How many of you still believe that YOU will get married one day....? *Serious Discussion*

Originally Posted by BrockBo

I want to by the time I'm 25 so I've got 10 years

at putting a time line on when you'll be me it doesnt work like that. and if it does you will settle.
Originally Posted by BrockBo

I want to by the time I'm 25 so I've got 10 years

at putting a time line on when you'll be me it doesnt work like that. and if it does you will settle.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Being Married = overrated

Just find a dime looking young female to have your seed and you're done. No need to deal with the hassle of divorce. Plus once you marry, females get mad comfortable and becomes lazy/chubby. Then you have to deal with a nagging insecure overweight wife with an attitude whom gets all emotional. Someone post a picture of Al Bundy!
smh @ what immaturity this site has. 
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Being Married = overrated

Just find a dime looking young female to have your seed and you're done. No need to deal with the hassle of divorce. Plus once you marry, females get mad comfortable and becomes lazy/chubby. Then you have to deal with a nagging insecure overweight wife with an attitude whom gets all emotional. Someone post a picture of Al Bundy!
smh @ what immaturity this site has. 
I have no idea, 20 has definitely been that age that makes me think I'll NEVER get married but I feel like everyone goes through that phase.
I have no idea, 20 has definitely been that age that makes me think I'll NEVER get married but I feel like everyone goes through that phase.
I would like to. But nowadays I feel as though I would just be settling, due to the pressure that society/my family/myself places on marriage. Marriage is the norm so if you're not married by a certain age people wonder whats wrong with you. But girls these days arent even worth it. They say one thing but think another. They tell u what you want to hear but really gave their eyes on others. Women play games just to validate themselves, they dont really want marriage because the sad truth is that no women is mature enough these days to completely give themselves to their spouse without resentment. Why should I settle for a girl who doesnt deserve the effort that I put into the relationship? I feel as though a girl would damn near have to pass a series of "loyalty tests" before I could take one serious enough to consider wifing. Sounds childish, but what else you gonna do to ensure that shes even worth it. When it comes to girls, the bad ones immitate the good ones because they know that's what a respectable guy is looking for, unfortunately they do such a good job impersonating that its almost impossible to differentiate until the damage has already been done.
I would like to. But nowadays I feel as though I would just be settling, due to the pressure that society/my family/myself places on marriage. Marriage is the norm so if you're not married by a certain age people wonder whats wrong with you. But girls these days arent even worth it. They say one thing but think another. They tell u what you want to hear but really gave their eyes on others. Women play games just to validate themselves, they dont really want marriage because the sad truth is that no women is mature enough these days to completely give themselves to their spouse without resentment. Why should I settle for a girl who doesnt deserve the effort that I put into the relationship? I feel as though a girl would damn near have to pass a series of "loyalty tests" before I could take one serious enough to consider wifing. Sounds childish, but what else you gonna do to ensure that shes even worth it. When it comes to girls, the bad ones immitate the good ones because they know that's what a respectable guy is looking for, unfortunately they do such a good job impersonating that its almost impossible to differentiate until the damage has already been done.
Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Originally Posted by JBug88

Been married 10 1/2 years. It's gotten better and easier as the time went on.


Serious question, say u gotta go in the bathroom and drop a deuce. Do you lock the door? Do you even close it? Does she? Now say your wife is dropping one and you need to brush your teeth so you run in there and see she's using it, do you go "oh my bad" and walk out and wait or just be like #+$! it and still do your thing too? Also, what is the sex like after 10 yrs? Same stuff? Adapting to the new age, more serious things? If that's not too personal.

I ask because I wonder myself how I'd navigate those situations as well as the sex thing. Like 30 yrs ago, oral sex and anal and all that stuff wasn't nearly as widely accepted and practiced as normal as it is now, so our parents likely didn't participate in it. But if they're still sexually active, like in say 1996 or something do you just all of a sudden try to bust out a new trick?

Droppin a deuce is the one thing that has remained sacred in our relationship. 

When I'm in there, the door is closed and it's "my time".
We've been together a little over 12 years and neither one of us have taken a dump in front of each other...
and I'm PERFECTLY happy that way.

as far as the sex goes, it's better now than it ever was.  I find my wife dead sexy.  it's not hard (well, IT is) to enjoy her.

Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Originally Posted by JBug88

Been married 10 1/2 years. It's gotten better and easier as the time went on.


Serious question, say u gotta go in the bathroom and drop a deuce. Do you lock the door? Do you even close it? Does she? Now say your wife is dropping one and you need to brush your teeth so you run in there and see she's using it, do you go "oh my bad" and walk out and wait or just be like #+$! it and still do your thing too? Also, what is the sex like after 10 yrs? Same stuff? Adapting to the new age, more serious things? If that's not too personal.

I ask because I wonder myself how I'd navigate those situations as well as the sex thing. Like 30 yrs ago, oral sex and anal and all that stuff wasn't nearly as widely accepted and practiced as normal as it is now, so our parents likely didn't participate in it. But if they're still sexually active, like in say 1996 or something do you just all of a sudden try to bust out a new trick?

Droppin a deuce is the one thing that has remained sacred in our relationship. 

When I'm in there, the door is closed and it's "my time".
We've been together a little over 12 years and neither one of us have taken a dump in front of each other...
and I'm PERFECTLY happy that way.

as far as the sex goes, it's better now than it ever was.  I find my wife dead sexy.  it's not hard (well, IT is) to enjoy her.

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

**Raises hand.

Reality--there are many suitable and marry-"able" women out there. You just have to put in work to find 'em. Aint no such thing as a free meal.

I think too many dudes in my generation are caught up in the hype of women like Kim K (
) and all these other artificial broads out there. The consequence is an unreal expectation when it comes time to date women in the real world.

