U know what at first I thought this whole conversation was dumb and that common sense could tell you were your ancestors are from... but the more I read the more I see why you feel the way you do.  

Because people want to distance themselves from others. we create new categories to classify ourselves in..

Truth is, people are scattered, including asian countries, can't trace their ancestors back to their native lands after being relocated*.

Either way I appreciate yall for being yourselves. , we just got to stop getting emotional and stick to the facts.  A DNA test would help but I know yall aint bout that life.. 

If yall want a real mind ****, Ethiopians have been classified as caucasian .. but we know my habashas are the true blacks dark black abysinnian knamean. 

FTR Steezy your wife's sister features are black.. Ninja hoods ancestors were descendants of African slaves that were sent off to S. America, the same goes for your wife's ancestors.   
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My auntie lenore makes this amazing lumpia.

Its a filipino dish...almost like an eggroll.

Looks sumthin like this

View media item 1997923
Now to the uninformed person...they might call it an eggroll.

Annnd i personally wouldnt fault them for it....i mean ...its made up of basically the same ingredients.....maybe one or 2 differences.

But if youre menu says "lumpia" and i order it....and you bring me a plate of eggrolls ...im going to be upset.

Then the waiter may say..."well theyre the same thing"

Granted...the eggroll was the offshoot for the lumpia....but today...right now.....lumpia is lumpia.

That is what i identify it as.

Its what it is kinda because of the ingredients. ..but moreso because of the heritage.
How when my 1st cousin looks like.


And his mother & my mother have da same mother & father [emoji]128580[/emoji] [emoji]133656867316[/emoji]
Your cousin has African features. He looks like a stereotypical "Jabao", that's the term we use in DR to refer to people who have negroid features with lightskin. If you look darker than him, then you're definitely black, dude. You would stand out like a sore thumb amongst these lighter Dominicans from Santiago.
Hence why we're just Latino, period. Dimelo bori.[emoji]128075[/emoji]
Im surprised These folks aint bring back out da paper bag test...American racial politics really messed them up. :smh:

You know that test is from the damn Islands right? Your people are the ones that do that ****.

The fact you think Latinos ain't judge each other on skin color is hilarious. Y'all are notorious with it.
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Is it still ok to make "Ninjahood is black" jokes on NT?

I'd go with yes.

To be fair, I'm not really offended by this nonsense. I am what I am. Ain't nobody else going to tell me how to identify myself just cause they feel like trolling the Internet (Anton).

FTR - I think Asians should draft sckid. That's a good pick up.
Ya they wouldn't mind but you gave so many reasons as to why black wouldn't be an appropriate term for them. :nerd:  

Thanks for calling me smart bdw, you look nice in skinny jeans.

Calling a Latino by his/her color specially because by doing that you are practically denying them of their own cultural label is wrong fam, people who can't tell Latinos apart are at no fault of they call a lightskinned Latino WHITE, same if they call a darkskinned one BLACK...but once that Latino says "hey no mam I'm Hispanic/Latino" regardless of their skin color they should be identify as a Latino, you guys wouldn't be losing your minds if a lightskinned Ecuadorian didn't self-identify as white....stop thinking we just want to distance ourselves from our African roots, just stop man...we have our own ethnic category with which we set ourselves apart and keep ourselves together because unlike other groups we are mixture of all the races. You are being disrespectful by dismissing Ninjas self-identity....you wouldn't do that to a man that identifies as a woman and would like be referred to as "she" eventhough she still has a D between her legs....somehow you can't bring yourself to identify this man as he wishes eventhough physically he has more claim than a transgender.
Yo why you still writing essays, pa?
You been around way too long to still be getting trolled like that.

Real talk, this **** ain't even offensive.
You giving these trolls way too much power right now.
Ninja can have his latino identity, no one is going to take that away from him by saying he's black and Afro-latino. No one is dismissing his latinoness.

If I call a Russian guy white, he doesn't have insecurities about his culture.

. Let that marinate in your head.
Ninja can have his latino identity, no one is going to take that away from him by saying he's black and Afro-latino. No one is dismissing his latinoness.

If I call a Russian guy white, he doesn't have insecurities about his culture.

But what if that Russian tells you, please refer to me as Russian and not by the color of my skin....you gonna lose your ***** over it like you are over NH? I can guarantee you not a single NTer/person would care.

Reason why you guys ain't questioning how much Diego/me or any other lightskinned Latino denies the label WHITE....because if someone calls me white I'm gonna tell that individual, "I'm Hispanic/Latino" hell like I said earlier, my features can easily be confused and get confused all the time for being middle eastern and I have to correct many people, I'm sure if you trace my ancestry back you can find traces of that in me, but I don't see people wanting to label me ArabiLatino....
But what if that Russian tells you, please refer to me as Russian and not by the color of my skin....you gonna lose your ***** over it like you are over NH? I can guarantee you not a single NTer/person would care.

