Drugs and the current generation...

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

I'm sorry why would you mess with stuff you have no clue what it will do to you.How is playing Russian roulette with your psyche and brain chemistry cool. Like how is this a good idea.Yall no the gvt made LSD right for MkUltra this stuff was never meant for good use
no one said it was cool.

LSD's effects were discovered on accident by a Swiss scientist. same guy who synthed it for the first time. the same scientist's research also led to the synth of psilocybin (shrooms) to create pill forms (4AcO families). LSD was tested by CIA/gov scientists during the MKULTRA program but results found it was too unpredictable to be used as a reliable "weapon".

I can agree it was never meant to be used the way it is now, but it's origin was in no way sinister. original plan was to use LSD as a stimulant for blood flow and to increase the rate of breathing but governments around the world learned of it's effects and decided to attempt to weaponize it.
I grew up in the Bay where drug use is generally accepted and people aren't on that holier than though tip. Been a casual weed smoker off and on since 15.

Done coke a couple of times, shrooms a couple of times, acid a couple of times, ecstasy a couple times, molly once. **%$ I think I'm responsible in my use,, there's a time and place for everything I just do me.

I love ecstasy and rolled for the first time in about five years recently. Molly was cool the one time I did it but I'd rather just pop a legit pill and be jacked up if I'm partying on it.

I think I've done acid or shrooms once every summer the last couple of years. Acid x California summers is
x 100000
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by KingZarus

Weed seems to do something different for everyone. Certain cultures believed that sativa was a tool to speak to spirits and while I can't say I've done that...when I get high my brain thinks on a higher level. I'm able to plan, strategize, and analyze things on a much more productive scale. Very rarely do I smoke and just do nothing these days. I smoke and put in work.

Off topic but playing basketball high is 

YES!! When I smoke, I get energized and really put in work. When I started college, I chilled out because I didn't want to mess myself up. Shiiid, until I got baked and tried to study. I've never studied better. It just gets your creative juices flowing. Right then and there, at that moment in time, I was all for legalizing weed. I've made the dean's list twice in my years in college (I'm graduating next month) and they've come AFTER being baked 
... Oh and btw, just in case people think I'm ******ed for graduating "late", I started at LSU, stayed for 2 years and then transferred. Lost all my credits and changed majors. 
Never done any type of drugs, but I swear I be wanting to call b.s. on some of y'all stories 

I've been around and lived with plenty of people who've smoked weed in my lifetime and I've NEVER seen weed make people more productive or intelligent.  Cats either get extremely goofy/stupid or go to sleep.

So I still don't buy this whole weed makes you smart shhh 

But respect, to each his own.

I dont think he's saying it makes you smart, but that it helped him focus. Sativa/Sativa dominant strains will do that. I think if you had more personal experience with it you'd understand its not black and white. There are many different effects marijuana can have. Not ust spurring your appetite or making you "lazy" but some strains will actually give you energy, increase focus, help with depression and/or anxiety etc. There are many peer reviewed studies on its anti-cancer effects as well. Its pretty interesting stuff if you take the time to look into it.
Originally Posted by bbrroowwnnssuuggaarr

 I much rather have my pills cut with an upper any day than pure MDMA. My rolls were cool when they were pure but they didnt last as long cus of my tolerance and I didnt geek as hard with them cut.

Exactly this right here. Molly is fine to me on some chill hype but if I'm poppin I'm trying to get turnt all the way up.  
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Originally Posted by debs 168

so my gf's father just died from ODing. Today.
I don't know what else to say other than that. leave the drug #!%+ alone.

sorry to hear that. I've lost 2 friends to hard drugs, can only imagine what shes going through. what was his poison?
Damn, RIP to him.
So I've chosen to keep a low profile in this thread simply because I want to learn, so I've been doing more reading than responding. That said, at this point in time, I feel the need to clarify certain things, as well as offer my input on other things.
In response to the notion of acting "holier than thou" because of my abstinence, those folks who implied such couldn't be farther from the truth. I don't patronize my friends who use drugs. Like I stated in my OG post, I'm the anomaly--the outlier--when we're all at a party and the subject comes up and people start sparking up. While I'm positive that my friends respect my decision, as I do theirs, I know I'm the outcast, and that position comes with some ridicule, however light-hearted it may be. It's all in good fun, so it's really whatever.

