Do you think roided up bodybuilders can fight?

Exactly lol. They're forgetting that more times than not, the more muscle and strength you have on your body results to the ability to withstand more punishment. And if that's not true, why do athletes go to the weightroom at all? Why do we always hear scouts telling smaller guys that they need to "add to their frame"?

:lol: Bane back breaker.

agree to a point. a lot of these people watch too much anime where the little quick guy always wins DBZ style :lol:. YES skill counts for a lot but a 100lb advantage doesn't? in a real life situation it could go either way. thread/
View media item 512980
Floyd don't want that in a street fight trust me. Hands will only get you so far til someone grabs you. He don't knock out people his own size what makes you think he'll ko Bron in 30 sec?
I don't think anyone here is saying Mayweather would knock out Klitschko. He was just saying that its very plausible for a bigger guy to have a weak chin. You were implying that a taller bigger guy is stronger all around.

I would never disagree that a bigger guy can have a weak chin. I'm saying that skill only gets you to a certain point and can't overcome any/every size handicap that one is faced with professional or not.
I always thought about this, I think if Shaq was streetfighting Floyd, Floyd would get wrecked. Shaq's fists and elbows would be deadly. I think Floyd could easily knock out Wade and LeBron though.
The bigger and stronger you are, the more power you can generate in a strike and usually means you can take more punishment as well. Pac man is not beating up LBJ in his dreams. That's over a foot and over 100 lbs advantage for LBJ. Are you guys serious? You guys really think a man weighing 145-150 can hit harder than an explosive elite athlete that's 265? Maybe yall are confusing these tiny boxers for Bruce Lee due to similar statures.

what the fuq? smfh

1.) the bigger/stronger you are=more KO IS WRONG. Knock out power is something natural and cannot be gained from lifting weights. You can maximize the natural power you have by refining your technique, but it you wont go from pillow fist to heavy handed.

"youre either born with it(knock out power) or your not" - freddie roach

2.) wtf? taking punishment and size are NOT related. once again this is primarily genetics and sooo many factors effect it. lmao do you guys just make this stuff up and post it?
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I always thought about this, I think if Shaq was streetfighting Floyd, Floyd would get wrecked. Shaq's fists and elbows would be deadly. I think Floyd could easily knock out Wade and LeBron though.

Cuz dont knock out people his own size! Hell it took 2 cheap shots to knock out Ortiz!
I hope you guys know people like LeBron an Shaq box and train some parts of MMA for conditioning. They somewhat know what to do.
2.) wtf? taking punishment and size are NOT related. once again this is primarily genetics and sooo many factors effect it. lmao do you guys just make this stuff up and post it?

I agree with most of what you said. Size may not matter but strength defiantly helps with taking punishment. Punch a couch potato in the stomach vs someone with a good core.
View media item 512980
Floyd don't want that in a street fight trust me. Hands will only get you so far til someone grabs you. He don't knock out people his own size what makes you think he'll ko Bron in 30 sec?

I think you're severely underestimating how quick and accurate Floyd is.

Making the comparison "he can't knock out people his own size, what makes you think he can knockout someone bigger than him?" :smh:

You know those people his size are also professional boxers, right?
The average joe isn't trained in this....everyone is taking this question and running in all different directions with it.

And you are underestimating a Body Builder as an athlete....have you seen Kai Greene do his super Pause worthy dance routine during shows? He can move...very fluidly at that. Most of these guys played sports growing up and it lead them to want to body build.

I understand there is a chance you get one good punch in and dude has a glass jaw and goes down and you some how win yeah...chances are most people would lose in a street fight when you are standing toe to toe and dude can eat your one punch you get off....pick you up...and give you the bane back breaker and leave you in the sewer for master splinter and the turtles to nurse back to health

Or...I could take a beer bottle and smash it over his head and knock him out. See how useless it is to talk about fighting skills in the context of a street fight? The average Joe can beat a trained fighter in a street fight if they kick them in the balls repeatedly...

Just because you're a good athlete (w/e that means) doesn't mean you can translate those skills to fighting. Bodybuilders' size limits their cardio drastically, and being able to throw a technically sound punch is much more important than having huge biceps in a fight.

If you want to have a discussion on fighting skills, body builders and size in general has nothing to do with how you'll perform in a fight.

People need to realize that fighting is not as easy as it looks. The average Joe (or average body builder) with no training has no concept of distance, timing, movement, etc. and to expect them to have good offense and defense because they lift is ridiculous.

And if you think Floyd (or any MMA fighter that size) can't beat up a pro-NFL/NBA player regardless of size you're delusional. Get off NT and go train at a MMA/boxing gym and tell us how your lifting/size translates into fighting skills.
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I think you're severely underestimating how quick and accurate Floyd is.

Making the comparison "he can't knock out people his own size, what makes you think he can knockout someone bigger than him?" :smh:

You know those people his size are also professional boxers, right?

I don't think you understand that boxing doesn't transition into street fights like you think. Boxing is almost a calm science while street fights are just 2 angry men trying to really hurt each other. Bron would kill Money May!
The average joe isn't trained in this....everyone is taking this question and running in all different directions with it.

And you are underestimating a Body Builder as an athlete....have you seen Kai Greene do his super Pause worthy dance routine during shows? He can move...very fluidly at that. Most of these guys played sports growing up and it lead them to want to body build.

I understand there is a chance you get one good punch in and dude has a glass jaw and goes down and you some how win yeah...chances are most people would lose in a street fight when you are standing toe to toe and dude can eat your one punch you get off....pick you up...and give you the bane back breaker and leave you in the sewer for master splinter and the turtles to nurse back to health

Or...I could take a beer bottle and smash it over his head and knock him out. See how useless it is to talk about fighting skills in the context of a street fight? The average Joe can beat a trained fighter in a street fight if they kick them in the balls repeatedly...

