I swear sometimes I Think Slavery Wasnt Real

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

You guys are clearly misinformed. I dont think a US HISTORY textbook would lie about it, and quite frankly I dont think my history teacher who has been teaching the AP for over 30 years would lie about it. Wavy, you clearly don't know what your talking about. I'm sure a few hundred of Native American's were slaves, but thats it. They WERENT enslaved mainly because the men were hunters. They had no knowledge in agriculture, and the women wouldnt have been slaves. Secondly re-read my egyptian argument again. I clearly said it's debatable if it even happened.

Nikekidwonder, you are an idiot. First off after the British defeated the Dutch to gain control of the slave trade, indentured servants were no longer the main source of labor in the colonies. Africans were cheaper and a better investment. Why didn't the British just inslave the Irish? BECAUSE THEY WERE RACIST. When the Northerners wanted the Southerners to get rid of Slavery, they made the arguments in which I stated before. Have you studied Imperialism yet? It's been proven throughout time that Whites have thought as blacks to be lazy and savages. Come on son.

Edit: I just realized how much of an idiot you were too Wavey. I can't believe you just said Native Americans were no longer slaves due to the decrease of their population.
The Americans killed the Native Americans. DO YOU HONESTLY BELIEVE they wouldve killed them if they were used as slave labor?

The real reason blacks were chosen as slaves was because they are strong and dark skinned 

There strength made them perfect for doing the real hard labor on the plantations 

And there dark skinned allowed them to be able to withstand the hot sun while working on the plantation 

The whites tried to use there own people as slaves though the prison system labor (look it up if you don't know what that is) but they could not take the sun and hard labor most died or past out 

So that is when they decided to go to Africa to get the blacks 

They then made a deal with the African leader to pay him to take some blacks to bring back to america as slaves he agree and sold his own people 

And after the whites was seeing how great the blacks were as workers they went back to Africa with guns and took everyone including the leader to become slaves 

if your teacher really told you that crap about blacks being turned into slaves because they were lazy and savages HE NEEDS TO BE FIRED ASAP

You should he ashamed of your self to think that 

Think about it who would use savages and lazy people as workers ?? SMH
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

You guys are clearly misinformed. I dont think a US HISTORY textbook would lie about it, and quite frankly I dont think my history teacher who has been teaching the AP for over 30 years would lie about it. Wavy, you clearly don't know what your talking about. I'm sure a few hundred of Native American's were slaves, but thats it. They WERENT enslaved mainly because the men were hunters. They had no knowledge in agriculture, and the women wouldnt have been slaves. Secondly re-read my egyptian argument again. I clearly said it's debatable if it even happened.

Nikekidwonder, you are an idiot. First off after the British defeated the Dutch to gain control of the slave trade, indentured servants were no longer the main source of labor in the colonies. Africans were cheaper and a better investment. Why didn't the British just inslave the Irish? BECAUSE THEY WERE RACIST. When the Northerners wanted the Southerners to get rid of Slavery, they made the arguments in which I stated before. Have you studied Imperialism yet? It's been proven throughout time that Whites have thought as blacks to be lazy and savages. Come on son.

Edit: I just realized how much of an idiot you were too Wavey. I can't believe you just said Native Americans were no longer slaves due to the decrease of their population.
The Americans killed the Native Americans. DO YOU HONESTLY BELIEVE they wouldve killed them if they were used as slave labor?

The real reason blacks were chosen as slaves was because they are strong and dark skinned 

There strength made them perfect for doing the real hard labor on the plantations 

And there dark skinned allowed them to be able to withstand the hot sun while working on the plantation 

The whites tried to use there own people as slaves though the prison system labor (look it up if you don't know what that is) but they could not take the sun and hard labor most died or past out 

So that is when they decided to go to Africa to get the blacks 

They then made a deal with the African leader to pay him to take some blacks to bring back to america as slaves he agree and sold his own people 

And after the whites was seeing how great the blacks were as workers they went back to Africa with guns and took everyone including the leader to become slaves 

if your teacher really told you that crap about blacks being turned into slaves because they were lazy and savages HE NEEDS TO BE FIRED ASAP

