Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Well if you guys ever hear about any openings in the Information Technology/Security field then let me know. If you want send me a PM and I can email you my resume too. I'm extremely mobile, started looking at LA postings yesterday.
FYI a lot of career talk goes on via text from the members.

I'd spend a set amount of time weekly dedicated to applying for jobs. It can be a long process especially with the synthesizing of cover letters and such.
I agree with both. I have been lucky enough to live in different parts of the country. I lived in San Jose until I was 18 went to undergrad in Denver went to grad school in St. Louis and now I live in New Haven CT because I work at Yale. I think moving around is the best way to grow individually. You learn a lot about yourself and get to meet a lot of people. Plus if you dont like it you can always go back home. With that said I feel it is best to live near a big city for the resources and networking opportunities. I have lived in large cities up until now but living on the east coast everything is so close i have a lot of cities at my fingertips. No matter what you do network where ever you go this is the key.

Sorry fellas for getting way off track here :lol:
Getting back on track. I'm checking out the J Crew site right now for some fall stuff.

The Wallace & Barnes Camo Sweatshirt for this season is dope. I would cop if I didn't get last seasons. I'm not feeling any of the fair isle sweater patterns this year.
Getting back on track. I'm checking out the J Crew site right now for some fall stuff.

The Wallace & Barnes Camo Sweatshirt for this season is dope. I would cop if I didn't get last seasons. I'm not feeling any of the fair isle sweater patterns this year.
It looks pretty much the same as last year's to me and I have that one. Wonder if it will sell out like last year's too.
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@Wis I grew up in Milwaukee, have lived in Mississippi, Greensboro, Chicago, Kalamazoo, Cleveland and will be moving to Nigeria in January trust me bro a city is wha u make it. I wouldn't suggest moving to those smaller cities unless the money is great but if you just wanna try something new it won't kill you.

You mentioned exploring international opportuities I would probably go with that first.
you nigerian? you going to do a year of youth service?

or you got a connect helping you side step that? (read: bribe step that)
pricing and suits look really nice.

definitely may be an option in the very near future.

Isn't $480 like hella cheap for a MTM fully canvassed suit? I'm not familiar with the MTM game, but don't most ppl charge at least 2X that? Sounds too good to be true !!
you nigerian? you going to do a year of youth service?

or you got a connect helping you side step that? (read: bribe step that) :nerd:

Man you already know I'm on that youth service hustle but I'm also setting up an import/ export business with my family while I'm there. My aunt works for NYSC so I've pretty much just gotta go to camp, which I wanted to do anyway. I'm gonna stay for a while and "serve" with my uncle at one of the World Health Organization hspitals in Abuja which should be straight anyways. I will still end up having to bribe my way outta a couple months of service tho.

You Nigerian?
pricing and suits look really nice.

definitely may be an option in the very near future.

Isn't $480 like hella cheap for a MTM fully canvassed suit? I'm not familiar with the MTM game, but don't most ppl charge at least 2X that? Sounds too good to be true !!
That's what makes TaT so popular if you fit the build. MTM can be had for that price through indochino but they only do half canvassed. TaT offers $500 range for fully canvassed so its a better value. However, they do not do waist coats.

That is why I am interested in Dragon Inside. Despite the tacky name and even worse lookbook, a MTM, fully canvassed, 3 piece suit can be had for $529 (specifically the one I am looking for) and they use fabrics from yorkshire wool at that. Really good value IMO. Likely will purchase after payday and once the rest of my ebay auctions finish up. I expect by this weekend to have $400 all from thrifting profits to put to my next suit.
you nigerian? you going to do a year of youth service?

or you got a connect helping you side step that? (read: bribe step that)
Man you already know I'm on that youth service hustle but I'm also setting up an import/ export business with my family while I'm there. My aunt works for NYSC so I've pretty much just gotta go to camp, which I wanted to do anyway. I'm gonna stay for a while and "serve" with my uncle at one of the World Health Organization hspitals in Abuja which should be straight anyways. I will still end up having to bribe my way outta a couple months of service tho.

