Drugs and the current generation...

This generation's drug use used to bother me a lot more than it does now.

I just try not to judge people but it's hard to overlook the damage being done to themselves.

Honestly people can do whatever they want and if they're dumb enough to be heavy drug users then so be it.

All that means is it'll be easier for me to be successful because there'll be less quality competition
Originally Posted by TNW

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by solarius49

Not at all different, plenty of people had talked about regularly doing coke

Do you know the difference between the two?

the kid obviously doesn't
im 26 doggy, and the difference isn't as big as you want it to be aside from the perception of the two.  If you dont think people are addicted/OD/ruin their lives on coke, then you're delusional.  Smoked weed until I was 22, I'll probably never do it again
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

I would smoke weed if I knew where to get some. I think the fact it is still illegal is laughable. I want to try it. There's this fake weed stuff called spice or k2 that is legal and sold in stores down here, but I don't know enough about it and what's in it.
you must not be from Cali. weed is in abundance over here.
I know what everybody is saying. Junior in high school. Everybody sophmore and up are drinking, and smoking weed often. cocaine is becoming pretty common too. It usually starts as someone looking to have a good time (the cool guy, rapper etc.). then the followers or their homies jump in. its like trickle down. 

around my way many people start doing it due to peer pressure, trying to be cool. Then they like it and keep doing it.

ADHD comes to mind, "my generation sipping gough syrup like it's water..."
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by TNW

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Do you know the difference between the two?

the kid obviously doesn't
im 26 doggy, and the difference isn't as big as you want it to be aside from the perception of the two.  If you dont think people are addicted/OD/ruin their lives on coke, then you're delusional.  Smoked weed until I was 22, I'll probably never do it again

Not really what I'm saying. I'm saying there's literally a difference between the two. I'm not talking about perception.
If you're trying to tell me that the two are the same and that "perception" separates them then that's false.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by TNW

the kid obviously doesn't
im 26 doggy, and the difference isn't as big as you want it to be aside from the perception of the two.  If you dont think people are addicted/OD/ruin their lives on coke, then you're delusional.  Smoked weed until I was 22, I'll probably never do it again

Not really what I'm saying. I'm saying there's literally a difference between the two. I'm not talking about perception.
If you're trying to tell me that the two are the same and that "perception" separates them then that's false.
obviously they are different things, which explains why they come in different forms and with different names, but the difference isnt nearly as vast as people want it to be.  Its almost like the difference between ice and meth
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens


23 years old, casual burner (cut back drastically since new years), I experiment with chems/psychs.

I'm not the type to throw them in your face like "YEAH BRO IMA GET YOU #%%#++ UP. YOU DONT LIKE DRUGS?! LOLOLOL". explain to your friends that that plan is stupid and you want no parts of it.

some drugs have actual uses, like tree and mdma. and DMT was a great experience. but needles and nose drugs and anything addictive, I'll never understand why people willingly @!@@ with that stuff. I'm 100% sure the new kids talking about molly are doing it after hearing about it from a song. Wiz made it happen with weed, now you have Mac Miller and Wayne talking about molly... "omg I wanna try that lolz"

k2 and spice are incense, don't smoke that

made me laugh for some reason.

but seriously i feel as i'm a product of my generation and that's why my life is so *#@%%# up right now.
Originally Posted by TNW

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by TNW

you are so clueless it is funny
doing drugs does not lead to failure 

not doing drugs does not lead to success

and smoking weed is much better when you do it at a later age then when you are a teen because the brain is still developing 

how are people gonna talk about drugs but know nothing about them

Does it lead to success, does it guarantee not failing?
You make it seem like you need it, as if it vitamin c.
doing drugs or not doing drugs has no effect on your future

a screw up will find a way to fail in life with or without the use of drugs

same way a driven person can  be successful in life with or without drugs


EASILY the dumbest statement I have EVER read on NT.
Originally Posted by ICY DEAD BENZ

Originally Posted by TNW

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Does it lead to success, does it guarantee not failing?
You make it seem like you need it, as if it vitamin c.
doing drugs or not doing drugs has no effect on your future

a screw up will find a way to fail in life with or without the use of drugs

same way a driven person can  be successful in life with or without drugs


EASILY the dumbest statement I have EVER read on NT.
I could go outside and pick up 10 drug addicts who would tell you otherwise right now 
WOW this thread has my name written all over it.

a couple days ago I was chillin with this girl and she was in my bed just jittering and shaking.
she admitted to me that she hadn't done "drugs" in a long time. I know molly is one of the drugs she experiments with and idk if I should have some concern for this girl.

or is this "normal"?

please someone quote this and help, and reply to me. I barely know people who blaze or smoke cigarettes so idk how serious her drug problem is.
I wanna confront her but idk if I should just let her be...

