Do people really believe in Angels?

Hope does not force humanity to coexist so that we survive. Nor does it drive humanity. You need to brush up on your history and philosophy and then your history of philosophy.

At least Future MD was intellectually astute enough to understand that on the other hand, are simply too presumptuous to understand how foolish you are by even suggesting this.
If you believe what you said about hope and humanity then there's really no way you're not the foolish one unless you're about to give a new definition of what hope is.
I responded to the wrong person.

Let me address your original question: Why does it bother me?

It actually doesn't. Just get your religion out of my politics and my government. If you want to believe in nonsense, do it in the privacy of your own home.

However, don't come into this topic and keep saying things and expect that no one will challenge you on anything you're saying. Its not any ones responsibility to defend your argument for you.

If I think your argument is flawed, I'll tell you where, and why. If you don't like it, you can try and present a better argument.

On top of that, I'm not the only one in here who has a view that opposes supernatural claims that get asserted with no evidence or factual backing. 

Your first and last step, you're playing yourself like an accordion. Word to DOOM

You said it doesn't bother you, yet you claim to keep it out of your politics and your "government." HUH? OK, seems like it bothers you just fine.

And no was arguing until you started arguing about people's beliefs/religion. This thread is about "Do you believe in Angels" simple question that people simply said yes or no.

You argue just to argue. Closed minded won't process explanation because you made your conclusion already, that why I don't get why you're asking for proof. It's pointless to explain to someone who made their conclusion beforehand. You have an argument within yourself, bruh.
I responded to the wrong person.

Let me address your original question: Why does it bother me?

It actually doesn't. Just get your religion out of my politics and my government. If you want to believe in nonsense, do it in the privacy of your own home.

However, don't come into this topic and keep saying things and expect that no one will challenge you on anything you're saying. Its not any ones responsibility to defend your argument for you.

If I think your argument is flawed, I'll tell you where, and why. If you don't like it, you can try and present a better argument.

On top of that, I'm not the only one in here who has a view that opposes supernatural claims that get asserted with no evidence or factual backing. 
Your first and last step, you're playing yourself like an accordion. Word to DOOM

You said it doesn't bother you, yet you claim to keep it out of your politics and your "government." HUH? OK, seems like it bothers you just fine.

And no was arguing until you started arguing about people's beliefs/religion. This thread is about "Do you believe in Angels" simple question that people simply said yes or no.

You argue just to argue. Closed minded won't process explanation because you made your conclusion already, that why I don't get why you're asking for proof. It's pointless to explain to someone who made their conclusion beforehand. You have an argument within yourself, bruh.
You believe in angels. I ask why. You say well I don't have proof. I just know.

Yeah. Way to be honest with yourself. 

Honestly, like I said, having a religion does not bother me as long as it does NOT get in my way.

But if we're going to talk about it, I don't see how much sense that makes to not share my views on religion. This is a thread about those very things. Now you're mad that people are actually talking about those things.

This makes NO sense. 
You believe in angels. I ask why. You say well I don't have proof. I just know.

Yeah. Way to be honest with yourself. :lol:

Honestly, like I said, having a religion does not bother me as long as it does NOT get in my way.

But if we're going to talk about it, I don't see how much sense that makes to not share my views on religion. This is a thread about those very things. Now you're mad that people are actually talking about those things.

This makes NO sense. 

You're not even smart enough to respect people's beliefs and admit that somethings don't have proof to exist. Can't you prove that trillions of dollars debt exist? Can't you prove that trillions dollars exist physically? You can't, but people believe it exist.
You believe in angels. I ask why. You say well I don't have proof. I just know.

Yeah. Way to be honest with yourself. 

Honestly, like I said, having a religion does not bother me as long as it does NOT get in my way.

But if we're going to talk about it, I don't see how much sense that makes to not share my views on religion. This is a thread about those very things. Now you're mad that people are actually talking about those things.

This makes NO sense. 

You're not even smart enough to respect people's beliefs and admit that somethings don't have proof to exist. Can't you prove that trillions of dollars debt exist? Can't you prove that trillions dollars exist physically? You can't, but people believe it exist.
Name ONE thing that you don't need proof to know exists.

Enlighten me. 

Religion is the only topic where people absolve themselves of the same rationale they use in every other facet of their lives to make decisions, gather observations, and discovery things. 
its such a shame this is what NT has become...:smh:

this guy reverts to the same nonsensical, close-minded, rigid, rhetorical argument every time this kind of topic shows up

...'WHERE YOURS PROOF'. 'WHERES YOUR EVIDENCE' hard is it to comprehend that everything cannot be proven with quantitative data genius?

must be as hard to comprehend as double posting is ANNOYING AND SPAM.



