Is Canada the greatest country?

lol in Toronto. random from pittsburgh DM'd me on twitter asking where to cop. told him i could help him out.
didnt feel bad tho cause hes a MAGA supporter
I hope you didn't give him the full 7 either

MAGA goof.

I was smoking a spliff after work once yrs ago downtown and some random couple from NJ asked me where to cop. Gave em half a grizzy for $20
shoutout the american's paying 100 usd for a quarter of loud lol
That still happens? Last time I bought a bag I got a 1/4 for like $80 and it was some fire.

It was funny...I hadn’t copped in a few years and just though “damn...weed got cheap.” Used to pay $120 for similar quality years ago.
usually mans will sell 7 for 50 over here. btw idk if this is allowed but if mans are ever in Toronto and need
hit me up. ill give that NT discount lol
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