Not a heavy drug user AT ALL. Not even a little bit...but DMT...son....they call it the corporate-man's drug for a reason.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539


Not a heavy drug user AT ALL. Not even a little bit...but DMT...son....they call it the corporate-man's drug for a reason.
I want to try it but I'm also tempted to stay away from it. 
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by ICY DEAD BENZ

Originally Posted by TNW

doing drugs or not doing drugs has no effect on your future

a screw up will find a way to fail in life with or without the use of drugs

same way a driven person can  be successful in life with or without drugs


EASILY the dumbest statement I have EVER read on NT.
I could go outside and pick up 10 drug addicts who would tell you otherwise right now 
That's because they ABUSED drugs.
I can also go and find you 50 lawyers/judges/politicians that treat their noses on a regular basis.
I just want to come home after a long day at the office, enjoy some good food, spark one up, and watch some quality TV....and have it be just as legal as lighting a cig or cracking open a beer. I don't care about coke, rolling, dropping acid, WHATEVER. To me it seems like a simple request.
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by ICY DEAD BENZ

Originally Posted by TNW

doing drugs or not doing drugs has no effect on your future

a screw up will find a way to fail in life with or without the use of drugs

same way a driven person can  be successful in life with or without drugs


EASILY the dumbest statement I have EVER read on NT.
I could go outside and pick up 10 drug addicts who would tell you otherwise right now 

Dont waste your time this guy mind is set, and chances are he will introduce his children to drugs.
Drugs aren't acceptable. Weed use is, depending on the state you're in, because its medically legal.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by ICY DEAD BENZ


EASILY the dumbest statement I have EVER read on NT.
I could go outside and pick up 10 drug addicts who would tell you otherwise right now 
That's because they ABUSED drugs.
I can also go and find you 50 lawyers/judges/politicians that treat their noses on a regular basis.
okay dude.

and out of those 50 about 48 of em hate there life.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by ICY DEAD BENZ


EASILY the dumbest statement I have EVER read on NT.
I could go outside and pick up 10 drug addicts who would tell you otherwise right now 
That's because they ABUSED drugs.
I can also go and find you 50 lawyers/judges/politicians that treat their noses on a regular basis.
Agreed Im 25 and I've done E, molly, coke, weed and will drop acid and do shrooms this summer at a music festival. Im in graduate school and so many people I've met partake in drug use on a regular basis. Weather it be MBA's, law students, medical students or PHD candidates.  They just make every experience better and more fun. Where people go over board IMO is when they forget that drugs are a EXPEREINCE and not reality. If you go into it knowing that it is not reality and its just a good time you will be fine. Life is all about balance if you partake in drugs, alcohol, food or anything else in moderation you'll be good.  
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539


Not a heavy drug user AT ALL. Not even a little bit...but DMT...son....they call it the corporate-man's drug for a reason.
I want to try it but I'm also tempted to stay away from it. 

Man...I was literally in the perfect place, with the perfect person (my mentor/best friend).

I can't really explain the feeling...but I know it lasted for about 15-20 minutes...man....it was like outer space was talking to me
 and i was talking back lol and we were just communicating and the last thing I heard was flutes and piano keys and than someone said long live John Lennon
 in a deep voice; amongst a whole bunch of other things happening. I didn't want it to end. The clouds were making weird shapes and everything was evolving into some type of weird color combo...a bunch of shapes were correlating so fast and so vivid.

...AND THAN BAM! Everything literally went back to normal in what felt like 2 seconds...it felt like nothing happened. I was amazed! No side effects, no pain, no headache, NOTHING.

Idk man, I trusted my friend (who was a Marine vet) and he told me to just relax...I tried putting one of my ipod ear buds, and he told me not to because something was going to talk to me, so I was like man are you sure about this!? He told me 2 words; 'trust me'. Man, I'm glad I did because that was one hell of an experience!   

I've only tried it once, and I'll probably never do it again; in the fear of getting hooked on it
 (highly doubt it though). I'm not encouraging anybody to try or do it; but of course NT is fam so I feel like I can share anything with y'all.
Originally Posted by ICY DEAD BENZ

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

I could go outside and pick up 10 drug addicts who would tell you otherwise right now 
That's because they ABUSED drugs.
I can also go and find you 50 lawyers/judges/politicians that treat their noses on a regular basis.
okay dude.

and out of those 50 about 48 of em hate there life.
So most people who take drugs hate their life?
OK. You got it.
17 and a Senior in highschool never messed with any drugs. Was so surprised to see how accepted it was in freshmen year, dude next to me just straight up asked me if i wanted to smoke with him after school and i had known him for like a week
. Been offered it a bunch of times but i never bothered. Dont see the point, kind of lame to have to smoke to have fun.
Originally Posted by SolexSup

17 and a Senior in highschool never messed with any drugs. Was so surprised to see how accepted it was in freshmen year, dude next to me just straight up asked me if i wanted to smoke with him after school and i had known him for like a week
. Been offered it a bunch of times but i never bothered. Dont see the point, kind of lame to have to smoke to have fun.

But I bet you find nothing wrong with having a drink right?
I'm 19 and most of the ppl I went to high school with all smoke or drink. One of my best friends smokes all the time and his life has basically fallen apart and its jus sad to watch. I used to most smoke with my friends but we all stopped around the same time 2 years ago, all for different reasons. I never drank before ever or did any other kinda drugs. I refuse to smoke, drink or etc JUST to fit in, thats some really wack ++#! and thats what it seems like ppl are doing nowadays. I hate to say this but I seriously think music has TOO strong of an influence over certain ppl and most of these new drug users certainly fall into this category, all of them are weak minded individuals who most likely will never amount to nothing in life. Its disgusting and sad
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