I keep hearing the phrase "recreational use" being thrown around, but let's keep it funky; when drug use/usage is the topic of discussion, recreational use and dependence/addiction is separated, honestly, by a very hazy (no pun intended) line. Personally, this blurry line is what is most scary to me. I have no actual issue with drug substances. It's the human side of the equation that I fear. I won't speak for the general human population, but I know that I indulge in almost everything I find pleasurable: Honey buns, Art and Art history, walking, exotic foods, etc. Simply stated, human nature is what is to be feared here, and this is what makes drugs dangerous. The very real possibility of dependance/addiction. I know myself and I am willing to admit that if I try one of these substances, and I like it, I may have a problem on my hands. I can admit that. I don't, however, think my friends can do that. You say you can go cold turkey tomorrow if you wanted, but can you really--real talk?

The war on drugs is something I've also been following for time now, not religiously, however. While I hear both sides of the argument, you cannot possibly believe that legalizing ALL drugs, or those at the center of the war--which is often the really dangerous stuff too--, is a good idea. I can see and am willing to accept the slow transitional legalization of marijuana simply because too many young people already use it and it's already a lost cause as far as banning its consumption, but the other stuff? To hell with its legalization. 

Has anyone really considered the ramifications, like for example, the millions of addicts to be birthed--literally and metaphorically--in an era of legalization? What do you do with them. Whose going to be responsible for their treatment--the government, which legalized the consumption of the substances responsible for creating these addicts, or the addicts who made a personal choice to indulge?The war has been ineffective only because the enforcers (domestic and international government agencies) have been playing both sides. If there is a real commitment to controlling the parading of this stuff, there will be real results. This is my opinion, and I could definitely be wrong though.

Ohh and last but not least, any "creative" minded individual who depends on drugs or alcohol to drive his or her creative output is a lame artist in my opinion. There's always a real danger in this circumstance. We've actually broached this idea of drugs x creativity in the official art thread--feel free to check it out and offer your input on the matter.

I disagree that the war on drugs would truly be effective if they weren't playing both sides. That has the potential to have a dramatic effect on not only risk but supply which if lowered would only increase demand which would drive prices up making it an even more lucrative business and encourage more violence.

I keep hearing the phrase "recreational use" being thrown around, but let's keep it funky; when drug use/usage is the topic of discussion, recreational use and dependence/addiction is separated, honestly, by a very hazy (no pun intended) line. Personally, this blurry line is what is most scary to me. I have no actual issue with drug substances. It's the human side of the equation that I fear. I won't speak for the general human population, but I know that I indulge in almost everything I find pleasurable: Honey buns, Art and Art history, walking, exotic foods, etc. Simply stated, human nature is what is to be feared here, and this is what makes drugs dangerous. The very real possibility of dependance/addiction. I know myself and I am willing to admit that if I try one of these substances, and I like it, I may have a problem on my hands. I can admit that. I don't, however, think my friends can do that. You say you can go cold turkey tomorrow if you wanted, but can you really--real talk?

I have multiple times. You're right, not everyone can..im not sure I get your point though. Are you saying drugs shouldn't be legal because they're addictive?

any "creative" minded individual who depends on drugs or alcohol to drive his or her creative output is a lame artist in my opinion.

Well, yea.
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by KingZarus

Weed seems to do something different for everyone. Certain cultures believed that sativa was a tool to speak to spirits and while I can't say I've done that...when I get high my brain thinks on a higher level. I'm able to plan, strategize, and analyze things on a much more productive scale. Very rarely do I smoke and just do nothing these days. I smoke and put in work.