You should he ashamed of your self to think that 

Think about it who would use savages and lazy people as workers ?? SMH
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Originally Posted by Cuffy

Originally Posted by Defontes

whats hard to believe? you know blacks werent the only slaves in history

I know that nephew, but its still crazy. Could you really imagine OWNING another human seriously? Breeding bigger ones to make "Super Slaves"...like they yorkies or some #%%$. Selling them at auctions and #%%$....Imagine buying a black family on Ebay.
We do it with Animals. What makes you think we didnt and still dont do it to each other. . Ever hear of the NFL? or NBA? Blood diamonds? Sorry OP maybe you should pick up some books. 

what are you trying to imply about the nfl/nba? and how does it compare to blood diamons?...i think i know where your going but don't like jumping to conclusions
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Originally Posted by Cuffy

Originally Posted by Defontes

whats hard to believe? you know blacks werent the only slaves in history

I know that nephew, but its still crazy. Could you really imagine OWNING another human seriously? Breeding bigger ones to make "Super Slaves"...like they yorkies or some #%%$. Selling them at auctions and #%%$....Imagine buying a black family on Ebay.
We do it with Animals. What makes you think we didnt and still dont do it to each other. . Ever hear of the NFL? or NBA? Blood diamonds? Sorry OP maybe you should pick up some books. 

what are you trying to imply about the nfl/nba? and how does it compare to blood diamons?...i think i know where your going but don't like jumping to conclusions
at thinking a history book wouldn't lie. It might not be straight misinformation, but they definitely lie through omission and watered down information. Damn shame what doesn't go into history books. Look into the issue on Texas and school textbooks
Their school board decisions impact the rest of the country too.
at thinking a history book wouldn't lie. It might not be straight misinformation, but they definitely lie through omission and watered down information. Damn shame what doesn't go into history books. Look into the issue on Texas and school textbooks
Their school board decisions impact the rest of the country too.
DAWG. NIKEKIDWONDER. LOL. Why are you doing this to yourself? This prison system labor your talking about, is indentured servants my friend. The British decided to send the poor people and prisoners to work on colonial farms to start new lives. The land owners in America payed for these Prisoners and poor people to come because they couldnt afford it and in return they worked the land. Now, that African argument is true, but they reason why they enslaved the blacks instead of the Irish is because they were racist. They truly believed that blacks were savages. Come on son, how does a white man go to Africa and see a black man enslaving another black man? They thought that blacks werent civilized so putting them to work was a major thing to help them become something. If the whites werent racist explain to me why segregation occurred right after slavery? If you say that blacks were just good workers, why didnt racism end after the abolition of slavery?

The main reason why Southerners didnt want to get rid of slavery is because:
Was a major asset in their economy
Saw blacks are lazy and would only commit crimes if set free
They were racist.

Step your academic game up. Your taking a loss right here.
DAWG. NIKEKIDWONDER. LOL. Why are you doing this to yourself? This prison system labor your talking about, is indentured servants my friend. The British decided to send the poor people and prisoners to work on colonial farms to start new lives. The land owners in America payed for these Prisoners and poor people to come because they couldnt afford it and in return they worked the land. Now, that African argument is true, but they reason why they enslaved the blacks instead of the Irish is because they were racist. They truly believed that blacks were savages. Come on son, how does a white man go to Africa and see a black man enslaving another black man? They thought that blacks werent civilized so putting them to work was a major thing to help them become something. If the whites werent racist explain to me why segregation occurred right after slavery? If you say that blacks were just good workers, why didnt racism end after the abolition of slavery?

The main reason why Southerners didnt want to get rid of slavery is because:
Was a major asset in their economy
Saw blacks are lazy and would only commit crimes if set free
They were racist.

