Does america have a speech problem? vol...jameis winston

and seeing how none of us will ever be in that position how about you come up with a more logical, thoughtful and realistic come back.
LMAO this thread is hilarious folk going back and forth over how a football player speaks. Hilarious
Personally, I don't think he is a poor speaker or unable able to speak properly.  If you feel differently, then so be it.  Also, even if he were the face of the university and the football team as you put it, he's just that.......the FACE, not the mouthpiece. 

He's not the pubic relations manager, not the spokesperson, not the dean, not the chancellor or any other title that is associated with and more importantly directly PAID by the university to perform said task.  He's a just recently turned 20 year old student athlete, 20.........that most likely had an influx of emotion and adrenaline all at one time as cameras rushed up to him after he just won the biggest game of his life. 
But don't be naive, you know the face of the university means the person who speaks and represents the university...they aren't a mime or a picture. C'mon.


all these kids in big time universities who are on TV and do interviews are ALL put through media training. They are taught how to speak in those situations what to say and what not to say
Champ I'm asking YOU not to be naive.  If that is your definition of "the face of the university" then once again I strongly disagree with you.  He's not a paid staffer, he's not the SGA president, not the President of the university.  He's a student athlete that most likely ONLY speaks on is looked to on football matters at the school.  To truly be the FACE of the university I would think you would have to be able to be able to speak on more than that just one segment of an entity.  

If there is a problem between certain fraternities on campus, you think anybody is going to Jameis to speak on and represent for the university, if the school board votes to raise tuition for the upcoming year by 25% that anyone on campus is looking to Jameis to speak and represent for the university, if all the dinning halls on campus change there hours and close at 4pm instead of 7pm do you think anyone is coming up to Jameis for him to speak or represent the student body or the university on the matter??

Also, if you want to look at Jameis's interviews, please look at some of his other interviews when he KNOWS he is heading into an interview like his pressers during the week of some of the regular seasons football games and tell me what you think. 
What I also dont get is there's people like LeBron who uses bad grammar on purpose and no one gets on him but an 18 year old kid stumbles over some words and the world gets on him about it. LeBron is very poised with the way he talks, he is a good speaker, but if we're going to nitpick why hasnt anyone called him out? Pick on the 18 year old but not the 29 year old worl famous superstar :smh:

Old white America really has no life at all. Constantly getting butthurt over the most trivial @#$%.

Same type of people who get angry because there's a "Press 2 for Spanish" option on automated phone lines. How does that even affect your life in any way :lol:
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The problem is he hasn't had media training.

He hasn't learned to adapt his voice to the situation to speak clear and efficient on the big stage

I could understand him easily but I also see where the problems could be seen or people calling him 'dumb' cause of the accent

He spoke like he was speaking to friends when he was speaking to millions.

ALSO! The reason people don't get on to lebron is because he makes mistakes speaking clearly and efficient

Jameis made them while he was just talking 'normal'. Which at the moment and on his birthday and after just scoring is completely okay :lol:
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Yeah people can't speak proper English but i dont fault Jameis in this scenario. He's a country boy and just won the national title. Let the kid breathe.
Old white America really has no life at all. Constantly getting butthurt over the most trivial @#$%.

Same type of people who get angry because there's a "Press 2 for Spanish" option on automated phone lines. How does that even affect your life in any way :lol:

So true. :lol:
just country. he doesn't sound any worse than a guy like brett favre
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I heard nothing wrong with how he sounded last night. I also thought people went way to hard on that beauty pageant contestant that got nervous on stage when asked a poorly worded question. AJ McCarons mom is just bitter. Where was she when Eli Manning or George W Bush were speaking in public?

Fam just won the BCS National Championship as freshman......

Heisman, as a freshman.....

Not guilty.....

In that moment who wouldn't be a little incoherent?

