Great great episode.

Shiv got her plans exposed. Roman going full Nazi and making a President. Kendall wrestling with his morality. Classic Tom and Greg shenanigans with the coke, sushi, wasabi lmao

Phenomenal episode. Felt gross after. Like all of them are awful in their own way.
All of them are awful in their own way.
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One small scene I loved was Greg and Jess.. where it was basically like they still had a chance to avoid announcing him as president.

The way they framed it as the end of the world was done so well all episode. And maybe you're thinking, oh it won't be too bad, but then he gets up and starts his speech and it's even worse than we all could have imagined..

Roman is on cloud 9 right now, no way it lasts.
Shiv apologizing so Tom could take back his comments, so she could feel better about her pregnancy is such a Roy thing to do. Akin to Ken trying to get reassurance from her about him as a person and father. I'm beginning to respect creepy Rome more now, he stands on what he stands on like his dad.

Shiv handled Greg all wrong. She thought she could scare him into silence? Talk about reading someone wrong. But of course she's spent the less time talking to him than anyone and probably just sees him as weak leech.

and Connor spending $100 mil and wanting the deal back :rofl:
Many foreign actors from English-speaking countries can pull off an American accent because they've been exposed to enough U.S. programming over the years to imitate an accent.
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