Step your academic game up. Your taking a loss right here.
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

DAWG. NIKEKIDWONDER. LOL. Why are you doing this to yourself? This prison system labor your talking about, is indentured servants my friend. The British decided to send the poor people and prisoners to work on colonial farms to start new lives. The land owners in America payed for these Prisoners and poor people to come because they couldnt afford it and in return they worked the land. Now, that African argument is true, but they reason why they enslaved the blacks instead of the Irish is because they were racist. They truly believed that blacks were savages. Come on son, how does a white man go to Africa and see a black man enslaving another black man? They thought that blacks werent civilized so putting them to work was a major thing to help them become something. If the whites werent racist explain to me why segregation occurred right after slavery? If you say that blacks were just good workers, why didnt racism end after the abolition of slavery?

The main reason why Southerners didnt want to get rid of slavery is because:
Was a major asset in their economy
Saw blacks are lazy and would only commit crimes if set free
They were racist.

Step your academic game up. Your taking a loss right here.
Dude racism did not exist in the form that we know it today back then 
Its started around the time when social Darwinism come out 

They used racism as a way to justify keeping the blacks enslaved because people were saying slavery contradicted the first amendment 

Racism was only invented as a way to justify treating blacks as animals and enslaving them 

The truth is whites back then never looked down on blacks and they didn't think they were better than blacks 

But they invented racism and the idea that they were to justify enslaving blacks because the slaves made them a lot of money and they did not want to give that up
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

DAWG. NIKEKIDWONDER. LOL. Why are you doing this to yourself? This prison system labor your talking about, is indentured servants my friend. The British decided to send the poor people and prisoners to work on colonial farms to start new lives. The land owners in America payed for these Prisoners and poor people to come because they couldnt afford it and in return they worked the land. Now, that African argument is true, but they reason why they enslaved the blacks instead of the Irish is because they were racist. They truly believed that blacks were savages. Come on son, how does a white man go to Africa and see a black man enslaving another black man? They thought that blacks werent civilized so putting them to work was a major thing to help them become something. If the whites werent racist explain to me why segregation occurred right after slavery? If you say that blacks were just good workers, why didnt racism end after the abolition of slavery?

The main reason why Southerners didnt want to get rid of slavery is because:
Was a major asset in their economy
Saw blacks are lazy and would only commit crimes if set free
They were racist.

Step your academic game up. Your taking a loss right here.
Dude racism did not exist in the form that we know it today back then 
Its started around the time when social Darwinism come out 

They used racism as a way to justify keeping the blacks enslaved because people were saying slavery contradicted the first amendment 

Racism was only invented as a way to justify treating blacks as animals and enslaving them 

The truth is whites back then never looked down on blacks and they didn't think they were better than blacks 

But they invented racism and the idea that they were to justify enslaving blacks because the slaves made them a lot of money and they did not want to give that up
Whites thought that Blacks werent among the same species. They thought there hair was wool. I'm sitting her in front of my computer extremely sad at what I'm seeing. How hard is it for you to understand that whites saw blacks as inferior people? How hard is it to understand? YES RACISM DID exist back then. Do you think it just developed out of no where? Do you think whites just grew up in 1960 saying "Hey I'm going to hate black people?" NOO. Their father told them too, and so did their fathers father and so on. It's a chain man. How are you failing to realize this? Seriously?
Whites thought that Blacks werent among the same species. They thought there hair was wool. I'm sitting her in front of my computer extremely sad at what I'm seeing. How hard is it for you to understand that whites saw blacks as inferior people? How hard is it to understand? YES RACISM DID exist back then. Do you think it just developed out of no where? Do you think whites just grew up in 1960 saying "Hey I'm going to hate black people?" NOO. Their father told them too, and so did their fathers father and so on. It's a chain man. How are you failing to realize this? Seriously?
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

I blame those damn white Egyptians for having slaves, if it wasn't for the white Egyptians that held all that power, no other slaves would have existed throughout history.
you think thats when slavery begun?
@ you for taking that post seriously.  Gotta love the gullible children on NT.  And if you seriously believe AA were the 1st slaves in the history of the world, go read a book or 2.  Not trying to take away from the plight AA's have faced, but seriously though- get a clue.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

