is it Really Not OK to Not Know who Paul McCarteny Is???

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Maybe you guys really mean a well rounded music historian.


It's not like McCartney is some obscure figure though...he's one of the most famous people on the planet.

I'm not doubting your musical knowledge but it just doesn't seem right to know who Roy Hargrove is and not Paul McCartney

The argument about his relevance is flawed too because relevance has very little to do with notoriety.
Originally Posted by Vendetta

Somethingto note, Paul McCartney wasn't only associated with The Beatles. Healso formed the famous band Wings and had a successful solo careerlater in life.

I've never heard of Wings.

Originally Posted by JND1

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I'mjust saying though you never heard the song with Michael Jackson andPaul McCartney? Don't tell me you got it in your library and just don'tknow it.
I was about to post the same thing.  160 gigs he has to have Thriller in there.  OP probably won't admit it tho.
I'm99% sure his work with Michael is the reason why it rings a bell. Butnah I don't have Thriller on my comp, though I do got it on vinyltucked some where. Michael's stuff has always seemed strangely hard tofind on the internet for me.
Don't fret though seem to have good taste and an open mind regarding music.

Delve deep into the Beatles discography and bump this thread in a couple of weeks.

I'm drunk.
To be quite honest, I came from a family that is a huge fan of the Beatles so it surprises me that people don't know of him. However like someone said before, if you consider yourself well rounded in music in the very least, I feel like you'd be obligated to at least be able to pick out Paul's face or voice in a Beatles song.
Haven't even read this thread, but I'm just going to assume it's one of the Top 5 Worst in Internet history.
Post i wanna hold your hand and come together! I can't from my iPad. I swear you can almost hear the social climate changing in there music. It's really cool. I guess that's why I loved the movie Across the Universe so much.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Post i wanna hold your hand and come together! I can't from my iPad. I swear you can almost hear the social climate changing in there music. It's really cool. I guess that's why I loved the movie Across the Universe so much.

I would post those songs but Lennon was the lead vocals on both tracks.
I listen to everything...literally. Rubber Soul is one of my top 10 albums of all time.
 -One of my fav songs of all-time as well...
Originally Posted by ROBPZEE612

Originally Posted by cap1229

Post i wanna hold your hand and come together! I can't from my iPad. I swear you can almost hear the social climate changing in there music. It's really cool. I guess that's why I loved the movie Across the Universe so much.

I would post those songs but Lennon was the lead vocals on both tracks.

fair enough
but yo you see that short haired redheaded girl next to Paul lurkingggg in the hey Jude video. Lmao the security guard had to hem her up for going to hard
wasn't expecting that
Originally Posted by NinerFaithful

Paul's relevance will decrease with age just like most other things, but don't worry, he's already engraved in the history books for what he contributed to music. I bet there's plenty of blues artists that are just as important in music history and paved the way for Paul to do what he did but I can't even list out any because the blues from that era was not relevant in my life.

You would be correct if it weren't for the advent of pop music and television. Elvis' gyrations catapulted him into stardom. It was the banned Jordans moment for him. You can't underestimate this. The blues of the early 20th century never enjoyed this wide appeal. They had no Ed Sullivan show.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by PLVN

Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

If you consider yourself a well rounded fan of music or if you claim to listen to a wide variety of musical genres and you don't know Paul McCartney then its not OK
I consider myself very well rounded fan of music. I'm sittin on 160GB of music on my laptop, a lot it's rap, a lot of it's not rap.

I learned a long long time ago that there will never be a shortage of GREAT new music to discover. The biggest problem is finding the time to get to it all.

Maybe you guys really mean a well rounded music historian.


The thing is, it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to not discover The Beatles and Paul McCartney with that much music and self-professed well-roundedness. I'm astonished that someone with 160GB of music (I don't know the quality but I assume it's a lot of music) does not know the name. I seriously cannot fathom finding and listening to that much music and not having come across Paul McCartney. Yes, he's that big! Would you be surprised if someone didn't know who Whitney Houston was? I would be. This is the same except this dude is even bigger. Some places say just The Beatles sold 1 billion records. 1 billion. Plus his stuff with Wings and a HUGE MJ's just hard for me to fathom. 