I'd be talking all sorts of incoherent *** junk. Ignant as ****. I'd be shoutin' out all the homies, my fam, my school, everything. I'd be so turned up I might start choosin' ******* right on camera. Just pointin' out into the stands like you, you, you, AJ's mom and you.....You're all catchin' the D tonight.

C'mon with this ********.
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That isn't simply a southern accent, that's just being uneducated and illiterate. I've seen his other interviews, he doesn't "sound" too bright.
he didn't sound bright to you ..

But he seemed bevy enough to get into Stanford.

Seems legit.
and seeing how none of us will ever be in that position how about you come up with a more logical, thoughtful and realistic come back.
That's the point. You have no clue what he's going through yet want to judge him off of a 1-2 min sound clip. Y'all just need to come out and say I had money on the tigers lol.
:stoneface: to anyone and everyone critiquing.

Do something epic in your life that you wanted more than ANYTHING, and then try to sound coherent in an interview immediately after you just realized your dream.

He's young, there will be more huge games ahead as a sophomore.

And even bigger games in the NFL.

He'll do more interviews, and guess what? He'll sound a lot clearer/be better spoken. It's something you get accustomed to. So comparing him to pro athletes and politicians and pageant girls is pretty ******g dumb, those people are very rehearsed. They've spoken a TON of times to the media. Plus politicians have speech writers. A lot of athletes are coached on media relations. Pageant girls are also coached on their mouthpiece (in more ways than one :wink: ), so give this kid a break.

:smokin Shine on young Jameis, shine on.
That isn't simply a southern accent, that's just being uneducated and illiterate. I've seen his other interviews, he doesn't "sound" too bright.
he didn't sound bright to you ..

But he seemed bevy enough to get into Stanford.

Seems legit.

Yet you're in threads talking about how institutionalized education isn't really a measurement of someone's intelligence

Sounds legit
He's from the south so i really don't expect him to sound like someone from NY.

AJ McCarron's mom just wanted to remain relevant since her son's college career is done and the best he'll be is a solid backup in the nfl.

Ya'll need to stop with the Stanford talk to prove points, though. School gave him admission for his athletic skills.
Being "country" should not be used as an excuse. I'm from Mississippi (let the jokes fly), and it's so frustating hearing some

people (black, white, whatever) talk. It just feeds into the negative stereotypes. I will admit that I was highly critical of

Jameis, but that was before I knew about his GPA. In my defense, he didn't sound "smart". As a substitute teacher, I find that

young, black men would rather sound "hood" than smart. It is almost as if talking proper equates to weakness or wanting to be

white. Some of the young men couldn't complete writing assignments, but those same young men knew all the words to Future,Migos, Gucci, and Chief Keef.
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If Jameis Winston isn't speaking English then she's definitely not speaking English neither
Dude just won the Heisman and National Championship, of course people are gonna be reaching to critique and hate on him. Manziel had a full summer of bad publicity after he won the Heisman, and he didn't even win the 'ship.

I think he's kind of corny if anything, ever since I saw that "my brothers, put a smile on your face" locker room speech.
I'm just about to get my degree in speech-language pathology and I can say I understood Jameis perfectly well. And my ear is trained to differentiate dialects, accents, and tones by region from actual misarticulations.

Who the hell is this lady to make a comment about this kid's speech. People just like stirring the pot man. Shameful.
Spur of the moment and my man was hyped....why judge him off of that? Anyways, check some of his speeches/interviews in a more formal setting. Totally different guy.
Spur of the moment and my man was hyped....why judge him off of that? Anyways, check some of his speeches/interviews in a more formal setting. Totally different guy.

yea i agree, the guy just won a championship with his team...he was probably going through all types of emotions during that moment...

aMuricuh gonna aMuricuh of course
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lol how salty you can be.. her son wen't out like a loser and lost the trophy to Jameis.                                                                                       I mean don't be so blatant that you're mad
her son lost the game to auburn , alabama's rival

so she was probably rooting for florida state

plus it's not like a wrestling belt , aj mccarron has 3 national titles
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