I blame those damn white Egyptians for having slaves, if it wasn't for the white Egyptians that held all that power, no other slaves would have existed throughout history.
you think thats when slavery begun?
@ you for taking that post seriously.  Gotta love the gullible children on NT.  And if you seriously believe AA were the 1st slaves in the history of the world, go read a book or 2.  Not trying to take away from the plight AA's have faced, but seriously though- get a clue.
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Whites thought that Blacks werent among the same species. They thought there hair was wool. I'm sitting her in front of my computer extremely sad at what I'm seeing. How hard is it for you to understand that whites saw blacks as inferior people? How hard is it to understand? YES RACISM DID exist back then. Do you think it just developed out of no where? Do you think whites just grew up in 1960 saying "Hey I'm going to hate black people?" NOO. Their father told them too, and so did their fathers father and so on. It's a chain man. How are you failing to realize this? Seriously?

The truth is whites back then never looked down on blacks and they didn't think they were better than blacks 

But they invented racism and the idea that they were better then blacks  to justify enslaving blacks because the slaves made them a lot of money and they did not want to give that up

After the invention of racism a lot of whites started to use the excuse of "there be low us" or " There savages" to keep slavery and mistreatment of blacks in place but as time when on they started to believe that and thats how racism started and it was past down from generation to generation 

Just like the inferior complex was past down from generation to generation by blacks 
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Whites thought that Blacks werent among the same species. They thought there hair was wool. I'm sitting her in front of my computer extremely sad at what I'm seeing. How hard is it for you to understand that whites saw blacks as inferior people? How hard is it to understand? YES RACISM DID exist back then. Do you think it just developed out of no where? Do you think whites just grew up in 1960 saying "Hey I'm going to hate black people?" NOO. Their father told them too, and so did their fathers father and so on. It's a chain man. How are you failing to realize this? Seriously?

The truth is whites back then never looked down on blacks and they didn't think they were better than blacks 

But they invented racism and the idea that they were better then blacks  to justify enslaving blacks because the slaves made them a lot of money and they did not want to give that up

After the invention of racism a lot of whites started to use the excuse of "there be low us" or " There savages" to keep slavery and mistreatment of blacks in place but as time when on they started to believe that and thats how racism started and it was past down from generation to generation 

Just like the inferior complex was past down from generation to generation by blacks 
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

DAWG. NIKEKIDWONDER. LOL. Why are you doing this to yourself? This prison system labor your talking about, is indentured servants my friend. The British decided to send the poor people and prisoners to work on colonial farms to start new lives. The land owners in America payed for these Prisoners and poor people to come because they couldnt afford it and in return they worked the land. Now, that African argument is true, but they reason why they enslaved the blacks instead of the Irish is because they were racist. They truly believed that blacks were savages. Come on son, how does a white man go to Africa and see a black man enslaving another black man? They thought that blacks werent civilized so putting them to work was a major thing to help them become something. If the whites werent racist explain to me why segregation occurred right after slavery? If you say that blacks were just good workers, why didnt racism end after the abolition of slavery?

The main reason why Southerners didnt want to get rid of slavery is because:
Was a major asset in their economy
Saw blacks are lazy and would only commit crimes if set free
They were racist.

Step your academic game up. Your taking a loss right here.
Dude racism did not exist in the form that we know it today back then 
Its started around the time when social Darwinism come out 

They used racism as a way to justify keeping the blacks enslaved because people were saying slavery contradicted the first amendment 

Racism was only invented as a way to justify treating blacks as animals and enslaving them 

The truth is whites back then never looked down on blacks and they didn't think they were better than blacks 

But they invented racism and the idea that they were to justify enslaving blacks because the slaves made them a lot of money and they did not want to give that up


Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

DAWG. NIKEKIDWONDER. LOL. Why are you doing this to yourself? This prison system labor your talking about, is indentured servants my friend. The British decided to send the poor people and prisoners to work on colonial farms to start new lives. The land owners in America payed for these Prisoners and poor people to come because they couldnt afford it and in return they worked the land. Now, that African argument is true, but they reason why they enslaved the blacks instead of the Irish is because they were racist. They truly believed that blacks were savages. Come on son, how does a white man go to Africa and see a black man enslaving another black man? They thought that blacks werent civilized so putting them to work was a major thing to help them become something. If the whites werent racist explain to me why segregation occurred right after slavery? If you say that blacks were just good workers, why didnt racism end after the abolition of slavery?