Just because you're a good athlete (w/e that means) doesn't mean you can translate those skills to fighting. Bodybuilders' size limits their cardio drastically, and being able to throw a technically sound punch is much more important than having huge biceps in a fight.

If you want to have a discussion on fighting skills, body builders and size in general has nothing to do with how you'll perform in a fight.

People need to realize that fighting is not as easy as it looks. The average Joe (or average body builder) with no training has no concept of distance, timing, movement, etc. and to expect them to have good offense and defense because they lift is ridiculous.

And if you think Floyd (or any MMA fighter that size) can't beat up a pro-NFL/NBA player regardless of size you're delusional. Get off NT and go train at a MMA/boxing gym and tell us how your lifting/size translates into fighting skills.

Ok so we can't talk fighting skills in the context of a street fight?.....guess this whole thread is non-existent then
Saying an average joe can beat a trained fighter in a street fight is still a dumb statement (no offense)

I have done boxing training and sparred before (i frequent the boxing thread in S&T) you are way over estimating how hard it is to throw a punch and hit a non skilled human.

I dont understand how people can't see that a Man who out weighs you by at least 100 pounds...who at least has some athletic ability because you need it to be a body builder and understands leverage and body positioning and need that to properly lift all that weight without getting hurt...can crush the average joe in a fight.

Again....not the average "Trained in MMA and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu" Joe.....90% of the world.....

NT...always surprising me
This thread got derailed when the Mayweather vs D Wade talk started

This thread is supposed to be about a bodybuilder vs average joe.
You think you know what you're talking about. But you're just a huge idiot.


And Pac and May are just gonna stand there and wait for him to grab them with their hands at their sides?


Nvm, my sarcasm meter is off.

Gotta be trolling. Gotta be.

It's street fight! Brons 6'8 250 and the best pro athlete the world has ever seen! Floyd's 5'8 150! I'll take Bron. I can tell whose been in fights and who hasn't. Yeah skill can win you a lot of fights but so does athletic ability and size. If Bron has average fighting skills he'd hurt Floyd in the streets! Neck and chin size is important FYI.

Oh, you were being serious.
I don't get how you don't get it? I've yet to see you reply with anything valid.

You're asking for validity in a thread dedicated to the question of whether or not bodybuilders can throw.....think about it. :lol:
This thread got derailed when the Mayweather vs D Wade talk started

This thread is supposed to be about a bodybuilder vs average joe.
Naw, it was over when dudes who've never seen a gym in their lives jumped on here talking about lifting does nothing but make you slow and easy to KO
Naw, it was over when dudes who've never seen a gym in their lives jumped on here talking about lifting does nothing but make you slow and easy to KO

Right lol. I've played ball practically all my life, and my man is an amateur boxer right now at the moment on the verge of turning pro. He's older then I am, for he's in his late 20s. I train with him here and there, usually on average about once a week sometimes two. He gets personal training from a boxer who was a WBA title holder that's from around our way. And while the guy isn't the boxer he used to be, he just retired in 2010. My man spars with him multiple times a week, and I've witnessed them actually try to knock each other's heads off (not saying the ex-pro was going 100% but how much can you hold back when your opponent is trying to hurt you?).

But in an effort not to ramble, I'm always picking my man's brain about boxing in the same way he picks the ex-pro's brain. He tells me what the ex-pro boxers punches feel like. He's made the ex-pro bleed. I've held the mitts for my man and vice versa. I've halfway sparred with him also. For the longest he's been trying to get me to pick it up because he swears I'm a natural. I only say that to say that it's not that I'm a natural, for I believe it's my athletic ability and just having a decent understanding of how to fight. It's not rocket science. My man weighs 175-180 at the moment, and is 6'3. I'm 6'0 sometimes in between 6 and 6'1. And as much as he trains or whatever, I'm almost positive I can hold my own. Our little spar sessions proved that in my opinion.

And honestly speaking, I think even the weight discrepancy between my man and Mayweather is too great. I'm almost positive that if he caught Mayweather with one of his straights that May would be out. I've discussed this with him, but I also told him that's the easy part. Being able to actually land on Mayweather is where Mayweather makes his money.
^^^^ And all of that is to say I'm not no Wade or Bron. Neither is my man....
Dog.....Floyd has whipped PROFESSIONAL BOXERS D-Wade's height without breaking a sweat.

Flash would be on his back counting stars.

And these guys weighed how much exactly?....

Go look at the Mayweather/Tony Pep fight if you want to know how he would do against a 6 footer.

Light work.

I've heard of him making 6 foot plus heavyweights bleed on the regular in sparring sessions.

What does bleeding have to do with anything? A 2 year old can make your nose bleed if they headbutt you hard enough.

Who heard about the 50 and Floyd fight? Did 50 die or get dropped?
Was just about to say this, 50 and Floyd said 50 got rocked but he barely stumbled

There are two arguments tho, 1) Floyd's hands are registered deadly weapons in Nevada, and they were at his house in Vegas, 2) 50 was trying to literally rob Floyd so I guess he could argue self defense which would make the argument that Floyd really hit em hard a little plausible

It's a shaky example
Oh, you were being serious.

I don't get how you don't get it? I've yet to see you reply with anything valid.

The basis of your whole argument is all Lebron has to do is rush at May and grab him and it'll be over.

And you have the audacity to question my validity?

I'll ask it again, do you think May or Pac are just going to stand there waiting for Lebron to grab them? Lebron would be on the ground before he even gets a hand on them.
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