Still an idiot but a useful one at least.

Can't root for any of these idiots
whitney-houston-this (1).gif

I could get behind Gerri (pause)
No NBA playoffs while Succession’s on… finally. I’m gonna make a prediction: Shiv is going to tell Tom or something important will happen in terms of announcement with re: to the baby. HBO has treated these days fittingly in the past, like when Tyrion killed Tywin on Father’s Day.
Wondering if Frank will go behind Kendall’s back and tell Gerri about the reverse Viking plan.….her comment to Roman a few episodes ago about the money washing him away still is in my head
Why this ***** Connor still in the election? :lol:

He cant be so dumb to think he'd miraculously win. I thought he'd be smart enough to trade in what value him being in the race had for an appointment.

Conheads this crazy **** :lol:

Rome running around unchecked :smh: Hope it blows back on him.
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Shiv getting exposed was funny. She's so dumb.

Mencken :lol: Getting that actor and the way he's acting to be the guy they call the presidency for.
This is the first show that actually made me feel sick!

Terrible people all around.

This episode had me glued every second. The chaos was insane.

These spoiled idiots deciding an election based on their feelings about a business transaction. :smh::frown:

Themes were defintely reminiscent of past elections too. I remember in 00' they called it early for Bush.

Shiv is the biggest goof of them all. Aside from the deal blowing up in her face and Tom giving her the cold shoulder, this *** really thought she could be a liberal voice of reason in a family and corporation with conservative ideals? 🤣 Can’t have it both ways.
Roman has the best handle on dealing with the network and politics. He is the only child that really watched his father work.

If you think about it, he is the sibling that has grown the most since the beginning of the show.

Kendal is still the showman with big dreams who kinda fizzles out. His last line when talking to Rava was “some people cant cut a deal”. That is essentially him. He has consistently fumbled deals/relationships with the business and loved ones. He wasnt even able to cut a deal to see his kids when talking to Rava.

Shiv is still entitled and always scheming. Even Tom is over it.

Connor has grown, but has always remained a joke.

Roman started out super creepy and weird…and kind of the overlooked sibling. He’s learned to hide the creepiness, learned how to come out on top from the Gerri/**** pic situation, and is the only sibling that tries to run the gameplan his dad had going on.
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