Drugs and the current generation...

Yeah that **** is a big no go for real, glad i never did it again.
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Will read back through the twenty-something pages when I get a chance, but came in here to post about the recent rise of Addy in the college scene and E in the house/club scene.
i knew when E started getting major popularity in the hood, that the turn was for the worst "05-now". Lean isnt new so i cant even blame that one, on nothing but rap and the south influence. I mean look at the price difference tho, its cost you way more bread to get quality tree, then say a four of lean, a party pack of pills, or even molly which goes for the low.

It's the opposite out here. Quality weed literally grows on trees while lean prices are so inflated its not even worth it unless you're a knock or a rapper. :lol:
excuse me for being old, but what is reggie? is that like stress/schwag/mexican brick pack dirt weed?
yup, everything u dont want. u can probly go to a field and pick some regular grass and smoke it, it'll be better than that backyard boogie like ol boy said haha
DMT, shrooms, and cid wont do that to you though. chems are dangerous but very powerful.
I've done shrooms a couple of times but LSD was by far the most vivid experience in my life thus far.
I don't believe in God, but I was apart of some type of collective being that day that held information beyond comprehension
My memory was damn near lucid, I was visualizing parts of my childhood I thought I had long forgotten
Like it's been said psychs ain't for everyone but man, the clarity, the beauty, I wish everyone could have felt like I did that day.
Look forward to dropping again sometime in the near future
As for the DMT *Future* I'm looking foooor herrrrrr *Future*
[COLOR=#red]gllahone84[/COLOR], your avy recalls an idea I've had for some time now, and that is the notion of drugs being utilized as a covert weapon to pacify citizens. Truth be told, the idea is not an original one; it crept into my mind after reading a one sided exchange between Huxley (Brave New World) and Orville (1984). Here is an excerpt of the exchange, letter, that I think is particular worthwhile to consider:

Within the next generation I believe that the world's rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.

In other words, I feel that the nightmare of Nineteen Eighty-Four is destined to modulate into the nightmare of a world having more resemblance to that which I imagined in Brave New World. The change will be brought about as a result of a felt need for increased efficiency. Meanwhile, of course, there may be a large scale biological and atomic war — in which case we shall have nightmares of other and scarcely imaginable kinds.

If you recall, in B.N.W (I'm assuming you have read because of your 1984 avy), "soma" is the drug of choice. It is the answer for all of one's afflictions, with the mantra being: why trouble yourself with the inconveniences of reality when you can escape to a fantasy of your choosing aboard the soma express? With this drug, as the final step in a series of socio-regulatory measures-- which includes the over consumption of mass-produced goods, socially ordained promiscuity, and indulgence in sports, just to name a few-- the entire citizenry of this brave new world had become "fixed", and were thus rendered useless as far as courting freedom and liberty were concerned. Soma is, effectively, the icing on top of the cake that is thorough-social-control.

All the signs pointing to our (American) society treading and evolving, slowly but surely, towards and into a society like that in B.N.W are evident, imo. We are the quintessential consumerist nation in this world, promiscuity is un-alarmingly becoming standard practice, and sports are increasingly being used to distract us from issues that really matter (why was congress so invested in the Balco scandal, that affected "America's past-time", when there were more important things to be considered? Do you know why the Roman Senate made sure that nothing ever compromised the "games"? Has anyone noticed how the Olympics redirected the world's view from the LIBOR scandal, in London, to the games, also in London?). And now, within my generation, an indulgence in both prescribed drugs and non-prescribed drugs is growing.

Counter argument: "past generations used drugs, it just wasn't advertised as much as it is today". True, but past generations were also very active citizens as far as protesting for worthwhile causes goes; they weren't complacent in their citizenry. They partied hard, but they also worked hard. Their kind of involvement was lost in the transition from "them" to "us". Fact, the great majority of folks in my generation just want to live good without putting forth actual effort and/or hard work. What was the phrase that has become prophetic about us--ohhh yeah that's right, the "instant gratification" generation. We consume now more than ever before, sex has become the definitive opiate of our current culture, LeBron James' "the decision" is prime time news material, and we're imbibing more and more drugs in an attempt to experience new realities (what's wrong with the real one?). Our generation HAS become complacent because we've drunk ourselves silly off the hard work of former generations. Is it any wonder then that the American way of life is on a downward trend, significantly more so during our time? Besides "occupy wall-street", which we can't even really claim because the movement consisted of all different age groups, what is our generations claim to fame as far as social justice is concerned?

"It's not a diss song, it's just a real song, feel me"? I'm not saying drugs are to be blamed for our deteriorating lifestyle; rather, I'm suggesting that our liberal drug use is a contributing factor in our downward spiral as an age group within a larger social and age matrix. I am also suggesting that a conniving hand (see, for example, the CIA attempting to weaponize LSD when it was first discovered) need not use overt force to oppress and control us because honestly, we're a very docile generation. As long as there exist copious amounts of sex, drugs, and entertainment, we wont raise so much as finger in protest of anything. After all, why waste energy protesting in this reality when there exists numerous outlets, each offering a "better" reality and experience. We do drugs because we want a "refreshing" experience (yet again, i beg the question, what's wrong with the drug free experience?) and the next generation does it because it's the cool thing to do. At some point, we'll have a generation that uses out of necessity, and when we arrive at this point, it will truly be a Brave New World.

IDK, just got a lot running in my mind now; my apologies for the long-winded post, if you took offense that is.

Ive heard/seen people on 2C-I but none of them ever acted like those in that article.

I got wet one time and swore i would never do that **** again
Son have you ever tried that Mary Joy incense ****...oh my god!!!