Also, there are cases where dudes target jump-offs, for the easy smash, and then have the nerve to insinuate that all women are jump-offs and the whole nine. Don't demonize all women because of your pathetic choices.

Also, specifically responding to OP's OT, you just gotta find the one chick that believes in marriage just as much as you do. People get married for many wrong reasons these days, and that's why marriage is such a bad situation for many.

Well said.
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

**Raises hand.

Reality--there are many suitable and marry-"able" women out there. You just have to put in work to find 'em. Aint no such thing as a free meal.

I think too many dudes in my generation are caught up in the hype of women like Kim K (
) and all these other artificial broads out there. The consequence is an unreal expectation when it comes time to date women in the real world.

Also, there are cases where dudes target jump-offs, for the easy smash, and then have the nerve to insinuate that all women are jump-offs and the whole nine. Don't demonize all women because of your pathetic choices.

Also, specifically responding to OP's OT, you just gotta find the one chick that believes in marriage just as much as you do. People get married for many wrong reasons these days, and that's why marriage is such a bad situation for many.

Well said.
Originally Posted by VeryAnalytical85

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

But in my case, i'll be married somewhere during my mid 30's. (I'm currently in my mid 20s). 

I would love to have the woman I can grow old with. But my biggest fear about marrige is divorce. I never want to be seperated and have to go through the legal nonsense. I will probably never re-marry, God forbid; I go through a divorce settlement.
Fixed for my situation. It's hard to believe, especially when you don't even know what it feels like to be in a stable relationship. With that being said, I'll leave it up to God and my fate whether or not I'll meet someone worthwhile.

Yeah, I hear that.
Originally Posted by VeryAnalytical85

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

But in my case, i'll be married somewhere during my mid 30's. (I'm currently in my mid 20s). 

I would love to have the woman I can grow old with. But my biggest fear about marrige is divorce. I never want to be seperated and have to go through the legal nonsense. I will probably never re-marry, God forbid; I go through a divorce settlement.
Fixed for my situation. It's hard to believe, especially when you don't even know what it feels like to be in a stable relationship. With that being said, I'll leave it up to God and my fate whether or not I'll meet someone worthwhile.

Yeah, I hear that.
Originally Posted by Releventmuzik

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

That poll is really shocking. But I can see why people do not wanna be tied down.

But in my case, i'll be married somewhere during my 30's. (I'm currently 21).

I would love to have the woman I can grow old wiff'. But my biggest fear about marrige is divorce. I never want to be seperated and have to go through the legal nonsense. I propbably will never re-marry, God forbid; I go through a divorce settlement.
Well that's where you and her come to a agreement that Divorce is NOT a option. 
No matter how tough or ugly or bad it gets. Your in it for life. 

And you two promise to fix whatever is the problem to make things work. 

Even going to counseling.. 

You right, you right.
Originally Posted by Releventmuzik

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

That poll is really shocking. But I can see why people do not wanna be tied down.

But in my case, i'll be married somewhere during my 30's. (I'm currently 21).

I would love to have the woman I can grow old wiff'. But my biggest fear about marrige is divorce. I never want to be seperated and have to go through the legal nonsense. I propbably will never re-marry, God forbid; I go through a divorce settlement.
Well that's where you and her come to a agreement that Divorce is NOT a option. 
No matter how tough or ugly or bad it gets. Your in it for life. 

And you two promise to fix whatever is the problem to make things work. 

Even going to counseling.. 

You right, you right.
OP cant be afraid to get married cuz of divorce, marriage is a job that requires work. you cant get lazy on the little thing like compliments and manners. Some people run into things cuz they marry for the wrong reasons
-he got that good hair
-we got a child together

i for one married my wife for her mind and the fact she wont let me do dumb stuff to mess up our life, and she is really cute.
im just saying take you time and work to find the one
OP cant be afraid to get married cuz of divorce, marriage is a job that requires work. you cant get lazy on the little thing like compliments and manners. Some people run into things cuz they marry for the wrong reasons
-he got that good hair
-we got a child together

i for one married my wife for her mind and the fact she wont let me do dumb stuff to mess up our life, and she is really cute.
im just saying take you time and work to find the one
I feel like Ill have to get married with a best homegirl whod be down to %+!* because in time, looks will die so its gotta be the reaaaaaal close friendship that keeps everything strong
I feel like Ill have to get married with a best homegirl whod be down to %+!* because in time, looks will die so its gotta be the reaaaaaal close friendship that keeps everything strong
I dont think I ever will. 23 right now.

Was with someone I thought I was gonna marry, had my heart broken. Right now I still just can't even picture trusting someone again. Its not the effort to go through all that again to me right now. I have to much work I need to do on myself, and I really don't trust anyone but myself now.
I dont think I ever will. 23 right now.

Was with someone I thought I was gonna marry, had my heart broken. Right now I still just can't even picture trusting someone again. Its not the effort to go through all that again to me right now. I have to much work I need to do on myself, and I really don't trust anyone but myself now.
I think I will, but I'm a romantic in a sense so I hope so. Plus, I want to go against what has happened to my mom, my aunt/godmother(mom's sister), and grandparents. They all got divorced very quickly into their marriage, but that's because they all married young and quickly, while I have always been one to be cautious and weary in relationships.
I think I will, but I'm a romantic in a sense so I hope so. Plus, I want to go against what has happened to my mom, my aunt/godmother(mom's sister), and grandparents. They all got divorced very quickly into their marriage, but that's because they all married young and quickly, while I have always been one to be cautious and weary in relationships.
I hope I will got married one day. I'm a romantic and even though I can hold myself down, I would like to have someone to share my life, have kids with, etc.
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