I will never tip at a restaraunt ever again.

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

wrote said this last time

if you're cheap, you're cheap.. all that so called justification is garbage

I'll admit I'm cheap with certain things. We all are. I even said in my note that part of why I don't like tipping is because tipping services were never really a part of my life growing up. I'm pretty honest about my thrift. But they didn't know that.. they don't know me. So like I said, it's just a butt ##%@ when you're actually in a mindset to tip and all that....and then you get fleeced...for 3 stank %!* bucks. SERIOUS BUSINESS! Glad I had it, Like, what if I would have had to write a check for it?
. Yeah.. I'm pissed. It's not every day I wear a blazer and Issey Miyake to a foodhole. It's even worse when the guy that takes your app says you look well groomed and well spoken (Us negros are still one the fence with that one. Not sure if it's a compliment yet..)....followed by demanding a gratuity on the bill. It's like a slap in the face. Maybe my ears are bad, but I could have sworn I heard:

"You look and speak so much better than those other colored boys that come in here... but... I still don't trust that you're gonna tip MORE THAN 3 BUCKS. "

And so I won't. And I'll eloquently explain why, while smelling sweeter than sin and using "big words". There. They won, I guess..
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

PS- waiters are not really underpaid, it's just the song they play on the worlds smallest violin in order to justify tips.

Are you trying to say that they don't rely on tips for at least 70% of their income??? I sure hope not.
What is going on in here.

OP bragging about 12% tip??? really??  Looked like she needed it?  Isn't that ironic when you are complaining about being stereotyped??

I am white....and i love when they add gratuity to a check because then i don't have to leave more.  I always tip 20% if not more.  I also rarely go out to sit down restaurants but when i do i plan on tipping.  The waiter would have to suck really bad for me to leave 10%.
Originally Posted by Biggmyke

And OP, if you hadn't tipped me, you honestly would've been laughed at by the entire staff and management, and next time you came in, our management would ask that you not eat there. And I worked at a Cracker Barrel, so this is not too different from BWW

yea right
Originally Posted by Biggmyke

And OP, if you hadn't tipped me, you honestly would've been laughed at by the entire staff and management, and next time you came in, our management would ask that you not eat there. And I worked at a Cracker Barrel, so this is not too different from BWW

yea right
$2.82 though
....come on man that's practically nothing

On a sidenote: Those kid cuisines were my go to meals when I was little
Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

i kind of feel you OP but the waiters got to get paid someway. that $2/hr from the restaurant aint paying no bills.

my boy works at red lobster and i clown him all the time when he %@##+!# about the tips. hes been ready to move to a real restaurant cause hes tired of the low tipping. i tell him that all these chain restaurants bring in a whole lot of people who "want to eat good but aint got the money to tip"

<<-- i said that one day while smokin with him and a couple of his coworkers... all of them were

that being said, i always tip at least 15%

i can see how you're upset because they went ahead and added the gratuity onto the bill, which is standard for a party of like 6 or 7 but doing it for 2

don't use this as an excuse to not tip in the future though.

Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

i kind of feel you OP but the waiters got to get paid someway. that $2/hr from the restaurant aint paying no bills.

my boy works at red lobster and i clown him all the time when he %@##+!# about the tips. hes been ready to move to a real restaurant cause hes tired of the low tipping. i tell him that all these chain restaurants bring in a whole lot of people who "want to eat good but aint got the money to tip"

<<-- i said that one day while smokin with him and a couple of his coworkers... all of them were

that being said, i always tip at least 15%

i can see how you're upset because they went ahead and added the gratuity onto the bill, which is standard for a party of like 6 or 7 but doing it for 2

don't use this as an excuse to not tip in the future though.

$2.82 though
....come on man that's practically nothing

On a sidenote: Those kid cuisines were my go to meals when I was little
Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

i think youre missing the part where he SPENT 85 DOLLARS ON A MEAL


why should i give the broad who walked it out 25 dollars?

because she willingly applied to, wakes up and goes to clock in to, and stays working at a job that pays her 3.25 an hour?


and i love dirty's "matter-of-fact" shots....."if you're cheap, youre cheap"


cause we don't see the utility in paying 19 dollars for a 12 dollar sandwich?

because the person who walked the food out to us makes 3.25 an hour WILLINGLY?


i tip people for exceeding my expectations.

that's far from cheap.
My dude you are completely wrong on this one.  The tip is like a non-verbal contract.  I can understand teenagers thinking this way but not grown *** people. 

If you go out to eat then you should expect to tip.  It's not about giving them extra, but you can if you want too depending on the service.  Don't bash the server for having a "low paying" job.  They are supposed to get tips. 

Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

i think youre missing the part where he SPENT 85 DOLLARS ON A MEAL


why should i give the broad who walked it out 25 dollars?

because she willingly applied to, wakes up and goes to clock in to, and stays working at a job that pays her 3.25 an hour?


and i love dirty's "matter-of-fact" shots....."if you're cheap, youre cheap"


cause we don't see the utility in paying 19 dollars for a 12 dollar sandwich?

because the person who walked the food out to us makes 3.25 an hour WILLINGLY?


i tip people for exceeding my expectations.

that's far from cheap.
My dude you are completely wrong on this one.  The tip is like a non-verbal contract.  I can understand teenagers thinking this way but not grown *** people. 

If you go out to eat then you should expect to tip.  It's not about giving them extra, but you can if you want too depending on the service.  Don't bash the server for having a "low paying" job.  They are supposed to get tips. 

Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

wrote said this last time

if you're cheap, you're cheap.. all that so called justification is garbage

I'll admit I'm cheap with certain things. We all are. I even said in my note that part of why I don't like tipping is because tipping services were never really a part of my life growing up. I'm pretty honest about my thrift. But they didn't know that.. they don't know me. So like I said, it's just a butt ##%@ when you're actually in a mindset to tip and all that....and then you get fleeced...for 3 stank %!* bucks. SERIOUS BUSINESS! Glad I had it, Like, what if I would have had to write a check for it?
. Yeah.. I'm pissed. It's not every day I wear a blazer and Issey Miyake to a foodhole. It's even worse when the guy that takes your app says you look well groomed and well spoken (Us negros are still one the fence with that one. Not sure if it's a compliment yet..)....followed by demanding a gratuity on the bill. It's like a slap in the face. Maybe my ears are bad, but I could have sworn I heard:

"You look and speak so much better than those other colored boys that come in here... but... I still don't trust that you're gonna tip MORE THAN 3 BUCKS. "

And so I won't. And I'll eloquently explain why, while smelling sweeter than sin and using "big words". There. They won, I guess..

Join this thing called "society."  Love it or hate it, it's where you are.  Sheesh.
Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

wrote said this last time

if you're cheap, you're cheap.. all that so called justification is garbage

I'll admit I'm cheap with certain things. We all are. I even said in my note that part of why I don't like tipping is because tipping services were never really a part of my life growing up. I'm pretty honest about my thrift. But they didn't know that.. they don't know me. So like I said, it's just a butt ##%@ when you're actually in a mindset to tip and all that....and then you get fleeced...for 3 stank %!* bucks. SERIOUS BUSINESS! Glad I had it, Like, what if I would have had to write a check for it?
. Yeah.. I'm pissed. It's not every day I wear a blazer and Issey Miyake to a foodhole. It's even worse when the guy that takes your app says you look well groomed and well spoken (Us negros are still one the fence with that one. Not sure if it's a compliment yet..)....followed by demanding a gratuity on the bill. It's like a slap in the face. Maybe my ears are bad, but I could have sworn I heard:

"You look and speak so much better than those other colored boys that come in here... but... I still don't trust that you're gonna tip MORE THAN 3 BUCKS. "

And so I won't. And I'll eloquently explain why, while smelling sweeter than sin and using "big words". There. They won, I guess..

Join this thing called "society."  Love it or hate it, it's where you are.  Sheesh.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

PS- waiters are not really underpaid, it's just the song they play on the worlds smallest violin in order to justify tips.

Are you trying to say that they don't rely on tips for at least 70% of their income??? I sure hope not.

Of course they do. It's system that benefits the restaurant and the waiter. If waiters were given an option to earn $10-12 an hour w/o tips they wouldn't take that offer, they make more with tips. I tip, I'm a generous tipper too, but in the back of my mind I can't help but seeing it as an unnecessary expense on the part of the consumer. The employer should pay an employees wage directly, not the customer. Low wage workers in the fast food industry provide a service at a low wage, do you tip them?
Okay, that's all fine.  But people are talking about not tipping on purpose because of what you're talking about.  Who takes the hit at that point? The server does, not the Restaurant.  If there is a change in the way things are done, and food prices go way up to cover a servers hourly wage enough for them to make a living or get themselves through school or whatever the case may be, then ill stop tipping too.

But that wont happen, and OP will still be crying about the sub-$3 that was "stolen" from him at Buffalo Wild Wings. 

I can go to the butchers and pick up a couple of Filet's and make them at home in about 30 minutes with some sweeeeeeeet $@% red mashed potatoes with the skin still on and some steamed asparagus for about 1/4 the cost that I would pay at a restaurant.

People who dont like how the restaurants do business shouldn't eat out. Simple as that.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

PS- waiters are not really underpaid, it's just the song they play on the worlds smallest violin in order to justify tips.

Are you trying to say that they don't rely on tips for at least 70% of their income??? I sure hope not.

Of course they do. It's system that benefits the restaurant and the waiter. If waiters were given an option to earn $10-12 an hour w/o tips they wouldn't take that offer, they make more with tips. I tip, I'm a generous tipper too, but in the back of my mind I can't help but seeing it as an unnecessary expense on the part of the consumer. The employer should pay an employees wage directly, not the customer. Low wage workers in the fast food industry provide a service at a low wage, do you tip them?
Okay, that's all fine.  But people are talking about not tipping on purpose because of what you're talking about.  Who takes the hit at that point? The server does, not the Restaurant.  If there is a change in the way things are done, and food prices go way up to cover a servers hourly wage enough for them to make a living or get themselves through school or whatever the case may be, then ill stop tipping too.

But that wont happen, and OP will still be crying about the sub-$3 that was "stolen" from him at Buffalo Wild Wings. 

I can go to the butchers and pick up a couple of Filet's and make them at home in about 30 minutes with some sweeeeeeeet $@% red mashed potatoes with the skin still on and some steamed asparagus for about 1/4 the cost that I would pay at a restaurant.

People who dont like how the restaurants do business shouldn't eat out. Simple as that.
Servers make 2.33 an hour, and they dont even get that 2.33 depending on how much tips they make. I could work 40 hours at 2.33 an hour and only make 2 dollars on my paycheck, because the more tips you make the less hourly wage you recieve.

The ONLY way these kids make money is tips.

So OP, if you want to be that cheap @## guy, believe me these establishments will remember that you don't tip and you will recieve terrible service.
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