Florida School Shooting, Over 20 Casualties

We are being programmed and reprogrammed at levels and on levels that we can't comprehend and it's mostly hidden or subliminal which makes it so dangerous.

Like this thread has a topic right?
Look at the advertisements being put to me!
I have no use for the belt that holds a knife!
They want me to see it though!
Exactly my ******* point from the first post I replied with ...

**** this America

Although I understand her pain, this is another narrative that needs to stop. Just because you ban firearms it won't prevent this from happening again. How about, it will make it difficult for it to happen again. Sometimes you can't speak in absolutes, it nullifies someone's argument.
I live near Fremont, CA, a city in the Bay Area with a HUGE Muslim population. You know how many times I've felt unsafe there? ZERO.

You know how many times I've felt unsafe in a non-gang affiliated majority black area in Oakland or majority Latino area in San Jose? ZERO.

You know how many times I've felt unsafe around an undocumented immigrant trying to make a living by doing jobs that no one else will do? ZERO.

You know how many times I've felt unsafe around an angry white dude screaming profanities at sports bars or on the streets? ALL THE @#$@$@ TIME. Try to say something to him about his inappropriate behavior, and watch him pull a gun out and shoot you and everyone else around you for the @#$@ of it.
They don't want to talk about what the real problem is.

What's inevitable with the combination of the opioid 'crisis' and dwindling reproduction and life expectancy rates*, is white people finding themselves in a very precarious place when they're no longer the majority.

I mean, you can already see some things shifting when I look around.

I bet we're supposed to have mercy at that point and give everyone a proper chance to prove themselves, right?:lol:

This is all just a natural reaction of a whole group of people who's numbers and privilege are dwindling.

Next time you see a white man acting funny expressing his ignorance just stand right next to that man, fix your watch and your tie bar, and toss him a couple shillings.

Heartbreaking reading the list of the deceased.

Seniors with scholarships, a Venezuelan born kid who became an American citizen last year, young teachers, etc.

Just incredibly sad and senseless.
I hope those kids (Seniors in particular) remember yesterday and vote when November comes around
Let's face it, the only reason people ever came here in the first place is the amazing amount of opportunities this country used to offer despite its countless faults.

Now though? Many of the countries people used to immigrate from have caught up and surpassed the US in terms of economy, education, and human civility. They offer the same type of lifestyle without the amount of racism and murder that comes with it over here. Why would anyone come here anymore?

You might earn slightly more here, but is it worth possibly getting beaten/killed for your "foreign" appearance or murdered by an insane gunman for no reason?
These are the white supremacists foot soldiers.

You have old white supremacists who aren't about that violence life (Alex Jones, Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Limbaugh, etc). They'll sit up and speak in codes in front of the camera's, talk straight white supremacist rhetoric at rallies and on right-wing radio. Who do you think is listening to all of this and getting riled up? YOUNG, impressionable, testosterone on hyperdrive white supremacists who are about that life and already armed to the teeth.

You never hear any of these white supremacists media condemn these terrorist, they'll talk around it or about some b.s about it being a hoax, or a false flag. Because that’s what these old white supremacists want.

They aren't brave enough to come into the black community with that nonsense so they will go about killing other non-racist white people and children, those are race traitors anyway. Even with their supposed "dwindling numbers". You'd think if you want to preserve the white race you wouldn’t go around killing the kids you swear you are protecting.

I will say this, if you are going to see Black Panther this openining weeked, keep your head on a swivel and be aware of your surroundings. If some white teenager looks like a trenchcoat mafia member with a backpack, get up outta there.
Because people don’t need to own ****ing assault rifles

according to who? that's da crux. people right to own it supercedes you being mad about it..and "assault riles" is a misnomer, thats another problem with regulations.
These are the white supremacists foot soldiers.

You have old white supremacists who aren't about that violence life (Alex Jones, Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Limbaugh, etc). They'll sit up and speak in codes in front of the camera's, talk straight white supremacist rhetoric at rallies and on right-wing radio. Who do you think is listening to all of this and getting riled up? YOUNG, impressionable, testosterone on hyperdrive white supremacists who are about that life and already armed to the teeth.

You never hear any of these white supremacists media condemn these terrorist, they'll talk around it or about some b.s about it being a hoax, or a false flag. Because that’s what these old white supremacists want.

They aren't brave enough to come into the black community with that nonsense so they will go about killing other non-racist white people and children, those are race traitors anyway. Even with their supposed "dwindling numbers". You'd think if you want to preserve the white race you wouldn’t go around killing the kids you swear you are protecting.

I will say this, if you are going to see Black Panther this openining weeked, keep your head on a swivel and be aware of your surroundings. If some white teenager looks like a trenchcoat mafia member with a backpack, get up outta there.
I'll be at Magic Johnson if any soft white people want smoke.
Man, I'm really starting to consider leaving.

This ain't never been for us.

That was my plan until my dad got sick last year; now I'm staying here to help him through his treatments.

I've been to and have spent months staying in developing world countries the US looks down upon and is supposedly so superior to. There might have been some lack of infrastructure and more pollution, but I've NEVER felt like someone was going to randomly come in and shoot up the place anywhere I've been to. Even when I've been in arguments with people out there, I've never had the feeling that it would get escalated to someone pulling a gun out. Most of the time it's just verbal arguments. The worst thing that happened was my fault when I pushed some dude into a shallow open sewer (this was 12 years ago; I was a different person then), so he and his friends chased me down and kicked my @#$ :lol
That was my plan until my dad got sick last year; now I'm staying here to help him through his treatments.

I've been to and have spent months staying in developing world countries the US looks down upon and is supposedly so superior to. There might have been some lack of infrastructure and more pollution, but I've NEVER felt like someone was going to randomly come in and shoot up the place anywhere I've been to. Even when I've been in arguments with people out there, I've never had the feeling that it would get escalated to someone pulling a gun out. Most of the time it's just verbal arguments. The worst thing that happened was my fault when I pushed some dude into a shallow open sewer (this was 12 years ago; I was a different person then), so he and his friends chased me down and kicked my @#$ :lol:
That's a fair *** exchange.:lol:

We're almost too far gone as a country, man. It's like when your PC needed a wipe (back when people used PCs :lol:). This country needs to be defragged or just plan old restored to factory settings.

If only we could actually band together and form something of our own. I would be all for that, but that seems too pie in the sky.:frown:

Any countries you'd recommend for brown people who want to avoid a life of constant discomfort in this country?
More evidence is unveiling that there were warning signs and this definitely could have been prevented but skin color was a factor

Florida taking an L with this one for real
smh this was very well planned out, someone geared him up and sent him to start a race war or something. screw the needle give this guy the electric chair, he aint mentally ill, he knew damm well what he was doing by pulling that fire alarm and reeking havoc in that school.
This courty is f'ed up for real.
The term “freedom” needs to be put in the trash. There is no freedom once you choose to join a society.

this da type of rhetoric that sells guns at a fast clip..no pun.

and as long as you got da Constitution, freedom to be a_____ and say_____and bear arms will be protected.

unless a constitutional convention happens, thats da laws we got...
What I don't completely understand is, if this was all coming from a white nationalist group, why kill a ton of white people? Looked like the school was predominantly white.
The more I think about it the more i see that in order to change things we might have to fight fire with fire...they can’t legally only sell guns to one demographic, so every law abiding minority should arm themselves, in states where you can openly carry assault riffles, minorities should purposely do it and while doing so have their gun liscence hanging from their neck in plain sight.....

people beeeeeeeeeen sayin that thou..

good news is there's a gun license reciprocation law comin soon to da senate...
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