Information on JFK's assassination.

^ oh my god.

this whole thing is just crazy though. its just like. someone has to know what really happened. but no one ever saya anything...

and you guys aren't even discussing the two "cameramen" that were filimg and how their video was never shown..
If our government is able to killl our President in plain sight, cover it up, and get away with it.. imagine what they could do to normal people like us livingin America!
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Yes because she'd still be an easier target out of the car than in it. But here's another thing to ponder, Secret Service ordered to stand down and not follow alongside the president
To some degree, this lack of protection may have occurred because Kennedy himself had specifically asked that the Secret Service make itself discreet during the Dallas visit.
^ Bugliosi, Vincent."Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy." 2007, Norton: New York, New York. pp. 29, 38.
Originally Posted by Air Bonilla 23

Jackie Kennedy was reaching back for Kennedy's brains.

it looks shiny and silver #!$ to me from that video...whatever she reached for
Originally Posted by eeibaby

Heres the gif


Watch JK stares at Governer Connally, he takes a quick look at her than turn his head around then he is shot
Look at JFK he coughs in his sleeve and then sort of nudges over like he lost consciousness, Connally turns around to make sure he's notconscious, Jackie glances at Connally and he seems to look at her. then she shoots... it's crazy

I read the whole first page and imo this theory is the most plausible I have ever read. The details and points made are quite intriguing.
I think her trying to get as far away from him as possible is a pretty reasonable response, actually. Clearly he is the target, so the immediate thought wouldbe to move out of the way. Why are people expecting her to reasonably $$%$# the situation and know that she would be an "easier target" out of thecar? The guy getting shot is right next to you, you move away. That would be my initial reaction, I'm sure.
President Kennedy is shot in the head right before their eyes, but they do not even flinch, because they are there to document the event, just as the Dancing Israelis were there in New York City to document the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers at the World Trade Centre


And you had me at:
Lyndon 'Lyin' Johnson, as he was called, was a Zionist Jew
Zionist jews responsible for a lot of the crap in this world, including the Nazi regime.
I think you guys arent thinking about that fact that this was her HUSBAND, for god sakes, it not some stranger just getting capped at. If you were chillin withyour spouse at he/she gets shot at, you wouldnt just run away without trying to get him/her to safety as well.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

I think her trying to get as far away from him as possible is a pretty reasonable response, actually. Clearly he is the target, so the immediate thought would be to move out of the way. Why are people expecting her to reasonably $$%$# the situation and know that she would be an "easier target" out of the car? The guy getting shot is right next to you, you move away. That would be my initial reaction, I'm sure.

She doesn't even flinch though when he gets shot, usually when someone hears a gunshot especially that close they should at least flinch. Her movementshows at least she knew it was coming
Originally Posted by eeibaby

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

I think her trying to get as far away from him as possible is a pretty reasonable response, actually. Clearly he is the target, so the immediate thought would be to move out of the way. Why are people expecting her to reasonably $$%$# the situation and know that she would be an "easier target" out of the car? The guy getting shot is right next to you, you move away. That would be my initial reaction, I'm sure.

She doesn't even flinch though when he gets shot, usually when someone hears a gunshot especially that close they should at least flinch. Her movement shows at least she knew it was coming
From what I saw in the gif it look like everyone in the car flinches when jfk get hit in the head. Plus some people don't always flinch, likemyself unfortunately. Some dudes crashed my friends party so he kicked them out. Then there was a confrontation in front ending with those dudes shooting inthe air to draw police attention to the house and ruin/end the party. i was watching from the front door and all i did not move at all when they shot. Did notduck or anything
Originally Posted by Cz7

I think you guys arent thinking about that fact that this was her HUSBAND, for god sakes, it not some stranger just getting capped at. If you were chillin with your spouse at he/she gets shot at, you wouldnt just run away without trying to get him/her to safety as well.

jealous drove to hate.
zionism is the root of all evil. look everywhere and anywhere we have problems and try and tell me a zionist is not at the heart of our problems.
Originally Posted by new york yanks

zionism is the root of all evil. look everywhere and anywhere we have problems and try and tell me a zionist is not at the heart of our problems.

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