I smashed a chick now her bf is feeling salty

Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Let this be a lesson to keep your girl in check. Give her too much freedom and she'll be toppin dudes off at a house party.

I don't think this is one of those cases though. In the OP, dude said ol girl took from off work. So she probably be gettin smothered and just wanted to spread her wings with threadstarter. Then sent a basic #*+ text
. Some females man....

Her nudes would be all over the Internet before the day is over.
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by henz0

I will never understand why dudes have a problem with the person who's smashing THEIR girl... Take that @%+$ up with the girl, a _ gon take it if shorty is wit it.

I would beat the brakes off a guy for smashing my chick if he KNEW I was with her for the simple fact that its disrespectful....but I wouldnt talk to her anymore though...

Why? That %*!# aint disrespect unless its one of your boys. Then I would probably $$+* up both of them

I boned chicks many chicks in relationships and 2 chicks that were married and didnt think twice about it cause I aint know them dudes... And if that was to happen to me I couldnt hold the dude responsible AT ALL cause its all on MY girl.

Sad thing is, one of the chicks that was married actually introduced me to her husband

So you didn't care at all? What type of mess is that?

One of y'all gon mess around and get separated from your Balls and Bat if you get what I'm saying

Cats are very careless nowadays. Your going to catch the right one on the wrong day.
people who sleep with married chicks disgust me. that's a line i wouldnt cross...

i dont mess with cats girls...do unto others...but it's a foul world...

personally...i wouldnt even try to convince dude of nothing.

cats like that swear they girl could do no wrong and then get all heartbroken when some #@+ go down. SMH.
Originally Posted by JordanFeind

Originally Posted by eye see soles

Is he in the military?

Seems like she is scared of him, i.e., he beats her.

Don't just run away from the situation, even if she's trying to get you killed. It may be a cry for help.
What would him being in the Military have anything to do with it? Im confused.
I think he asked about the military because in his message he said "when I get back"
Only reason dude shouldn't beat your !#@ is because you said you didn't know, other than that i'd be all for it.
lol plot thickens?

you smashed a marine man chick?

son is gonna set it off when he get back, yea def get that cal on you asap.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by henz0

I will never understand why dudes have a problem with the person who's smashing THEIR girl... Take that @%+$ up with the girl, a _ gon take it if shorty is wit it.

I would beat the brakes off a guy for smashing my chick if he KNEW I was with her for the simple fact that its disrespectful....but I wouldnt talk to her anymore though...

Why? That %*!# aint disrespect unless its one of your boys. Then I would probably $$+* up both of them

I boned chicks many chicks in relationships and 2 chicks that were married and didnt think twice about it cause I aint know them dudes... And if that was to happen to me I couldnt hold the dude responsible AT ALL cause its all on MY girl.

Sad thing is, one of the chicks that was married actually introduced me to her husband

So you didn't care at all? What type of mess is that?

One of y'all gon mess around and get separated from your Balls and Bat if you get what I'm saying

Cats are very careless nowadays. Your going to catch the right one on the wrong day.

Real talk. It's one thing to smash a chick and not know but to blatantly just smash someone's chick just cause "she wit it"...
I knowdudes that followed that mentality and got F***** up. So far ya'll may have gotten over on some lame N_s but Karma exists.
Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by henz0

I will never understand why dudes have a problem with the person who's smashing THEIR girl... Take that @%+$ up with the girl, a _ gon take it if shorty is wit it.

I would beat the brakes off a guy for smashing my chick if he KNEW I was with her for the simple fact that its disrespectful....but I wouldnt talk to her anymore though...

Why? That %*!# aint disrespect unless its one of your boys. Then I would probably $$+* up both of them

I boned chicks many chicks in relationships and 2 chicks that were married and didnt think twice about it cause I aint know them dudes... And if that was to happen to me I couldnt hold the dude responsible AT ALL cause its all on MY girl.

Sad thing is, one of the chicks that was married actually introduced me to her husband

So you didn't care at all? What type of mess is that?

One of y'all gon mess around and get separated from your Balls and Bat if you get what I'm saying

Cats are very careless nowadays. Your going to catch the right one on the wrong day.

Real talk. It's one thing to smash a chick and not know but to blatantly just smash someone's chick just cause "she wit it"...
I know dudes that followed that mentality and got F***** up. So far ya'll may have gotten over on some lame N_s but Karma exists.

Most def. And to mess with a married female? Y'all gon catch a dude on the wrong day man. I mean how crazy do you have to be? Think about it for a second?Dudes are out here straight slaughtering cats over stuff like shoes and minor disagrrements. What do you think someone would do to you for not only sleepingwith their chick/wife, but ruining their family and disrespecting him. Stop doing that mess before its too late. People are capable of anything nowadays. Wehear stories on the news all the time about sick individuals who commit haness crimes. Stop thinking with your little head and use your brain.
This is the ting i dont get about these kind of guys...when your girl goes and smash another dude...WHY IN THE HELL WOULD U GET MAD AT THE DUDE THAT SMASHEDHER???....get mad at the girl not th eguy....(unless the guy KNOWS your in the relationship with her and pursues it)...you can't turn a %@# into ahousewife...
what if instead of a dude you found a chick was with ya girl?

i kinda got a story but never made a thread on it.........
Originally Posted by Seth N

ok so about a month ago i met this chick i went to highschool with. i talk to her and get her number to go hang out and what not. she takes time off from work and agreed to come drink and hang out with me. so we're hanging out and she tells me that she had the biggiest crush on me back in high school. one thing leads to another and next thing you know im smashing this broad. couple days later i find out shes in a serious relationship with her bf of 3 years. i aint no home wrecker or anything i wouldnt wish this upon anyone but she wanted me and threw herself at me and i did what any man would do and i hit it. couple days ago her bf gets at me on facebook

U know who tha fuk this is man....and u know #@# u did..i hope u know wats coming after what u did, there no turning back now u better watch ur back for now on....but just wait and see when i come home.....ur tha first person on my list to come see homie...see u then better hope i dont fine ya buddy....

i aint scared of this guy or anything but what should i do? my first instinct was to send him a msg back that i dont give a +*$@ who he is and what not but i wanted to see how you guys would handle this. im sure someone on here has been through something like this so lend me a helping hand.........anyone??
the OP for some who don't read good
Originally Posted by henz0

I will never understand why dudes have a problem with the person who's smashing THEIR girl... Take that @%+$ up with the girl, a _ gon take it if shorty is wit it.

I'll never understand either.
You did nothing wrong, sounds like a simpleton to me.

Something similar happened to me I just wrote back "Lo------L"
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