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How about you think of it this way... people wouldn't have to "lose their faith" if they were never tricked into that racket in the first place. As a kid, I wasn't the one that made the decision to send me to a private christian school. I wasn't the one that chose to go to church. These were choices made for me by adults. And I'm clearly not the only one. The vast majority of people that are religious are so because it's something ingrained in their families or their community. Many people in this country are told once they're old enough to comprehend words that there is a god and that there are x consequences for not believing in him.
I didn't lose my faith because of anything traumatic. I'll be the first to admit that my time spent at my christian school and at church functions weren't all that bad. I had friends there and that was the world I knew. On the flip side, there were aspects of the religion that just didn't sit well with me. I didn't agree with how the religious tried to legislate how a woman could treat her own body. I didn't agree with the archaic notions that sex was something saved for marriage. I didn't agree with how gays were openly discriminated against and politically bullied. I didn't agree with how the religious pushed an anti-scientific notion of the origins of life and actively pursued to stymy actual science in the school system. These issues led me to start questioning the very basis of my belief. I "accepted" Jesus when I was like 9 years old. That's not old enough to truly understand the magnitude of what "belief" entails. I asked myself the most basic of questions, "Is there really a god? and if there is is there any way I can prove he exists?" I came up with nothing.
To go further with your post, I don't believe there is a god. There also don't exist demons or evil spirits or the devil or angels or fairies or whatever. None of that is real. It's fantasy. It makes for exciting storytelling and possibly great movies but it's fiction.

I guess im your outlier then, I, on the other hand, wasnt forced to go to church as a kid and I attended public school. Nothing was forced or persuaded to me. I found my religion thru my own research and my own experiences. I have been going to church regularly this past year and its something that i do out of my own choosing. I do agree that most kids are socialized to certain religions be thats just the way of the world. People are socialized to most things that they take part in life i.e. sports, careers(especially family businesses), etc.... But just because you grew up around something doesnt mean it has to absorb you. Think of how many people flee violence in their home countries. they dont get used to that. Many people are also taught to believe in traditional marriage but as we all know, not everyone agrees. I can accept what you are saying about your own experiences and i can accept that the certain religion that you may have been brought up under may not be what you have concrete faith in, but i CANNOT believe that there is not a higher power. So in a nutshell, I have to respectfully disagree with you and the other NTers that dont
How about you think of it this way... people wouldn't have to "lose their faith" if they were never tricked into that racket in the first place. As a kid, I wasn't the one that made the decision to send me to a private christian school. I wasn't the one that chose to go to church. These were choices made for me by adults. And I'm clearly not the only one. The vast majority of people that are religious are so because it's something ingrained in their families or their community. Many people in this country are told once they're old enough to comprehend words that there is a god and that there are x consequences for not believing in him.
I didn't lose my faith because of anything traumatic. I'll be the first to admit that my time spent at my christian school and at church functions weren't all that bad. I had friends there and that was the world I knew. On the flip side, there were aspects of the religion that just didn't sit well with me. I didn't agree with how the religious tried to legislate how a woman could treat her own body. I didn't agree with the archaic notions that sex was something saved for marriage. I didn't agree with how gays were openly discriminated against and politically bullied. I didn't agree with how the religious pushed an anti-scientific notion of the origins of life and actively pursued to stymy actual science in the school system. These issues led me to start questioning the very basis of my belief. I "accepted" Jesus when I was like 9 years old. That's not old enough to truly understand the magnitude of what "belief" entails. I asked myself the most basic of questions, "Is there really a god? and if there is is there any way I can prove he exists?" I came up with nothing.
To go further with your post, I don't believe there is a god. There also don't exist demons or evil spirits or the devil or angels or fairies or whatever. None of that is real. It's fantasy. It makes for exciting storytelling and possibly great movies but it's fiction.

I guess im your outlier then, I, on the other hand, wasnt forced to go to church as a kid and I attended public school. Nothing was forced or persuaded to me. I found my religion thru my own research and my own experiences. I have been going to church regularly this past year and its something that i do out of my own choosing. I do agree that most kids are socialized to certain religions be thats just the way of the world. People are socialized to most things that they take part in life i.e. sports, careers(especially family businesses), etc.... But just because you grew up around something doesnt mean it has to absorb you. Think of how many people flee violence in their home countries. they dont get used to that. Many people are also taught to believe in traditional marriage but as we all know, not everyone agrees. I can accept what you are saying about your own experiences and i can accept that the certain religion that you may have been brought up under may not be what you have concrete faith in, but i CANNOT believe that there is not a higher power. So in a nutshell, I have to respectfully disagree with you and the other NTers that dont
What religion do you practice and where do you gain your understanding of said religion? 

I'm curious because if you happen to be a christian, and get your understanding from the bible, do you follow the entire bible? 

