is it Really Not OK to Not Know who Paul McCarteny Is???

I think it's okay to not know who Paul McCartney is, because at this point we all don't know who he is, since he has been dead for 45 years. I said in the Chris Brown thread...a good majority of the people who were Tweeting who is Paul McCartney were mostly around 15-17 years old. I'm not sure how that's far fetched how THEY particularly wouldn't know who he was. I'm sure they may have a basic knowledge of who The Beatles are as a group in a sense of being important...but I wouldn't expect the average teen to be able to name all of its members.
HankMoody wrote:
Originally Posted by LDJ

HankMoody wrote:

The people in that video are idiots. You want your knowledge of music to be associated with their knowledge of black history? Okay then.

well most of the most pop music og with black artist so..... so kinda brings your earlier point into full circle... aka saying your a big rap fan and not knowing who sugar hill gang is... saying you a rock fan and not knowing who little richard.jimi is... etc and so on

<> Come again?

You want your knowledge of music to be associated with their knowledge of black history? Okay then.

the majority of said music og. history derives from black ppl aka black history... im pretty sure james brown, chuck berry etc are apart of black history i mean even country comes from old slave limericks and i, pretty sure slavery is apart of black history... yet the avid person doesnt know or acknowledge this
Originally Posted by LDJ

HankMoody wrote:
Originally Posted by LDJ

well most of the most pop music og with black artist so..... so kinda brings your earlier point into full circle... aka saying your a big rap fan and not knowing who sugar hill gang is... saying you a rock fan and not knowing who little richard.jimi is... etc and so on

<> Come again?

You want your knowledge of music to be associated with their knowledge of black history? Okay then.

the majority of said music og. history derives from black ppl aka black history... im pretty sure james brown, chuck berry etc are apart of black history i mean even country comes from old slave limericks�and i, pretty sure slavery is apart of black history... yet the avid person doesnt know or acknowledge this
You totally missed Hank Moody's point here.
Originally Posted by blakep267

this concept is dumb, because nobody knows everything. i can rattle off authors, designers at nike, composers, writers and not everybody would know who they are. Like, "you didnt know that the Naruto anime isnt exactly the same as the manga?",  you're ignorant and not a true fan or anime/manga. Etc. Its just that people like to feel superior by thinking they know more than others. Its just snobbery. Like a little while back where those fat losers posted that video during that campout spotting "hypebeasts".

I can name 3 beatles, I never was a fan of them so I cant rattle off more than 1-3 songs. Doesnt mean I dont like music. Why should I force myself to listen to something I dont really like. And Paul hasnt been relevant in ages, At least we still hear MJ songs around every now and then.
I honestly think that there is nothing wrong with not knowing who Paul McCartney is, but to compare the person who Guinness has claimed is the most successful musician and composer in the history of popular music to knowing the intricacies of a subculture is silly. I don't think people should belittle you for being unaware, but the reality is that it's not exactly equal.
Originally Posted by hugebird

I think it's okay to not know who Paul McCartney is, because at this point we all don't know who he is, since he has been dead for 45 years.

Originally Posted by 757bred

Originally Posted by hugebird

I think it's okay to not know who Paul McCartney is, because at this point we all don't know who he is, since he has been dead for 45 years.



Back when I had Netflix Instant, I watched a little bit of this. Couldn't watch 10 minutes. Too weird. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Vendetta

Something to note, Paul McCartney wasn't only associated with The Beatles. He also formed the famous band Wings and had a successful solo career later in life.
If someone barely knows anything about the Beetles how on earth do you expect them to know the Wings.
And for those of you that couldn't understand why I brought up Bone and 3-6 I brought them up to prove the point that a lot of non Urban people don't know (or give a damn about) music that they are probably not exposed to. I was not comparing those people to the Beetles nor was I saying they were on their level from a historical pov. But they are still part of music history. If someone doesn't know of those groups why wouldn't I be able to say, "I won't speak music with you." I mean the Beetles are SUPER Mainstream. So wouldn't someone get more credit for knowing someone that isn't in their typical listening circle?