At the end of the day, yes it is not okay for a self-professed ardent music fan to not know the name Paul McCartney. "Not okay" meaning that when his name is brought up in a music conversation, the other side will shoot back incredulous looks and "Are you kidding? You can't be serious" comments. People will screenshot tweets. That's partly out of respect for the guy. That's how big of a figure he is in modern music. This won't happen with Childish Gambino or My Chemical Romance or whatever. Not big enough for guaranteed name recognition. It might sound condescending but if you read up on Paul McCartney and his accomplishments  and influence and then also consider yourself a well-rounded music fan, you'll be left wondering how you didn't know at least know the name. The name. 

Don't fret though seem to have good taste and an open mind regarding music.

Delve deep into the Beatles discography and bump this thread in a couple of weeks.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
That's all that needs to be done now.

And I have no idea why race was ever brought into this conversation. I would have the same comments for self-professed well-rounded music fans who do not know the names Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Jimi Hendrix, etc. It's out of respect for them and bewilderment. They are HUGE names in music. I mean I'm surprised when hip-hop fans don't know who Afrika Bambaataa is. 
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

I'll admit it, this is lowkey why I made the thread.

A lot of Americans really think their culture is the only one that matters when really it's just one of many in their own country, not to mention the world.

I'd be disappointed if a grown man had never heard of EWF or The Temptations, or the Isley Brothers (three bands that are of more importance and have had more of an impact in MY music culture) but I'm not gonna be calling them ignorant and disregarding their opinion if they can't name Maurice White by name.
It was not low key it was pretty obvious

But I agree with you.

I�completely�agree with Monstar on that "bubble", everyday a song gets referenced on here an Im like "what song is that"

Didnt know who "the weekend" was or "based god" before I this site.

�My parents�weren't�born here, but they came in their teens all they know is MJ, Whitney,Gloria estafan and uncle luke.

They dont know Paul�McCartney�
kinda like that thread we had about where booty call or friends with�benefits came from and i just thought seeing as everyone and they momma uses it would know bill bellamy made it up yet it took like 12 pages and folks still didnt know. like i said ask avg person have they heard of bling bling... sure then say name the members of cash money good majority would be dumb donald..�


The answer is "2Pac" - skip ro :18... always irked me when Wayne took credit for that word because he didn't originate that %%*+.
The Paul thing isn't even all that far fetched to me. It was just 
 realizing that dudes don't know who John Lennon is because I figured most people that know John Lennon probably know him for his murder/Catcher in the Rye/Yoko Ono and of course for his career with the Beatles and when he was solo.

John Lennon was spoken about in high school and even middle school for me.
Paul was part of the biggest band. Everybody knows the Beatles but might not know Paul by name. 

There's SOOOO much music out there that somebody can be a big diverse music fan without knowing Paul especially in 2012. Dudes barely have color pictures and you expect people 25 and under on twitter to know about him?  Also race does play into this.  What your family and friends listen to influences you.
Don't know anything about the Beatles or any other white musicians (save for a couple 90's rock/pop acts), really don't care to either.

And I don't feel bad about it in the slightest. Too much white culture is forced on me as is, I'm not going to voluntarily research white icons to seem well-rounded or knowledgeable to anyone else. The average white person doesn't know anything about my cultural/historical icons and that's cool with me as well.

* Let me correct myself because my ignorance of white cultural icons is moreso cultural and generational than racial. I have listened to Teena Marie, Kenny J, Madonna, Dave Grohl, Eminem etc.

My favorite MC is currently a white guy, Action Bronson. And thats because he as more "soul" than 95% of Black rappers currently rapping.

But if an artists' work doesn't intersect with my cultural experiences and tastes, chances are I'm not going to be familiar with them or their work.

