple drafts.

Hawes and Thompson are rock solid, better NOW than I imagined they'd be in their entire careers.
"Duhon played a lot of minutes," Jennings said, "But I don't mind playing them anyway because I'm young, I'm 19, I can go forever. I think New York has good pieces, they have Robinson, Harrington, Lee. So they have great pieces, they just need that point guard to come in here and run the team..."

Jennings then added, "....and then hopefully get LeBron in 2010."
sure he'll make good friends with Chris Duhon if he's a knick. Nevermind Nate has been/is attempting to become a legit PG.

@ people thinking the Grizzlies will do another "Pau Gasol"like trade. All because they made that one deal for cap space reasons, doesn't mean they will continue to do it.

The 4th, Kenny Thomas, Beno Udrih, and Garcia/Nocioni isn't going to warrant what Rubio can become. You draft off potential of how good a player will orcan become. Nobody knows how good a player may turn out, so the same could be said about Griffin. Memphis will not take the contracts of Udrih, Garcia orNocioni when they can just hold on to Rubio. If Memphis doesn't get the offer they want, they will just keep Rubio. I still haven't heard anythingabout him saying himself that he doesn't want to play for Memphis.

Draft the best player available and use free agency and trades to build your team. If the team is convinced that Rubio is the 2nd best player in the lotterythen they need to draft him. Make teams come to the Grizzlies to get Conley, Rubio or whomever. Don't pass on a better player just to have another teamreap the benefits of the Grizzlies fear Rubio won't come over.

In other news...

The Celtics offered Kendric Perkins and Bill Walker for the 2nd pick.
I guess my question is... Why does Rubio himself have to say he doesn't want to be in Memphis? People still have this mindset that the media pulls thesethings out of thin air, or they're saying it just to say it...

If Ricky Rubio and his management were completely open to the idea of him being drafted by and playing in Memphis, these whispers wouldn't be out there...

He may well pull a 180 and end up playing in Memphis if they draft him, but that doesn't mean his preference RIGHT NOW is anywhere but Memphis...
The Grizzlies need to get Kevin Love.

He's a great fit in Memphis with his rebounding and high bball IQ. I'm sure he can also chip in his 12-15 PPG too. I'm concerned if he and Gasolget paired, would they have the footspeed to defend certain teams, but eh I could deal with it.

Gay + 2 for Love + 6 is good with me.

I'd rather keep Conley at this point.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

The Grizzlies need to get Kevin Love.

He's a great fit in Memphis with his rebounding and high bball IQ. I'm sure he can also chip in his 12-15 PPG too. I'm concerned if he and Gasol get paired, would they have the footspeed to defend certain teams, but eh I could deal with it.

Gay + 2 for Love + 6 is good with me.

I'd rather keep Conley at this point.

I can't part with Rudy for Love though. We would be giving them a better talented player along with a better pick in the draft. Rudy may not have all thescrews in his head right now, but he's still only what? 23 yrs old. There are people who think Memphis could actually get away with no.2 for Love straightup. To be honest, I would do it because Love would be a top 3 pick in this year's draft. He may even be a top 2 pick. If Memphis can keep their startingcore, add Love, along with some free agent signings they will have probably the best young core in the league. Yes, I said it. Conley, OJ, Gay, Love and Gasolwould be

I'm concerned if he and Gasol get paired, would they have the footspeed to defend certain teams, but eh I could deal with it.
That's what I was concerned about to, but if they could get a 3rd big in free agency they would be fine. I'm hoping somehow they can throwmoney at Varejao or Gortat as the 3rd big off the bench. Either one of those could play next to either Love or Gasol.
I'm cool with the 2 for Love straight up also.. Gasol & Love would both be putting up double doubles nightly
Celtics should put Gabe Pruitt up also.

That could be the deal right there...................

LOL. that has to be one of the worst offers for a top pick in a long time.

Grizz would be nuts to do that over any other rumored deal.
Love for #2 is cool with me

As for Rudy, I just hope he maintains a level of focus in games throughout the season. Management also better not give in and give him a massive contractextension though
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