You Nigerian?
yup. born there but spent my whole life in london + nyc (besides school and travel).
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Adrian, if I ever get my savings up, I'm making you take me thrifting/three-piece-suiting.
Bruh, you talmbout being a lawyer. Even if you are underpaid I can hookup the thirft finds my G. Just ask Sergio.
Come take a trip to jersey :smokin
Btw, my freshmen year roommate was an exchange student from Nigerian on the bball team (6' 10" :wow: ). I consider that man family.
For real, Nigerians are the coolest, most respectful cats ever.
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Please give me more info about TaT MTM. I'm a big guy like you and Dirtylicious so I'm pretty sure the fit is for me. Where steps do I need to take to order one of these?
I grew up in the Akron/Canton area, and I really wouldn't characterize it as a small town. Within 15 minutes of my childhood house, I can get to Walmart, Target, 4 grocery stores, a Westfield mall (with a Dillards and Nordstroms I think), etc. However, the problem is that those are all the things that are around :lol:

The small town sense would make sense if you are talking about the culture and perspective of the people working and living there. The midwest is a few years lagging from the east and west coast (imo) when we're talking about fashion, food, etc. I don't think pink chinos would ever fly there though haha, not to mention an ascot while you're sippin' on your whiskey neat at a local bar.

I loved growing up in Ohio (yards, lots of free space to roam the neighborhood, etc), but live in the Bay Area now and wouldn't go back. The only reason I see to move to a "smaller town" is if I had a family and wanted to live in a mansion for the price of a condo in the Bay.
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Please give me more info about TaT MTM. I'm a big guy like you and Dirtylicious so I'm pretty sure the fit is for me. Where steps do I need to take to order one of these?
Peep the website and look through their fabrics


Once you find one you desire, you can contact Jason (owner) [email protected] and tell him the suit you are interested in. He will tell you you need to self measure yourself, which he has provided a video on how to properly do this (got my girl to do mine).


Measure twice and make necessary changes, and send over to J. If you have a suit that fits great now, use those measurements for the jacket sleeve/trouser length only. Everything else, just follow the video.

J then goes over the measurements and based on the height/weight you gave him will determine if everything sounds right. You can even provide a picture to him of what you look like (in a suit if you want) so he has a frame of reference. You pick all the details you want for the suit and be as specific as you want. For example, my first one is Jacket: 3" peak, hacked pockets, ticket pocket (no overlap), dual vents, house cut (more of a cropped jacket) and Trousers: slanted pocket (normal) and one back pocket. Next order will be 3.5" peal, flat pockets, ticket (no overlap), dual vents, crimson red lining and Trousers: slanted pocket, one back pocket, 2" cuff, buttons for braces/suspenders etc.

After that, all you gotta do is pay it and it'll be at your front door within a month. Feel free to mention that myself or Wis had referred you. The only thing that sucks is that he does not offer a credit to any after make adjustments that might be needed but if you provide him with correct measurements, alterations will be minimal. Mine came out perfect expect my midsection was a tad big. Got that altered at my guy and had J dial in the change for my next order (which should arrive right in the beginning of November).

PM if you have any other questions !
^Thanks will not hesitate to PM you if I have a question. Just sent him the initial email. Repped!
For all the guys who grew up in a big city, would you dudes relocate to a very small town for a better job opt? I have a couple of offers on the table, but they are in very small towns in the Midwest.

I had a friend who moved from L.A. to Akron for a job and she said she had to drive like 30 mins to get to the nearest Walmart :lol:

I'm 28, single, live in Chicago and grew up in the burbs. I cant really imagine moving to a smaller city at this point in my life. I love not being reliant on my car and being able to get pretty much anywhere on public transit or foot. If the situation were right and the price is right I'd strongly consider relocating. One big issue that I have and this goes way beyond the above scenario is getting out of my comfort zone and trying new things. I'd be hard for me to move away to a place where I didn't know anybody.
Is there a way to make ribbed cuffs tight/firm again?
Ribbing on some of my jackets are a bit loose and id like to get them more firm again
Kinda random thought but anyone noticing the hypebeast generation growing up and falling into this "dressing better" culture (not an official term, but you know what I mean.) ?

One of the things that I disliked about the hypebeast culture was the attention seeking, competitive, "look at me I'm better than you because mine is rarer, mine sold out, mine are more expensive" attitude. With the advent of the instagram phenomenon it just blew up. It became a competition that was just lame. 

This thread has been golden for me because for the most part it's all love and people are here for the love of fashion and expression regardless of how rare your piece is or how much you paid for it. In fact, a lot of admiration goes towards people who thrift amazing pieces or grab pieces at great prices.....


There are a few peeps in here who seem to have carried over that hypebeast mentality into the world of fine men's wear. More of that "I got this and it sold out, or.....your shoes are just entry level, mine cost much more...." etc etc... Hypebeasts growing up is inevitable but I just hope they don't ruin it here. Nobody really cares how much you paid for your piece or how rare it is. A lot of these people "brand flossing" look horrible while people on here thrifting with a great eye for style look great, you can't pay for a great sense of style. A great eye for what looks good is  what inspires here. Not how rare or expensive your pieces are. 

Sorry, just a random rant in between meetings at work 
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