Paul McCartney and "McJagger" fall into that territory.
As usual, people here take a simple topic of discussion and turn it into an entirely different argument. It's really not that hard to comprehend.
Originally Posted by ATLsFinest

If you consider yourself a well rounded fan of music or if you claim to listen to a wide variety of musical genres and you don't know Paul McCartney then its not OK. If you're more of a niche person (i.e only like one or two genres) then its OK not to know him.
This is what it comes down to. Forget all that other bull %@%@.

And that post applies to our peers. This does not include EVERYONE, which some of you were making it out to be. Not everyone should know who Paul is. "Knowing" who he is (which, again, became much more complicated in here than originally intended) could be as simple as knowing he made music and was famous.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

You see the problem is we live in the digital age. In this age ignorance, more often than not, is willful. People like yourselves rather buck and ask "why should I" than take the time to educate yourself. In the time its taking you to argue your point you could've educated yourself fully on Paul McCartney's legacy. And it's not just with music. People are willfully ignorant on many topics. Personally, the way I was raised is if you don't know something you ask. That was before the internet age. Now if you don't know something its your responsibility to school yourself.
On the [color= rgb(0, 102, 51)]$$$[/color] again.
Originally Posted by Vendetta

Something to note, Paul McCartney wasn't only associated with The Beatles. He also formed the famous band Wings and had a successful solo career later in life.
If someone barely knows anything about the Beetles how on earth do you expect them to know the Wings.
And for those of you that couldn't understand why I brought up Bone and 3-6 I brought them up to prove the point that a lot of non Urban people don't know (or give a damn about) music that they are probably not exposed to. I was not comparing those people to the Beetles nor was I saying they were on their level from a historical pov. But they are still part of music history. If someone doesn't know of those groups why wouldn't I be able to say, "I won't speak music with you." I mean the Beetles are SUPER Mainstream. So wouldn't someone get more credit for knowing someone that isn't in their typical listening circle?
I'm like OP, in the sense that I know that McCartney is a famous musician but I'm not versed in his music or biography. 
I know he sang "The Girl is Mine" with MJ and that he was knighted thats about it.

I don't claim to be a well rounded fan of music though. I just listen to what resonates with me. 
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

It was not low key it was pretty obvious

But I agree with you.

I�completely�agree with Monstar on that "bubble", everyday a song gets referenced on here an Im like "what song is that"

Didnt know who "the weekend" was or "based god" before I this site.

�My parents�weren't�born here, but they came in their teens all they know is MJ, Whitney,Gloria estafan and uncle luke.

They dont know Paul�McCartney�
kinda like that thread we had about where booty call or friends with�benefits came from and i just thought seeing as everyone and they momma uses it would know bill bellamy made it up yet it took like 12 pages and folks still didnt know. like i said ask avg person have they heard of bling bling... sure then say name the members of cash money good majority would be dumb donald..�


The answer is "2Pac" - skip ro :18... always irked me when Wayne took credit for that word because he didn't originate that %%*+.

truth but cash money made it famous.... i mean you as well as i know we could go play jacking for beats aka who did what first.... btw pac is gonna be another dude who will be 4gotten esp with the way crap/rap is now....
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Don't know anything about the Beatles or any other white musicians (save for a couple 90's rock/pop acts), really don't care to either.

And I don't feel bad about it in the slightest. Too much white culture is forced on me as is, I'm not going to voluntarily research white icons to seem well-rounded or knowledgeable to anyone else. The average white person doesn't know anything about my cultural/historical icons and that's cool with me as well.

* Let me correct myself because my ignorance of white cultural icons is moreso cultural and generational than racial. I have listened to Teena Marie, Kenny J, Madonna, Dave Grohl, Eminem etc.

My favorite MC is currently a white guy, Action Bronson. And thats because he as more "soul" than 95% of Black rappers currently rapping.

But if an artists' work doesn't intersect with my cultural experiences and tastes, chances are I'm not going to be familiar with them or their work.

Paul McCartney and "McJagger" fall into that territory.

The people in that video are idiots. You want your knowledge of music to be associated with their knowledge of black history? Okay then.
HankMoody wrote:
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Don't know anything about the Beatles or any other white musicians (save for a couple 90's rock/pop acts), really don't care to either.

