I'm her #2, is this a good situation?

Originally Posted by cocolicious

Cheating is for losers. If she is unhappy with him then she should just break up with him.
Kill the boyfriend then you can be #1. Problem solved.
[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]j/k don't do it lulz[/color]
It doesn't sound like you're her number 2. It sounds like she's getting you prepared to be her rebound for when she breaks up with herbf
Yeah eff the date nights...if she has a bf just keep it strictly sex/physical.

You obviously have SOME feelings for her, ya'll should put everything out on the table. You'd be surprised how much easier things become when both ofya'll share how you want things to be.
I say probably bad..... More times than not your the one going to get hurt in this situation and catch feelings of wanting to be number 1 when she might notwant that. Plus you know nothing serious is going to happen cause why would you want to wife up a girl who does this to her boyfriend? She'll probably dothe same to you if you get together. But if you can handle her having a man and you don't think your feelings will grow and get attached then have fun withher.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Listen to me

It is NEVER a good situation to mess with another man's woman. You don't know what that man is capable of. Most fights are over women and money. It isn't smart. It isn't SAFE. It isn't worth the bad karma.

Also, you are spending $ on this woman. If you ARE (which I don't condone) going to be the "#2", you should be using it for sexual purposes only. You shouldn't invest so much time and emotion into this situation.

So to answer your question, NO.
Just don't pay for shet

grow some balls man, why are you treating this chick to dinner and movies when she has a man that can do that for her

Apart from being the #2 dude you treat her like your gf..... which she is not

Only way to win in this situation is to smash and nothing more, but sounds like you like her... treating her like a lady when it's obvious shes just a jump

save your money homes, stop paying for vag thats not yours
Not a good look, for both you and the other dude.
I mean, that's someone else's girl, if she cares for you, she would leave him to be with you.
Now put yourself in other dude's position, would you really want your girl to be cheating on you for someone else?
you really sounding a "boyfriend" though :-/

you like her, and in that case, being #2 is NEVER a good look, no matter how well the other party tries to "dress" it up
At the end of the day,you still number two...you still the "on, that's just my friend" when he walk in and she's on the phone with you. You get texts on holidays,they get invites. They go to the bahamas and ya'll go to Joe Crab Shack.....

tell her not to call, text, im, tweet, etc. Distance yourself immediately.
3 things:

1-where the polaroids

2-if she cheating on her dude now, she will cheat on you IF ya get together. honestly i wouldnt use her for nothing but a nut. unfortunately it seems like youcaught feelings though, so you trying to wife

3-where the pics son?
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