Ear Piercing

I got three, 2 in each lobe and one on top of the left ear

got the lobes done when I was mad young, dont even remember how old I was, I got the cartilidge done a couple years ago

My fams didnt care about earrings like that

and I probably wont stop rocking earrings, my pops wore his till the day he died, I might as well too
i had both ears done when i was 17.

parents didnt care.

my mom actually liked it, she got me a pair of diamond earrings for high school grad in 07.

i havent worn them since. i just grew out of the whole jewelry thing.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

how many do you have
how old were you when you got em done
parents thoughts on em (if they cared)
what age will you stop rocking em
got both ears pierced..got the left done when i turned 15..got the right done when i was 18..dad didn't care..mom didn't like it atfirst..idk when i'll stop wearing them
i have a total of 8 piercings.

three are in each of my ears, i think i first got them done at 5 or 6. it was my "gift" for having surgery the next week or something like that. theni got them done again at 11 & 18.
I just have one.
I was 19 when I got it done.
Didn't care.
I really don't know. I guess when I get a real job.
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

I got three, 2 in each lobe and one on top of the left ear

got the lobes done when I was mad young, dont even remember how old I was, I got the cartilidge done a couple years ago

My fams didnt care about earrings like that

and I probably wont stop rocking earrings, my pops wore his till the day he died, I might as well too

That's me to the T.
my mom bought me to get both my ears pierced when i was 13.
and then when i was 15 i got my tragus. & 16 i got my industrial piercing.
she doesn't really mind. my dad hated it though.
Got both at 17 moms didn't really care. Don't rock em like that anymore. I put them on when I go out on weekends sometimes.
got 6 (3 in each ear)
first 2 i got at 7
second 2 i got at 10
last 2 i got last year for my 20th bday
probably wont stop wearing earrings til i get super old
oh and my parents are fine with it long as i dont get any other parts of my body pierced or anymore ear piercings.
Both Ears
17 y/o
Mom n Dad was upset cuz I didnt get permission and I got it the day before I graduated High School
I work at a corporate law firm and still wear them. I'll stop when Im old with kids (maybe)
I have 4. Two normal ones when i was a day old, 2 more on my left cartilage, 16 yrs old. My parents didn't care. My moms wanted me to get three instead of2, idk why. I'll have my regular ones forever, but I'm not sure about the extra two.
my dad didnt want me to at first then he took me ot get them pierced. my mom was fine with it
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Both Ears
17 y/o
Mom n Dad was upset cuz I didnt get permission and I got it the day before I graduated High School
I work at a corporate law firm and still wear them. I'll stop when Im old with kids (maybe)
how is the pay??
I have 3.
Got each ear done as a baby 2 or 3 i think.
I won't stop wearing them, I just take them out when I go to work ect....They feel apart of me its weird. I can't imagine myself without them.
2 ears, first in the fifth grade and second in college. I used to wear them everyday now I just put them in every now and then
2 at the ear- age 10

two more on the ear - 13

a girl convinced me to gauge em
- 14

gauges shrunk down. i dont wear anything now, but the holes are still open.
my moms got both done when i was a couple months old..
stopped wearing earrings like 2 years ago.. don't really know why
had my left ear pierced twice when i was 13 but got tired of it and closed it... got the left ear repierced when i was 18 but this time just 1 hole...
first set...baby
second...15 bday
third...16 bday w/cartlidge
belly...18 mom upset
eyebrow...19 mom upset
nose...20...mom upset
middle thing in my ear...21 mom upset...

dad didn't care about any of them
Got only my left ear pierced when i was 14, in the 8th grade.
I hid it from my parents for a while but my mom found out. She actaully liked it and said i had the look to pull it off and bought me a real diamond.
We both knew my dad hated that @!#% and would be pissed. She told him when he wa on his way driving up north so he could sulk over it for a few days and not beso mad when he got home.

He could care less now hes used to it.

When i was in the 8th grade though i think i was like the second dude in the whole school to have my ear pierced so it was kinda cool and i felt cool.
But in highschool it now seems like 80% of the dudes got their ears pierced so it a big whatever now.
I dont get complimants like i used too lol
Got both done (12G)

Lost my right one so I let it close up

One in my left (12G loop)

I only takeit out when in interviews but they have been received well during professional interactions.
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