Off topic but playing basketball high is 

YES!! When I smoke, I get energized and really put in work. When I started college, I chilled out because I didn't want to mess myself up. Shiiid, until I got baked and tried to study. I've never studied better. It just gets your creative juices flowing. Right then and there, at that moment in time, I was all for legalizing weed. I've made the dean's list twice in my years in college (I'm graduating next month) and they've come AFTER being baked 
... Oh and btw, just in case people think I'm ******ed for graduating "late", I started at LSU, stayed for 2 years and then transferred. Lost all my credits and changed majors. 
Never done any type of drugs, but I swear I be wanting to call b.s. on some of y'all stories 

I've been around and lived with plenty of people who've smoked weed in my lifetime and I've NEVER seen weed make people more productive or intelligent.  Cats either get extremely goofy/stupid or go to sleep.

So I still don't buy this whole weed makes you smart shhh 

But respect, to each his own.

Man I took a take home math quiz baked and got an A on it, and Im gonna take a guess that a looot of records have been produced by people high lol
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Originally Posted by smellyginger

this DMT stuff...any dangers, risks, concerns? I only heard joe rogan talk about it..

@DIOR PAINT 2C family
4AcO-DMT bro. I swear its "the red pill".

That's my next move. If only I could find it. 
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by KingZarus

Weed seems to do something different for everyone. Certain cultures believed that sativa was a tool to speak to spirits and while I can't say I've done that...when I get high my brain thinks on a higher level. I'm able to plan, strategize, and analyze things on a much more productive scale. Very rarely do I smoke and just do nothing these days. I smoke and put in work.

Off topic but playing basketball high is 

YES!! When I smoke, I get energized and really put in work. When I started college, I chilled out because I didn't want to mess myself up. Shiiid, until I got baked and tried to study. I've never studied better. It just gets your creative juices flowing. Right then and there, at that moment in time, I was all for legalizing weed. I've made the dean's list twice in my years in college (I'm graduating next month) and they've come AFTER being baked 
... Oh and btw, just in case people think I'm ******ed for graduating "late", I started at LSU, stayed for 2 years and then transferred. Lost all my credits and changed majors. 
Never done any type of drugs, but I swear I be wanting to call b.s. on some of y'all stories 

I've been around and lived with plenty of people who've smoked weed in my lifetime and I've NEVER seen weed make people more productive or intelligent.  Cats either get extremely goofy/stupid or go to sleep.

I posted this article a while back but some of you need to read it. 


It's all about perception. That's why so many of you keep referencing your lazy stoner friends and rappers...when in reality it's a staple amongst the affluent upper class citizens who hold ranking positions but you wouldn't use them as an example for why "weed is so bad" would you?

Originally Posted by iBlink

Smoked weed one time. It was magical. I literally felt at peace with the world and the answers to all life questions became so obvious.

I said I wouldn't do it again, though. That one high I got was possibly the best 6 hours of my life. Just can't get attached to it and stuff, but I do see the allure.

ASAP rocky's music never sound so good. Blazed with my home girl and listened to the whole live love ASAP. You ever felt music ?

real life...
bruh... pop a pill and then you will be sexed by the music 

but yea ASAP and weekend is so dope lifted
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Ohh and last but not least, any "creative" minded individual who depends on drugs or alcohol to drive his or her creative output is a lame artist in my opinion. 

I disagree.
Majority of the creative individuals who experimented with drugs changed the game for the best.

The  biggest examples of this are Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles (because everyone knows about them... I think).
OP smoke a blunt with a friend before you sleep and call it a day its harmless and relieves stress point blank nothing else you need to know.

i come from the dirty dirty part of the city but never ever knew what molly was until i hit the burbs so im with you on that 1.

