How exactly is the world supposed to end?


Oct 31, 2011
I'm not a conspiracy theorist but when I hear these guys say the worlds gonna end what do they mean? Is everyone just gonna die at the same time ? Is the world gonna blow up? What exactly do they think is gonna happen?
People die, The world doesn't.

World ending in 2012 is a bunch of BS.
the universe will collapse once the human species is wiped out completely. It is the only feasible thing to do.

We are the chosen ones. We are gods.

If we die, the universe dies.
Zombie apocalypse. Best believe I'm ready. Bought this during the summer while it was available... I'm ready to scrap with whatever comes my way 12/21/12....LOL....
This is the only thing thats been backed up with evidence of observations from other stars in the universe:

either this or Zeus comes down from Mt. Olympus and smacks the fire out of non-believers...provided you chose to believe in the right religion/diety/god/entity.

grab some wine, pull up a seat next to your girl...and vibe out to lecture...
Don't worry bro, it's statistically very unlikely that the world will end in your lifetime. The greatest threat of human life being wiped out comes from either ourselves in the form of a nuclear or chemical war, or an impact event such as a meteorite hitting the planet.


If we survive all that, there's still just under a billion years to go until the sun expands to a point at which the earth becomes so hot that all terrestrial lifeforms will be wiped out completely.

Happy thoughts 
Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

humans will kill each other off... everything else will survive though
We have taken out quite a few species though, but I agree with what you mean.
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