Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Anyone know where to get quality rugby shirts at a decent price? ($30 or less?)

I figure if uniqlo can do polos for 20 bucks, someone might be doing rugbys as well.

The merona brand rugby shirts from target are nice. Not sure if they carry them at the moment but I picked one up last year for around $20 and it fits very well.
Had my girl take some pics. Excuse my desert boots I'm staying at my girls place tonight and dot have any dress shoes here.




Suggestions on alterations besides hemming the pants?

Jacket is 38S tailored fit and pants are 30/30 slim tailored fit. I'm 5'8" 140 lbs.

return it and get a 36
Called shoe bank at +1 (262) 785-6666

Got RL black calf penny loafers and brown wingtips, also a pair of shoe trees, total came to $270 shipped, very tempted to add more, but I contained myself

Thanks BAMA for the heads up an offering to help
Bury, at your size, you likely can use waist suppression. Also yes, shorten sleeves to wrist bone. Otherwise great fit overall.
Define "cheap", for most in this thread a "cheap" suit is in the $250-300 range. (Express, Banana Republic w/codes)

Cheaper than that ($100-200): H&M, Zara, etc.

I got you.

Seems like H&M will be a good choice.

One more question.

I plan on dressing more business casual at work. Any advice on what colors to pick?

I plan on getting black and tan color dress pants. Not sure what color shirts to get so i don't look like I'm wearing the same thing everyday lol

Any help?
^swap the black pants for navy or grey, much more versatile, shirts stick with white, light blue, simple colors and patterns that can be rotated should be your foundation
Anyone know where to get quality rugby shirts at a decent price? ($30 or less?)

I figure if uniqlo can do polos for 20 bucks, someone might be doing rugbys as well.
a bit off topic but i was somewhat impressed with the polo i ordered from uniqlo based on the material (dry polo held up very well in 90+ degrees) and fit uptop...

...but its a tad long for my liking and not as slim as in the torso as i had hoped. im 5'10" 210 lbs. and it extended about half way down my pockets when untucked, which is how i like to wear polos. nitpicky i know, but just somewhat disappointing. maybe ill see what a tailor can do might considering the shirt was very cheap and comparable (maybe slightly better b/c of the dry aspect imo) to brands like jcrew and BR.
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Sup NT I got my jacket from J Crew today in the mail and I was wondering about the fit.

I was measured to a 35' and the J Crew employee recommended me to purchased a 34 S.

im 5'6 and 135 lb if that helps. The pants are coming in the mail still...

thoughts? any alterations i need? im thinking the sleeves are a tad bit too long?

Only thing I notice is I'd shorten the sleeves just a tad. Doesn't look too big in the waist from the pictures and shoulders look fine too
Sup NT I got my jacket from J Crew today in the mail and I was wondering about the fit.

I was measured to a 35' and the J Crew employee recommended me to purchased a 34 S.

im 5'6 and 135 lb if that helps. The pants are coming in the mail still...

thoughts? any alterations i need? im thinking the sleeves are a tad bit too long?

Only thing I notice is I'd shorten the sleeves just a tad. Doesn't look too big in the waist from the pictures and shoulders look fine too

Is it just me or can the sleeves use a slight taper also?
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