Former Christians: What Made You a Skeptic?

This was/is a good thread. Is alot of questions and thoughts going on. If anyone has questions about what I discussed or what I think just ask me.
Y'all really think a fairytale "God" spent 700 years creating what we live in ?

I find that reeeeaaaalllllllyyyyyy hard to believe .

Quick story: I went to this "Religious" function today & the preacher said ...

"Jesus is alive & real ... can you say the say the same for your Buddah?"

That's sooooooooo offensive to me , like why ?

Why is the Christian word so divine ?

The people back then were crazy IMO , I would never trust anything they said .

People still believing 2000 years later this dude is coming back ...

& okay , say Jesus WAS the son of A God , & he died for our sins .

Why are we supposed to worship him 2000 years after the fact ?


There have been firefighters for 9/11 that died to save lots of lives ...

Why don't we worship them ?

Even if he did do the things Christians say he did (which I highly doubt) ...

Why do we have to thank him everyday ?

It isn't that serious ... he was supposedly healed & resurrected perfectly able .
^that preacher was tripping for what he was saying. It seem like they always be acting too extra. Is never right to put down what smeone believes in. Inregards to your 1st ? yea I do think there is a god that created all of this. Is the opposite for me when I look at this world. I be thinking "somethingintelligent had to do this." To your ladder ?s is not really all about giving Jesus all the glory IMO. If anything it should be given to god b/c of thefact that he loves us so much he asked his son to die for us. But jesus did play a big role in this too, by him sacrificing hiself for us he paved the way forour sins to be forgiven, which is something that we should be thankful for.

Hey I tried to answer your ?s to the best of my ability. You might just dismiss whatever im saying like "yea yea yea", but hopefully you kind of,sort of get what Im saying. Im new to this type of thing.
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by Donny Walker Blaq

Originally Posted by FreddyPee

COllege....taking courses and learning more about religion made me question and denote..... Im just spiritual now...I believe in god but not religion

"he who increases knowledge...increases sorrow"

no truer words have ever been spoken/written
aka Knowledge is pain
religion in general is a joke

everything is fiction, every story is man-made, every commandment is man-made

nobody has seen this "God", nobody has heard its voice

people are fearful of dying and they believe in a supreme being that will put him in heaven or hell (made up places) based on how they act on Earth

It's all just to control people and prevent chaos in a time long ago when there were no laws.

it's pretty sad that in this day and age people still cling to this idea of religion instead of seeing through the lies and the b.s.

anyone can be born in any place on Earth. a muslim could easily have been born a Christian, and vice versa. It's all luck and chance. If there was a God,he wouldn't love one human more than another.

But there is no God anyways, just ignorant gullible human beings.
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

religion in general is a joke

everything is fiction, every story is man-made, every commandment is man-made

nobody has seen this "God", nobody has heard its voice

people are fearful of dying and they believe in a supreme being that will put him in heaven or hell (made up places) based on how they act on Earth

It's all just to control people and prevent chaos in a time long ago when there were no laws.

it's pretty sad that in this day and age people still cling to this idea of religion instead of seeing through the lies and the b.s.

anyone can be born in any place on Earth. a muslim could easily have been born a Christian, and vice versa. It's all luck and chance. If there was a God, he wouldn't love one human more than another.

But there is no God anyways, just ignorant gullible human beings.
Seeing through the lies and BS? What lies?

What makes them "ignorant gullible human beings"? It couldn't just be their belief in God, there has to be more to it, right?
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

religion in general is a joke

everything is fiction, every story is man-made, every commandment is man-made

nobody has seen this "God", nobody has heard its voice

people are fearful of dying and they believe in a supreme being that will put him in heaven or hell (made up places) based on how they act on Earth

It's all just to control people and prevent chaos in a time long ago when there were no laws.

it's pretty sad that in this day and age people still cling to this idea of religion instead of seeing through the lies and the b.s.

anyone can be born in any place on Earth. a muslim could easily have been born a Christian, and vice versa. It's all luck and chance. If there was a God, he wouldn't love one human more than another.

But there is no God anyways, just ignorant gullible human beings.
Seeing through the lies and BS? What lies?

