How do you feel when people wish you a 'Merry Christmas'?

Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

these days i just say "happy holidays".
same here. Unless the person says "merry christmas" to me first

at work I have to say Happy Holidays to tenants...first year on the job I said merry christmas to someone, and she hit me with the "Im Jewish. I dont celebrate christmas."
Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

these days i just say "happy holidays".
same here. Unless the person says "merry christmas" to me first

at work I have to say Happy Holidays to tenants...first year on the job I said merry christmas to someone, and she hit me with the "Im Jewish. I dont celebrate christmas."
Right now its annoying. Everyone in my office either stutters on the Merry Christmas or throws me the Happy Holidays. But half of them think im muslim because a dont drink.
Right now its annoying. Everyone in my office either stutters on the Merry Christmas or throws me the Happy Holidays. But half of them think im muslim because a dont drink.
Originally Posted by laflech44

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i get kinda offended like, what if i was jewish or muslim. i could be either y'know. or what if i don't believe in christmas? i know they mean well so i end up just saying "thanks! you too!" and keep it moving.
 but what's offensive about that?
if someone wished me a Happy Hanukkah I wouldn't be offended.

It's just someone trying to be polite/nice... like you said keep it moving.
it just reminds me of piagetian egocentrism ... just because you and everyone you know celebrates christmas, it doesn't mean EVERYONE celebrates christmas. like i said, i understand they are tryna be nice and i appreciate the gesture, but i still am kinda
about it. the only time i get offended is when people gungho about the holiday want to argue with me about why i am NOT. i don't bother you about your enthusiasm, don't pester me about my apathy. different strokesss
Originally Posted by laflech44

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i get kinda offended like, what if i was jewish or muslim. i could be either y'know. or what if i don't believe in christmas? i know they mean well so i end up just saying "thanks! you too!" and keep it moving.
 but what's offensive about that?
if someone wished me a Happy Hanukkah I wouldn't be offended.

It's just someone trying to be polite/nice... like you said keep it moving.
it just reminds me of piagetian egocentrism ... just because you and everyone you know celebrates christmas, it doesn't mean EVERYONE celebrates christmas. like i said, i understand they are tryna be nice and i appreciate the gesture, but i still am kinda
about it. the only time i get offended is when people gungho about the holiday want to argue with me about why i am NOT. i don't bother you about your enthusiasm, don't pester me about my apathy. different strokesss
A lot of people I know aren't as religious as I am. When they wish me Merry Christmas, I return the favor. But I'll normally say, "Happy Holidays," and I get more of a response than from "Merry Christmas."
A lot of people I know aren't as religious as I am. When they wish me Merry Christmas, I return the favor. But I'll normally say, "Happy Holidays," and I get more of a response than from "Merry Christmas."
The money in our pockets says "In God We trust", you people finna get rid of those too being that the govt doesnt have any right to assume you believe in a god?
The money in our pockets says "In God We trust", you people finna get rid of those too being that the govt doesnt have any right to assume you believe in a god?
Christmas is so far fro a religious holiday nowadays that I dont even think you can get offended anymore.
Christmas is so far fro a religious holiday nowadays that I dont even think you can get offended anymore.
i get what you mean... i use to feel the same exact way when they would tell me "have a nice day" after making a purchase somewhere or when you see an acquaintance they say "how are you" like they actually care 
.. i get that people do these things to be nice and i dont mind but it just seems like they say these things just for the sake of it 
i get what you mean... i use to feel the same exact way when they would tell me "have a nice day" after making a purchase somewhere or when you see an acquaintance they say "how are you" like they actually care 
.. i get that people do these things to be nice and i dont mind but it just seems like they say these things just for the sake of it 
Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

If I wore a Santa hat into the living room I would be showered with anti-gay epithets.
Sucks that you live in one of those "Machista" families, I as someone who doesn't care what the next person is doing, would bother the *+%+ out of me. That's just me of course.
Honestly, I don't put much thought in to it...and I don't think others should as well. Say "thank you" or smile, and keep it moving.


Some people put too much thought into things so small and insignificant that it amazes me. I see it in the same light as people who look for a fight.

Just say "thank you" and keep it moving dude, it really isn't that serious.

Feliz Navidad.

For the record: When I worked retail, as well as doing cable, I said Happy Holidays
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