Is it ever ok to hit a female? Vol. Enough is enough

Most situations no, but if it was like in the video Ill SHOVE the hell out that garden tool, she be flyin 10 feet and landin on her #@#. If she come at me again..... judo #*%# to the dome son, cuz she earned it
Most situations no, but if it was like in the video Ill SHOVE the hell out that garden tool, she be flyin 10 feet and landin on her #@#. If she come at me again..... judo #*%# to the dome son, cuz she earned it
Everytime i see one of these vids on wshh, it's blacks. Just sayin'.
This question was asked on NT a few months back and a lot of dudes said it depended on the girl

if it's a girl that is your sister/mother/wife and she's trying to hurt u because you did something extremely reckless, then you should just keep trying to avoid their hits and get out of the situation..Obviously don't run like a coward but don't just sit there and allow them to wail on you

If it's some random female in the street and you get into a verbal argument and she start's swinging you just walk away..No sane woman will start beating on you over a petty argument

If it's another random female but she's BIGGER than you (on some Queen Latifah type stuff) and her punches feel like a man's punch, and u keep walking away yet she doesn't stop hitting you, you HAVE to hit back..If she's willing to keep hitting you, what's telling you that she's not willing to stab you as well? If you got into a physical confrontation with a dude smaller than you and you continued to walk away and he didn't stop throwing punches, you would hit him back so idk why a mentally unstable woman would get special treatment
This question was asked on NT a few months back and a lot of dudes said it depended on the girl

if it's a girl that is your sister/mother/wife and she's trying to hurt u because you did something extremely reckless, then you should just keep trying to avoid their hits and get out of the situation..Obviously don't run like a coward but don't just sit there and allow them to wail on you

If it's some random female in the street and you get into a verbal argument and she start's swinging you just walk away..No sane woman will start beating on you over a petty argument

If it's another random female but she's BIGGER than you (on some Queen Latifah type stuff) and her punches feel like a man's punch, and u keep walking away yet she doesn't stop hitting you, you HAVE to hit back..If she's willing to keep hitting you, what's telling you that she's not willing to stab you as well? If you got into a physical confrontation with a dude smaller than you and you continued to walk away and he didn't stop throwing punches, you would hit him back so idk why a mentally unstable woman would get special treatment
Everytime i see one of these vids on wshh, it's blacks. Just sayin'.
if a girl was just coming at me and wouldn't chill.  like non stop shots to the face... yea i might rock her.
  but i'd def try to get her away by pushing her first.  i don't keep crazy people in my company though so i doubt this will ever come up. 
if a girl was just coming at me and wouldn't chill.  like non stop shots to the face... yea i might rock her.
  but i'd def try to get her away by pushing her first.  i don't keep crazy people in my company though so i doubt this will ever come up. 
He did the right thing by walking away. Those girls were just provoking him. It's not like he needed to hit them in that situation... they were just being nasty and aggressive. He had the right idea.
He did the right thing by walking away. Those girls were just provoking him. It's not like he needed to hit them in that situation... they were just being nasty and aggressive. He had the right idea.
Originally Posted by seniosoul

men don't hit females.... females hit females
I seen two dudes get into a fight at a party and then two girls came outta nowhere and rushed one of them.

He didn't hit them, but he was threw them. Real talk, if I'm 5'10 and 143. If a girl is bigger than me and she tryna beat my @*! like a dude would fight me.

Then we going at it. So be it.

and real talk, the way them girls was running up on him, !+!! it, i'm snuffing them. straight hadukens.

when somebody picked chunli in streetfighter, you dudes wasn't putting the controller down just cuz u chose ryu or ken.
Originally Posted by seniosoul

men don't hit females.... females hit females
I seen two dudes get into a fight at a party and then two girls came outta nowhere and rushed one of them.

He didn't hit them, but he was threw them. Real talk, if I'm 5'10 and 143. If a girl is bigger than me and she tryna beat my @*! like a dude would fight me.

Then we going at it. So be it.

and real talk, the way them girls was running up on him, !+!! it, i'm snuffing them. straight hadukens.

when somebody picked chunli in streetfighter, you dudes wasn't putting the controller down just cuz u chose ryu or ken.
If you're DEFENDING yourself, you have the right to hit anyone with anything.
That being said... a man should use it as his last resort because they are typically built different from a woman's anatomy.
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