What makes them "ignorant gullible human beings"? It couldn't just be their belief in God, there has to be more to it, right?
No, that's probably as deep as he goes.
Relationship > Religion.

Religion is rules, regulations, customs, etc. I don't buy into all of that...never have.

That said, I don't buy that there isn't a God, either. Don't ask why--it's just how I feel. Too much emphasis has been placed on the stuffthat doesn't matter, like the rituals and customs of each sect of Christianity. The focus should be on the relationship, not how much so-and-so gave tothe general fund, what that guy was wearing and who didn't attend both services on Sunday. Church inevitably leads to many situations that alienatepeople, mainly because of human nature. And that all stems from a lack of focus on what God really wants, hence I don't attend church services. But Istill believe in God, and most importantly, Jesus.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Relationship > Religion.

Religion is rules, regulations, customs, etc. I don't buy into all of that...never have.

That said, I don't buy that there isn't a God, either. Don't ask why--it's just how I feel. Too much emphasis has been placed on the stuff that doesn't matter, like the rituals and customs of each sect of Christianity. The focus should be on the relationship, not how much so-and-so gave to the general fund, what that guy was wearing and who didn't attend both services on Sunday. Church inevitably leads to many situations that alienate people, mainly because of human nature. And that all stems from a lack of focus on what God really wants, hence I don't attend church services. But I still believe in God, and most importantly, Jesus.
Bro, thank you for putting it in laymen terms. I've been trying to put things together these last couple of days, but this is exactly how Ifeel. Amen to that.
Originally Posted by Chi ILL
Y'all really think a fairytale "God" spent 700 years creating what we live in ?
Quick story: I went to this "Religious" function today & the preacher said ...

"Jesus is alive & real ... can you say the say the same for your Buddah?"

That's sooooooooo offensive to me , like why ?
Yo whats up with that?
You call what we believe afairytale but then get offended when someone offends you? You have said many things that were offensive to/about us before. Stop

The people back then were crazy IMO , I would never trust anything they said .
The people now are crazy too. What has changed

& okay , say Jesus WAS the son of A God , & he died for our sins .

Why are we supposed to worship him 2000 years after the fact ?

Nobody has anything to possibly say about this? Nobody isgoing to speak up? I'm the one who has to do it? OK.

Why shouldn't we worship him? How is that not heroic if dude had that much love in his heart, he DIED for our sins and He didn't even know us or of us.Thats heroic.

Are you serious? Like you said, lets say the story is true. He lived a PERFECT life with no flaws
. I can't go a hour. A LIFETIME.

There have been firefighters for 9/11 that died to save lots of lives ...

Why don't we worship them ?
They are hero's as well. Well they aren't the Son of God. They still are hero's though and I'll never forget.

Even if he did do the things Christians say he did (which I highly doubt) ...

Why do we have to thank him everyday ?

It isn't that serious ... he was supposedly healed & resurrected perfectly able .
I'm sure I'll throw the thread off course with this but you sound mad ignorant right now. I've kept my peace for a while in this treadbut this is flat ignorance or sarcasm. It has to be one of those. That's like saying Dr.King doesn't deserve more props than He already gets.

"Mothers day? Why do Mothers deserve their own day? Most of them are old and had kids decades ago? That's stupid."

"Why does Rosa Parks get credit? All she did was sit down and not get up. African Americans have mastered that. Big Whoop." I'm Black. Backoff!
Just a joke.

See what I did there? Sounds like nonsense right?

Don't take offense anyone.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Now go run down a flight of stairs blind folded with scissors. "The possibilities are endless!"

I was joking
. See I can be funny too. A lot of the times I choose notto here because it might get me kicked off
Originally Posted by bilbo07

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

- Because the most religious people I know seem to be the most evil .
Probably the realest thing Ive read on NT.
Kneesh, am I evil to you? I promise you: I'm doing the best I can everyday to be the best person I can be. It's not easy, but throughHim nothing is impossible.
people OD on that religious people are the most evil...if they weren't even religious you wouldn't think they were so evil...i'm sure someone willquote and i'll have to explain later but whatever...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

people OD on that religious people are the most evil...if they weren't even religious you wouldn't think they were so evil...i'm sure someone will quote and i'll have to explain later but whatever...

