Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Jumpers

Originally Posted by GTEK


I always thought it was
"Build a bridge and get over it"
"Build a bridge and jump the hell off"

I wouldn't waste any energy to mourn for these people though...
Who knows what actions they committed, being so they can't sleep at night.

But on the other end what kind of world we live in today
where folks even ramble up the thought of jumping off a bridge.....

How many more cows are going to have to jump off the cliffedge before we change the route?


Youre better than that.
I wonder what brings them to the point of just ending it.... i mean we all have our bad days but i never have the balls to just end it...
Originally Posted by filly413

So... Me an wifey is jus watchin this and my question to her and NT is: is the world not a somewhat better place without these folk. The question I originally asked her is if were goin on a trip to say Hawaii, and one of these folk is flyin the plane. I don't wanna go cuz he wanna go!!! Sooo technically wouldn't the world be a better place w/o these people???

You've out thought yourself. When has this happened in this history of flight travel? Don't just make up scenarios for lulz.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

yea Ive been curious too on what exactly kills you, all you hear is the impact once you hit kills you instantly but yea not to get to gorey but I wanna know specifics, like does your head split open? does your spine just out your back, does your heart and lungs become displaced? im serious
It's basically like hitting a brick wall, the force can break your spin, cause trauma to your internal organs, snap your neck, any number of things.
A buddy of mine from HS jumped off the GG about 2 years ago. He was the starting point guard for our bball team and was a popular dude back then and was a good dude. I hadn't talked to him since we left HS and I guess he had developed a drug problem (meth) and was really depressed. They said he parked his car and just sprinted towards the bridge - the cameras saw him running and then he jumped. Such a shame because I'm sure whatever he was depressed about could have been worked out one way or another. His family is so hurt now, if only these people would think about their families - no matter what you are going through - most people have people who love them and would do all the help they could, but I guess when you get to this point you feel you're all alone and just can't take it anymore.

To the people laughing and having no sympathy for these people - I understand, but if you mom or someone close to you did this - I bet you would try to understand or atleast feel some remorse. These people's soul just gets lost along the way - they just need a lot of help to get it back.
Originally Posted by filly413

So... Me an wifey is jus watchin this and my question to her and NT is: is the world not a somewhat better place without these folk. The question I originally asked her is if were goin on a trip to say Hawaii, and one of these folk is flyin the plane. I don't wanna go cuz he wanna go!!! Sooo technically wouldn't the world be a better place w/o these people???

Depression and thoughts of suicide don't usually involve the desire to murder other people.  It's not like they wake up one day and decide to intentionally crash a plane to murder hundreds of people. 
At that height and speed hitting the water below, you might as well have jumped off into concrete.
Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Dudes jump off a bridge and they have cars running behind them

any true suicidal person shou;d know that a car would take you out better

but Im no pro
You're an idiot. If the suicidal one jump into a moving car that would causes more than a mess and would probably killed the people driving too.

No, seriously...?
I only feel sorry for any of the loved ones they might of left behind. Now those loved o es are going to be depressed for life.

About 3 years ago this girl that use to go to my high school tried to jump off of her balcony, she had a kid too. The cops were able to pull her back inside from the house.......dummy lived on the 2nd floor so she would of only twisted her ankle.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

yea Ive been curious too on what exactly kills you, all you hear is the impact once you hit kills you instantly but yea not to get to gorey but I wanna know specifics, like does your head split open? does your spine just out your back, does your heart and lungs become displaced? im serious
It's basically like hitting a brick wall, the force can break your spin, cause trauma to your internal organs, snap your neck, any number of things.
if i remember correctly, the force of the impact causes your blood vessels to liquefy and your organs rupture. not a great way to go...
Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Dudes jump off a bridge and they have cars running behind them

any true suicidal person shou;d know that a car would take you out better

but Im no pro
You're an idiot. If the suicidal one jump into a moving car that would causes more than a mess and would probably killed the people driving too.

Might as well take some people with you...... get a lil 5 minutes of fame while your RIP'ing
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Dudes jump off a bridge and they have cars running behind them

any true suicidal person shou;d know that a car would take you out better

but Im no pro
You're an idiot. If the suicidal one jump into a moving car that would causes more than a mess and would probably killed the people driving too.

Might as well take some people with you...... get a lil 5 minutes of fame while your RIP'ing
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with some of you guys? fame? what fame? the hell are you talking about homie?
Crazy, I was just talking about this movie with some friends of mine. I am currently working on the webseries with one of the people who worked on this movie.
Originally Posted by Bleezys and Heem

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Dudes jump off a bridge and they have cars running behind them

any true suicidal person shou;d know that a car would take you out better

but Im no pro
You're an idiot. If the suicidal one jump into a moving car that would causes more than a mess and would probably killed the people driving too.

Might as well take some people with you...... get a lil 5 minutes of fame while your RIP'ing
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with some of you guys? fame? what fame? the hell are you talking about homie?
I think he meant taking out some people before taking out himself to get on the front paper, columbine style......................smh
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