Tbh, I believe racism is natural, you just have to have enough sense to know better.

If everyone was the same color, people would discriminate against hair color. If we all had the same hair color, it would be eye color. If we all had the same eye color, it would be size. So on and so on.

It's just the way humans are. We...or most of us, like to be around people we are similar to.

I mostly agree with this post. Racism isn't natural, the human propensity to create divide is. If it isn't race like you said, it will be something else. Race is just a genius way that Europeans came up with that was very effective. 

Being aware of this problem is a good start, but the same powers that create this divide are also in the business of keeping people uneducated. It is a system that perpetuates itself. 
So u saying it was genius to basically be racist????
I knew it
Ur a racist
Not a SWS
U are a supremacist

Puerto Rico

A census conducted by royal decree on September 30
, 1858 gave the following totals of the Puerto Rican population at that time: 341,015 were Free colored; 300,430 identified as whites; and 41,736 were slaves.[sup][

Ironically today the racial make up of Puerto Rico is 75.8% white, 12.4 % black and 3.3% Native American, 7.8% other

How the hell did Puerto Rico go from majority free blacks and slaves, to 76% white. It's mostly cause of people like ninjahood who will write white skewing census data. Puerto Rico like many Islands was primarily made up of African slaves at some point. 
I'm sorry I can't take anything a satanists would say seriously
Man I promise I'm so dam racist
thas why you always catch me with at least one of them sayings
Rollies, Goldies pass that for ____
I can even pronounce some of em pass that for Stacy
In da united states, black = African American. To call me black and impose ur idea about who i am undermines my entire hispanic/latino Dominican identity.

Da US census has already addressed this and have created a Hispanic/latino box for future forms.

Hennessey already broke down da endocentrism/cultural relativism and told ya about how da 1 drop Jim Crow rules stop at da shores yeeears ago.
No, African American doesn't equate to "black". Charlize Theron is South African, and a naturalized American citizen. She's African-American.

To call her black would be to impose ideas about who she is and undermine her European/Afrikaans identity, as a white woman.

Again, you're gerrymandering. The census is just testing the option in a study, and you keep failing to point out that black Latinos are still selecting BLACK.
Despite concerns that the combined question would lead to less data about Afro-Latinos, the proportion of Hispanics who also reported as black was not statistically different in the separate-question or combined-question format, bureau officials said. 

There's no "one-drop rule" being applied in your case. There's scientific evidence, posted in this very thread that your heritage is 80% African. Only thing people are trying to get you to understand is, you're BLACK!

...and you can cut this out breh, I'm from New York and have both Puerto Rican and Dominican relatives. Run that game on NT'er that don't know Dominicans are fallaciously ethnocentric and the majority of them are closet racists, facts. The pro-black Dominican guy I've mentioned is lighter than anyone in this picture.


But don't take my word for it:
the Dominican Republic has become the Caribbean’s second largest tourist destination after Puerto Rico, attracting many tourists who stay at the many beachfront resorts. However, by extreme contrast, the vast majority of the national population lives in distressed conditions. In the most southern regions of the Dominican Republic, nearest the border of Haiti, poverty runs rampant and families live in squalor.

The ethnic composition of the Dominican Republic consists of two primary people groups: Dominicans and Haitian-Dominicans. The majority of the population is Dominican, a racial mixture of Afro-Caribbean, Indigenous Caribbean, and European ancestry. Haitian-Dominicans make up the largest minority and include refugees, undocumented immigrants, and second- and third- generation descendents of migrant sugarcane workers brought over from Haiti in the mid-1900s. The majority of Haitian-Dominicans, even though they were born in the country, are not recognized as citizens by the government and therefore have no access to social services such as education or health care. There is much racial strife and prejudice between these two co-existing people groups.

While under Spanish rule during the 15th and late 19th centuries, the Dominican Republic employed the social system known as the caste system, categorizing people by their skin color. Remnants of this stratification remain to this day. Even though an estimated 90 percent of the contemporary Dominican population has African ancestry, most Dominicans do not self-identify as black. Haitian-Dominicans, regarded as black by Dominicans, occupy the bottom of the caste system and are often the target of racial prejudice.

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Yeah, this guy is ½ puerto rican & ½ black


I did not know that.

That explains why hes just ok at hoopin.


This dude just copy and pasted his post from the last page because no one acknowledged him. I love it :rofl:
So u saying it was genius to basically be racist????

