iPhone 4 vs. Evo 4G: Battle of 720p!

Originally Posted by debs 168

apple only needs one phone tho. htc needs an army because none of them compare to the iphone. there's an iphone killer released every week. why is the iphone still the most popular phone on the market, tho?

the saga continues.

iPhone fanboy. I don't see the point in arguing over which is better. Buy whatever the +%+% you want, why's everybody so worried about the next mans cellular? Get what suits your needs and you'll be good.
Originally Posted by JosephSKC

Originally Posted by debs 168

apple only needs one phone tho. htc needs an army because none of them compare to the iphone. there's an iphone killer released every week. why is the iphone still the most popular phone on the market, tho?

the saga continues.

iPhone fanboy. I don't see the point in arguing over which is better. Buy whatever the +%+% you want, why's everybody so worried about the next mans cellular? Get what suits your needs and you'll be good.
lol @ this clown. i couldn't care less about which phone does what.
from a completely unbiased point of view, if one read the blogs, forums, articles, you'd see what i mean. every new phone is an iphone killer. why??

is the iphone that damn good that its public enemy number one when it comes to these companies trying to create something that will "kill" the iphone?

apple just got into the phone business like three years ago and already is at the top. what happened??

but i'm the iphone fanboy tho. f outta here.
Originally Posted by JosephSKC

Originally Posted by debs 168

apple only needs one phone tho. htc needs an army because none of them compare to the iphone. there's an iphone killer released every week. why is the iphone still the most popular phone on the market, tho?

the saga continues.

iPhone fanboy. I don't see the point in arguing over which is better. Buy whatever the +%+% you want, why's everybody so worried about the next mans cellular? Get what suits your needs and you'll be good.
lol @ this clown. i couldn't care less about which phone does what.
from a completely unbiased point of view, if one read the blogs, forums, articles, you'd see what i mean. every new phone is an iphone killer. why??

is the iphone that damn good that its public enemy number one when it comes to these companies trying to create something that will "kill" the iphone?

apple just got into the phone business like three years ago and already is at the top. what happened??

but i'm the iphone fanboy tho. f outta here.
I love my iPhone...but all I have to say is that the dudes who did the videos have mean setups in those rooms!
I love my iPhone...but all I have to say is that the dudes who did the videos have mean setups in those rooms!
Originally Posted by debs 168

Originally Posted by JosephSKC

Originally Posted by debs 168

apple only needs one phone tho. htc needs an army because none of them compare to the iphone. there's an iphone killer released every week. why is the iphone still the most popular phone on the market, tho?

the saga continues.

iPhone fanboy. I don't see the point in arguing over which is better. Buy whatever the +%+% you want, why's everybody so worried about the next mans cellular? Get what suits your needs and you'll be good.
lol @ this clown. i couldn't care less about which phone does what.
from a completely unbiased point of view, if one read the blogs, forums, articles, you'd see what i mean. every new phone is an iphone killer. why??

is the iphone that damn good that its public enemy number one when it comes to these companies trying to create something that will "kill" the iphone?

apple just got into the phone business like three years ago and already is at the top. what happened??

but i'm the iphone fanboy tho. f outta here.

I could care less about either phone. You seem to be missing the fact that I don't give a *%#% about blogs forums or articles. All I'm saying is you're biased and sound like a fanboy. Anyone can see that from a 3rd person perspective. Have fun with your iPhone
Originally Posted by debs 168

Originally Posted by JosephSKC

Originally Posted by debs 168

apple only needs one phone tho. htc needs an army because none of them compare to the iphone. there's an iphone killer released every week. why is the iphone still the most popular phone on the market, tho?

the saga continues.

iPhone fanboy. I don't see the point in arguing over which is better. Buy whatever the +%+% you want, why's everybody so worried about the next mans cellular? Get what suits your needs and you'll be good.
lol @ this clown. i couldn't care less about which phone does what.
from a completely unbiased point of view, if one read the blogs, forums, articles, you'd see what i mean. every new phone is an iphone killer. why??

is the iphone that damn good that its public enemy number one when it comes to these companies trying to create something that will "kill" the iphone?

apple just got into the phone business like three years ago and already is at the top. what happened??

but i'm the iphone fanboy tho. f outta here.