I had a friend popped some X and died cause his heart wasnt growing with his body and he didnt even know that but the ex let him know by taking him out of this world so there you go never touched that again,

I dont look at green as a drug it grows from the ground with a little nutrient altering thats all so you have nothing to be afraid of with that but the other stuff go ahead throw it in the drug category jmo
Originally Posted by Spookz312

OP smoke a blunt with a friend before you sleep and call it a day its harmless and relieves stress point blank nothing else you need to know.

i come from the dirty dirty part of the city but never ever knew what molly was until i hit the burbs so im with you on that 1.

I had a friend popped some X and died cause his heart wasnt growing with his body and he didnt even know that but the ex let him know by taking him out of this world so there you go never touched that again,

I dont look at green as a drug it grows from the ground with a little nutrient altering thats all so you have nothing to be afraid of with that but the other stuff go ahead throw it in the drug category jmo

Sorry for your loss and everything but doesn't sound viable COD at all. Unless that X was cut w/ Meth and tone of other %@@+.
mane I used to smoke weed all the time my senior year in high school as I had a hard time getting to sleep after school and work. But recently my sister offered me to try some spice and my $%@%%%! took big inhales of it needless to say I thought I wasn't coming back from that trip.
Spice does that to you, gives you the "oh $*%* I just smoked myself ******ed" feeling
real life spice made me have to @%%# too for a long time. My dad and my sister smoke it all the time but if I even be around them when they're smokin it I have to take a @%%# and I get light headed.
"Spice" is also a negative affect of weed being illegal. That stuff is poison, but people do it thinking it is a safe alternative to marijuana since it is, at the moment legal.
StaXX wrote:
All of my white friends do weed, coke, E, and everything else they can get their hands on.
I've smoked weed casually. Could never be a pothead though.

Black and Asian adolescents are much less likely to turn to drugs or alcohol than teens of other races, according to a new study.

The survey of adolescents aged 12 to 17 years reveals that in total, 37 percent used alcohol or drugs in the past year, and 7.9 percent met criteria that would identify the teens as having a substance-related disorder.

When separated by race, Native American teens had the highest level of drug use, with nearly 48 percent reporting having used substances in the last year. That group is followed by 39 percent of white teens, almost 37 percent of Hispanics, 36 percent of multi-racial adolescents, 32 percent of blacks and nearly 24 percent of Asians.

"There is certainly still a myth out there that black kids are more likely to have problems with drugs than white kids, and this documents as clearly as any study we're aware of that the rate of ...substance-related disorders among African American youths is significantly lower," Dan Blazer from Duke's Department of Psychiatry, a senior author of the study, told the Raleigh News & Observer.

For the study, researchers analyzed survey results on use of alcohol and drugs like cocaine, heroin and oxycodone from 72,561 adolescents across the country. The study is published in the November issue of Archives of General Psychiatry.

Native American adolescents were also found to have the highest -- and blacks and Asians the lowest -- rate of substance-use disorder, defined as symptoms that would interfere with social functioning, work or school, and if obtaining the substance becomes a priority.

The researchers write in the report that the prevalence of substance use among Native American teens highlight a need for intervention in policymaking to ensure the youth can receive the support they need, and to address underfunded care services.

"The use of substances among adolescents in the U.S. is relatively high," Blazer told CNN. "The use and the frequency of substance related disorders is fairly high in this group."

Few teens used heroin, but of those who reported use, a quarter were using it abusively. Teens reported using marijuana more than any other drug, with 13 percent of those surveyed reporting marijuana use in the last year, followed by 7 percent reported having used prescription pain killers.

"A lack of cultural competence is identified as a major gap, as insensitivity to cultural differences can limit the ability to treat and retain minority adolescents," the researchers write in their report. "Taken together, these findings call for efforts to identify and expand prevention measures that are culturally effective and address the quality and acceptability of treatment for adolescents with substance use problems."

