Do you think roided up bodybuilders can fight?

Seriously you guys are delusional...talking about "popcorn muscles" they just work "vanity muscles" You can't get to that body builder size without lifting HEAVY weight. They are incline benching 315 for reps...they are squatting 500lbs with you know how much that is?

We know most of NT isn't is that kind of shape....90% of NT would lose to a bodybuilder in a fight. They can generate that much force im sure they can manage to swing their arm in your general direction and own your soul.

Good luck
You can work out and have every muscle in your body at it's peak, still doesn't make you hit harder. Timothy Bradley and Jumbo Cummings being perfect examples.

(Jumbo on the right) Old, very past his prime Frazier who had health problems (High Blood Pressure, Arthritis, nearly blind in his left eye) took his punches with ease.

Both feather fisted. Earnie Shavers (one of the hardest punchers at HW of all time). Just a normal in healthy shape guy. He'd kill ya if he landed his right hand.
Seriously you guys are delusional...talking about "popcorn muscles" they just work "vanity muscles" You can't get to that body builder size without lifting HEAVY weight. They are incline benching 315 for reps...they are squatting 500lbs with you know how much that is?

We know most of NT isn't is that kind of shape....90% of NT would lose to a bodybuilder in a fight. They can generate that much force im sure they can manage to swing their arm in your general direction and own your soul.

This is also assuming its a street fight like you have to stand and trade...not a boxing match scored by judges where you would run around the ring in circles trying to win on points...even if that was the case you would still probably lose.

And of course i agree a professions fighter would win over a body builder...but they are PROFESSIONAL FIGHTERS....not you...unless you are on NT and a pro fighter...then congrats you may win.

Being big and muscular has nothing to do with fighting. Just like being tall doesn't automatically make one a good basketball player. You can't assume that because someone is a bodybuilder they'd have any type of advantage over another person in a fight. Obviously, they will have a size and strength advantage over the average Joe, but being able to bench press or curl a lot has nothing to do with an actual fight.

To echo those who actually train some sort of martial art, I've been doing BJJ and Kickboxing for over a year and can tell you that a smaller individual with some training will have an advantage over a "roided out" body builder. Fighting is not about strength but technique. Most guys that come to the gym looking like they just finished lifting overly rely on their strength which gets them gassed. Also, throwing punches/kicks is not something that the average Joe or average bodybuilder knows how to do. People underestimate how hard it is to throw a fast, hard punch that hits the intended target.

Most of these bodybuilder types (without any martial arts training) are at a disadvantage when it comes to fighting, especially if it goes to the ground and you have some BJJ training.
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Ask this guy. He'll be glad to tell you with a right cross to your jaw. Lets be real, a lot of pro athletes are on the juice especially MMA fighters.
This clowns already been busted. And his first fight at heavyweight clean he got ktfo. 
The bigger and stronger you are, the more power you can generate in a strike and usually means you can take more punishment as well. Pac man is not beating up LBJ in his dreams. That's over a foot and over 100 lbs advantage for LBJ. Are you guys serious? You guys really think a man weighing 145-150 can hit harder than an explosive elite athlete that's 265? Maybe yall are confusing these tiny boxers for Bruce Lee due to similar statures.
The bigger and stronger you are, the more power you can generate in a strike and usually means you can take more punishment as well. Pac man is not beating up LBJ in his dreams. That's over a foot and over 100 lbs advantage for LBJ. Are you guys serious? You guys really think a man weighing 145-150 can hit harder than an explosive elite athlete that's 265? Maybe yall are confusing these tiny boxers for Bruce Lee due to similar statures.