I could care less about either phone. You seem to be missing the fact that I don't give a *%#% about blogs forums or articles. All I'm saying is you're biased and sound like a fanboy. Anyone can see that from a 3rd person perspective. Have fun with your iPhone
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

I watched a little. iPhone looks to be the winner. I want to cop but I'm under contract with verizon. Is the cancellation fee really only 175? If so, I may just cancel, sell my iPod and blackberry and that should cover it, no? Thoughts?

is it really that better that you have go through the hassle and sell all your assets.
you are with verizon, check out the droid X
 I'm not selling all of my assets but I'm saying if I were to get an iPhone, I wouldn't need my iPod and BB. Another reason is because I'm going to have to pay my own bill soon and the AT&T plan is cheaper per month (I think). It does seem like a  bit of a hassle though. I have to give it more thought.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

I watched a little. iPhone looks to be the winner. I want to cop but I'm under contract with verizon. Is the cancellation fee really only 175? If so, I may just cancel, sell my iPod and blackberry and that should cover it, no? Thoughts?

is it really that better that you have go through the hassle and sell all your assets.
you are with verizon, check out the droid X
 I'm not selling all of my assets but I'm saying if I were to get an iPhone, I wouldn't need my iPod and BB. Another reason is because I'm going to have to pay my own bill soon and the AT&T plan is cheaper per month (I think). It does seem like a  bit of a hassle though. I have to give it more thought.
f all that tho.
its a phone. a phone is a phone is a phone.

all i'm saying is why are there 234343 threads on various sites about how x phone is gonna kill the iphone? why are there so many articles about how y phone is gonna be the iphone killer and will it compete with the iphone and all this other crap.

why did apple go from upstarts in the phone industry to being public enemy number one to phone companies that been in the game since the start???

there's a reason for that.

apple has ONE phone. ONE.
all these other companies have like 5-10 different models that are supposed to be iphone killers...but they all turn out to be iphone CLONES.


it is what it is.
f all that tho.
its a phone. a phone is a phone is a phone.

all i'm saying is why are there 234343 threads on various sites about how x phone is gonna kill the iphone? why are there so many articles about how y phone is gonna be the iphone killer and will it compete with the iphone and all this other crap.

why did apple go from upstarts in the phone industry to being public enemy number one to phone companies that been in the game since the start???

there's a reason for that.

apple has ONE phone. ONE.
all these other companies have like 5-10 different models that are supposed to be iphone killers...but they all turn out to be iphone CLONES.


it is what it is.
It all boils down to this. If you're a techie and into gadgets, you'll like the Evo better.  If you're your average consumer who just want a phone to work, surf the web, text, video record, etc. get the iPhone.
Depends on what you want, 4.3 inch screen or 3.5 with better resolution

Evo - HDMI output, android unlimited apps with no control or closed system like apple, google apps, kickstand, flash video/games, cheaper plan, fm radio, wifi hotpsot

iPhone - More apps, more accessories, better battery, sexier looking device, more polished OS
It all boils down to this. If you're a techie and into gadgets, you'll like the Evo better.  If you're your average consumer who just want a phone to work, surf the web, text, video record, etc. get the iPhone.
Depends on what you want, 4.3 inch screen or 3.5 with better resolution

Evo - HDMI output, android unlimited apps with no control or closed system like apple, google apps, kickstand, flash video/games, cheaper plan, fm radio, wifi hotpsot

iPhone - More apps, more accessories, better battery, sexier looking device, more polished OS
Originally Posted by debs 168

f all that tho.
its a phone. a phone is a phone is a phone.

all i'm saying is why are there 234343 threads on various sites about how x phone is gonna kill the iphone? why are there so many articles about how y phone is gonna be the iphone killer and will it compete with the iphone and all this other crap.