A separate report released in June supported previous research that early substance use affects the likelihood of abuse in adulthood. The study, by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University showed that 90 percent of Americans who are current substance abusers started using drugs or alcohol before they turned 18. 

can't say this surprises me at all.  the statistics you dont hear about...
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

So I've chosen to keep a low profile in this thread simply because I want to learn, so I've been doing more reading than responding. That said, at this point in time, I feel the need to clarify certain things, as well as offer my input on other things.
In response to the notion of acting "holier than thou" because of my abstinence, those folks who implied such couldn't be farther from the truth. I don't patronize my friends who use drugs. Like I stated in my OG post, I'm the anomaly--the outlier--when we're all at a party and the subject comes up and people start sparking up. While I'm positive that my friends respect my decision, as I do theirs, I know I'm the outcast, and that position comes with some ridicule, however light-hearted it may be. It's all in good fun, so it's really whatever.

I keep hearing the phrase "recreational use" being thrown around, but let's keep it funky; when drug use/usage is the topic of discussion, recreational use and dependence/addiction is separated, honestly, by a very hazy (no pun intended) line. Personally, this blurry line is what is most scary to me. I have no actual issue with drug substances. It's the human side of the equation that I fear. I won't speak for the general human population, but I know that I indulge in almost everything I find pleasurable: Honey buns, Art and Art history, walking, exotic foods, etc. Simply stated, human nature is what is to be feared here, and this is what makes drugs dangerous. The very real possibility of dependance/addiction. I know myself and I am willing to admit that if I try one of these substances, and I like it, I may have a problem on my hands. I can admit that. I don't, however, think my friends can do that. You say you can go cold turkey tomorrow if you wanted, but can you really--real talk?

The war on drugs is something I've also been following for time now, not religiously, however. While I hear both sides of the argument, you cannot possibly believe that legalizing ALL drugs, or those at the center of the war--which is often the really dangerous stuff too--, is a good idea. I can see and am willing to accept the slow transitional legalization of marijuana simply because too many young people already use it and it's already a lost cause as far as banning its consumption, but the other stuff? To hell with its legalization. 

Has anyone really considered the ramifications, like for example, the millions of addicts to be birthed--literally and metaphorically--in an era of legalization? What do you do with them. Whose going to be responsible for their treatment--the government, which legalized the consumption of the substances responsible for creating these addicts, or the addicts who made a personal choice to indulge?The war has been ineffective only because the enforcers (domestic and international government agencies) have been playing both sides. If there is a real commitment to controlling the parading of this stuff, there will be real results. This is my opinion, and I could definitely be wrong though.

Ohh and last but not least, any "creative" minded individual who depends on drugs or alcohol to drive his or her creative output is a lame artist in my opinion. There's always a real danger in this circumstance. We've actually broached this idea of drugs x creativity in the official art thread--feel free to check it out and offer your input on the matter.

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Originally Posted by debs 168

so my gf's father just died from ODing. Today.
I don't know what else to say other than that. leave the drug #!%+ alone.

sorry to hear that. I've lost 2 friends to hard drugs, can only imagine what shes going through. what was his poison?

Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Ohh and last but not least, any "creative" minded individual who depends on drugs or alcohol to drive his or her creative output is a lame artist in my opinion. 

I disagree.
Majority of the creative individuals who experimented with drugs changed the game for the best.

The  biggest examples of this are Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles (because everyone knows about them... I think).
I don' think it's lame. It opens new and different horizon's, although relying only upon drugs would be a mistake and most great artists didn't. Just a few names:
Like said Hendrix, but I think pretty much every rock star during the 60-70s. And to be honest I'd think most rock stars do. I can't imagine Radiohead without psychedelics, even though they have denied it...Amy Winehouse, from more recent times. MIles Davis, Andy Warhol, Rothko, Modigliani, Berlioz, Baudelaire, Stephen King, Huxley and so on...I think being it alcohol, marijuana or whatever most artists tried it just to experiment, after all they spent their entire lives testing their limits.
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