Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Possible blog name "DapperBroLinkUp"

Glad more regulars are linking up in real life...we can do our own little mini local summits and who knows maybe we can set up a trip down the line for a nationwide summit...Vegas maybe?

Dead, youre not serious with that name :lol:
Seriously sounds like a gay dating website
:lol: gonna get a lot of disappointed men checking out the site.

Not sure what you consider far away, but, I moved from upstate NY to the DMV to accept a job offer. Economy is dead where I grew up so it wasn't hard to move away. This is probably as far as I would move from the NE though because I like colder weather.
That's cool. Best of luck on your new journey. A lot of big firms are moving to the mid west due to friendlier tax and low cost of living so its been a thought in my head.

I had a company that was recruiting for summer internships want me to interview in person for them. Only problem was it was ~1000 miles away, they had no office in NYC and they weren't paying for flight tickets to go to their HQ so I declined them.

From what I've seen, most firms recruit from schools in the same city/area. I wouldn't mind working for a company far away but there's more hassles compared to a local company
That's rubbish :lol: we always cover hotel stay, air, and meals if we fly out our candidates.

I wouldn't move unless its a big jump for my career or its a place I'm interested in.
At the AYO being dropped in here :lol:

As for a move. I'm in talks with a small CPA firm in Florida and seriously contemplating USF (either Tampa or St Pete campus) for grad school. As for other companies and the idea of moving god knows where. Not gonna look into them until grad is finished and CPA achieved. Then who knows, might be doing midday lunches with you Cali bros in a few years.
Not DB related but a question to the gents who are on the tail end of their undergrad career or starting of their professional career, ie Wes and A: you guys ever consider applying or offers from firms that are far away? Or you guys look locally only?

Sometimes you just have to go where the opportunity and where the money is. I moved from LA to NY for those reasons really. I had a grad school program and a job pretty much guaranteed to me if I wanted it but I couldn't turn down a grad school opportunity in NY at Columbia and a job at a new school the organization I graduated from was beginning. Plus pay for teachers in NY is about 10-15K more a year.

Not sure what you consider far away, but, I moved from upstate NY to the DMV to accept a job offer. Economy is dead where I grew up so it wasn't hard to move away. This is probably as far as I would move from the NE though because I like colder weather.

Where in upstate did you move from?

:rofl: :rofl:
What are you going to Baltimore for? Just asking me because I'm from there :pimp:
This. Also :lol: at ksteezy pose

Visiting a good friend of ours for the weekend.

Seriously sounds like a gay dating website

What about Brooks(Brothers) & Brouges??

Better Dressed??

Better F$%^ing Dressed??

Suited and Booted

Suited and Booted: The Dressing Better Blog
Wait until fall so you guys can layer for the meet up

Walk into a Starbucks one by one dressed up and pretend like its random
I like that idea.
Bro yall al on the east coast, am i the only one in the midwest? (INDY)
Serg: cost of living in NY is stupid high though. I know a few folks making mid $100k and moved away.
Can anyone point me in the direction of a belt to match the color of Allen Edmonds Walnut at a decent price?
Their manistee belt was on sale in the Nordstrom anniversary sale. Might pop up again in December. Otherwise any walnut will do. You don't have to match exactly for belts. You can find one likely at jcrew or gap that will work fine.
Serg: cost of living in NY is stupid high though. I know a few folks making mid $100k and moved away.

that's why I moved from the city to upstate. It's about an hour commute but I get more bang for my buck. Bought a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo 3 years back, my mortgage with insurance and property taxes is about $244 more than what my 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment that was about less than half the size of my condo was in the city.
Serg: cost of living in NY is stupid high though. I know a few folks making mid $100k and moved away.

My dad had a friend who moved to Charlotte after BoA merged with ML and dude made less per year but still had more extra money to spend at the end of the year :lol:
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