Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Homer

@ Anton.  Dude is so arrogant and thinks he's so smart.  He starts these serious convos, but when someone decides to make a push to respond, he falls back to these silly comments and smileys.

Duke needs a GPS system, he lost.
I'm lost...I need to open my eyes right? It's right in front of me...right?
It's not even about that. I don't care if your lost. Be lost. You just have no respect for the concept that others have faith and are content with having faith. That's the problem. You don't have to have faith or understand but all this extra !#%# is just making you transparent as hell. 
HueyP in LouieV
Toy Collector123
dj sven
Toy Collector123
The Swoosh
Jwill JR

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Homer

@ Anton.  Dude is so arrogant and thinks he's so smart.  He starts these serious convos, but when someone decides to make a push to respond, he falls back to these silly comments and smileys.

Duke needs a GPS system, he lost.
I'm lost...I need to open my eyes right? It's right in front of me...right?

? I'm not the one bragging about how I had a christian on eek status, when you yourself have no answers. Don't you have some animalistic ritual to perform? 
Oooooh somebody's getting butt hurt. Ironically, "animalistic" rituals are inherently Judeo-christian.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Homer

@ Anton.  Dude is so arrogant and thinks he's so smart.  He starts these serious convos, but when someone decides to make a push to respond, he falls back to these silly comments and smileys.

Duke needs a GPS system, he lost.
I'm lost...I need to open my eyes right? It's right in front of me...right?
It's not even about that. I don't care if your lost. Be lost. You just have no respect for the concept that others have faith and are content with having faith. That's the problem. You don't have to have faith or understand but all this extra !#%# is just making you transparent as hell. 
You know what.....I actually agree with you. I wish more religious people would leave it at "FAITH"rather than try to pass their beliefs as fact.
Hurt? I am trying to have a mature conversation, but I am sure you will respond with rolling smiley faces, because you have nothing better to say. Animilistic rituals being Judeo-Christian? Reallly brody? Eating certain parts, and burning others because they aren't good for you is hardly an "animalistic ritual" it's a human one to save lives. And bruh, it's ok to not know, that is what faith is. Just because you missing the faith part don't knock the next man.

These psuedo- athiests/agnostics slay me. I am going to laugh at all ya'll but can you answer these questions real quick for me? At the end of the day Athiests/Agnostics are convinced life is easier if one believes in God...hardly the case IMO is it not easier believing that there is no God, and that everything is on yourself? That is a pretty empowering thought.
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

man......yall can't be proving god's existence with BIBLE verses..#$+.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I think when you say "God's existence" you're going about it the wrong way (some guy who's hanging in the clouds)[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]edit: 420th post [/color]
There are so many different interpretations of what "God" is? How do we know he's going about it the wrong way? God could be some guy/thing/force hanging in the sky pulling some strings.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Hurt? I am trying to have a mature conversation, but I am sure you will respond with rolling smiley faces, because you have nothing better to say. Animilistic rituals being Judeo-Christian? Reallly brody? Eating certain parts, and burning others because they aren't good for you is hardly an "animalistic ritual" it's a human one to save lives. And bruh, it's ok to not know, that is what faith is. Just because you missing the faith part don't knock the next man.

These psuedo- athiests/agnostics slay me. I am going to laugh at all ya'll but can you answer these questions real quick for me? At the end of the day Athiests/Agnostics are convinced life is easier if one believes in God...hardly the case IMO is it not easier believing that there is no God, and that everything is on yourself? That is a pretty empowering thought.
YOU my friend are NOT trying to have a mature conversation
.....I can't have an open mature converstation with you if you're making comments that make it apparent that you're getting your feelings hurt. I'm not sure what you mean by "ANIMALISTIC" rituals...but this seems pretty "animalistic" to me.



Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by kix4kix

is it not easier believing that there is no God, and that everything is on yourself?
There's no right or wrong answer to this question. It can be just as easy not to believe as it is to believe.

I agree, my point was that it can go both ways  depending on the person, Faith =/ weak minded.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cor23ey

People need their own faith in themselves to move forward since everything is theoretically never 100% certain.

Therefore, everyone is their own god because we create our entire reality.

We can choose to feed its faith and become our full potential or feed the devil and live small.


Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by kix4kix

is it not easier believing that there is no God, and that everything is on yourself?
There's no right or wrong answer to this question. It can be just as easy not to believe as it is to believe.