I knew it

Ur a racist

Not a SWS

U are a supremacist

This literally the opposite of what I said. :wow:

I'm a supremacist? You're the one always spewing nonsense about how black people are superior, I've never said any such thing. Hell I've gotten reported multiple times in the last few months for calling out white supremacy so miss me with that. :lol:

If that's what you got out of what I typed then fam I'm the least of your problems...you need to get off NT ASAP. :rofl:  
I didn't say blacks were superior
I should have worded my thoughts differently
Because I could see how they could be interpreted wrong
I had said that genetically they had superior genes
THATS what I said
Used melanin as an example
Because of how its natural sunblock
Also used eye color as an example
Because colored eyes have more of an affinity to cause problems
Where eyesight is concerned
Those were the statements I had made
Wasn't trying to belittle anyone
METH had dropped some knowledge on me and suggested some reading material for me
So for my statements they were out of place
Honestly i don't even fully read ur posts
I just breeze past every few lines
Either way
U have admitted ur a satanist
And racist
I can't rock with u
Though I believe everyone can practice whatever religion they choose
I just can't rock with u
I mean he wants to invalidate someone's opinion based on religion so I just wanna see where his head is at :lol:
This dude just copy and pasted his post from the last page because no one acknowledged him. I love it :rofl:

Its like Anton & nomad acting so mad their gonna burn down da census cuz Hispanic/latinos got their own box or something [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
This dude just copy and pasted his post from the last page because no one acknowledged him. I love it :rofl:

Its like Anton & nomad acting so mad their gonna burn down da census cuz Hispanic/latinos got their own box or something [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
I know many Dominicans and all that acknowledge themselves as Hispanic
Which to me is cool
I'm just curious
Do u think most Dominicans including urself have African ancestry
But are culturally Hispanic
Like is that correct to say
Or no
I didn't say blacks were superior

I should have worded my thoughts differently

Because I could see how they could be interpreted wrong

I had said that genetically they had superior genes

THATS what I said

Used melanin as an example

Because of how its natural sunblock

Also used eye color as an example

Because colored eyes have more of an affinity to cause problems

Where eyesight is concerned

Those were the statements I had made

Wasn't trying to belittle anyone

METH had dropped some knowledge on me and suggested some reading material for me

So for my statements they were out of place


Honestly i don't even fully read ur posts

I just breeze past every few lines

Either way

U have admitted ur a satanist

And racist

I can't rock with u

Though I believe everyone can practice whatever religion they choose

I just can't rock with u

Dude you and ninjahood have the same scientific intellectualism, please stop.

nutty hare be like you a ********, not that I have a problem with you, I just can't rock with you.

Oh lord, not gonna lie for some reason it hurts even more when black people have the same mentality as their former masters. I'll pray for you, that the morningstar guides you toward the path of enlightenment. 
Ur a satanist and a racist though.......
This dude just copy and pasted his post from the last page because no one acknowledged him. I love it :rofl:

Its like Anton & nomad acting so mad their gonna burn down da census cuz Hispanic/latinos got their own box or something [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
I know many Dominicans and all that acknowledge themselves as Hispanic
Which to me is cool
I'm just curious
Do u think most Dominicans including urself have African ancestry
But are culturally Hispanic
Like is that correct to say
Or no

Because we're at minimum triracial, da latino/hispanic diaspora heritage & culture takes precedence over our individual mixes..in other words da whole is greater than da some of its parts.

Hence why da census is changed in 2020 to accurately reflect sentiments

Combining race and ethnicity into one question did not reduce the proportion of Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, American Indians and Alaska Natives, or Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders.
The combined question yielded higher response rates.
The combined question increased reporting of detailed responses for most groups, but decreased reporting for others.
The combined question more accurately reflects self-identity.


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There's many things Lionblood and I disagree on but people keep bringing up satanism as if that bears any relevance on his arguments.

Satanism nowadays is more of an ideological/philosophical belief than a religion. Lionblood isn't out here sacrificing goats and worshipping the devil 

If I had to compare it to something I'd probably compare it with Buddhism.
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There's many things Lionblood and I disagree on but people keep bringing up satanism as if that bears any relevance on his arguments.
Satanism nowadays is more of an ideological/philosophical belief than a religion. Lionblood isn't out here sacrificing goats and worshipping the devil :lol:
If I had to compare it to something I'd probably compare it with Buddhism.
How u know he ain't sacrificing goats??? :nerd:
U a satanist too??? 80
...can't be mad at Trump for being a proud American, and making Americans COMFORTABLE in our OWN country now can we?
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