I remember before the ban my dude use to get the 1.5 packs at this head shop...

Herbal incense is more dangerous than most of that hardcore **** imo, and it messes with your concentration and completely alters your thought process for a few days or weeks after use. 

I consider myself an avid reader...but when I use to do that I couldn't really concentrate on any reading material. It was like I couldn't focus at all. I would have the craziest thoughts, and the night sweats were horrible. 

@SuperAntigen I appreciate the insight, and I've had similar thoughts on drug distribution as well, and in particular with the herbal incense and bath salt craze which has been going on for the past few years or so. These legal alternatives are more dangerous than anything ever ingested back in the hippie era, and the CIA involvement in the crack cocaine epidemic has been well documented by those directly involved in the drug trade in the 80's - 90's. 

@SuperAntigen great post overall, and I appreciate any feedback on this issue because it seems we share similar viewpoints, and in no way did I take offense to the post. I greatly enjoyed the read. 

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@super antigen.. Great post.. U feel me on how weed isnt so sweet? Weed makes u relaxed, complacent, lazy, hungry nd pretty much erases anything u were just worried about.. Its being pushed through the media, its distracting us from wats really going on.. Nd that younger generation comin up under the influence is screwed.. All that thinking their going to be doing while zooted is going to serve them no good... Its going to be easy to dismiss their ideas nd.call them crazy just based off them not being sober..

Im ready to take a stand whenever tho
Did Shrooms for the second time last night and I've never laughed and giggled so much in my life. Doing that **** with your boys is one of the best things ever. Definitely recommended
I'm gonna read Brave New World again.  I remember reading it in high school and then calling people in my class Gammas 
^yes, it is regular (crap/dirt/brick) weed

See I would say the reggie is a level above brick, and below mid. But then again what one person will call reggie isn't necessarily what someone else may call reggie.

Their tolerance probably just isn't shot to **** like you dudes who burning through 3.0 in two blunts everyday, a modest amount for some here. :lol:
I'm in the Bay, used get my Os delivered from the club to my door, etc etc. Real top shelf **** out here is not meant to be smoked by casual smokers, it's too strong.
I smoke close to everyday and I rarely throw real bay area loud in a blunt, at my tolerance level it's just a waste. Need like two hits and I'm gucci.

All of this.

I love weed, probably smoke a bowl a night on average, but it's really difficult for me to smoke more than two blunts in a day. More than that and I start to hate weed.

Im curious, could you explain?
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What is lean like? I've heard it's not even worth it you'll be wanting to pull your stomach out of another stomach :lol:
Son have you ever tried that Mary Joy incense ****...oh my god!!!

I remember before the ban my dude use to get the 1.5 packs at this head shop...

Herbal incense is more dangerous than most of that hardcore **** imo, and it messes with your concentration and completely alters your thought process for a few days or weeks after use. 
Haha yeah I smoked that **** everyday for like 6 months while i was getting drug tested and couldnt toke, that **** was intense but the high only lasted a short time for me.

Ill never do them again but one of my best times on shrooms was on shroom tea and going late night swimming in a lake 
Hey guys, are Norcos (the yellow footballs, some people call them narcos) getting popular in your area? I never really heard to much about them until recently, but some of my friends have started popping them and I've seen more people posting on IG and twitter about them.

I try to tell people to stay the **** away but these youngins don't listen. I'm like, look lil *****, you never know. You could be one of those people who can pop once a week and be good, or you could be someone like me where you pop one and two years later you're tying off in a McD's bathroom stall.
@super antigen.. Great post.. U feel me on how weed isnt so sweet? Weed makes u relaxed, complacent, lazy, hungry nd pretty much erases anything u were just worried about.. Its being pushed through the media, its distracting us from wats really going on.. Nd that younger generation comin up under the influence is screwed.. All that thinking their going to be doing while zooted is going to serve them no good... Its going to be easy to dismiss their ideas nd.call them crazy just based off them not being sober..
Im ready to take a stand whenever tho
Your whole post is an opinion and is obviously very skewed
Weed does different things for everyone and I believe it only enhances what you already are.
Therefore if your lazy, complacent person it'll lead you further down that road but I know too many highly motivated people out here making **** happen that are smoking an eighth a day.
****** in med school, small business owners, daytraders, doctors, lawyers, all toking.
My generation's (I'm 20) problems lie more on the shoulders of bad parenting, social media and a lack of self awareness.
The media in general is distracting us from what's going on not weed, if anything ganja under the right circumstances can liberate not pacify.
Hey guys, are Norcos (the yellow footballs, some people call them narcos) getting popular in your area? I never really heard to much about them until recently, but some of my friends have started popping them and I've seen more people posting on IG and twitter about them.

I try to tell people to stay the **** away but these youngins don't listen. I'm like, look lil *****, you never know. You could be one of those people who can pop once a week and be good, or you could be someone like me where you pop one and two years later you're tying off in a McD's bathroom stall.
shmackers gonna shmack... you're doing your part by telling em which is good but at the end of the day they're going to do what they want..
Yeah, I don't think I took enough of whatever it was at the time to get the full effect, but a ninja has been having chest & stomach pains lately, and I'm sure it's a result of what I took :smh:
All on me though.

Those aren't typical side effects of molly. You took something else.

ding ding. never take candy from strangers :lol: not at dub shows at least.

was it crystal, powder, or cap? I do not trust caps.

That jawn was powdery. If it means anything though, I'm also on anti-depressants, and each morning I took an anti after this molly is when the pains were at its peak. Laid off the antis for a few days and have been feeling normal again.
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