Never seen someone try so hard to be smart. Yet fail so misriably. High level boxers can generate much more punching power than anyone. And you boviously don't realize how physically strong we are. We train specifically to punch and avoid being punched. LeBron would get wrecked by a straw weight.
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The bigger and stronger you are, the more power you can generate in a strike and usually means you can take more punishment as well. Pac man is not beating up LBJ in his dreams. That's over a foot and over 100 lbs advantage for LBJ. Are you guys serious? You guys really think a man weighing 145-150 can hit harder than an explosive elite athlete that's 265? Maybe yall are confusing these tiny boxers for Bruce Lee due to similar statures.

How do we know LBJ can take a punch?
The bigger and stronger you are, the more power you can generate in a strike and usually means you can take more punishment as well. Pac man is not beating up LBJ in his dreams. That's over a foot and over 100 lbs advantage for LBJ. Are you guys serious? You guys really think a man weighing 145-150 can hit harder than an explosive elite athlete that's 265? Maybe yall are confusing these tiny boxers for Bruce Lee due to similar statures.

The bigger and stronger you are, the more power you can generate in a strike and usually means you can take more punishment as well. Pac man is not beating up LBJ in his dreams. That's over a foot and over 100 lbs advantage for LBJ. Are you guys serious? You guys really think a man weighing 145-150 can hit harder than an explosive elite athlete that's 265? Maybe yall are confusing these tiny boxers for Bruce Lee due to similar statures.
So why does Wladimir Klitschko (6'6  245 pounds and current HW King) have a weak chin compared to other HW greats (or hell even other contemporary HW's)?
This is a weird question. What does being a body builder have to do with fighting? Asking if they can take a punch better or throw punches much harder bc they are a body builder are more legit questions. Skinny, fat, big, small... Fighting is a learned skill.
if you cant fight you cant fight period lifting weights wont make you a better fighter

smaller guy that knows how to fight > weight lifter who doesnt know how to fight

id put my money on that any day

go ask any bodybuilder hell go on the misc i bet 90% of those dudes would admit skills > muscle when it comes down to a fight

how wade gon hit floyd? hes smaller faster and boxing is his element not to mention hes one of the best at boxing :lol:
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And Pac and May are just gonna stand there and wait for him to grab them with their hands at their sides?


Nvm, my sarcasm meter is off.
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Seriously you guys are delusional...talking about "popcorn muscles" they just work "vanity muscles" You can't get to that body builder size without lifting HEAVY weight. They are incline benching 315 for reps...they are squatting 500lbs with you know how much that is?

We know most of NT isn't is that kind of shape....90% of NT would lose to a bodybuilder in a fight. They can generate that much force im sure they can manage to swing their arm in your general direction and own your soul.

This is also assuming its a street fight like you have to stand and trade...not a boxing match scored by judges where you would run around the ring in circles trying to win on points...even if that was the case you would still probably lose.

And of course i agree a professions fighter would win over a body builder...but they are PROFESSIONAL FIGHTERS....not you...unless you are on NT and a pro fighter...then congrats you may win.

Being big and muscular has nothing to do with fighting. Just like being tall doesn't automatically make one a good basketball player. You can't assume that because someone is a bodybuilder they'd have any type of advantage over another person in a fight. Obviously, they will have a size and strength advantage over the average Joe, but being able to bench press or curl a lot has nothing to do with an actual fight.

To echo those who actually train some sort of martial art, I've been doing BJJ and Kickboxing for over a year and can tell you that a smaller individual with some training will have an advantage over a "roided out" body builder. Fighting is not about strength but technique. Most guys that come to the gym looking like they just finished lifting overly rely on their strength which gets them gassed. Also, throwing punches/kicks is not something that the average Joe or average bodybuilder knows how to do. People underestimate how hard it is to throw a fast, hard punch that hits the intended target.

Most of these bodybuilder types (without any martial arts training) are at a disadvantage when it comes to fighting, especially if it goes to the ground and you have some BJJ training.

The average joe isn't trained in this....everyone is taking this question and running in all different directions with it.

And you are underestimating a Body Builder as an athlete....have you seen Kai Greene do his super Pause worthy dance routine during shows? He can move...very fluidly at that. Most of these guys played sports growing up and it lead them to want to body build.

