Do you believe in "the one that got away"?

Definitely bro. As NT always says, I’m gonna focus on sexying myself up.

Taking it one day at a time and doing something to improve my life and myself each day.

You gonna fall into your next girl without even realizing it

After a year with her you gonna be like how the hell did this happen lol
I might feel like my side piece might be the one who got away if we were to go our separate ways. She’s easy going and is a college hooper. Not a lot of those dames out there.
The first girl that hit on me ever,

I met right before we started our high school years. Back in 99-2000

We dated on some young and dumb to know what love is. We went to different schools so it was difficult seeing each other then. We both went our own separate ways.

Senior year we reconnected via MySpace and started kicking it low key. She went off to college to be a nurse, I went on my playalistic ways.

When It was about time for college graduation I met my homegirls roommates that knew her (same highschool) and she’s been dropping my name around them saying she knew me. I told them to tell her to hit me up.

We reconnected via. Facebook. She’s got a boyfriend, We hung out one random time at a get together at her spot and her homegirl was asking about me. She introduced me and she was trying to hook us up. Deep down she didn’t want us to connect. After that we went our own ways.

She bought an apartment near where my dad lives and I’d randomly run into her on the street Cause everyone eats at the same spots. She’s got a man, they’re engaged.

I have a new life, I met my girl now and we both are having our first child. Who’s the nurse in Labor and delivery? You guessed it. HER!! She was there to help deliver my first born. Awkward maybe. (She was also there for my second child)
We’re good on some great acquaintance type friendship.

Today She’s newly engaged , I guess her and her previous man didn’t work out. (I honestly believe she was holding out for me when I ran into her and her previous guy at Popeyes).

I have a soft spot for her, from her hollering at me, taking her to my first high school dance, when she had a pregnancy scare in highschool, to her father passing, house parties, being the Nurse when my kids were born to ultimately my mother passing. (her dad and my mom are buried almost next to each other, big coincidence)

We both stay in our lanes now. Nothing more than a “like” on each other’s photos on Instagram ( I got off Instagram earlier this year)

Her birthday is in a few days.

Edit. Like Upptempo Upptempo said. They are the person you meet when your emotions are most open.
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Real talk to anyone not over the girl they thought was “the one” you’ll def be ok. After my 5 year relationship ended I thought there was no shot I’d meet someone I clicked with as much. Took a few weeks to think back on it and appreciate the good times, but you gotta take the blinders off while you’re reminiscing. Remind yourself there were also rough times, because if it was perfect the entire time you wouldn’t break up.

Once those few weeks passed, I had a dope year of being single. Improving myself physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, etc. Experienced so much and appreciated who I was and now I’m with a girl who sees me as this awesome dude and 2+ years later our relationship is great.
Yes, especially when that Katy Perry song came out. Looking back, I feel like there was a “window” to end up with someone. Off the top of my head, there are 2 girls that come to mind. Sneakers, sports, video games, my dog, & some friends help me keeps mind of this. I still really do want to be with this one girl from North Carolina
Do yall believe in a "soulmate?

I think you can eventually find another person you like as much or even more than "the one that got away"
Do yall believe in a "soulmate?

I think you can eventually find another person you like as much or even more than "the one that got away"
I hate the term soulmatE; it insinuates there is only one "perfect" match. But that is Disney FairTale BS
Do yall believe in a "soulmate?

I think you can eventually find another person you like as much or even more than "the one that got away"

The one I posted about is the one who I would’ve considered my soulmate and still do. So in turn she was the one that got away and my soulmate
The only thing I hate is that the last time we ****ed/kissed/hugged/told each other we loved each other, would be the last time we would do that unbeknownst to me.
Yes, she was the kindest and sweetest person; I took advantage of her kindness. Now every relationship I have ends badly because I constantly compare new girls to her and how she made me feel. #sadboyz
Of course. Senior year of HS. Cute asian Girl from my home room. We’d been really cool for all 4 years. We weren’t best buds, but knew a lot about each other. Flirted a little bit but I wasn’t too keen on clues back then. Anyway I needed a prom date so I was searching around. My friend introduced me to a girl who said yes. Months go by. Bought tickets, my date vanished from the face of the earth. Now I was super scrambling. Exhausted a lot of avenues. The thought popped into my head to ask the girl from home room. Didn’t think she’d say yes but she enthusiastically did.

Things were going well. Then sometime later she tells me she is barred from prom due to excessive lateness to home room. Sucks. Anyway fast forward to after graduation I finally get the balls to ask her out on a date. She says “sure, we can take my little cousin to see kung fu panda” I’m like nah. I thought I was being friendzoned(possible) or basically being rejected. but part of me wonders if I would’ve said yea what would’ve happened differently. Instead she’s been with the same guy for 10 years now. Could’ve been me
Man... Met a girl through my buddy and his gf. Double date, then it was my buddies bday the next weekend. Spent the night together, next morning was amazing.

My buddies gf ruins it by telling her I’m a player smfh. That was that. Actually just texted with her when she was in Austria.
Do yall believe in a "soulmate?

I think you can eventually find another person you like as much or even more than "the one that got away"

I think soulmates are a real thing imo. Just gotta let it happen naturally and be ready at any moment to meet the right one.
Yes, she was the kindest and sweetest person; I took advantage of her kindness. Now every relationship I have ends badly because I constantly compare new girls to her and how she made me feel. #sadboyz

Cant do that bro, its unfair to her and hurts you in the long run (if you never get back with "the one" ) its absolutely the wrong way to go about things.

To other points stated in this thread. I havent thought about ole girl in 10 years (till this thread) and this happened 12 years ago. Im not sure if it counts but that was the first person to come to mind. I wasnt in love her.

Every other, it ended right on que.
I think some believe in “the one who got away” because that’s usually the person you meet when your emotions are the most open. You love with no hesitation and put 100% into it with no fear of it ever ending. You could meet that same girl for the first time 10 years later and not have those same emotions towards her

This really resonated with me.

Met a girl during an early college summer in a setting just like this. At the time I was fed up with up with girls I had been talking to, some of my friends were gone that summer, and was just looking forward to enjoying the last few weeks of break. Ended up falling in love and decided to start dating even though she went out of state for school and I didn't hesitate because she seemed so invested in it.

It didn't last, but when I met a girl a few years later right after college graduation in an eerily similar setting (home in the area, but soon leaving for school out of the country for her master's), deep down I couldn't approach it or feel the same way because of what had happened last time, even though they were very similar girls. Still had good times together and I appreciated it for what it was, but I knew a relationship probably wouldn't work and was hesitant to start one. She's now dating some guy overseas and I haven't heard from her in a year.
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