why did apple go from upstarts in the phone industry to being public enemy number one to phone companies that been in the game since the start???

there's a reason for that.

apple has ONE phone. ONE.
all these other companies have like 5-10 different models that are supposed to be iphone killers...but they all turn out to be iphone CLONES.


it is what it is.
I don't know, and I really don't care. Like I said you seem to not get that for some reason
So apple has one phone and other companies have more phones. So what? If you have an iPhone, be happy with your iPhone. I'm sure other people buy other phones that are similar to the iPhone because it suits their needs. When the G1 came out, it suited what I needed it for so I bought. It was a great phone but I no longer have it. My little cousin has an iPhone, it's cool. There's some crazy %** apps on it, and the screen resolution is beautiful. Both OS's are great and run super smooth

Imo, Android =/= iPhone

Both have their strong points and weak points. Agree to disagree that's all I'm sayin.
Originally Posted by debs 168

f all that tho.
its a phone. a phone is a phone is a phone.

all i'm saying is why are there 234343 threads on various sites about how x phone is gonna kill the iphone? why are there so many articles about how y phone is gonna be the iphone killer and will it compete with the iphone and all this other crap.

why did apple go from upstarts in the phone industry to being public enemy number one to phone companies that been in the game since the start???

there's a reason for that.

apple has ONE phone. ONE.
all these other companies have like 5-10 different models that are supposed to be iphone killers...but they all turn out to be iphone CLONES.


it is what it is.
I don't know, and I really don't care. Like I said you seem to not get that for some reason
So apple has one phone and other companies have more phones. So what? If you have an iPhone, be happy with your iPhone. I'm sure other people buy other phones that are similar to the iPhone because it suits their needs. When the G1 came out, it suited what I needed it for so I bought. It was a great phone but I no longer have it. My little cousin has an iPhone, it's cool. There's some crazy %** apps on it, and the screen resolution is beautiful. Both OS's are great and run super smooth

Imo, Android =/= iPhone

Both have their strong points and weak points. Agree to disagree that's all I'm sayin.
Originally Posted by debs 168

Originally Posted by JosephSKC

Originally Posted by debs 168

apple only needs one phone tho. htc needs an army because none of them compare to the iphone. there's an iphone killer released every week. why is the iphone still the most popular phone on the market, tho?

the saga continues.

iPhone fanboy. I don't see the point in arguing over which is better. Buy whatever the +%+% you want, why's everybody so worried about the next mans cellular? Get what suits your needs and you'll be good.
lol @ this clown. i couldn't care less about which phone does what.
from a completely unbiased point of view, if one read the blogs, forums, articles, you'd see what i mean. every new phone is an iphone killer. why??

is the iphone that damn good that its public enemy number one when it comes to these companies trying to create something that will "kill" the iphone?

apple just got into the phone business like three years ago and already is at the top. what happened??

but i'm the iphone fanboy tho. f outta here.

blackberry is still da number 1 phone and android is right behind.

and now that verizon is getting this beast


no one is "thirsty" to get on a closed apple phone except da stans.

oh and and since da apple defenders are here imma just drop this off here...

[h4]iPhone 4 models dropping calls when held left-handed, including ours (video)[/h4]
By Richard Lai posted Jun 24th 2010 7:53AM



15diggsdigg What's more annoying than spending hours lining up for a shiny new gadget? Learning that your precious phone can't actually connect to the network. Well, depending on how you hold it -- word has it that the iPhone 4's bottom-left corner isn't playing nice with your skin. If you recall from the keynote, that's where the Bluetooth / WiFi / GPS antenna meets its GSM / UMTS counterpart. So we decided to test on two brand new iPhone 4 handsets purchased today in the UK.