And if so, how do you validate the parts of the bible you align yourself with while ignoring the parts you don't align yourself with?

oh and what do you mean by higher power? Having something thats unexplainable does not then say: "God"

Not having the answer to something doesn't mean to get to make one up. 
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its such a shame this is what NT has become...

this guy reverts to the same nonsensical, close-minded, rigid, rhetorical argument every time this kind of topic shows up

...'WHERE YOURS PROOF'. 'WHERES YOUR EVIDENCE' hard is it to comprehend that everything cannot be proven with quantitative data genius?

must be as hard to comprehend as double posting is ANNOYING AND SPAM.



It must be frustrating for not having to deal with the reality of believing things only because they're convenient, not because you can actually validate them.
It must be frustrating for not having to deal with the reality of believing things only because they're convenient, not because you can actually validate them.

your so here talking about religion...its so western and gullible the way you come at it..and its funny because you think your onto something but really.your anti-intelligent :lol:

go study some science, genius....stay in your lane...

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It must be frustrating for not having to deal with the reality of believing things only because they're convenient, not because you can actually validate them.
Well now you know better than to assert things you can't back up.

Its rather easy.

If you believe there is a "soul" or that "angels" are real, then all I'm doing is asking for some way that we can make this real.

I really would like to learn that these things are true, or real, but as of yet, the best claim everyone can provide is: "Well you just have to believe"

Well that answer doesn't work in ANY other topic, as such, you all have done a really poor job of presenting your argument.

Now the problem could be that maybe you could re-state your could come to the conclusion that maybe these things are figments of your imagination and your experience with religion has influenced you to make that leap unnecessarily. 

Either way, if you're going to assert something, the burden of proof rests on your shoulders.

Let me know when "you just have to believe me" holds up in court. 
Well now you know better than to assert things you can't back up.

Its rather easy.

If you believe there is a "soul" or that "angels" are real, then all I'm doing is asking for some way that we can make this real.

I really would like to learn that these things are true, or real, but as of yet, the best claim everyone can provide is: "Well you just have to believe"

Well that answer doesn't work in ANY other topic, as such, you all have done a really poor job of presenting your argument.

Now the problem could be that maybe you could re-state your could come to the conclusion that maybe these things are figments of your imagination and your experience with religion has influenced you to make that leap unnecessarily. 

Either way, if you're going to assert something, the burden of proof rests on your shoulders.

Let me know when "you just have to believe me" holds up in court. >D

if you don't believe in your own soul it's nobody else's responsibility to inform you about anything.

its YOU who is always trolling this argument around here..spewing out the same mechanical crap...its a ******g joke.
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^ why do you find it necessary to debate and argue with everybody that doesn't agree with you? Acceptance of others is part of life, you cant control anybody dude. I know, i know "dont post something if.... blah blah blah" but really though- why are you so unhappy with your own life that you have to crap on everybody else's? I dont agree with a lot of things said on here, but no way in hell its on me to correct and "inform" everybody how to live their life.
I'm unhappy? 


Last I checked, this was a discussion about belief in claims that are unsubstantiated. This isn't some series of unmitigated attacks on the innocent and unsuspecting meek and mild. 

Stop defending people who don't can't be bothered to make better arguments on their behalf.
Well now you know better than to assert things you can't back up.

Its rather easy.

If you believe there is a "soul" or that "angels" are real, then all I'm doing is asking for some way that we can make this real.

I really would like to learn that these things are true, or real, but as of yet, the best claim everyone can provide is: "Well you just have to believe"

Well that answer doesn't work in ANY other topic, as such, you all have done a really poor job of presenting your argument.

Now the problem could be that maybe you could re-state your could come to the conclusion that maybe these things are figments of your imagination and your experience with religion has influenced you to make that leap unnecessarily. 

Either way, if you're going to assert something, the burden of proof rests on your shoulders.

Let me know when "you just have to believe me" holds up in court. 

if you don't believe in your own soul it's nobody else's responsibility to inform you about anything.

its YOU who is always trolling this argument around here..spewing out the same mechanical crap...its a ******g joke.
Its very simple. 

You believe there is a soul. What is it? Where is it?

You're working off the assumption that this is "so obvious" that it exists. So tell me. 

Again, its very simple. 
Lol, FutureMD is breaking down these dudes beliefs. Just because he's using rational thinking and logic he has to be unhappy in life :rofl:

This thread is pure comedy.
Lol, FutureMD is breaking down these dudes beliefs. Just because he's using rational thinking and logic he has to be unhappy in life

This thread is pure comedy.
You know it.

Obviously because I'm a non-believer, I just live in a dark hole, and don't have a life...Oh and some other dude said implied I've never loved a woman.

