Do people really believe in Angels?

I feel sorry for some of our jaded NTers that lack faith....
Why do I have to be jaded?

You're the one who asserts things you can't back up.

I have faith in spiderman. I guess thats not good enough for you. 
Why do I have to be jaded?

You're the one who asserts things you can't back up.

I have faith in spiderman. I guess thats not good enough for you. 

You're clearly jaded by that fact that your going this hard in a hypothetical thread for one, secondly most lacks in faith come from a past experience weather positive or negative. So are you gonna sit up and tell me that you never once in your life had an experience that made you look to the skies?

Also a part of having faith is excepting what you cannot explain. I regards to having hope, you can have hope and not sit on your behind and wait for something to fall out of the sky. God helps those who help themselves. Study your scripture sir. And its funny because i bet some of you cats (not specifically you) would even go the opposite way with it and have belief in the devil or demons and even though as you said earlier angels dont exist in other religions, demons and bad spirits do, which balance out *gasp* dare i say it......POSITIVE HIGHER POWERS.

Im not gonna sit here and convince you to change your mind or force my opinions on you, but thats my 2 cents.....

btw. i also have faith in Peter Parker, he always saves NYC :tongue:
You guys do believe in something. I'm sure you just disagree to up your cool meter.

Damn, someone finally figured it out.

I've been steady trying to bump my cool meter up the past year. I've made gains of 160% compared to where I was this time last year. Just for denying that there is a god figure :pimp:
You're clearly jaded by that fact that your going this hard in a hypothetical thread for one, secondly most lacks in faith come from a past experience weather positive or negative. So are you gonna sit up and tell me that you never once in your life had an experience that made you look to the skies?
Also a part of having faith is excepting what you cannot explain. I regards to having hope, you can have hope and not sit on your behind and wait for something to fall out of the sky. God helps those who help themselves. Study your scripture sir. And its funny because i bet some of you cats (not specifically you) would even go the opposite way with it and have belief in the devil or demons and even though as you said earlier angels dont exist in other religions, demons and bad spirits do, which balance out *gasp* dare i say it......POSITIVE HIGHER POWERS.
Im not gonna sit here and convince you to change your mind or force my opinions on you, but thats my 2 cents.....
btw. i also have faith in Peter Parker, he always saves NYC :tongue:

How about you think of it this way... people wouldn't have to "lose their faith" if they were never tricked into that racket in the first place. As a kid, I wasn't the one that made the decision to send me to a private christian school. I wasn't the one that chose to go to church. These were choices made for me by adults. And I'm clearly not the only one. The vast majority of people that are religious are so because it's something ingrained in their families or their community. Many people in this country are told once they're old enough to comprehend words that there is a god and that there are x consequences for not believing in him.

I didn't lose my faith because of anything traumatic. I'll be the first to admit that my time spent at my christian school and at church functions weren't all that bad. I had friends there and that was the world I knew. On the flip side, there were aspects of the religion that just didn't sit well with me. I didn't agree with how the religious tried to legislate how a woman could treat her own body. I didn't agree with the archaic notions that sex was something saved for marriage. I didn't agree with how gays were openly discriminated against and politically bullied. I didn't agree with how the religious pushed an anti-scientific notion of the origins of life and actively pursued to stymy actual science in the school system. These issues led me to start questioning the very basis of my belief. I "accepted" Jesus when I was like 9 years old. That's not old enough to truly understand the magnitude of what "belief" entails. I asked myself the most basic of questions, "Is there really a god? and if there is is there any way I can prove he exists?" I came up with nothing.