One iPhone 4 demonstrated the issue everytime it was held in our left hand (as a right-handed person is apt to do) so that our palm was essentially bridging the two antennas. You can see that in the video after the break. Bridging the two with a finger tip, however, didn't cause any issues with the reported reception. If we had to guess, we'd say that our conductive skin was acting to detune the antenna -- in fact, we've already managed to slowly kill two calls that way so it's not just an issue with the software erroneously reporting an incorrect signal strength. That said, we had no issues when Apple's $29 rubber bumper accessory (given to us free for standing in line) was attached, creating a buffer between our palm and the antennas. See the video evidence after the break including Insanely Great Mac's version which got us to worrying in the first place.

P.S. Don't forget to take our poll and let us know if you're seeing both the yellow spots / stripes and reception issues. Unfortunately, we're suffering from both flaws which is not a good sign for quality control on this first batch of Apple handsets.

Originally Posted by debs 168

Originally Posted by JosephSKC

Originally Posted by debs 168

apple only needs one phone tho. htc needs an army because none of them compare to the iphone. there's an iphone killer released every week. why is the iphone still the most popular phone on the market, tho?

the saga continues.

iPhone fanboy. I don't see the point in arguing over which is better. Buy whatever the +%+% you want, why's everybody so worried about the next mans cellular? Get what suits your needs and you'll be good.
lol @ this clown. i couldn't care less about which phone does what.
from a completely unbiased point of view, if one read the blogs, forums, articles, you'd see what i mean. every new phone is an iphone killer. why??

is the iphone that damn good that its public enemy number one when it comes to these companies trying to create something that will "kill" the iphone?

apple just got into the phone business like three years ago and already is at the top. what happened??

but i'm the iphone fanboy tho. f outta here.

blackberry is still da number 1 phone and android is right behind.

and now that verizon is getting this beast


no one is "thirsty" to get on a closed apple phone except da stans.

oh and and since da apple defenders are here imma just drop this off here...

[h4]iPhone 4 models dropping calls when held left-handed, including ours (video)[/h4]
By Richard Lai posted Jun 24th 2010 7:53AM



15diggsdigg What's more annoying than spending hours lining up for a shiny new gadget? Learning that your precious phone can't actually connect to the network. Well, depending on how you hold it -- word has it that the iPhone 4's bottom-left corner isn't playing nice with your skin. If you recall from the keynote, that's where the Bluetooth / WiFi / GPS antenna meets its GSM / UMTS counterpart. So we decided to test on two brand new iPhone 4 handsets purchased today in the UK.

One iPhone 4 demonstrated the issue everytime it was held in our left hand (as a right-handed person is apt to do) so that our palm was essentially bridging the two antennas. You can see that in the video after the break. Bridging the two with a finger tip, however, didn't cause any issues with the reported reception. If we had to guess, we'd say that our conductive skin was acting to detune the antenna -- in fact, we've already managed to slowly kill two calls that way so it's not just an issue with the software erroneously reporting an incorrect signal strength. That said, we had no issues when Apple's $29 rubber bumper accessory (given to us free for standing in line) was attached, creating a buffer between our palm and the antennas. See the video evidence after the break including Insanely Great Mac's version which got us to worrying in the first place.

P.S. Don't forget to take our poll and let us know if you're seeing both the yellow spots / stripes and reception issues. Unfortunately, we're suffering from both flaws which is not a good sign for quality control on this first batch of Apple handsets.

The new iPhone looks amazing and I haven't been too keen on Apple products as of late, he only thing I hate about them are the expensive @%! plans for no reason, its $100 + per month for no reason.

I'll stick to alternatives.
The new iPhone looks amazing and I haven't been too keen on Apple products as of late, he only thing I hate about them are the expensive @%! plans for no reason, its $100 + per month for no reason.

I'll stick to alternatives.
I gotta be one of the few people that actually enjoys watching iStans make fools of themselves in threads like this.

Denial is a feminine canine.

I gotta be one of the few people that actually enjoys watching iStans make fools of themselves in threads like this.

Denial is a feminine canine.

Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

I gotta be one of the few people that actually enjoys watching iStans make fools of themselves in threads like this.

Denial is a feminine canine.

It is rather comedic. People will stand by the iPhone no matter what!
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