This is beyond the scope of a religious person's understanding and I honestly don't blame them. If you've been taught something gives your life meaning for so long it is impossible to fathom not living with it.
what i'm trying to figure out is how people can believe in other dimensions, spirits, and extraterrestrial life, but still can't seem to believe in God or at least something higher than themselves.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by midsOleGone

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

man its all relative on levels.

I, am the God of my body. cells live their lives, die and move on.
our God is the God of this plane of existance.
beyond that, is out of our realm of consciousness and understanding.

so then, it come down to terms of faith.

either you believe or not. its simple like that.
he gave man freedom in the decision.
Psalms 82:6 “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High
Originally Posted by Beast4ya

what i'm trying to figure out is how people can believe in other dimensions, spirits, and extraterrestrial life, but still can't seem to believe in God or at least something higher than themselves.
Because there isn't necessarily a connection between other dimensions, spirits, extraterrestrial life and God. I "believe" in the possibility of the existence of anything...aliens in particular. Pay careful attention to my wording...I'm not saying any of those things exist but I am open to the possibility. Hell I am even open to the possibility that God exists.
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by midsOleGone

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

man its all relative on levels.

I, am the God of my body. cells live their lives, die and move on.
our God is the God of this plane of existance.
beyond that, is out of our realm of consciousness and understanding.

so then, it come down to terms of faith.

either you believe or not. its simple like that.
he gave man freedom in the decision.
Psalms 82:6 “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High
Originally Posted by Im Soooo Hungry

HueyP in LouieV
Toy Collector123
dj sven
Toy Collector123
The Swoosh
Jwill JR


Riveting argument.

Some of y'all are......
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Beast4ya

what i'm trying to figure out is how people can believe in other dimensions, spirits, and extraterrestrial life, but still can't seem to believe in God or at least something higher than themselves.
Because there isn't necessarily a connection between other dimensions, spirits, extraterrestrial life and God. I "believe" in the possibility of the existence of anything...aliens in particular. Pay careful attention to my wording...I'm not saying any of those things exist but I am open to the possibility. Hell I am even open to the possibility that God exists.
thats good

but i was just speaking in general....i find it hard to believe that people can believe things like this, but not believe in a higher power
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by kix4kix

is it not easier believing that there is no God, and that everything is on yourself?
There's no right or wrong answer to this question. It can be just as easy not to believe as it is to believe.
This is beyond the scope of a religious person's understanding and I honestly don't blame them. If you've been taught something gives your life meaning for so long it is impossible to fathom not living with it.
What are you talking about? Like being taught about faith from another source and actually having it are the same thing...I don't think so.
anton, you're an idiot. you clearly surround yourself with uneducated people like your friend and because you trump them with your silly rhetoric, you're convinced that you're intelligent...but you're not. at all. and this thread pretty much proves that.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by kix4kix

is it not easier believing that there is no God, and that everything is on yourself?
There's no right or wrong answer to this question. It can be just as easy not to believe as it is to believe.
This is beyond the scope of a religious person's understanding and I honestly don't blame them. If you've been taught something gives your life meaning for so long it is impossible to fathom not living with it.
What are you talking about? Like being taught about faith from another source and actually having it are the same thing...I don't think so.
Don't waste your keyboard it's no use.
Science can't explain everything..

We all feel a certain higher power in us at some points/moments in our life. Its what made Mike score 38 with the flu against the Jazz in 97. Its what gave Dr. King the courage to speak his mind for his people. Its a mothers unconditional dedication to her children, its the will, fight and desire in all of us.

You may not believe in Religion, or science for that matter. But we all know Miracles exist, unexplained events, unanswered questions.

Faith = a form of discipline.

Regardless of what you believe in, or not believe in, you still have faith in your theories, ideas and feelings. Cause' its conceived by you, a free spirit who has a SOUL...

This my friends is the GOD in all of us.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

You got the whole idea of God confused.

God doesn't have to be a singular personification of divinity with human characteristics and tendencies.

Who created matter or the basic element of existence and the universe?
i agree, but what always tripped me up in this thinking is the passage "we were created in his image."

what image is that?
The West, consummate in its cerebral, positivist approach to life ("only that which is tangible is real"), was not capable of a such spectral experience ( Aboriginal Asiatic spirituality), and replaced religion with theology - the human attempt to ascribe personality and character to God. Theology is the human theory regarding God's affairs, will, plans, desires and projections for the human race. Inferences made about "Him" take on a purely anthropomorphic quality, which is no more than a religious aberration.