I understand there is a chance you get one good punch in and dude has a glass jaw and goes down and you some how win yeah...chances are most people would lose in a street fight when you are standing toe to toe and dude can eat your one punch you get off....pick you up...and give you the bane back breaker and leave you in the sewer for master splinter and the turtles to nurse back to health.
So why does Wladimir Klitschko (6'6  245 pounds and current HW King) have a weak chin compared to other HW greats (or hell even other contemporary HW's)?

You're comparing a HW "King" to other HW GREATS or other HW PRO's. As weak as his chin is, a welterweight is not knocking him out in a boxing match and I doubt they'd be able to in a street fight either. If weight wasn't as big a factor as you guys think, why do you feel that there's only 7 lbs between a super lightweight and a welterweight? In real life, do you know how negligible 7 lbs is? Most times, you can't really tell if someone has lost or gained 7 lbs...

Skill>Size with regards to fighting any day of the week, but it's up to a certain threshold. It's like a female basketball player who can be extremely skilled, but if she goes up against her male counterpart who's far superior strength, size, athleticism wise than it becomes too much of a hurdle in which the skill is not able to compensate for the lack of size, strength, etc. The same concept is in boxing especially fighting hence the need for almost 20 weight classes.
The average joe isn't trained in this....everyone is taking this question and running in all different directions with it.

And you are underestimating a Body Builder as an athlete....have you seen Kai Greene do his super Pause worthy dance routine during shows? He can move...very fluidly at that. Most of these guys played sports growing up and it lead them to want to body build.

I understand there is a chance you get one good punch in and dude has a glass jaw and goes down and you some how win yeah...chances are most people would lose in a street fight when you are standing toe to toe and dude can eat your one punch you get off....pick you up...and give you the bane back breaker and leave you in the sewer for master splinter and the turtles to nurse back to health.

Exactly lol. They're forgetting that more times than not, the more muscle and strength you have on your body results to the ability to withstand more punishment. And if that's not true, why do athletes go to the weightroom at all? Why do we always hear scouts telling smaller guys that they need to "add to their frame"?

:lol: Bane back breaker.
So why does Wladimir Klitschko (6'6  245 pounds and current HW King) have a weak chin compared to other HW greats (or hell even other contemporary HW's)?

You're comparing a HW "King" to other HW GREATS or other HW PRO's. As weak as his chin is, a welterweight is not knocking him out in a boxing match and I doubt they'd be able to in a street fight either. If weight wasn't as big a factor as you guys think, why do you feel that there's only 7 lbs between a super lightweight and a welterweight? In real life, do you know how negligible 7 lbs is? Most times, you can't really tell if someone has lost or gained 7 lbs...

Skill>Size with regards to fighting any day of the week, but it's up to a certain threshold. It's like a female basketball player who can be extremely skilled, but if she goes up against her male counterpart who's far superior strength, size, athleticism wise than it becomes too much of a hurdle in which the skill is not able to compensate for the lack of size, strength, etc. The same concept is in boxing especially fighting hence the need for almost 20 weight classes.

I don't think anyone here is saying Mayweather would knock out Klitschko. He was just saying that its very plausible for a bigger guy to have a weak chin. You were implying that a taller bigger guy is stronger all around.
You think you know what you're talking about. But you're just a huge idiot.


And Pac and May are just gonna stand there and wait for him to grab them with their hands at their sides?


Nvm, my sarcasm meter is off.

Gotta be trolling. Gotta be.

It's street fight! Brons 6'8 250 and the best pro athlete the world has ever seen! Floyd's 5'8 150! I'll take Bron. I can tell whose been in fights and who hasn't. Yeah skill can win you a lot of fights but so does athletic ability and size. If Bron has average fighting skills he'd hurt Floyd in the streets! Neck and chin size is important FYI.
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