I will never tip at a restaraunt ever again.

Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Did you just brag about tipping under 12%??  and the only reason you gave it was cause she looked like she needed it?

 Exactly...do you even know how to tip Rilla?
How high should one tip for horrible service? Are ya'll actively reading or just criticizing?

But you're ok with paying $32 for a lobster knowing that the some of the money will go to the server but you don't want to have to leave a tip on a $25 lobster??  What kind of service do you think you would get if the server knew they were working on "commission" and got paid no matter how bad they sucked??
Originally Posted by jordanhendrix

Also in Europe if you try to tip they wont take it. But the waiters are paid differently and that is reflected in the food prices.

People will dismiss this.

I wish sometimes that people could see the way the world COULD be rather than just the way it is. If employees actually paid their servers what they were worth, they wouldn't be snatching money from my wallet 3 bucks at a time.

But I'm just "cheap"... don't mind me..
What you should have done, before handing any payment over, is read your receipt for the whole ten minutes that it sat in front of your face.
If you had a problem with the added gratuity, you should have asked a manager to remove it from your bill so that you could leave your bank
breaking $5 tip.

Use a stove OP.
also maybe you shouldn't be dropping 95 bucks at red lobster if you need a job at BBW....dont give me that I'm applying for the manager position.

You have an argument OP but its against BBW adding the tip without telling you. Not tipping never ever again isn't the logical response.
Originally Posted by jordanhendrix

Also in Europe if you try to tip they wont take it. But the waiters are paid differently and that is reflected in the food prices.

People will dismiss this.

I wish sometimes that people could see the way the world COULD be rather than just the way it is. If employees actually paid their servers what they were worth, they wouldn't be snatching money from my wallet 3 bucks at a time.

But I'm just "cheap"... don't mind me..
also maybe you shouldn't be dropping 95 bucks at red lobster if you need a job at BBW....dont give me that I'm applying for the manager position.

You have an argument OP but its against BBW adding the tip without telling you. Not tipping never ever again isn't the logical response.
What you should have done, before handing any payment over, is read your receipt for the whole ten minutes that it sat in front of your face.
If you had a problem with the added gratuity, you should have asked a manager to remove it from your bill so that you could leave your bank
breaking $5 tip.

Use a stove OP.
Originally Posted by ColdCity

i dont tip & wont tip unless i know the server FOHWTBS you wk here do your job i wish bww would add a tip to my bill id go ham call me cheap/broke/whatever i aitn tippin $%^&*()

thats because you're a cheap bastard though.
Originally Posted by ColdCity

i dont tip & wont tip unless i know the server FOHWTBS you wk here do your job i wish bww would add a tip to my bill id go ham call me cheap/broke/whatever i aitn tippin $%^&*()

thats because you're a cheap bastard though.
this dude is just CHEAP. $10 tip for a $85 bill?? thats not even 15% dude. my friends don't usually tip and i make up for it most of the time but only because my gf is a wait tress and she cries about people cheating her out of a tip almost every da
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

PS- waiters are not really underpaid, it's just the song they play on the worlds smallest violin in order to justify tips.

Are you trying to say that they don't rely on tips for at least 70% of their income??? I sure hope not.

Of course they do. It's system that benefits the restaurant and the waiter. If waiters were given an option to earn $10-12 an hour w/o tips they wouldn't take that offer, they make more with tips. I tip, I'm a generous tipper too, but in the back of my mind I can't help but seeing it as an unnecessary expense on the part of the consumer. The employer should pay an employees wage directly, not the customer. Low wage workers in the fast food industry provide a service at a low wage, do you tip them?
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

PS- waiters are not really underpaid, it's just the song they play on the worlds smallest violin in order to justify tips.

Are you trying to say that they don't rely on tips for at least 70% of their income??? I sure hope not.

