Hipsters Unappreciation

ebayologist, you ever been to MCAD in minneapolis?
i read pitchforkmedia.com daily, have a subscription to vice, go to art school, shop at thrift stores, and drink fair trade coffee and smoke cigs. and ill blowmy hipster smoke if your face if say anything to me.
Originally Posted by j j j JT t t t

i read pitchforkmedia.com daily, have a subscription to vice, go to art school, shop at thrift stores, and drink fair trade coffee and smoke cigs. and ill blow my hipster smoke if your face if say anything to me.

I drink fair trade coffee and smoke cigarettes, too. And I would laugh in your hipster face.

Damn, I forgot about pitchforkmedia.com when I was making that list.
his feelings are hurt.

and yes i smoke p funks and drink pbr too. (when i'm broke)
Yeah, I also drink PBR sometimes.

I thought you were referring to like pot smoking hippies or something.
I'll take pot smoking hippies over hipsters any day. At least they have a cause.
what about the black hipsters? the ones into photography, wear their hair naturally in an afro or twisties, attend indie rock and hip hop shows, smoke kush,and dress like they just wen't on a shopping spree at the salvation army?
I had a conversation with a friend and we don't think that black hipsters exist. Part of being a hipster is disrespecting black culture, but under the veilthat they being ironic, because they aren't really mocking the culture, they are mocking the people who mock the culture. See how easy that is?
Hipsters looooove to be ironic.
Part of being a hipster is disrespecting black culture, but under the veil that they being ironic, because they aren't really mocking the culture, they are mocking the people who mock the culture.
Originally Posted by j j j JT t t t

i read pitchforkmedia.com daily, have a subscription to vice, go to art school, shop at thrift stores, and drink fair trade coffee and smoke cigs. and ill blow my hipster smoke if your face if say anything to me.

I hate them with a passion of a thousand burning suns. They just look like douche bags.

My statement holds true.
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

ebayologist, you ever been to MCAD in minneapolis?
Yeah, think of that on a slightly larger scale and some kids that are even more off the deep end and you have the School of the Art Institute ofChicago. Thats not to say they aren't talented. I just find their swag or lack there of humous...

Uptown in Minneapolis is pretty hipster ridden as well.
I beg to differ about thepfunks though all the hipsters I know and see at school roll their own cigarettes. Everyone has a tabacco pouch papers and a bag of filters...
Originally Posted by hugebird

I had a conversation with a friend and we don't think that black hipsters exist. Part of being a hipster is disrespecting black culture, but under the veil that they being ironic, because they aren't really mocking the culture, they are mocking the people who mock the culture. See how easy that is?

i don't get it.

but i will say most of black hipsters were the black kids at your school that were considered to be "oreos" by their much more "urbanbrothers and sisters"'cause they spoke with proper english and came from middle class/blue collar households. Don't be fooled though. There is adifference between black hipster and your typical urban poser that dresses like a hipster to bag birds at the local mall lol The two are easily distinguishableafter you've talked to either of them. Black hipster listens to indie rock and black thought, urban poser that dresses like a hipster to bag birds at thelocal mall listens to soulja boy and thinks common and talib kweli are examples of "underground hip hop" lol

i prefer black hipsters cause they're better representations of young black america, in comparison totheir urban counterparts. ironically, black hipsters are just as ghetto as the typical urban blacks. only difference is black hipsters are smart enough to knowthat being ghetto in public just doesn't pay off. sorry for the tome lol
I had a conversation with a friend and we don't think that black hipsters exist. Part of being a hipster is disrespecting black culture, but under the veil that they being ironic, because they aren't really mocking the culture, they are mocking the people who mock the culture. See how easy that is?
i guess youve never seen the cobra snake
Originally Posted by ebayologist

I go to school with so many it would blow most of you guy's minds having to deal with as much hipster bull !!@+ as I do... True story, probably more than or equal to any amount anyone on NT deals with regularly... Most of them are the biggest, the fakest, and the most herbish people I've ever met. For the most part atleast, I !#*++!* hate them...

You forgot to mention the rolling your own cigarettes. Jesus Christ, I've never seem so many people who smoke that don't actually buy packs of cigarettes.

I remember going to your school and just saying wow...........I just started laughing at them.
when I saw this post I thought you were talkin' about jeans....

guess that means I've never heard of a hipster and from what you guys are saying, that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
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