Hurricane harvey....texas nters stay safe

200M is very VERY hard to believe for someone that has no ties to the city. That I know of at least.
Bros. I want to get my company involved to donate some money(and in the future other things) for the Hurricane relief fund. Do you guys having any good recommendations before I hit google up for info?
finally got power back about 30 min. ago, it went out Saturday right as they were singing the national anthem on the fight

Didn't know that's where you were located. Prayers to you and the fam.

Bros. I want to get my company involved to donate some money(and in the future other things) for the Hurricane relief fund. Do you guys having any good recommendations before I hit google up for info?

I'm working on the same thing. Any info would be appreciated.
Bros. I want to get my company involved to donate some money(and in the future other things) for the Hurricane relief fund. Do you guys having any good recommendations before I hit google up for info?

I'd probably reach out to the locals first. I'm sure one of the Houston peeps in here can point you in the right direction.
This Osteen ordeal has the makings of a Superdome situation. Too many people and not enough supplies.

I thought TX didn't need help from the Feds?

Yea I thought Texas wanted to Secede from the US????
Yet I saw 5 "FEDERAL" C-17 transport aircraft take off from Andrews AFB and head to TX.

Prideful ignorant politicians of Texas......
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