The things they will throw at you, I tell you. 
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When science becomes a fill fledged "religion" putty shall be pope. It's funny how anyone who believes in science is given free reign to know nothing about how anything evolved by rather just copy and paste another person's doubts and they are applauded. Conversely, if someone is trying to find something higher in this human experience and put it into their own terms they are shunned. We're all children on our journeys especially at this point in our young lives. The median age on here is prolly around 27 at best. Most scientists aren't making breakthroughs at 27 if ever. I can't explain why cucmbers taste better pickled but I believe they do. To say that because someone can't explain what they feel in scientific terms therefore it doesn't exist is a quite sophomoric stance. To those who have fallen into the trappings of explaining yourself,  just walk away. Those who argue the most usually have the least innerstanding.

When science becomes a fill fledged "religion" putty shall be pope. It's funny how anyone who believes in science is given free reign to know nothing about how anything evolved by rather just copy and paste another person's doubts and they are applauded. Conversely, if someone is trying to find something higher in this human experience and put it into their own terms they are shunned. We're all children on our journeys especially at this point in our young lives. The median age on here is prolly around 27 at best. Most scientists aren't making breakthroughs at 27 if ever. I can't explain why cucmbers taste better pickled but I believe they do. To say that because someone can't explain what they feel in scientific terms therefore it doesn't exist is a quite sophomoric stance. To those who have fallen into the trappings of explaining yourself,  just walk away. Those who argue the most usually have the least innerstanding.


A method of investigating can never be a religion.

Your thought on cucumbers is a normative statement and has no connection to any supernatural claims. I dont doubt a cucumber exist, or that it has a taste, so the possibility of it tasting better picked is very realistic.
When science becomes a fill fledged "religion" putty shall be pope. It's funny how anyone who believes in science is given free reign to know nothing about how anything evolved by rather just copy and paste another person's doubts and they are applauded. 
Well see theres this thing call "tests"

And when you make a claim, we can "test" what you assert to see if its true.

I find it funny that you all can look a physics book as just "someones ideas" and not realize that you can "test" whats actually present there.

But yeah. How dare those damn dirty scientists try to compile a book of provable, and verifiable observations about the natural world. I KNOW MORE THAN THEM! 

Conversely, if someone is trying to find something higher in this human experience and put it into their own terms they are shunned.
I encourage everyone to "find their way"...but making vapid assertions isn't the way to go about it.

We all can learn from each other...but if what you put forth isn't supported by any sort of new discovery that you claim to have made...then we're back to square one.

If you care so much about asserting something new that people haven't discovered, you should actually care to validate your claim. 
We're all children on our journeys especially at this point in our young lives. The median age on here is prolly around 27 at best. Most scientists aren't making breakthroughs at 27 if ever.
Thats not entirely true either. Most of the most GROUNDBREAKING revelations were done before most people are 30 only because thats when you're you're smartest and sharpest. Of course many discoveries have been made by individuals much older, since then, who are largely limited by the rush to accumulate the necessary credentials first and then going forth to make discoveries.
 I can't explain why cucmbers taste better pickled but I believe they do.
Personal preference?

The ratio and distribution of certain tastebud receptors present in your unique genetics?
To say that because someone can't explain what they feel in scientific terms therefore it doesn't exist is a quite sophomoric stance.
Thats not what I ever said.

If you can't explain something, it doesn't mean its wrong. It means that you haven't proven your statement. You could be very well right about something, but until you prove it, you can't take it as a given and then go forth to make additional claims.

This is necessary so that we confirm things that are ACTUALLY true and we reduce the number of false-positives we observe in our collective desire to learn more about reality. 
To those who have fallen into the trappings of explaining yourself,  just walk away. Those who argue the most usually have the least innerstanding.
Innerstanding? Is that an attempt at being deep or just making up words? 

Either way, drop the schtick. We get it. You're "enlightened"

Except you're not.

See, part of the problem here is that you think its reasonable to assert things as universally valid without being responsible for gathering the necessary evidence to actually SUPPORT what you're saying. 

It is not acceptable to merely conjure up an idea, no matter how good your intentions or how much you believe it, and assert it as fact, without going through the process of actually supporting and substantiating what you're saying.

If you fell down the stairs and say "god was punishing you," then you're going to have to do a better job of explaining why it was the Abrahamic God enacting punishment on you instead of a more reasonable and more importantly PROVABLE combination of neuromuscular uncoordination and gravity. 
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If you believe what you said about hope and humanity then there's really no way you're not the foolish one unless you're about to give a new definition of what hope is.
The problem is that you are limited in your thinking, as hope has a wide range of definitions, even extending itself into other forms of expression.

That is all.

Carry on.
For those of you that believe, how do you know when its an angel and when its not? 

Is it the fact that you can't explain something or some event?

Are you absolutely and undeniably sure it could not be attributed to something else, and furthermore, by what means do you validate that?
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