It gets magnified. Mouse let me go off and start going in on people and roast (AND I WANT TO IN THE WORST WAY). I'm enemy/hypocrite #1 off top because offthe standards I try to set. Sometimes WE are the ones who aren't treated as humans IMO.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

people OD on that religious people are the most evil...if they weren't even religious you wouldn't think they were so evil...i'm sure someone will quote and i'll have to explain later but whatever...

It gets magnified. Mouse let me go off and start going in on people and roast (AND I WANT TO IN THE WORST WAY). I'm enemy/hypocrite #1 off top because off the standards I try to set. Sometimes WE are the ones who aren't treated as humans IMO.
That's the thing I've been trying to avoid all through this post, but I almost snapped with that last comment. That was one of thedarkest paradoxes I've ever had to face as a person, the fact that many of the most "religious" people are, in fact, evil. It's somethingI've dealt with too many times up to now at only 21 and something I don't even really like discussing.
i feel the end of the day we're human and we all fall short regardless of what you believe...yes some people OD but i doubt they are the majorityand of course they don't speak for all of us...but of course most people will use extremes to prove their point when most people would probably fall in themiddle...
I don't get what people mean by "we are ONLY human" and "we all fall short" what if someone comes along that doesn't fall short?what if someone comes along that can understand the universe and the concept of right and wrong? Whey are people so "dumb"?
it means as humans we are not perfect and we can try as much as we want but we will not be able to achieve perfection...i don't get your last twoquestions...
Whey are people so "dumb"?
We aren't dumb. We just aren't as smart as we think we are. Prime example. We seem to think wrong + wrong = right.

what if someone comes along that can understand the universe and the concept of right and wrong?
We know right from wrong. Um there hasn't been one since I would say Christ with that possibility. We as humans just don't face facts. Wearen't as all knowing as we think we are.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Whey are people so "dumb"?
We aren't dumb. We just aren't as smart as we think we are. Prime example. We seem to think wrong + wrong = right.

what if someone comes along that can understand the universe and the concept of right and wrong?
We know right from wrong. Um there hasn't been one since I would say Christ with that possibility. We as humans just don't face facts. We aren't as all knowing as we think we are.

Who's facts? What if a perfect person comes along? If Jesus was man then he wasn't perfect so why is he to be followed. What does it mean to be"perfect" because as I've stated before even Jesus wouldn't be considered "perfect" by todays standards. I hate this whole"Humans aren't perfect" argument, because I think everyone is meant to be exactly how they are at that moment in time, they are as"perfect" as they are meant to be. Don't feed me that good is "perfect" because he doesn't seem to perfect imo.
Originally Posted by bboy1827

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Whey are people so "dumb"?
We aren't dumb. We just aren't as smart as we think we are. Prime example. We seem to think wrong + wrong = right.

what if someone comes along that can understand the universe and the concept of right and wrong?
We know right from wrong. Um there hasn't been one since I would say Christ with that possibility. We as humans just don't face facts. We aren't as all knowing as we think we are.

Who's facts? What if a perfect person comes along? If Jesus was man then he wasn't perfect so why is he to be followed. What does it mean to be "perfect" because as I've stated before even Jesus wouldn't be considered "perfect" by todays standards. I hate this whole "Humans aren't perfect" argument, because I think everyone is meant to be exactly how they are at that moment in time, they are as "perfect" as they are meant to be. Don't feed me that good is "perfect" because he doesn't seem to perfect imo.

COOL your jets there man
. Perfect by today'sstandards? He was perfect by God's standard. No other opinion needed with that one IMO. Why do you feel the way you do? You have my attention.
I feel the way I do because I've been told my whole life that I can't be something, I can't do something. When in religion it's told that noneof us can be Jesus. What if someone can be Jesus? We are missing 18 years of Jesus' life, what if during that time he was the most vial thing walking thisplanet, would peoples perception of him change? if not then why don't we revere reformed convicts? I understand why people believe in religion, justdon't understand how they can be content with beign thought of as a second rate citizen, someone always trying but is destined to fail. Why that should beaccepted.
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