Sigmund Freud, whose controversial theories have been greatly contested, identified the warped perspective in the Western view of God:
 The ordinary man cannot imagine this Providence [divine guidance] in any other form but that of a greatly exalted father, for only such a one could understand the needs of his sons...or be softened by  their prayers and placated by the signs of their remorse. The whole thing is patently infantile, so incongruous with reality...it is painful to think that the great majority of mortals will never be able to rise above this view of life.

The obsession with infusing God with human qualities stems primarily from the Aryan attempt at comprehending what was, for them, incomprehensible. Aryan projections of God are obviously anthropomorphic in the earliest portrayals of  Brahma, complete with head, arms, legs, feet and in the initial biblical interpretation of "God made man in his own image," which was understood and applied literally.

A(nother) spiritual revolutionary of Western civilization was Mary Baker Eddy, who wrote at the turn of the century (last century)....Mary Baker Eddy dedicated her life to the acquisition of religious truth, committed to the veracity of the words of the Apostle John -  "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"...Her insights into an elusive component of religion that has managed to escape man, if not most of our current theologians, are notable for their qualitative correspondence to the ideas of the Hermetists of Ancient Egypt. Eddy's ideas on the constitution of God represented both a departure from Western religious thought and a gateway to new and progressive concepts and practices in America:

 God is not corporeal ( relating to a physical material body), but incorporeal - that is bodiless. As the words person and personal are ignorantly employed, they often lead, when applied to Deity, to confused and  erroneous conceptions of divinity, and its distinction from humanity. [God is and infinite Mind], and and infinite Mind in a finite form is an absolute impossibility.
 God is Spirit; therefore the language of Spirit must be, and is spiritual. Christian Science attaches no physical nature and significance to the Supreme Being or His manifestation; mortals alone do this. Human theories  are inadequate to interpret the divine...Evidence drawn from the five physical senses relates solely to human reason.

 Soul, or Spirit, is God, unchangeable and eternal; and man coexists with and reflects Soul, God, for man is God's image...Mortals have a very imperfect sense of the spiritual man and of the infinite range of his thought.  To God belongs eternal life. Never born and never dying . . . . The infinite has no beginning.

...This concept (which) once constituted the very foundation of African religious thought, and can be identified in the cultures that would be born from the continent's soil.

It is this concept that we will now explore, beginning with a statement by Tehuti/Hermeswhich pertains to this entity: "I cannot hope to name the maker of allmajesty, the master of everything' with a single name, even a namecomposed of many names; it is nameless or rather it is all names sinceit is one and all, so that one must call all things by its name or bythe names of everything, the only and all, completely full of thefertility of both sexes and ever pregnant with its own will. Under, andback of, the universe of time, space and change, is ever to be foundthe substantial reality - the fundamental, the All."

More of these dudes should read Ancient Future.
A lot of yall spend too much time personifying God as one man, if he is all he could never just be encompassed inside something so limited as a human.
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

anton, you're an idiot. you clearly surround yourself with uneducated people like your friend and because you trump them with your silly rhetoric, you're convinced that you're intelligent...but you're not. at all. and this thread pretty much proves that.
Again with the intelligence...there's no intelligence involved with my thought process. All I'm doing here is asking questions.....people are getting offended because I'm question religion.
Originally Posted by Sighfur

Science can't explain everything..

We all feel a certain higher power in us at some points/moments in our life. Its what made Mike score 38 with the flu against the Jazz in 97. Its what gave Dr. King the courage to speak his mind for his people. Its a mothers unconditional dedication to her children, its the will, fight and desire in all of us.

You may not believe in Religion, or science for that matter. But we all know Miracles exist, unexplained events, unanswered questions.

Faith = a form of discipline.

Regardless of what you believe in, or not believe in, you still have faith in your theories, ideas and feelings. Cause' its conceived by you, a free spirit who has a SOUL...

This my friends is the GOD in all of us.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

anton, you're an idiot. you clearly surround yourself with uneducated people like your friend and because you trump them with your silly rhetoric, you're convinced that you're intelligent...but you're not. at all. and this thread pretty much proves that.
Again with the intelligence...there's no intelligence involved with my thought process. All I'm doing here is asking questions.....people are getting offended because I'm question religion.

there you go again rationalizing OTHER people words to fit YOUR perspective. Nobody is offended because you questioning religion. Dude called you an idiot because of your empty rhetoric, and bragging about asking a question that YOUR boy couldn't answer, not us. Perfect deflection, cuz calls you an idiot, and then says why. You state that it is because of religion, I didn't even see McFlyyy say he was religious.
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