If a FEMALE invites you to the movies.... UPDATE PICS (Pg.2) Final Update pg.14

Originally Posted by DimesLikeHefner




Go to the movies! then wife it! Spend as much text/phone time with her!
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Point blank, if im on a date with a girl and I feel the chemistry there I wouldn't mind spending some $ out of my pocket from the goodness of my heart and I wouldn't do it expecting to smash at the end of the night, I would do it because i'm trying to be a gentleman to a girl i see some sort of chemistry in. If i'm out with a chick and there's no sort of chemistry whatsoever why should i waste even a penny on her?

Perfectly stated
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Point blank, if im on a date with a girl and I feel the chemistry there I wouldn't mind spending some $ out of my pocket from the goodness of my heart and I wouldn't do it expecting to smash at the end of the night, I would do it because i'm trying to be a gentleman to a girl i see some sort of chemistry in. If i'm out with a chick and there's no sort of chemistry whatsoever why should i waste even a penny on her?

Perfectly stated
If she invited you, then the standard is that each of you pay for yourself. Just buy your own ticket and if anything you can buy a popcorn for you two to split or something. Thats a nice gesture without getting "pulled" into paying for everything.

I dont think Ill ever agree with DC on this type of stuff. I can understand the concept, I just think its a bit extreme. Personally, Ill pay for certain people on occasions, it just depends on the type of person it is and the situation. Ill spot coworkers on lunch, male or female, on occasion, and a lot of times theyll offer to do the same.

As far as the opposite sex and "dates" or whatever, I dont really think it matters all that much. It depends on the person and how you handle it. I invited a friend from class to dinner, it was a nice sit down spot and I paid at the end of the night. It wasnt a date in my mind, and I did it as a nice gesture for someone who doesn't know the city or the places to eat as well as I do. Simple as that.
Originally Posted by DangerousG

Originally Posted by mikejs210

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by Murda He

Just to keep my image at a certain level, I'd still pay for both of us......BUT...it is bad protocol to INVITE someone to the movies and not cover their way IMO.

i agree.i got ask to breakfast...altho she offered to pay half. i felt like a sucka for havin to pay anything...i paid for it all
What image are you two trying to maintain?
Being a "gentleman" and offering to pay for a female?  Idk.
Damn dude. You took the bait. 
Came in to say the same thing.
I saw where this conversation was going to go a mile away.

Thats basically prostitution because your paying for her company basically

Some of y'all...just wow. It is NOT this serious. Dates are now a form of prostitution if someone opts to cover the cost of themselves and their date? Now I've heard everything.

but you and others are trying to label someone as less of a man for paying for her. I'm not saying I'm more of a man for paying though

Well said.
If she invited you, then the standard is that each of you pay for yourself. Just buy your own ticket and if anything you can buy a popcorn for you two to split or something. Thats a nice gesture without getting "pulled" into paying for everything.

I dont think Ill ever agree with DC on this type of stuff. I can understand the concept, I just think its a bit extreme. Personally, Ill pay for certain people on occasions, it just depends on the type of person it is and the situation. Ill spot coworkers on lunch, male or female, on occasion, and a lot of times theyll offer to do the same.

As far as the opposite sex and "dates" or whatever, I dont really think it matters all that much. It depends on the person and how you handle it. I invited a friend from class to dinner, it was a nice sit down spot and I paid at the end of the night. It wasnt a date in my mind, and I did it as a nice gesture for someone who doesn't know the city or the places to eat as well as I do. Simple as that.
Originally Posted by DangerousG

Originally Posted by mikejs210

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by Murda He

Just to keep my image at a certain level, I'd still pay for both of us......BUT...it is bad protocol to INVITE someone to the movies and not cover their way IMO.

i agree.i got ask to breakfast...altho she offered to pay half. i felt like a sucka for havin to pay anything...i paid for it all
What image are you two trying to maintain?
Being a "gentleman" and offering to pay for a female?  Idk.
Damn dude. You took the bait. 
Came in to say the same thing.
I saw where this conversation was going to go a mile away.

Thats basically prostitution because your paying for her company basically

Some of y'all...just wow. It is NOT this serious. Dates are now a form of prostitution if someone opts to cover the cost of themselves and their date? Now I've heard everything.

but you and others are trying to label someone as less of a man for paying for her. I'm not saying I'm more of a man for paying though

Well said.
Just tell her yeah, and that you'll meet her inside already with your own damn popcorn and ticket and drink.
Just tell her yeah, and that you'll meet her inside already with your own damn popcorn and ticket and drink.
You could pay for it this time, but tell her to pay for the "outing" yall have.

If she doesn't, then find another. If she does, then smash. Not hard at all.
You could pay for it this time, but tell her to pay for the "outing" yall have.

If she doesn't, then find another. If she does, then smash. Not hard at all.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Oh now it is about standards? Ok. A man with standards pays. So when do you put your foot down, if ever? She can simply call and tell you to take her out and since you have standards, you pay? Oh right, you aren't tripping over $30. Ok man. You win.
I'm not a "rule of thumb" guy with women bro.. all women are different to me, so even the most similar scenarios can have different outcomes based on her character, MO, and circumstances and most of all how EYE feel about her. So yeah...you go ahead and do that whole scripted response thing. That's your thing. I play by ear. I put my foot down when I feel like it. I don't feel the need to keep it down to set precedence with every girl I meet. If $30 makes MY night more fun because she had fun WITH me...whatever.. it's just money. We're not talking cars and clothes.. we're talking MOVIE TICKETS -- a shared event. Small things to a giant. Aside from all that logic though, I clearly said it's all about respect and limits. I even used the word reciprocity. But if you want to skip over all of that just to have some polarized anti-man law to argue against, whatever... do you. I'll play that role if it makes your day a little better. I don't mind.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Oh now it is about standards? Ok. A man with standards pays. So when do you put your foot down, if ever? She can simply call and tell you to take her out and since you have standards, you pay? Oh right, you aren't tripping over $30. Ok man. You win.
I'm not a "rule of thumb" guy with women bro.. all women are different to me, so even the most similar scenarios can have different outcomes based on her character, MO, and circumstances and most of all how EYE feel about her. So yeah...you go ahead and do that whole scripted response thing. That's your thing. I play by ear. I put my foot down when I feel like it. I don't feel the need to keep it down to set precedence with every girl I meet. If $30 makes MY night more fun because she had fun WITH me...whatever.. it's just money. We're not talking cars and clothes.. we're talking MOVIE TICKETS -- a shared event. Small things to a giant. Aside from all that logic though, I clearly said it's all about respect and limits. I even used the word reciprocity. But if you want to skip over all of that just to have some polarized anti-man law to argue against, whatever... do you. I'll play that role if it makes your day a little better. I don't mind.
paying for her will only increase your odds of gettin it in. so ask yourself is it worth the 11 extra bucks.
paying for her will only increase your odds of gettin it in. so ask yourself is it worth the 11 extra bucks.
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