....but your analogy sucked balls.
....Bone? 3-6? stop it. sure, 3-6 has done historical things but as far as making a historical impact? nah. a more on point artist/group to use for your analogy would be a James Brown, EWF, Isley Brothers, Stevie Wonder type.
....the irony of your flawed argument is those same 'urban youth' you defend, that dont know who Paul McCartney is, dont know major black historical artists/groups either.
...ive had many conversations with these young 'urban types', and its less about race and/or being more familiar with their culture and more to do with their poor attitude towards anything outside of their lifetime and what they already know.
...its been many of times ive seen a scoff, smacked lip in disgust, or a rolled eye from 'urban youth' when challenged because they claim to know so much music yet they dont know classic black artists like James Brown, EWF, the Isleys, Stevies Wonder, etc.
....their excuse? it was before my time. but thats a bull $++# answer. i too was once their age, but it never stopped me from getting familiar with those same artists that were before my time as well.
.....then you have older black folks (like DC) that reverberate the excuse like its a fact, giving it validity. older black folks (older than early 20's) love chiming in to these dumb !!@ kids defense citing ignorance. as if somehow music started the year these kids were born, so anything before that time is irrelevant. all bull $++#. i grew up listening to every artist listed above plus more. and NO, i didnt grow up in a household that played those artists, but once i was exposed to it, i didnt just brush it to the side because it was before i was born. good music is good music and i wanna hear it all.
......the only things them dumb !!@ kids know about Paul McCartney is:
Ask-ask Paul McCartney
The lawyers couldn't stop me.......

hugebird wrote:
Originally Posted by LDJ

HankMoody wrote:
<> Come again?

You want your knowledge of music to be associated with their knowledge of black history? Okay then.

the majority of said music og. history derives from black ppl aka black history... im pretty sure james brown, chuck berry etc are apart of black history i mean even country comes from old slave limericks�and i, pretty sure slavery is apart of black history... yet the avid person doesnt know or acknowledge this
You totally missed Hank Moody's point here.

how so.. they are intertwined with one another..
Originally Posted by RavageBX

It's ok not to know who Paul McCartney is. It's not ok to want people to respect your musical opinion afterwards though. That's like wanting to talk politics but not knowing who Abe Lincoln is. In general you should be knowledgeable of people who have had historical impact in all walks of life. It's called being well-rounded.

i dont agree with this. "you don't know who Paul McCartney is so i can't respect what you have to say about music" doesn't make sense
Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by RavageBX

It's ok not to know who Paul McCartney is. It's not ok to want people to respect your musical opinion afterwards though. That's like wanting to talk politics but not knowing who Abe Lincoln is. In general you should be knowledgeable of people who have had historical impact in all walks of life. It's called being well-rounded.

i dont agree with this. "you don't know who Paul McCartney is so i can't respect what you have to say about music" doesn't make sense makes alot of sense if that individual proclaims to know alot about music.
...its like proudly proclaiming to be a film connoisseur but dont know who Steven Spielberg is.

It's fine that younger folks don't know who he is. I was 14 years deep in volunteer work specifically with homeless advocacy, adult & teen literacy, & child welfare (not welfare checks) in one of the most violent cities on earth. I specifically worked with teens & most didn't know who Marcus Garvey, George Washington Carver, Ben Carson, or Kevin Clancy was let alone a white rock & roller like Paul McCartney. Shoot, most of the kids I worked with thought old school hip hop was Dr. Dre & old school R&B as Whitney Houston...

I'm also a huge music fan (apprx 1300-1400 cds, 200 records) I find it hilarious that people are saying McCartney's & the Beatle's influence will deminish over time. Their influence will continue to be prevelent for decades to come.

Some would argue thier influence on hip hop, but I could point to countless examples. Take lDanger Mouse. He didn't become a household name really until he launched his mashup with the Beatles & Jay-Z. Wu-Tang teamed with George Harrison's son Dhani a couple of years back to do a version of While My Guitar Gently Weeps. Q-Tip even cited them as a major influence.

The general hip hop listening audience may not listen or even know who they are but you can bet hip hop producers, DJs, artists know.. Shoot D'Angelo's producer just said in a recent interview how much the Beatles were influencing D right now. Check out the link for more details.

Bottom line, to each his own. Is it sad that kids don't know who he is? Yes, but it's the same thing as kids/adults not knowing the capital of thier state, etc. It is, what it is..

In 2007, you said that you introduced D’Angelo to Jimi Hendrix’s music during the recording of Voodoo. Are there any artists or albums you’ve put him onto this time that have influenced the sound of the new album?

I was playing a lot of Led Zeppelin for him this time. After hearing Hendrix he was basically listening to a lot more rock so I started playing more and more Led Zep and the more he heard it the more he gravitated towards it. I played him David Bowie as well, and the Beatles. Actually, the Beatles is one of our blueprints, I think, for this album. This one is definitely gonna be soul, funk, rock — if there’s such a thing. It’s all mixed in there together — there’s a big fusion element in each song.