Reason why you guys ain't questioning how much Diego/me or any other lightskinned Latino denies the label WHITE....because if someone calls me white I'm gonna tell that individual, "I'm Hispanic/Latino" hell like I said earlier, my features can easily be confused and get confused all the time for being middle eastern and I have to correct many people, I'm sure if you trace my ancestry back you can find traces of that in me, but I don't see people wanting to label me ArabiLatino....

Some dudes can't wrap their heads around this.
I would ask that Russian why he refers to American caucasians as white.

The same reason a transgender male refers to every man as a man....because is about self-identity...or did a transgender give up her ability to now say "he" when speaking of another man?

I said earlier, anyone can identify ninja as black specially non-Hispanics who can't probably tell he's Latino...but if they are corrected why keep pushing the envelope?...he has claims to identify as Latino, as Afro-Latino, as black if he wanted to, like many Latinos he will identify as simply LATINO, which is what we been going back and forth for 40 pages, someone's self-identification is not about YOU or society, it's about the person himself and you are literally NOBODY to force an identity on anyone.

Like I said before if you don't want me to identify you as black, let it be known and you will be identified as you wish....I however was under the impression African Americans held in high regards the label black as we do our label of Latinos....but if I'm wrong, by all means correct me.
But what if that Russian tells you, please refer to me as Russian and not by the color of my skin.
I would ask that Russian why he refers to American caucasians as white.

Because they are WASPs.

WASP = White

But if these are the conversations you are having with strangers, maybe you should look in the mirror and ask yourself why you gotta be so anti all the time?
Crazy thing Anton is a big defender of transgenders and sexual identity if I remember correctly, so he would scream bigot at anyone who denies Catelyn of her identity and continue to troll her directly saying she is a he.

Stop being a hypocrite bro....you get the concept we are trying to explain to you, your pride just won't let you accept that perhaps you ARE being a bit of a bigot...acting exactly like the same people you love to call out so much.
Yea but if I called a black transgender male black, he's not going to be like "Nah I ain't black i'm transgender" cause he knows its just one of many possible ways to identify him.

Lmao.....really bro :rofl:

Yeah Diego, you right bro...dudes just out here purposely rustling jimmies and trollin.
If a Haitian wants to identify as Latino, they can and no Latino is gonna dispute it....take a trip to DR....if they want to identify as black that's their choice as well, my wife's roommate is Haitian and she identifies as black.

Ninjahoods choice is to be identified as a Latino....which he is....yet you are purposely dismissing this in other threads calling him a "black man" don't think I don't see you....simply because you want to rustle his jimmies....is sad b.
Tell me what I got called out for.
To keep it real, I don't even know what people are arguing anymore.

Some of ya enjoy the taste of steezys **** so much you will argue with him about anything. You know he'll end up saying some wild **** and just wait for the chance to jump on him.

Tell me what have I been called out on. Its funny how nobody is trying to force Eurohispanic down my throat.

So let's start from the beginning.

What is the argument that is being made here?
What are the two opposing views on the matter?
Let's talk about this like the smart people that we all want to believe we are.

Today I got time cuz.

FTR - I consider Haitians hispanic/Latino.
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If a Haitian wants to identify as Latino, they can and no Latino is gonna dispute it....take a trip to DR....if they want to identify as black that's their choice as well, my wife's roommate is Haitian and she identifies as black.

Ninjahoods choice is to be identified as a Latino....which he is....yet you are purposely dismissing this in other threads calling him a "black man" don't think I don't see you....simply because you want to rustle his jimmies....is sad b.
i dispute it and im mexican. haitians and dr dudes are black. 

. i already said and disputed that regardless of what ninjahood says or thinks ,hes black. 
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Yo why you still writing essays, pa?
You been around way too long to still be getting trolled like that.

Real talk, this **** ain't even offensive.
You giving these trolls way too much power right now.

On da contrary, its quite offensive..stripping someone of their ethnicity for da purposes of ethnocentrism, and subscribing to a 1 drop rule thats EXCLUSIVELY American is trash when someone corrects you and you dismiss it as "denying your blackness"

And For da Record, Haitians refer themselves and are part of da west indians bloc of counties.

They march in da west indian parade.

Dominicans are part of da latino/Hispanic bloc associate with other like countries.

Only people looking to offend would persis in this type of ridiculousness.
Us latinos already corrected you multiple times on how u address us.

Da fact that you're framing it in as racism construct just adds more fuel some of ya just flat out resentful at ya own ****.
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