The main reason why Southerners didnt want to get rid of slavery is because:
Was a major asset in their economy
Saw blacks are lazy and would only commit crimes if set free
They were racist.

Step your academic game up. Your taking a loss right here.
Dude racism did not exist in the form that we know it today back then 
Its started around the time when social Darwinism come out 

They used racism as a way to justify keeping the blacks enslaved because people were saying slavery contradicted the first amendment 

Racism was only invented as a way to justify treating blacks as animals and enslaving them 

The truth is whites back then never looked down on blacks and they didn't think they were better than blacks 

But they invented racism and the idea that they were to justify enslaving blacks because the slaves made them a lot of money and they did not want to give that up


Originally Posted by Bee GoT GaMe 23

Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

DAWG. NIKEKIDWONDER. LOL. Why are you doing this to yourself? This prison system labor your talking about, is indentured servants my friend. The British decided to send the poor people and prisoners to work on colonial farms to start new lives. The land owners in America payed for these Prisoners and poor people to come because they couldnt afford it and in return they worked the land. Now, that African argument is true, but they reason why they enslaved the blacks instead of the Irish is because they were racist. They truly believed that blacks were savages. Come on son, how does a white man go to Africa and see a black man enslaving another black man? They thought that blacks werent civilized so putting them to work was a major thing to help them become something. If the whites werent racist explain to me why segregation occurred right after slavery? If you say that blacks were just good workers, why didnt racism end after the abolition of slavery?

The main reason why Southerners didnt want to get rid of slavery is because:
Was a major asset in their economy
Saw blacks are lazy and would only commit crimes if set free
They were racist.

Step your academic game up. Your taking a loss right here.
Dude racism did not exist in the form that we know it today back then 
Its started around the time when social Darwinism come out 

They used racism as a way to justify keeping the blacks enslaved because people were saying slavery contradicted the first amendment 

Racism was only invented as a way to justify treating blacks as animals and enslaving them 

The truth is whites back then never looked down on blacks and they didn't think they were better than blacks 

But they invented racism and the idea that they were to justify enslaving blacks because the slaves made them a lot of money and they did not want to give that up


look up the term social darwism and racism and you will understand 
Originally Posted by Bee GoT GaMe 23

Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

DAWG. NIKEKIDWONDER. LOL. Why are you doing this to yourself? This prison system labor your talking about, is indentured servants my friend. The British decided to send the poor people and prisoners to work on colonial farms to start new lives. The land owners in America payed for these Prisoners and poor people to come because they couldnt afford it and in return they worked the land. Now, that African argument is true, but they reason why they enslaved the blacks instead of the Irish is because they were racist. They truly believed that blacks were savages. Come on son, how does a white man go to Africa and see a black man enslaving another black man? They thought that blacks werent civilized so putting them to work was a major thing to help them become something. If the whites werent racist explain to me why segregation occurred right after slavery? If you say that blacks were just good workers, why didnt racism end after the abolition of slavery?

The main reason why Southerners didnt want to get rid of slavery is because:
Was a major asset in their economy
Saw blacks are lazy and would only commit crimes if set free
They were racist.

Step your academic game up. Your taking a loss right here.
Dude racism did not exist in the form that we know it today back then 
Its started around the time when social Darwinism come out 

They used racism as a way to justify keeping the blacks enslaved because people were saying slavery contradicted the first amendment 

Racism was only invented as a way to justify treating blacks as animals and enslaving them 

The truth is whites back then never looked down on blacks and they didn't think they were better than blacks 

But they invented racism and the idea that they were to justify enslaving blacks because the slaves made them a lot of money and they did not want to give that up


look up the term social darwism and racism and you will understand 
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