Ear Piercing

Sep 23, 2008
how many do you have
how old were you when you got em done
parents thoughts on em (if they cared)
what age will you stop rocking em
2 ears, I was 8 when i got my 1st ear then 16 when i got the other one...I had 4 piercings in my ear but now im just down to 2
Mom didn't care but dad and grandparents didn't like it...
I've kinda stopped wearing them recently...
I first got 1, on my left ear at age 16. Then got another one on right a few months later. Parents hate it, but w.e.

I'll stop rocking em when I get into a more professional setting for a career
Got both my ears pierced i was 17. My Mom was heated bout it but my dad didn't care much .. Don't know when ill take em off .. Got some real diamondearings for my 20th birthday .. and baby girl loves em so who knows
7 - ~16.
My moms hates/hated them.
I only wear the first 2 holes now, everything else is closing up.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

My dad knocked me down punched me, hit me with the belt, punched me again. Ran to my mom and she slapped me.

that sucks if thats forreal
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

My dad knocked me down punched me, hit me with the belt, punched me again. Ran to my mom and she slapped me.
damn, I don't mean to laugh but damn. Is it thatserious?
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

My dad knocked me down punched me, hit me with the belt, punched me again. Ran to my mom and she slapped me.
Sorry to hear/read.
Was 7 years old and got both pierced..
Took em out for good at 15..Decided to grow the %$!@ up
2 piercing one for each ear ... got them bout 18 yrs old ... used to rock them all the time now i put them in when im not feeling lazy lol !!!! umm as far ashow long well i keep them in i think ill always have them jsut cuz i like them but also im not a big ring person so me and the wifey had talked that afterbeing consider "NEWLY WEDS" i could melt my ring down to come earrings.
How many? -Both Ears
How old? -17
Parents (divorced)- Moms didn't like em at all / Was visiting pops and he could care less

When will I stop rocking them? - Whenever I become a Lieutenant
both lobes.
16 or 17, not sure
mom didn't care, she sat there in the store while i got 'em done.
i'll wear them until i'm tired of wearing them.
Both ears
18 years old
Dad was kinda like @%# did you do that for? Mom wouldn't stop making fun of me asking if I wanted to wear any of her earrings.
I'll stop wearing them once I feel like it.
both done at 16. Mom said it matched me. Idc what my dad says. I'm going to get 3/4 ct diamond studs this Christmas, doubt I'll take em out nice andsubtle
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

My dad knocked me down punched me, hit me with the belt, punched me again. Ran to my mom and she slapped me.


I dont have any piercings, but I was thinking about gettin my ears pierced... Then I thought twice since I know that my skin keloids sometimes...
I have 3

left ear 16

second hole in my left ear 22 or so

and my right ear 26 ( a few months ago)

I'll wear earrings till I die only thing that may change is the style of them over time
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