Originally Posted by psk2310

It's fine that younger folks don't know who he is. I was 14 years deep in volunteer work specifically with homeless advocacy, adult & teen literacy, & child welfare (not welfare checks) in one of the most violent cities on earth. I specifically worked with teens & most didn't know who Marcus Garvey, George Washington Carver, Ben Carson, or Kevin Clancy was let alone a white rock & roller like Paul McCartney. Shoot, most of the kids I worked with thought old school hip hop was Dr. Dre & old school R&B as Whitney Houston...

- exactly.
...those 'urban youth' exist inside their own bubble of ignorance to any and everything not inside their little circle. it has nothing to do with race. pet peeve are those that excuse thier ignorance on some, "well, they're just young".  i was young, but i was smart enough to understand there was great music before my time and sought those artists out. they're just young and stupid, blissfully satisfied in their ignorance.


Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Vendetta

Something to note, Paul McCartney wasn't only associated with The Beatles. He also formed the famous band Wings and had a successful solo career later in life.
If someone barely knows anything about the Beetles how on earth do you expect them to know the Wings.
And for those of you that couldn't understand why I brought up Bone and 3-6 I brought them up to prove the point that a lot of non Urban people don't know (or give a damn about) music that they are probably not exposed to. I was not comparing those people to the Beetles nor was I saying they were on their level from a historical pov. But they are still part of music history. If someone doesn't know of those groups why wouldn't I be able to say, "I won't speak music with you." I mean the Beetles are SUPER Mainstream. So wouldn't someone get more credit for knowing someone that isn't in their typical listening circle?

....but your analogy sucked balls.
....Bone? 3-6? stop it. sure, 3-6 has done historical things but as far as making a historical impact? nah. a more on point artist/group to use for your analogy would be a James Brown, EWF, Isley Brothers, Stevie Wonder type.
....the irony of your flawed argument is those same 'urban youth' you defend, that dont know who Paul McCartney is, dont know major black historical artists/groups either.
...ive had many conversations with these young 'urban types', and its less about race and/or being more familiar with their culture and more to do with their poor attitude towards anything outside of their lifetime and what they already know.
...its been many of times ive seen a scoff, smacked lip in disgust, or a rolled eye from 'urban youth' when challenged because they claim to know so much music yet they dont know classic black artists like James Brown, EWF, the Isleys, Stevies Wonder, etc.
....their excuse? it was before my time. but thats a bull $++# answer. i too was once their age, but it never stopped me from getting familiar with those same artists that were before my time as well.
.....then you have older black folks (like DC) that reverberate the excuse like its a fact, giving it validity. older black folks (older than early 20's) love chiming in to these dumb !!@ kids defense citing ignorance. as if somehow music started the year these kids were born, so anything before that time is irrelevant. all bull $++#. i grew up listening to every artist listed above plus more. and NO, i didnt grow up in a household that played those artists, but once i was exposed to it, i didnt just brush it to the side because it was before i was born. good music is good music and i wanna hear it all.
......the only things them dumb !!@ kids know about Paul McCartney is:
Ask-ask Paul McCartney
The lawyers couldn't stop me.......

And there it is
BTW, for those aruging the Beatles influence on hip hop, please check out the link for all the artists that have sampled the Beatles over the years. Here's a link to samples from Paul McCartney. The site linked is a pretty cool site for those that want to "dig in the crates" so to speak to find the original song sampled...
To be honest...knowing who Paul McCartney is doesn't matter when most people don't know who their senators and representatives are or much history about their own I really don't care what a teenager knows in relation to his EXTRACURRICULAR life. Pop-Trivia won't save the world unless our Alien overlords are fans of jeopardy....

...and McCartney isn't even a US Citizen. Keep that in mind.
I think the Beatles are a legendary group, but I feel that their influence is slightly overstated, especially when people are making a case for rap/hip-hop. I come from a Jamaican heritage and I know for a fact that Jamaicans and Reggae has had a more massive influence on early Hip-Hop than Rock music...they were rapping like that back in the late 60s and early 70s while dues here were still on that Sugar Hill rhyme scheme. Your first DJs and rappers were Jamaicans who were living in NYC. 
I think it just comes down to people, mostly younger teenagers, who are ignorant and/or don't care to look back at past artists and their accomplishments and contributions to modern music. I don't think your race, upbringing, household, environment, etc. have anything to do with not knowing a prolific band like the Beatles.....hell I've heard people of all races in some of my college classes refer to Africa and Europe as this doesn't surprise me. I just think the people who didn't know anything about him or the Beatles just have blinders on to what's out now and currently, don't care to look or appreciate the past, they just wanna hear Chris Brown, Rihanna, etc.... 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

To be honest...knowing who Paul McCartney is doesn't matter when most people don't know who their senators and representatives are or much history about their own I really don't care what a teenager knows in relation to his EXTRACURRICULAR life. Pop-Trivia won't save the world unless our Alien overlords are fans of jeopardy....