Of course they do. It's system that benefits the restaurant and the waiter. If waiters were given an option to earn $10-12 an hour w/o tips they wouldn't take that offer, they make more with tips. I tip, I'm a generous tipper too, but in the back of my mind I can't help but seeing it as an unnecessary expense on the part of the consumer. The employer should pay an employees wage directly, not the customer. Low wage workers in the fast food industry provide a service at a low wage, do you tip them?
this dude is just CHEAP. $10 tip for a $85 bill?? thats not even 15% dude. my friends don't usually tip and i make up for it most of the time but only because my gf is a wait tress and she cries about people cheating her out of a tip almost every da
Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

Originally Posted by jordanhendrix

Also in Europe if you try to tip they wont take it. But the waiters are paid differently and that is reflected in the food prices.

People will dismiss this.

I wish sometimes that people could see the way the world COULD be rather than just the way it is. If employees actually paid their servers what they were worth, they wouldn't be snatching money from my wallet 3 bucks at a time.

But I'm just "cheap"... don't mind me..
so knowing that the wage system for waiters is wrong.... you take advantage of it by not tipping.
yes, you are cheap.
Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

Originally Posted by jordanhendrix

Also in Europe if you try to tip they wont take it. But the waiters are paid differently and that is reflected in the food prices.

People will dismiss this.

I wish sometimes that people could see the way the world COULD be rather than just the way it is. If employees actually paid their servers what they were worth, they wouldn't be snatching money from my wallet 3 bucks at a time.

But I'm just "cheap"... don't mind me..
so knowing that the wage system for waiters is wrong.... you take advantage of it by not tipping.
yes, you are cheap.
Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

man, i grew up thinking you tipped when your service was above average...

and the better it is, the better the tip

i dont just tip because you're supposed to tip...thats ******ed.

you live off tips? damn, that sucks, g. Maybe you should apply for a job outside of walking plates of food to people's tables, then, huh?

lol, yall gonna call ME cheap because i dont see the requirment of TIPPING someone for doing their joke of a job


these dudes struggling to make ends meet as a server at fridays for 3.25 an hour is free from criticism?

you dont like being payed 3.25 an hour bro? there are other jobs.

wait, you love to brag about how you walked out of a 4 hour shift on friday with 250 cash, tho, right?

deal with it.

rilla, that happened to me at bdubs in miami.....i wasnt pressed, like you said, i was actually gonna leave homeboy more than they automatically took, but hey, yall automatically took the percentage you all felt was proper for this dudes tip...so have fun with that 2.45 cents....

delivery drivers, too

oh, i have to make a 10 dollar minimum order, when your entrees are 6 dollars, THEN there is a 2 dollar delivery charge, THEN you want a tip after that? lol, so im paying 15 bucks for a 6 dollar meal, bro?

NT can call me cheap, then.

i tip when the service is impressive. i tip when the person is cool. i tip if the weather is ridiculous.

i dont tip because of some unwritten rule that you have to tip

and i certainly dont tip because these geniuses make 3.25 an hour and LIVE OFF THE TIPS...

i went on a southern black college tour in the 10th grade. i was one of the older kids there. it was through i church i had never even seen, therefore i was the only person who didnt know ANYBODY

we went to red lobster. granted, we had a party of like 60....cool. we got a whole back room, and each server was responsible for like 2 tables of 4 kids....

i asked the broad for more napkins, lemon and ketchup WHEN I ORDERED MY FOOD....i got none of those things...i ate my food without lemon or ketchup and didnt get a refill on my soda

the bill comes

everyone at the tables are preparing their tip....and i guess looking at the next man's tip, too, cause i just remember a kid going "YOURE NOT GOING TO TIP?"

im like "naw, my service was horrible"

they go and tell the director of the trip


as a 10th grader, i am now loudly arguing, in public, with several kids and adults about why i wont tip

i just remember the server being around while im yelling "YO, MY SERVICE SUCKED, IF YOU WANNA TIP THIS BROAD, TIP HER, GET OFF MY ****, I STILL DONT HAVE NAPKINS...BUT I HAVE MY BILL"

remember, this is a church-sponsored tour....




black people ARE stereotyped as being $#!$!% tippers. that's a fact.

not saying this situation was racially motivated, just saying, don't jump on that one point he made.

Not sure if serious.

If so, I weep for the future...
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