To go further with your post, I don't believe there is a god. There also don't exist demons or evil spirits or the devil or angels or fairies or whatever. None of that is real. It's fantasy. It makes for exciting storytelling and possibly great movies but it's fiction.
You're clearly jaded by that fact that your going this hard in a hypothetical thread for one, secondly most lacks in faith come from a past experience weather positive or negative. So are you gonna sit up and tell me that you never once in your life had an experience that made you look to the skies?
Also a part of having faith is excepting what you cannot explain. I regards to having hope, you can have hope and not sit on your behind and wait for something to fall out of the sky. God helps those who help themselves. Study your scripture sir. And its funny because i bet some of you cats (not specifically you) would even go the opposite way with it and have belief in the devil or demons and even though as you said earlier angels dont exist in other religions, demons and bad spirits do, which balance out *gasp* dare i say it......POSITIVE HIGHER POWERS.
Im not gonna sit here and convince you to change your mind or force my opinions on you, but thats my 2 cents.....
btw. i also have faith in Peter Parker, he always saves NYC :tongue:

This was the most ignorant post ive ever seen on NT lol

"God helps those who help themselves"?? That sounds like when people do something for actually gets done.

And "devils and demons" have just as much evidence for them as any "gods". So why would I believe in one myth and not the other?
Why do I have to be jaded?

You're the one who asserts things you can't back up.

I have faith in spiderman. I guess thats not good enough for you. 

You're clearly jaded by that fact that your going this hard in a hypothetical thread for one, secondly most lacks in faith come from a past experience weather positive or negative. So are you gonna sit up and tell me that you never once in your life had an experience that made you look to the skies?
Why the hell would I look to the sky? Because OTHER people think thats where their fortune comes from? 

Why do you look towards the sky? You mean just UP? Why not down? If you look down enough you'll see through to the other side of the planet and through to the stars that way. Ever thought of that? 

And no. I don't look to the sky. 

Something that happens which I can't explain DOES NOT mean "well the judeochristian god is looking out for me" 

Get real.

Also a part of having faith is excepting what you cannot explain.
Yeah thats the WORST reason to believe something. 
 I regards to having hope, you can have hope and not sit on your behind and wait for something to fall out of the sky.
Well thats not hope, now is it?

It speaks pretty poorly of your faith if you don't really believe this benevolent supernatural power is actually going to help you.
 God helps those who help themselves.
So whats the point of god?

Why does he get credit for the A's on my exams? 

God, You wasn't with me studying in the library! 

Study your scripture sir.
I bet I know more about the bible than you. 

We can do that too. 

 And its funny because i bet some of you cats (not specifically you) would even go the opposite way with it and have belief in the devil or demons and even though as you said earlier angels dont exist in other religions, demons and bad spirits do, which balance out *gasp* dare i say it......POSITIVE HIGHER POWERS.

You're talking about demons and what not?

I don't believe in the devil.

You do. 

If you believe in the "good" figure, then you believe in the bad one too. 

Im not gonna sit here and convince you to change your mind or force my opinions on you, but thats my 2 cents.....
Which is what you just did.

Quite trying to act like you're above the fray. 

btw. i also have faith in Peter Parker, he always saves NYC 
I don't have faith in peter parker. I believe in spiderman. 
in your final days, all the way up to your dying bed, I wonder if maybe you'll ever wish there was a god, and if you would experience an afterlife.

I won't ponder either of these. If I convert on my deathbed it's due to the medication I am receiving, hallucination, dementia or whatever that is killing me has spread to my brain. If such a thing were to happen, I can assure you that that isn't me converting, it's whatever has become of me. I will proudly carry my reason to my grave.

I don't believe in the notion that 'there are no atheist in the foxholes'.
lmao people would argue just to argue. smh
Is that where you are since you're no longer trying to defend your belief in these guys?

So NOW people are just arguing.

What exactly were you doing at the beginning of the thread? 
another atheist thread.

All I gotta say is if you believe in aliens aint nothing wrong with believing in angels either...
another atheist thread.

All I gotta say is if you believe in aliens aint nothing wrong with believing in angels either...
Extraplanetary life ranging from something infinitesimally small to something the size of a dinosaur on a yet undiscovered planet


Supernatural anthropomorphized human beings...from heaven...with wings...

Yeah. The exact same thing. 

Do I think there is life out there? Sure. Depends what you think life is. We've already found substrates for life out there. 