...and McCartney isn't even a US Citizen. Keep that in mind.
I think the Beatles are a legendary group, but I feel that their influence is slightly overstated, especially when people are making a case for rap/hip-hop. I come from a Jamaican heritage and I know for a fact that Jamaicans and Reggae has had a more massive influence on early Hip-Hop than Rock music...they were rapping like that back in the late 60s and early 70s while dues here were still on that Sugar Hill rhyme scheme. Your first DJs and rappers were Jamaicans who were living in NYC. 
What does him not being a US Citizen have to do with anything? That's like saying Celine Dion ain't %!!# cause she is a Canadian. Stop that.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by sillyputty

To be honest...knowing who Paul McCartney is doesn't matter when most people don't know who their senators and representatives are or much history about their own I really don't care what a teenager knows in relation to his EXTRACURRICULAR life. Pop-Trivia won't save the world unless our Alien overlords are fans of jeopardy....

...and McCartney isn't even a US Citizen. Keep that in mind.
I think the Beatles are a legendary group, but I feel that their influence is slightly overstated, especially when people are making a case for rap/hip-hop. I come from a Jamaican heritage and I know for a fact that Jamaicans and Reggae has had a more massive influence on early Hip-Hop than Rock music...they were rapping like that back in the late 60s and early 70s while dues here were still on that Sugar Hill rhyme scheme. Your first DJs and rappers were Jamaicans who were living in NYC. 
What does him not being a US Citizen have to do with anything? That's like saying Celine Dion ain't %!!# cause she is a Canadian. Stop that.

...context bruh.
....he's talking about most Americans ignorance in knowing who their senators and representatives are and historical countrymen. and it being far more important an issue than knowing some popstar who isnt even an American.
....NOT saying Paul McCartney aint +*$* because he isnt an American.
Originally Posted by PLVN

Originally Posted by sillyputty

I think the Beatles are a legendary group, but I feel that their influence is slightly overstated


You think way to highly of this dude, Im sure more people over all in America know more about Bob Marley then Paul.
Paul was in a band when you are in a band, you don't have that much individuality.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by sillyputty

To be honest...knowing who Paul McCartney is doesn't matter when most people don't know who their senators and representatives are or much history about their own I really don't care what a teenager knows in relation to his EXTRACURRICULAR life. Pop-Trivia won't save the world unless our Alien overlords are fans of jeopardy....

...and McCartney isn't even a US Citizen. Keep that in mind.
I think the Beatles are a legendary group, but I feel that their influence is slightly overstated, especially when people are making a case for rap/hip-hop. I come from a Jamaican heritage and I know for a fact that Jamaicans and Reggae has had a more massive influence on early Hip-Hop than Rock music...they were rapping like that back in the late 60s and early 70s while dues here were still on that Sugar Hill rhyme scheme. Your first DJs and rappers were Jamaicans who were living in NYC. 
What does him not being a US Citizen have to do with anything? That's like saying Celine Dion ain't %!!# cause she is a Canadian. Stop that.
What does Paul McCartney have to do with national security or knowing how to make your representatives hear your voice? Or how to start a business? or materials science?
McCartney isn't THAT important in the grand scheme of things. Thats my point. He made music that helped to influence other artists, but outside of music, where does his influence lay after its all said and done? He made a lot of money...but how does that impact your life...RIGHT NOW? And even then, why should consumer be forced to recognize him more than they already do?

Remember, as a consumer of music, your job is only to just listen to music. History be damned in most instances. Thats the only reason remakes are really think average music fans care about artist history like that?

My point is, out of ALL the problems facing even first world citizens these days, is knowing how Paul McCartney is, REALLY that important? 

Its pretty far down on my list. 

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by PLVN

Originally Posted by sillyputty

I think the Beatles are a legendary group, but I feel that their influence is slightly overstated


You think way to highly of this dude, Im sure more people over all in America know more about Bob Marley then Paul.
Paul was in a band when you are in a band, you don't have that much individuality.


It could have just as well been Paul McCartney and the Beatles. 

What is your point? 
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