At da end of da day da census gonna make hispanic/latino its own box so..........

'It's own box", it's its own box now. Hispanic just means you share a common language. Cubans are almost 75% white-European in ancestry. They too speak Spanish, however;
Santo Domingo.- 15% of Dominicans has Taino genes not found anywhere else, according to research began in 2006 which also determined that another 15% conserve Euro-Asian genetic characteristics, whereas most of the Dominican population, 70%, has DNA of African origin.

Team Platano

 Da Wash Heightz B


Plantain and banana trade along with yam and other food crops became a very important factor in the wealth, prosperity and rapid expansion of the Bantu Kingdom of central and southern Africa around 1500 AD.

Up till date, plantain is still a major and popular staple meal across Uganda and the rest of the former Bantu region.

The history of banana and plantain in the Caribbean has also been traced to the activities of the Portuguese Franciscan Monk who introduced it to the Caribbean island of Santo Domingo in the 1516, having himself come in contact with this fruit in the Canary island, brought there by his compatriots about a hundred years earlier.

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And yet, we're still getting our own box because...

Latinos believe that Hispanicity is a race and do not identify themselves as white, black or another standard racial group.

we're still getting our own box  
Who is "we"? You're an  American.
Why are you here? Why not move to the Dominican Republic if you love it so much?

I was born in America, my family has been here for HUNDREDS of years, as FREE MEN. I rep America. 

What you're doing is what the Spanish did centuries ago, trying to conquer a land that isn't yours through INVASION.

Then have the nerve have animosity and resentment towards "the white man" because they beat the Spanish at their own game.

...sad part is that you're BLACK, breh! Look at this gorgeous black woman!
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Here's the kicker, why not drop the contrived "Spanish" act? Dude is black, and American. If his parents spoke French, he'd still be BLACK-AMERICAN. He keeps saying it himself, "Hispanic is race".

...why are you in AMERICA, reppin' Hispanic heritage in a way which is anti-American? On some "we taking over" type ****?

Why are you trying to "take over" anything, if the doors are legally open to you?

These sentiments are the source of some Dominican's perpetual cycle of self-hatred and denial. Started with their independence.
So are you saying that he IS black or no matter what he says or does he will be SEEN as black in the US?

I completely agree with that latter.
^I think ninja is just proud of his Dominican/Latino/Hispanic ancestry. He doesn't identify as black himself and doesn't care about others opinions on the matter. You're wasting your time trying to get him to admit he's black, even if he is in the eyes of others. If you haven't learned by now, ninja is not going to prescribe to your ethnocentric views. Stop forcing it on him, it's played out on NT. Ninja is a cultural relativist. He will judge his skin color and culture on his own terms. And that's fine. Honestly, you should try to study the behavior of others using the standards of their own culture. Each culture must be analyzed on its own terms. Misunderstandings based on ethnocentrism is where a lot of racism and prejudice stems from. You have to seek understanding before you pass judgement.
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So are you saying that he IS black or no matter what he says or does he will be SEEN as black in the US?

I completely agree with that latter.
I'm personally saying I view him as a person who happens to be black but speak Spanish. All that "Team Plantano" nonsense is just him over-compensating for his black inferiority.

Hispanics have a large presence in New York, and whether they're born here or not they identify through "common language". It's almost tactical. 

However, Dominicans seem to rate very low within the "Spanish" caste system because of their skin color. They can't claim to be Spanish without irrationally not recognizing their African roots. Because that would mean they'd have to admit that they came from slaves, making them lower on their "totem pole", than say Hispanics with more European blood.

It's not about what anyone perceives, it's about scientific and empirical FACT. Denying these facts makes someone ignorant. As I stated a few pages back, I extremely dislike willful ignorance. It's where racism thrives.
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First of all, you are doing TOO much posting these throwback pics of ninja and his mom, and citing the migration of fruits across the world :smh:

So are you saying that he IS black or no matter what he says or does he will be SEEN as black in the US?

I completely agree with that latter.

I'm personally saying I view him as a person who happens to be black but speak Spanish. All that "Team Plantano" nonsense is just him over-compensating for his black inferiority.

Have you ever stopped to think that ninjahood may just personally identify/view himself as Dominican/Latino/Hispanic more than he does black? I honestly don't think it has anything to with black inferiority. If anything, it seems that you may have an inferiority complex and are dead set on making sure he's on the same level as you. Since you have already stated his mother is latino and he grew up raised (primarily) by his mother, doesn't it make sense that that's what he identifies as? He may indeed, factually, be an American born black man with Latino ancestry, but at the end of the day who are you to tell him what to identify as? He is the one that checks off the box on the census. So again, stop trying to push your ethnocentric views on him. You do not how he was raised and what cultural values he identifies with most.

You can tell him what you think of him, but it's not fair to tell him what to think of himself. That alone seems offensive/oppressive and actually borderline racist.

Edit: I'd liked to add. I find it funny you are constantly trying to shame him and say that he has self-hatred and is in denial when he seems to be one of the people on this board who is most proud of their roots and not ashamed to voice that pride.
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I'm personally saying I view him as a person who happens to be black but speak Spanish.

Like Hennessey said, thats your American centric view on me, meanwhile if i took your sentence to describe someone it would be


You seem to think all Dominicans are dark skinned or something... More projections on ur bias. Most Washington heights Dominicans and abroad look like


And because we all look like this, we dont have a "caste system" of color and we dont subscribe to American-centric views on race..

Da government has recognized this and changed da Census accordingly.[/Video]
Why this ***** got these old *** pics of Ninja and his mom :lol: :lol:

The Internet is weird.

I can understand if it was like a gif from that sneaker webisode but son got the type of pics you can only find framed in one's mother's house.

I'm dead.
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If Ninja starts considering himself black then what would he troll about?

Ya out here trying to ruin my dude's shtick
Man I keep trying to tell people that the internet is no joke. All it takes is one person to be obsessed with you and you got the results of this thread.
Oh look, nomad & anton in da same thread unleashing ad hominems..what can go wrong? :lol: :smh:

I think ninja is just proud of his Dominican/Latino/Hispanic ancestry. He doesn't identify as black himself and doesn't care about others opinions on the matter.

And thats that....i dont even speak English in my household.
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