Do I KNOW that there is life out there? Nope. 
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Is that where you are since you're no longer trying to defend your belief in these guys?

So NOW people are just arguing.

What exactly were you doing at the beginning of the thread? 

This guy. haha

Did I sounded like I was putting up an argument on my first respond? You went up and twisted it in your mind. I bet if I say something about the weather being cold or hot you would put up a fight; trying to disprove my opinion. I clearly stated that I wasn't talking about science or religion on my first respond, and yet you're quick to argue about them. What is it to you personal if people believe what they believe in? Does it make it hard for you to sleep at night? Does it affect your diet? Your critical thinking? What is your motive and your goal?
Extraplanetary life ranging from something infinitesimally small to something the size of a dinosaur on a yet undiscovered planet


Supernatural anthropomorphized human beings...from heaven...with wings...

Yeah. The exact same thing. :rolleyes

Do I think there is life out there? Sure. Depends what you think life is. We've already found substrates for life out there. 

Do I KNOW that there is life out there? Nope. 

ok Captain Know It All and just how the **** do you know there isnt anything out there like that? you dont so quit trying to **** in these religious peoples cereal. One thing i hate about you atheists is you have this trait to want to put people who do beileve in that **** down. why does it matter to you?

seriously if it makes somebodys life better that they believe in angels who are you to try and be a know it all pompous prick to tell them otherwise?

so an alien who can fly, read minds, and heal is believable BUT human looking people with wings arent? OK...
Extraplanetary life ranging from something infinitesimally small to something the size of a dinosaur on a yet undiscovered planet


Supernatural anthropomorphized human beings...from heaven...with wings...

Yeah. The exact same thing. 

Do I think there is life out there? Sure. Depends what you think life is. We've already found substrates for life out there. 

Do I KNOW that there is life out there? Nope. 
ok Captain Know It All and just how the **** do you know there isnt anything out there like that?
I don't KNOW what is out there. However, based on what we've found the chance does exist that there may be something. What that something is, however could be far from what we expect. 
 you dont so quit trying to **** in these religious peoples cereal.
Well thats the thing.

I don't assert anything.

Theists do. They assert that this god exists, they know what happens when you die, and they know a whole load of other unsubstantiated things that they can't prove.

If they admitted that they believe only because they want to believe, rather than because its true, then we wouldn't have much of a problem.
One thing i hate about you atheists is you have this trait to want to put people who do beileve in that **** down. why does it matter to you?
Because beliefs don't exist in a vacuum. 

I have no problem if you want to howl at the moon every 3rd tuesday. Go ahead. However, if we're discussing these things in a topic made to address said subjects, then don't be surprised when people start poking holes in your claims. 

If you don't like it, tough. Do a better job of making more reasonable arguments. I'm not going to defend your arguments for you. I will, however, defend your ability to express your argument.

seriously if it makes somebodys life better that they believe in angels who are you to try and be a know it all pompous prick to tell them otherwise?
I don't care what makes people happy. I care what's actually true. 

I happen to value that a little more than a comfortable delusion. 

so an alien who can fly, read minds, and heal is believable BUT human looking people with wings arent? OK...
You've created this version of an alien that can do such things.

I haven't.

As such, you're required to assert why you think aliens would do this.

i don't know what aliens can do. I don't even know if there are aliens. I'm still open to the idea though. In fact, i'm open to ANY idea. But if you can't support your conclusion, then I have no reason to then take what you say on blind faith and build off of that. All you're doing is taking your speculation and promoting it as a substantiated claim. 
Is that where you are since you're no longer trying to defend your belief in these guys?

So NOW people are just arguing.

What exactly were you doing at the beginning of the thread? 
This guy. haha

Did I sounded like I was putting up an argument on my first respond? You went up and twisted it in your mind. I bet if I say something about the weather being cold or hot you would put up a fight; trying to disprove my opinion. I clearly stated that I wasn't talking about science or religion on my first respond, and yet you're quick to argue about them. What is it to you personal if people believe what they believe in? Does it make it hard for you to sleep at night? Does it affect your diet? Your critical thinking? What is your motive and your goal?
Why are you asking if it affects me?