And I don't feel bad about it in the slightest. Too much white culture is forced on me as is, I'm not going to voluntarily research white icons to seem well-rounded or knowledgeable to anyone else. The average white person doesn't know anything about my cultural/historical icons and that's cool with me as well.

* Let me correct myself because my ignorance of white cultural icons is moreso cultural and generational than racial. I have listened to Teena Marie, Kenny J, Madonna, Dave Grohl, Eminem etc.

My favorite MC is currently a white guy, Action Bronson. And thats because he as more "soul" than 95% of Black rappers currently rapping.

But if an artists' work doesn't intersect with my cultural experiences and tastes, chances are I'm not going to be familiar with them or their work.

Paul McCartney and "McJagger" fall into that territory.

The people in that video are idiots. You want your knowledge of music to be associated with their knowledge of black history? Okay then.

well most of the most pop music og with black artist so..... so kinda brings your earlier point into full circle... aka saying your a big rap fan and not knowing who sugar hill gang is... saying you a rock fan and not knowing who little richard.jimi is... etc and so on
Come Together though

It just seems like dudes don't even WANT to know who he is at this point. It's unfortunate.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Don't know anything about the Beatles or any other white musicians (save for a couple 90's rock/pop acts), really don't care to either.

And I don't feel bad about it in the slightest. Too much white culture is forced on me as is, I'm not going to voluntarily research white icons to seem well-rounded or knowledgeable to anyone else. The average white person doesn't know anything about my cultural/historical icons and that's cool with me as well.

* Let me correct myself because my ignorance of white cultural icons is moreso cultural and generational than racial. I have listened to Teena Marie, Kenny J, Madonna, Dave Grohl, Eminem etc.
My favorite MC is currently a white guy, Action Bronson. And thats because he as more "soul" than 95% of Black rappers currently rapping.

But if an artists' work doesn't intersect with my cultural experiences and tastes, chances are I'm not going to be familiar with them or their work.

Paul McCartney and "McJagger" fall into that territory.
Why do you make it a racial thing, though? When I talk about music I don't segregate artists based on their colour. You truly sound like you resent white people. You also seem to think that everyone who is saying you should know who Paul Mccartney or Mick Jagger is, is actually white.. when this isn't the case. Can't culture just simply be, culture?

For example, i'm pretty certain dudes like Jagger and Mccartney have been featured on cartoons, referenced on any number of shows. That 'Moves Like Jagger' track was constantly being played last year, no one wondered who Jagger is? He's also on that track with Will.I.Am and Jennifer Lopez which gets played a lot at the moment. I also can't believe some of you haven't heard 'Ebony and Ivory' by Mccartney and Stevie Wonder?!

I know you've said you've actually heard of these guys, but this is directed to people who say they have no idea who they are.
Originally Posted by LDJ

HankMoody wrote:
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Don't know anything about the Beatles or any other white musicians (save for a couple 90's rock/pop acts), really don't care to either.

And I don't feel bad about it in the slightest. Too much white culture is forced on me as is, I'm not going to voluntarily research white icons to seem well-rounded or knowledgeable to anyone else. The average white person doesn't know anything about my cultural/historical icons and that's cool with me as well.

* Let me correct myself because my ignorance of white cultural icons is moreso cultural and generational than racial. I have listened to Teena Marie, Kenny J, Madonna, Dave Grohl, Eminem etc.

My favorite MC is currently a white guy, Action Bronson. And thats because he as more "soul" than 95% of Black rappers currently rapping.

But if an artists' work doesn't intersect with my cultural experiences and tastes, chances are I'm not going to be familiar with them or their work.

Paul McCartney and "McJagger" fall into that territory.

The people in that video are idiots. You want your knowledge of music to be associated with their knowledge of black history? Okay then.

well most of the most pop music og with black artist so..... so kinda brings your earlier point into full circle... aka saying your a big rap fan and not knowing who sugar hill gang is... saying you a rock fan and not knowing who little richard.jimi is... etc and so on

<>Come again?
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