is French Montana AA But Not Black?

Systemic racism is REAL Ninja :rofl:

Only reason you don't see it or feel it is because you have never tried to apply for a bank loan for a home or a business or made any moves that would advance you on a social economic level, you are perfectly happy with the hand out a white man offered our people (blacks and Latinos, alike)

Your eyes are closed shut bro.
Still waiting for ***** to tell me why da crazy looney beyhive mob are the worst beings on social media.
Lol, I'm not talking about your accent papi.

I'm saying a lot of people posts imply the way the white man identifies people is what we have to accept.

lol @ folks siding wit da default "white" man position (which white is flawed as a all encompassing category it itself) when it comes to labeling.

did some of ya ever ponder that Latinos/hispanics & arabs/middle Eastern​ folks DON'T want to assimilate into da United States generic outdated census categories (thank god thdy updated it) that stripped us of who we are?

we see how ya put Germans, Russians, Italians, french, stripped em of who they are and just reshuffled em by skin tone...

Conflate that with da lost heritages of black due to slaves and its pretty much agreed

we want nooooooooooo parts of that :x

So you can relate to the black struggle...but you don't empathize with African-Americans on other issues, which directly affect you whether you choose to acknowledge it or not? You truly are a dumbass hypocrite that acts ignorant out of convenience. Going by what you just posted, I now understand your self hatred for your skin tone. Unbelievable. Good job exposing yourself yet again dumbo.

You are part of that whether you like it or not. Da census isn't going to magically change that. Your lack of empathy for people fighting the same battle as you is sickening. You aren't special because you speak Spanish. Certain white people discriminate just the same.

I'm not mad at you for identifying for hispanic. It's your lack of respect for other blacks which is troubling, actually downright disturbing at times. Look in the mirror. Your skin tone is the same. That is what you are discriminated against for. Not becuase your Dominican.

nothing what i said has anything to do with skin color you dolt, next time i need advice for guarding a pot a golf under a rainbow i'll ask you to chime in.

A pot a golf? Slow down little man. You're typing faster than your peanut brain can think :lol:

And um, it has everything to do with skin color.


skin color is NOT everything to everyone.

Newsflash dumbo. It is. It is the first thing people notice when seeing another person. It is what everyone's snap judgements of people are based on.

It is NOT everything all the time. But it is the very first thing and the root cause of all discrimination. You think minorities are targeted because of anything other than skin color, you're delusional.

If you left you're bubble you'd know that. But you are truly an ignorant piece of waste

da first thing i notice when i see you is how shrimpishly diminutive stature u have.

like i said, skin color is not everything to everyone.

The last time someone called me a shrimp and I took offense was on the bus in elementary school :lol:. I think it's hilarious that's your only comeback. Go have sex on a roof and jump off after. You seem frustrated and you'll be doing everyone a favor afterward.

doesn't this gnome​ have a garden to tend after?

Still waiting for ***** to tell me why da crazy looney beyhive mob are the worst beings on social media.

Cuz this uneducated bum knows he can only pull females on the same low totem pole level as himself, in his same hood.

Black women are killing it professionally. Same ones that curved him years ago. Low key he loves them but knows he ain't **** so can't get with one of value. He sticks to kicking the "beyhive" them down while looking up at Tyra poster in his twin sized bed lonely every night getting tucked in by his mother-wife. Wishing he was more than a failure of a human being.
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go on Twitter and say Beyonce isn't a better vocalist than Adele, and....brace yourself :lol:

Dog with all the vile and disgusting individuals that use Twitter all day everyday black chicks who love Beyonce are the worst ? Come on dog I never seen you bat a eye to those neo nazi Richard Spencer white supremacists groups EVER.
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Still waiting for ***** to tell me why da crazy looney beyhive mob are the worst beings on social media.

Cuz this uneducated bum knows he can only pull females on the same low totem pole level as himself, in his same hood.

excuse my tears [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] that my backyard is Washington heights when it comes to women choices...

hey, ill take Washington Heights over da Smurf dimensions you purport of women you qualify for.


Mero broke it down perfectly. He's a super proud Dominican but he indetifies as a black man

I'm from the Bronx and listen to the podcast every week so everything they say really resonates with me LOL. I love those guys. Throughout reading this entire thread I thought about Mero mad times and swore I remember him talking about him being black. I knew I wasn't buggin.
Still waiting for ***** to tell me why da crazy looney beyhive mob are the worst beings on social media.

Cuz this uneducated bum knows he can only pull females on the same low totem pole level as himself, in his same hood.

excuse my tears [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] that my backyard is Washington heights when it comes to women choices...

hey, ill take Washington Heights over da Smurf dimensions you purport of women you qualify for.


At the end of the day, you are still a motherboy in a domestic relationship with his mother. When you wanna cheat on her, you have to go have sex on your roof :rofl: Because we all know that house is in Sheila's name and she's the one giving you orders to move what little belongings you have off her couch. You ******* bum *** :lol: Disgraceful.

I'll smash all da smurfs I want in my own bed, in my own apartment. I've dated plenty of woman taller than me since height is such an issue for you.

I'm sure you've dated plenty women smarter than you too dumbo (probably all of them were).
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go on Twitter and say Beyonce isn't a better vocalist than Adele, and....brace yourself :lol:

Dog with all the vile and disgusting individuals that use Twitter all day everyday black chicks who love Beyonce are the worst ? Come on dog I never seen you bat a eye to those neo nazi Richard Spencer white supremacists groups EVER.

ok Drax [emoji]128530[/emoji] >D.. didn't know you were a stone cold literalist that i had to accurately rank da beyhive with da biggest atrocious rogue's gallery of villans on da net :lol:
ok Drax [emoji]128530[/emoji] >D.. didn't know you were a stone cold literalist that i had to accurately rank da beyhive with da biggest atrocious rogue's gallery of villans on da net :lol:

Not about ranking just saying I never see you spew any vitriol towards any other "group" or "faction" on social media. You literally go into threads and start to drag black women for no reason I'm just trying to understand why
ok Drax [emoji]128530[/emoji] >D.. didn't know you were a stone cold literalist that i had to accurately rank da beyhive with da biggest atrocious rogue's gallery of villans on da net :lol:

Not about ranking just saying I never see you spew any vitriol towards any other "group" or "faction" on social media. You literally go into threads and start to drag black women for no reason I'm just trying to understand why

Because 99% of black women his age are doing better than him.
I love it when ninja calls people squirt, leprechaun, poltroon, etc.  Always gives me a good laugh,
NH frantically looking up a link or research to post now [emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji]
It's sure to be barely relevant with a phrase or two that mention his "point"
I love it when ninja calls people squirt, leprechaun, poltroon, etc.  Always gives me a good laugh,
NinjaStoop gotta 6 foot 5 right?
Amongst all this what surprises me most is the absence of Ninjahoods Superfan....forget his name.
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