This sort of evasion tactic is pathetic and theists could learn to stop invoking it when you don't have the gall to stay focused on the topic.

You're asking if it affects my diet? My thinking? Whats my goal?

My goal is to find things that are true, real, or valid.

If not, then i'm not wasting my time on it. We can't learn if we're going to keep speculating on things that NEVER get proven, NEVER have evidence, NEVER support their claims, NEVER assert anything reasonable.

I'm done dealing with this mental masturbation of "well maybe when you die XYZ happens" or "maybe its god trying to reach us!"




Thats all I hear from you all. 

Do you have ANYTHING novel to say? Something new? Something we haven't discovered other than your barbershop level assumptions that you don't even care enough to validate? 

I respect creative thought, but at some point or another, it has to come through with some means of validating itself beyond mere speculation and wild conjecture.
I don't KNOW what is out there. However, based on what we've found the chance does exist that there may be something. What that something is, however could be far from what we expect. 

Well thats the thing.

I don't assert anything.

Theists do. They assert that this god exists, they know what happens when you die, and they know a whole load of other unsubstantiated things that they can't prove.

If they admitted that they believe only because they want to believe, rather than because its true, then we wouldn't have much of a problem.

Because beliefs don't exist in a vacuum. 

I have no problem if you want to howl at the moon every 3rd tuesday. Go ahead. However, if we're discussing these things in a topic made to address said subjects, then don't be surprised when people start poking holes in your claims. 

If you don't like it, tough. Do a better job of making more reasonable arguments. I'm not going to defend your arguments for you. I will, however, defend your ability to express your argument.

I don't care what makes people happy. I care what's actually true. 

I happen to value that a little more than a comfortable delusion. 

You've created this version of an alien that can do such things.

I haven't.

As such, you're required to assert why you think aliens would do this.

i don't know what aliens can do. I don't even know if there are aliens. I'm still open to the idea though. In fact, i'm open to ANY idea. But if you can't support your conclusion, then I have no reason to then take what you say on blind faith and build off of that. All you're doing is taking your speculation and promoting it as a substantiated claim. 

What and how is it a problem to you personal?
Why are you asking if it affects me?

This sort of evasion tactic is pathetic and theists could learn to stop invoking it when you don't have the gall to stay focused on the topic.

You're asking if it affects my diet? My thinking? Whats my goal?

My goal is to find things that are true, real, or valid.

If not, then i'm not wasting my time on it. We can't learn if we're going to keep speculating on things that NEVER get proven, NEVER have evidence, NEVER support their claims, NEVER assert anything reasonable.

I'm done dealing with this mental masturbation of "well maybe when you die XYZ happens" or "maybe its god trying to reach us!"




Thats all I hear from you all. 

Do you have ANYTHING novel to say? Something new? Something we haven't discovered other than your barbershop level assumptions that you don't even care enough to validate? 

I respect creative thought, but at some point or another, it has to come through with some means of validating itself beyond mere speculation and wild conjecture.

Not everything in this world can be explain, the pyramids for example; people in general/ scientist can't even prove how it was built but it's there. It exist!
Why are you asking if it affects me?

This sort of evasion tactic is pathetic and theists could learn to stop invoking it when you don't have the gall to stay focused on the topic.

You're asking if it affects my diet? My thinking? Whats my goal?

My goal is to find things that are true, real, or valid.

If not, then i'm not wasting my time on it. We can't learn if we're going to keep speculating on things that NEVER get proven, NEVER have evidence, NEVER support their claims, NEVER assert anything reasonable.

I'm done dealing with this mental masturbation of "well maybe when you die XYZ happens" or "maybe its god trying to reach us!"




Thats all I hear from you all. 

Do you have ANYTHING novel to say? Something new? Something we haven't discovered other than your barbershop level assumptions that you don't even care enough to validate? 

