These are the white supremacists foot soldiers.
You have old white supremacists who aren't about that violence life (Alex Jones, Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Limbaugh, etc). They'll sit up and speak in codes in front of the camera's, talk straight white supremacist rhetoric at rallies and on right-wing radio. Who do you think is listening to all of this and getting riled up? YOUNG, impressionable, testosterone on hyperdrive white supremacists who are about that life and already armed to the teeth.
You never hear any of these white supremacists media condemn these terrorist, they'll talk around it or about some b.s about it being a hoax, or a false flag. Because that’s what these old white supremacists want.
They aren't brave enough to come into the black community with that nonsense so they will go about killing other non-racist white people and children, those are race traitors anyway. Even with their supposed "dwindling numbers". You'd think if you want to preserve the white race you wouldn’t go around killing the kids you swear you are protecting.
I will say this, if you are going to see Black Panther this openining weeked, keep your head on a swivel and be aware of your surroundings. If some white teenager looks like a trenchcoat mafia member with a backpack, get up outta there.