I respect creative thought, but at some point or another, it has to come through with some means of validating itself beyond mere speculation and wild conjecture.

Not everything in this world can be explain, the pyramids for example; people in general/ scientist can't even prove how it was built but it's there. It exist!
There are tons of theories about how the pyramids have been made.

Here is one of them:

Unless you think aliens did it...which is just a slap in the face to the fact that humans are PRETTY damn crafty when they want to be. 

So if we can't explain something, then god did it.


I don't know how the Falcons are undefeated. Therefore GOD! 
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I don't KNOW what is out there. However, based on what we've found the chance does exist that there may be something. What that something is, however could be far from what we expect. 

Well thats the thing.

I don't assert anything.

Theists do. They assert that this god exists, they know what happens when you die, and they know a whole load of other unsubstantiated things that they can't prove.

If they admitted that they believe only because they want to believe, rather than because its true, then we wouldn't have much of a problem.

Because beliefs don't exist in a vacuum. 

I have no problem if you want to howl at the moon every 3rd tuesday. Go ahead. However, if we're discussing these things in a topic made to address said subjects, then don't be surprised when people start poking holes in your claims. 

If you don't like it, tough. Do a better job of making more reasonable arguments. I'm not going to defend your arguments for you. I will, however, defend your ability to express your argument.

I don't care what makes people happy. I care what's actually true. 

I happen to value that a little more than a comfortable delusion. 

You've created this version of an alien that can do such things.

I haven't.

As such, you're required to assert why you think aliens would do this.

i don't know what aliens can do. I don't even know if there are aliens. I'm still open to the idea though. In fact, i'm open to ANY idea. But if you can't support your conclusion, then I have no reason to then take what you say on blind faith and build off of that. All you're doing is taking your speculation and promoting it as a substantiated claim. 

What and how is it a problem to you personal?
Stop saying: "Well what if religion makes me happy"


Do you need religion to feel happy? Do you need religion to be a good person? Do you need to believe in a lie to make you feel better? Do you need to be told a comfortable story?  Do you not care if its true? 

Thats like saying, "Well this placebo makes me feel better" 

Its a sugar pill. Its all in your head. 
RELLI45 shut it down, i'm not even going to make a pyramid with all that text, but seriously... in your final days, all the way up to your dying bed, I wonder if maybe you'll ever wish there was a god, and if you would experience an afterlife.
I'd rather be reincarnated and do it all again.
Stop saying: "Well what if religion makes me happy"


Do you need religion to feel happy? Do you need religion to be a good person? Do you need to believe in a lie to make you feel better? Do you need to be told a comfortable story?  Do you not care if its true? 

Thats like saying, "Well this placebo makes me feel better" 

Its a sugar pill. Its all in your head. 

Where in the hell did I say "Well what if religion makes me happy"?

You talking nonsense and you making words/ putting words into people's mouth. Are you hearing voices in your head, bruh? What the hell are you talking about?
Stop saying: "Well what if religion makes me happy"


Do you need religion to feel happy? Do you need religion to be a good person? Do you need to believe in a lie to make you feel better? Do you need to be told a comfortable story?  Do you not care if its true? 

Thats like saying, "Well this placebo makes me feel better" 

Its a sugar pill. Its all in your head. 
Where in the hell did I say "Well what if religion makes me happy"?

You talking nonsense and you making words/ putting words into people's mouth. Are you hearing voices in your head, bruh? What the hell are you talking about?
I responded to the wrong person.

Let me address your original question: Why does it bother me?

It actually doesn't. Just get your religion out of my politics and my government. If you want to believe in nonsense, do it in the privacy of your own home.

However, don't come into this topic and keep saying things and expect that no one will challenge you on anything you're saying. Its not any ones responsibility to defend your argument for you.

If I think your argument is flawed, I'll tell you where, and why. If you don't like it, you can try and present a better argument.

On top of that, I'm not the only one in here who has a view that opposes supernatural claims that get asserted with no evidence or factual backing. 
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